Volume 7, Issue 2 (12-2020)                   Human Information Interaction 2020, 7(2): 32-45 | Back to browse issues page

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GhaviDel S, Seddighi A H. Organizational Information Architecture Meta-Method for Organizational Website Case study: Central Insurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Human Information Interaction 2020; 7 (2)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2899-en.html
Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc)
Abstract:   (5019 Views)
Background and Aim: Information Architecture is an organizational meta-method that adopts a tactical approach to the specialized information of the organization using an integrated framework and empowers the management of organizational resources by acquiring and upgrading new information technologies. Therefore, it is essential to be part of the current processes of the organization and the insurance industry.
Method: Mixed research method is applied, in which  evaluation,   observation and researcher experience, checklist, and analytical review of the website is analyzed.   Population is the Central Insurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran website, in which the four components of Information Architecture including organization, labeling, navigation, and search systems are examined based on context, content and user.
Findings: Conferring the research findings, the checklist score of the Insurance website for organization system is 17 points. Furthermore, the rates of positive answers to the total number of questions are 45.94%, 54.38%, 53.84% and 45.65% for organization, labeling, navigation, and search systems respectively. The results indicate that the Insurance website has a moderate to weak position from the organization and search point of view and has a moderate position in the labeling and navigation system.
Conclusion: Information Architecture provides the foundation of the information systems architecture from the underlying level to the interface level for the improvement and excellence of the organization. The checklist used in this research can be useful for evaluating organizational websites and provide added value to the organization, and also can improve the planning and strategic decisions of organization's policy makers.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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