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Background and Purpose: The IoT is recognized as one of the most efficient and pervasive technologies that is constantly evolving. In order to use it effectively, it is necessary to get acquainted with the capabilities of this technology and the importance of each of them. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of identifying and ranking the capabilities of the Internet of Things in the industrial sector using multi-criteria decision-making techniques. And quantitative-qualitative research in terms of data analysis.
Materials and methods: In this study, IoT capabilities were identified in three categories of capabilities, benefits and challenges using library resources and Delphi method through a survey of experts. Data collection was done through questionnaires. Expert Choice software was performed.
Findings: The results of data analysis in this study showed that among the three main criteria, obstacles and challenges, advantages and capabilities are the most important, respectively. Also, among the sub-criteria of obstacles and challenges, security and operating system were the most important and compatibility was the least important. Among the sub-criteria of capabilities, artificial intelligence and communication had the highest and sensors the lowest and weighted rank. Also, among the benefits, saving time and reducing costs were the most important, and process improvement was the least important.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that in order to use technologies such as the Internet of Things in the manufacturing sector, including the industrial sector, in order to use them more effectively and efficiently, it is necessary to identify the capabilities, advantages and obstacles of this technology. By determining the degree of importance and effectiveness of each of these criteria, selecting and prioritizing that aspect of technology for implementation is determined. Therefore, the results of this study, in addition to identifying the capabilities, advantages and obstacles of using this technology, also identified the priority of each criterion in terms of their importance.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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