Volume 10, Issue 1 (6-2023)                   Human Information Interaction 2023, 10(1): 90-98 | Back to browse issues page

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Davali M M, Poorahmadzadeh S. Identifying and ranking the antecedents affecting the implementation of the electronic document management system and its effect on client satis-faction. Human Information Interaction 2023; 10 (1)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3091-en.html
payam noor university
Abstract:   (2518 Views)
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify and prioritize the effective factors in the
implementation of the electronic document management system and its effect on client satisfaction.
Methodology: This research is of a descriptive-correlation type and with an applied nature, and considering that the identification of factors affecting the implementation of the electronic document management system was part of the research work, it can be considered as an exploratory type. The statistical sample of the research for the first questionnaire, which was selected to prioritize the dimensions and components and to use the hierarchical process analysis, was 10 people from the directors of the Hormozgan province registry. Expert choice software was used to analyze this section. The second questionnaire was designed based on a quantitative method and a five-point Likert scale and was distributed among 384 clients who referred to the civil registry of Hormozgan province. Smart PLS software was also used to analyze this section. To check the validity of the questionnaire, the method of content validity and reliability of Cronbach's alpha criterion and composite reliability were used.
Results: Based on the findings of this study, 44 factors were identified that were effective on the electronic document management system, based on content validity (CVR), 21 factors were finally approved, and these factors were included in the four main variables of performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence, and Facilitating conditions were classified. The findings related to the ranking of the main criteria show that performance expectation with a weight of 0.380 won the first rank. Then, social influence with a weight of 0.280 has taken the second place, the conditions for facilitating work with a weight of 0.220 have taken the third place, and the expectation of effort has taken the fourth place with a weight of 0.120. And finally, the effect of 3 factors of performance expectation, social influence, and facilitating conditions on client satisfaction was confirmed.
Conclusion: According to the results obtained from this study, it can be concluded that by identifying the effective factors of the electronic document management system, we will be able to provide the best foundation for the implementation of the electronic document management system in the administrative system of the country and through this Let's take an effective step in creating client satisfaction.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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