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:: Volume 19, Issue 1 (4-2016) ::
IJAL 2016, 19(1): 1-34 Back to browse issues page
The Prestigious World University on its Homepage: The Promotional Academic Genre of Overview
Abstract:   (33977 Views)

In response to the competitive demands for establishing their international academic and financial credentials, the universities globally distribute some online introductory information about themselves. To this end, the university homepages have increasingly turned into the rhetorical space for the development of promotional academic texts in recent years. In this study, we examined university overview genre that provides the visitors with brief presentation of the simple facts while endorsing a specific perspective of the university and strengthening its position in the academic community. The corpus comprised 70 overviews extracted from the academic websites of the first top 500 universities. We analyzed and coded the texts to specify their overall rhetorical framework, functional moves and constituting steps, and optimal order of moves. The findings indicated that overview genre incorporates six obligatory moves including 'source of reputation', 'historical origin', 'current status of development', 'commitments, goals and orientations', 'global state', and 'services and supports'. Also, the results demonstrated that the academic genre did not follow a single, invariant pattern of sequenced moves in a clearly linear order. The findings further suggest that the nature of overview genre could be characterized by its twofold informative and persuasive functions. Finally, implications of the findings of the study are presented

Keywords: Key words: Genre analysis, Promotional academic genre, Overview genre, Move patterns
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2015/11/11 | Accepted: 2016/02/21 | Published: 2016/10/29
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The Prestigious World University on its Homepage: The Promotional Academic Genre of Overview. IJAL 2016; 19 (1) :1-34
URL: http://ijal.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2621-en.html

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