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:: دوره 19، شماره 2 - ( 6-1395 ) ::
جلد 19 شماره 2 صفحات 114-87 برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
Micropolitics of School and EFL Teachers’ Professional Interests: The Case of Schools for Gifted Students in Iran
چکیده:   (6161 مشاهده)
The aim of this qualitative study is to explore the role of the micropolitics of schools for gifted students in the EFL teachers’ professional interests in the workplace. Results of interviews revealed that to establish their professional interests, teachers involved in conflict and rivalry as well as collaboration and coalition. Furthermore, teachers’ micropolitical actions were interrelated with their efficacy beliefs. Self-interests such as public recognition and high visibility were sought as they provided a positive feedback on teachers’ professional behavior and substantiated their efficacy. Material interests such as the use of the smart boards, the Internet, and extra resources were further means through which they could present their informed and efficacious character to others. Organizational interests also confirmed teachers’ efficacy since only effective teachers were recruited in schools for gifted students. Teachers’ social interests achieved through developing affinity and rapport with others, particularly the principals, were the prerequisite for the establishment of all other professional interests. The findings were discussed with reference to the importance of fostering micropolitical literacy and the effect of information on school micropolitics on teachers’ ability to develop appropriate coping strategies.
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نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: تخصصي
دریافت: 1394/11/13 | پذیرش: 1395/5/22 | انتشار: 1395/6/31
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Chahkandi F, Eslami Rasekh A, Tavakoli M. Micropolitics of School and EFL Teachers’ Professional Interests: The Case of Schools for Gifted Students in Iran. IJAL 2016; 19 (2) :87-114
URL: http://ijal.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2729-fa.html

Micropolitics of School and EFL Teachers’ Professional Interests: The Case of Schools for Gifted Students in Iran. نشریه زبانشناسی کاربردی. 1395; 19 (2) :87-114

URL: http://ijal.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2729-fa.html

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دوره 19، شماره 2 - ( 6-1395 ) برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics
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