Najafpour T, Choobforoushzadeh A, Mohammadpanah Ardakan A, Khosravi Larijani M. The Effectiveness of Intervention Based on Theory of Mind on Reducing Aggression and Empathy Improvement in children. CPJ 2022; 10 (2) : 3
Ardakan University ,
Abstract: (3126 Views)
Based on the importance of various aspects of growth and development in students, including physical, cognitive, emotional and social, in the formation of their personality, the purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of intervention based on the theory of mind on aggression and empathy in children. The statistical population of this semi-experimental study was all about 8-12 year old elementary students from Tehran during the academic year 2019. The sample size consisted of 30 students selected through available sampling and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. Data were collected by Buss & Perry` aggression measurement questionnaire and Children's Empathy-Analysis Questionnaire and analysis are analyzed by the covariance analysis test. The findings showed that intervention based on the theory of mind on reducing the aggression and empathy improvement in students is significant (P≤0/05) and Intervention improved empathy as well as aggression with an impact rate of 68% and 82.4% respectively. Therefore, the intervention based on the theory of mind can increase Children's social skills by increasing their ability to understand the feelings and thoughts of others.
Article number: 3
Type of Study:
Applicable |
psychology of human behavior Received: 2021/09/22 | Accepted: 2022/09/21 | Published: 2022/10/22