- Investigating the mediating role of mindful parenting in the relationship between maternal depression and child internalizing and externalizing cognitive-emotional problems
maeede teymori, mohammadreza shaeeri *, Hojjatollah farahni - The Investigation of Accuracy, Bias and Severity of Gender-Related Facial Emotion Recognition among Normal Adolescent Girls
Fatemeh Yaghoobi Siahgoorabi, Sajjad Rezaei *, Azra Zebardast - Structural Modeling of Digital Hoarding in Students with Emphasis on the Role of Saving Cognitions and Emotion Regulation Difficulties
Raziyeh Khorramabadi, Maryam Afraze *, Mahdi Karvandi Renani, Reza Niknam - Meta-analysis of the effect of bilingualism on executive functions in causal-comparative research
Morteza Omidian *, Khadije Kheneyfar, Gholamhossein Maktabi, Manije Sheheni Yeylagh - Comparing the effectiveness of sensorimotor games and neurofeedback on the active speech of children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
zeinab fathian *, samira vakili, keyvan mollanorozy, mahdi arabzadeh - Prediction of Addiction Tendencies Based on Self-Differentiation, Self-Reflection, and Coping Strategies Among Students
Hojjatollah Mohammadzadeh, Alireza Aghayousfi *, Emad Yousefi
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Accepted Articles
- Social Information Processing and Subclinical Autism Spectrum Symptoms in Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Working Memory, Cognitive Flexibility and Mentalizing
Sahar Khoshsorour, Mohammad Narimani *, Sajjad Basharpour
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 12، Number 3
- Print ISSN: 2345-5780
- Online ISSN: 2345-5780
- Director-in-Charge: Mahnaz Shahgholian, PhD
- Editor-in-Chief: Mohamad Hosein Abdollahi, PhD
- Publisher: Kharazmi University
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