Volume 9, Issue 1 (6-2015)                   2015, 9(1): 2593-2614 | Back to browse issues page

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Amini Beiram F, Asghari E, HajiAlavi Bonab M. Evaluation of Weathering and Erosion of Cone-Shaped Pyroclastic Rocks of Kandovan Village. Journal of Engineering Geology 2015; 9 (1) :2593-2614
URL: http://jeg.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1717-en.html
1- University of Tabriz , e-asghari@tabrizu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8501 Views)
The Kandovan village is one of the tourist attractions in East Azarbaijan province of Iran, whose rural houses were excavated within the cone-shaped pyroclastic rocks (in terms of local called keran) several hundred years ago. The present paper discusses the role of engineering geological properties of Kandovan pyroclastic rocks. Kandovan pyroclastic rocks have low resistance against weathering and erosion because their components are plagioclase minerals and pumice fragments with low resistance, welding, sorting and high sphericity and rounding. Although weathering and erosion along existing joints and fractures is the most important causative agent of cone-shaped forms but there is the possibility of further damage of rocks due to continuing these processes. High porosity of rocks has caused that their high capacity for water absorption. High water absorption percent increased sensitivity of rocks against expansion and contraction by freezing-thawing and wetting-drying cycles and low hardness and low their internal strength caused the rocks weathered and disintegrated due to environmental factors. Furthermore, the weak texture of the pyroclastic rocks have caused easy erosion of those by surface waters and wind.
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Type of Study: Case-Study | Subject: En. Geology
Accepted: 2016/10/5 | Published: 2016/10/5

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