Ohadi V, Amiri M, Ohadi M. Micro-Structural Evaluation of Lead Heavy Metal Retention in Stabilization and Solidification with Bentonite and Cement. Journal of Engineering Geology 2015; 9 (1) :2575-2592
1- , vahidouhadi@yahoo.ca
Abstract: (12331 Views)
The main objective of this research is to investigate the mechanism of cement-clay-heavy metal contaminant interaction from micro-structural point of view. To achieve this objective series of batch equilibrium and XRD experiments were performed. The results indicate that the addition of 10% cement not only stabilizes the soil, but also at 250 cmol/kg-soil of heavy metals causes 130% increase in heavy metal retention. Furthermore, the XRD analysis shows that in solidified samples with less than 10% cement, the main reason for reduction in peak intensity of clay fraction is due to the presence of heavy metals. However, as the percentage of cement increases, the clay solubility is the main reason for reduction in peak intensity of montmorillonite in XRD test
Type of Study:
Case-Study |
En. Ecosystem Accepted: 2016/10/5 | Published: 2016/10/5