Soil classification based on Iranian Standard No. 2800, 1997 UBC, 2006 IBC and 2004 Eurocode 8. A Case study: Piroozi Street (Tehran’s municipality-13). Journal of Engineering Geology 2011; 5 (1) :1177-1192
Abstract: (13745 Views)
Abstract (Paper pages 1179-1194) The site under study is located in the south of municipality-13, east of Tehran. Numerous building construction activities and large investment have been done in this area. Hence, it is important to have a good knowledge of the site characteristics. Soil classification is a very effective tool for optimum engineering construction which may reduce the future earthquake hazards. Building codes such as standard No. 2800, UBC, IBC and Eurocode 8 were used for soil classification. Seismic and geotechnical data were collected. Based on the considered Building codes the average seismic velocity and SPT values were estimated. It was concluded that Piroozi Street can be grouped into II, SC, C and B classes.
Type of Study:
Case-Study |
Accepted: 2016/10/5 | Published: 2016/10/5