Volume 8, Issue 30 (12-2017)                   jemr 2017, 8(30): 147-169 | Back to browse issues page

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Asadi M, Hamidi Alamdari S, Khaloozadeh H. Tax Revenues Forecasting By Applying PSO Optimization Algoritm. jemr 2017; 8 (30) :147-169
URL: http://jemr.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1133-en.html
1- Kharazmi University , asadi@ues.ac.ir
2- Kharazmi University
3- Khaje Nasirooldin Tousi University
Abstract:   (7066 Views)

Forecasting tax revenues is vitally important issue for optimal allocation of taxable resources, planning and budgeting in national and regional levels and knowing the potential national participation in public expenditures.  The classical optimization based on mathematical methods may not be reliable in real world and mostly inefficient and inapplicable in complicated world due to their restricted assumptions. The smart optimization may help us to find the solution. This essay based on modified  PSO  methodology .The initial trial based on the data during 1971- 2007 in case of various direct and indirect taxes , and  using updated data  during 2008- 2012 for final forecasting , to estimate tax revenues for upcoming next three years (2013 up to 2016) by MATLAB software.
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Type of Study: توسعه ای | Subject: بخش عمومی
Received: 2016/10/27 | Accepted: 2017/11/25 | Published: 2018/03/6

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