Volume 7, Issue 24 (6-2016)                   jemr 2016, 7(24): 201-225 | Back to browse issues page

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Sobhamallahi M A, Kohgard A. Productivity Method for Economic Growth without Liquidity Growth. jemr 2016; 7 (24) :201-225
URL: http://jemr.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1386-en.html
1- Kharazmi University
2- Azad University Science & Research Branch , amin.kohgard@gmail.com
Abstract:   (6809 Views)

One of the opportunities that enable better utilization of funds to finance the country's policy makers, CEOs and financial institutions gives profit, use of barter transactions rather than cash transactions and money payment.  Although It deals with history as long as the formation of the first human set (before the invention of money and Intermediate goods), but the use of these methods to solve the problems of working capital has recently profit institutions literature and commercial transactions and has brought many benefits to users. In this article we have tried to introduce different methods of barter exchanges, clearing the way its numerous advantages explained and network productivity for economic development without growth, liquidity is provided. As a result, users could utalize the barter exchanges to development products or services and growth in competitive business environment, without affecting the growth of liquidity that causes fluctuation.

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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: پولی و مالی
Received: 2016/03/17 | Accepted: 2016/07/19 | Published: 2016/09/19

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