Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)                   jgs 2020, 20(56): 55-74 | Back to browse issues page

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mohammadi S, moradi A, hosaini S. (2020). Identifying and Analyzing the Effects of Urban Creep on the Situation Development of Rural Areas around (Case Study: Villages around of Marivan City). jgs. 20(56), 55-74. doi:10.29252/jgs.20.56.55
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3005-en.html
1- pnu university , saadi@pnu.ac.ir
2- pnu university
Abstract:   (7936 Views)
The horizontal and urban growth of the past few generations, due to the dominance of the centralized planning system in the country, has led, in accordance with the principle of village-to-city interconversions, that many villages located around cities have undergone numerous changes and changes in the indicator status Of development. These changes, in addition to having positive aspects in most cases, have had a negative impact on the sustainable development of rural areas located in the vicinity of these cities. In the current applied research, a quantitative and qualitative approach with a spatial and descriptive-analytic approach has been carried out. The main objective of this research is to identify the consequences of the Marivan Creep phenomenon on the changes in the development status of the surrounding villages, Over the last few decades, physical development has been speeding up. Data gathering in the theoretical part of the documentary and in the field was conducted by a survey method based on an interview with the local people and the locals to identify the outcomes, and then the classical distribution of the questionnaire among the studied villages and simple random among 203 households supervised by The Cochran formula was determined by volume, 30 from local development experts and observers of the status quo, in order to generalize the findings from the interviews. The results of analyzing the data with the fundamental theory of the technique in the qualitative section and the single-sample t-test in the quantitative section showed that the urban creep phenomenon, in addition to limited positive consequences in improving the physical condition, caused social deficiencies, failure Economic problems, inadequate visual quality, natural environment degradation and institutional management failures in the development of villages studied.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Geography and Rural Planning

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