Guide for Authors
| Post date: 2023/03/14 |
Manuscript Style
* The distance between the side margins (left and right of the page) should be 3.5 cm.
* The distance between the top and bottom of the sheet should be 4 cm.
* The distance between the lines should be single.
Title Page must list full title, short title, names and affilications of author(s), and full address of each author. The precise mailing address, Telephon, Fax, and Email address of the corresponding author.
Supply an abstract of up to 300 words and a keyword list up to 4 words below the abstract. The abstract should precise the paper, giving a clear indication of Its conclusions. It should contain no citation to other published works.
Reference Style
References should be presented in the text as name of author and year within brackets and listeted at the end of the paper alphabetically. All references in the reference list should appear in the text.
Where reference is made to more than one work by the same author published in the same year, identify each citation in the text as follows: (Baker, 1987 a), (Baker, 1987b). Where three or more outhors are listed in the reference list, cite in the text as (Baker et al 1998) References should be listed in the following style:
Journals: Barradas, Victor L., (1991), Air temperature and humidity and human comfort index of some city parks of Mexico City, International Journal of Biometeorology, 32(4): 22-36.
Books: Wanielista, M.P., (1997), Hydrology Water Quantity and Water Quality Control, University of Central Florida, p 565.
Conference paper: Ahmadabadi, A.S., Razeghi, M., (2007), The tourism potential of the Kish island by Climatology approach, Second Conference on the Persian Gulf, pp. 175- 186.
Illustrations must relate clearly to the section in which appear and should be referred to in the text as Figure 1. figure 2, etc. Illustrations should be supplied as JPEG or TIFF files, the filename must include the corresponding author, Surname, and figure number. This journal is only greyscale so All figures (Maps, graphs, and pictures) must be comprehensible in black and white, please use patterns to differentiate sections.
Required files to upload: Authors must submit the following five essential files through the manuscript submission system: 1. Main Manuscript File (without the author details and prepared based on the provided template. 2. Title Page, 3. Authorship Form (must include the article title, full names of all authors, and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest Form (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the Main Manuscript File), and 5. Cover Letter (Please include any necessary information in the cover letter).
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