Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)                   jgs 2021, 21(61): 279-294 | Back to browse issues page

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kavoosi E, Mohammadi J. (2021). Smart Urban Mobility and Social Sustainability: Exploring the relationship(Case Study:Shiraz City). jgs. 21(61), : 15 doi:10.52547/jgs.21.61.279
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3532-en.html
1- phd student of Geography and Urban Planning,, University of Isfahan
2- Associated Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning,isfahan University, isfahan, Iran, University of Isfahan , j.mohmmadi@geo.ui.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7301 Views)
Our country Iran is not far from the global changes of cities. One of these changes is the smart mobility that is Undeniable and inevitablein urban management today. Especially in metropolises, which are facing increasing population and various economic, social and environmental problems. In fact, metropolises always have many problems, most importantly transportation. Shiraz, as one of the major cities and one of the major cities of the country, has a special place. This position is of different cultural, historical, political and other aspects. Its population growth rate has also been steadily increasing due to its location. This trend of population growth over the past few decades has created problems and obstacles for sustainable and desirable management, most notably problems in the transportation sector. The same trend illustrates the need to emphasize smart systems in this city. Therefore, in this study, it is attempted to investigate and analyze Smart Urban Mobility and Social Sustainability for Shiraz. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on documentary and origin studies. The results show that the mobility and displacement variables are in poor condition based on different dimensions of access, sustainable transport as well as ICT. Different indices of each of these dimensions point to the same issue, as its level of evaluation (significance level less than 0.05 and average lower than the criterion) points to their undesirability from the point of view  citizens. The study of the impact of smart mobility indicators on Social Sustainability also shows that smart mobility indicators account for 23% of the total variance of Social Sustainability. On this basis, it should be noted that the mobility variable does not have an appropriate position in Shiraz, and this has not only affected its development process in recent decades, but also poses many challenges for its future development. The growing trend of the population and on the other hand the various social and cultural features as well as tourism are evolving in such a way that it requires a major focus on a systematic transportation based on smart city approach.  
Article number: 15
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Geography and Urban Planning

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