1- Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Iran., Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Iran.
2- Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Iran., Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Iran. , mahsa_faramarzi@yahoo.com
3- Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Iran., Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Iran.
Abstract: (5463 Views)
Urban Regeneration is the one of Restoration function that imports to four dimensions of Form, Economy, Society and Ecosystem. Environment Quality is the one of objects of Urban regeneration. On the other hands lack of peoplechr('39')s interest to live and spending leisure time, the quality of city center decreases and it is more important to increase quality of city center. Environment quality is general subject and, in this study, we use creative model place for describing quality factors of environment. Golkar`s model “sustainable place” which comes from Canter`s Model “Place” is the one of most complete models for assessing the qualities of environment; It imports to four dimensions of form, activities, imaginations and ecosystem after that eventually we can obtain the Conceptual Framework of central part of Urban regeneration based on Environmental Quality. By means of content technique, various ideas and views about environment qualities from global theorists, Experiences of regenerating city center and national restoration document were collected then calculate average of them for selecting most important of them. Finally define Measures for all these important qualities to draw Conceptual Framework. The result show that legibility and Visual character are the most import qualities of empirical-aesthetic factor, Permeability and Socio petal space and Quality of public area and Vitality are the most import qualities of functional factor and Compatibility with nature is the most important quality of ecological factor. These 7 qualities which are among the most important qualities must be considered in regeneration of city centers.