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1- , Payame Noor University, Babol, Payame Noor University , shokri.pari@pnu.ac.ir
2- , Payame Noor University, Behshar, Payame Noor University
3- , Payame Noor University, Gorgan, Payame Noor University
4- , Payame Noor University, Babol, , Payame Noor University
Abstract:   (5138 Views)
In urban spaces various heterogeneous and dissonant elements together cause to environmental disturbances. One of the most impotant of these elements that rarely is noted, is the color. Therefore, this study has been done with the aim of review and assess of color role effectiveness in upgrading quality space of Ramsar Chahrsad Dastgah town. The research method was descriptive-analytic and data were collected through questionnaires and photography. The statistical population of the study was estimated, according to Cochran formula, 300 people. In order to assess of quality indicators according to the role of color were examined 3 main index (spatial perception, readability and identity, diversity and vitality) and 20 variables. To analyze the indicators have been used from sample T-test and RGB models. According to one sample T-test, readability and identity Index with an average of 2.31, diversity and vitality with an average of 2.69 and spatial perception with an average 2.78 have had from least to greatest effect on the quality of the study area. Also according to the color palette extracted from sky, artificial body and vegetation layers, town of Chahrsad Dastgah are not rich in terms of color and promotion of the quality of urban space is not. Generally, in the town of Chahrsad Dastgah has been used less than coloring agent to increase the spatial perception, sense of life and identity.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Geography and Urban Planning

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