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Esmat Khan Mohammadi, Rahim Sarvar, Alireza Estalaji,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Today, the accelerating trend of urbanization, the lack of guidance and urban management, national and regional inequalities, and differences in the socio-economic base of individuals have led to the growth and expansion of informal housing. Due to this situation, informal housing has been expanding in Tehran's metropolitan area. The present study seeks to find key factors affecting informal housing in the study area and also to determine the relationships between criteria through structural-interpretive modeling (ISM). Are; Which is applied in terms of the nature of the application and in terms of the combined method (quantitative and qualitative) and in terms of the inductive research approach In this method, a questionnaire tool was used and in order to analyze the relationships and present their structural model, the interpretive structural modeling method was used, The results of MICMAC analysis and the classification of key factors in the four matrix clusters It shows that the factors of economic growth, redistributive policies, decentralization and transfer of authority, regional equilibrium policies, revision of development and sanctions laws and regulations and its effects are in the fourth cluster,which are in fact variables of research. In fact, key variables are research, and the only factor in housing policies is the cluster of link variables, which will guide other factors, and change will affect the entire system.
Abdolali Torabi, Sadroddin Motavlli, Gholamreza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Natural disasters, which are part of the process of human life and their number and diversity are increasing every day, are a major challenge to achieve sustainable development of human societies. Hence, the prevailing view of focusing solely on reducing vulnerability to increasing resilience to disasters has shifted. The purpose of this study is to explain the components of urban resilience against natural hazards with emphasis on floods in Behshahr. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical and in addition to documents and library studies, a questionnaire was used to collect information. The statistical population of the present study includes two groups of citizens living in the neighborhoods around the four rivers of Behshahr. After collecting field information that was completed using a questionnaire tool, from SPSS, MINITAB and PLS software and using multi-criteria decision making (SAW) methods to investigate the situation and explain the components of urban resilience in Against natural hazards such as floods and GIS software was used to zoning areas based on flood resilience. The results show that among the dimensions of resilience, the economic dimension has the highest weight and is in the first place and the physical, infrastructure and environmental dimension has the lowest weight and is in the last place. Neighborhoods around the rivers of Behshahr city are ranked based on flood resistance status, which shows that Shahed neighborhood is in the first place and Borzoo neighborhood is in the last place.
Mr. Ayat Jahanbani, Mr. Ali Shamie, Mr. Habib-O-Llah Fasihi, Mr. Taher Parizadi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Resiliency is one of the approaches to reducing the vulnerability of communities and strengthening peoplechr('39')s ability to deal with the dangers of natural disasters, especially earthquakes, and has economic, social, institutional, physical, and environmental dimensions. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and research method. The researcher-made questionnaire with 102 items was a tool for collecting research data. The sample size was 386 simple based on Cochranchr('39')s formulas and the sampling method was random. Exploratory factor analysis and path analysis were used in the SPSS25 software platform for data analysis and factor modeling. The results indicate that Parsabad city has the lowest scores in terms of social and physical resilience and is in a moderate to good condition; environmental resilience is in a moderate condition, institutional and economic resilience are in a bad situation. Also question factorization, 13 factors for social dimensions, (behavior during the crisis, crisis awareness, crisis preparedness, knowledge, cooperation, trust, assistance, reliance, interaction, accuracy, attitude, first aid, and necessary measures); 3 factors (Damages, Compensation and ability to return) for economic dimensions; 5 factors (performance of public institutions, the performance of semi-public institutions, institutional communication, institutional measures, and institutional context) for institutional resilience; 4 factors (open space, building resistance, public access and Relief access) for physical resilience and 3 factors (environmental, nutritional and soil factors) for environmental resilience. Finally, the modeling of resilience indicators for Parsabad city was presented.

Dr Hafez Mahdnejad, Dr Hamid Bargi, Dr Alireza Gholami,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Today, the cities of the country are faced with a kind of duality and inequality. As urban inequality has become one of their spatial characteristics. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to Zoning of spatial inequality neighborhoods of Isfahan metropolis based on economic indicators for better planning for organizing, empowering and enhancing their quality of life. This study is an applied one and its method is descriptive-analytical. The research data were obtained from Statistical Blocks of Iran Statistical Center (2016). The statistical method used to analyze the data, compile the indices and extract the final urban poverty indices with AHP, Topsis and Hotspot. The findings show that the coefficients of influence on the components of the main occupational, occupational, housing and vehicle components respectively are: 0.266, 0.317, 0.223 and 0.184. According to the final index of poverty status in terms of economic indicators, 23 neighborhoods (11.98%) have good quality, 37 neighborhoods (19.27%) have relatively good quality, 52 neighborhoods (27.08%) are in moderate condition, 64 Neighborhoods (33.33%) are in poor condition and finally 16 neighborhoods equivalent to 8.33% of all metropolitan areas of Isfahan are in poor condition. In total, about 42% of all metropolitan areas of Isfahan are in poor condition. The results of the Hotspot model show that neighborhoods with higher than average values in the south and partly in the center of the city and neighborhoods with lower than average values are located in the east and partly west of Isfahan. In fact, the city can be divided into northern and southern parts.
Aysan Pourmoghaddam, Mahsa Faramarzi Asl, Mirsaeed Moosavi, Akbar Abdoolahzadeh Tarraf,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Urban Regeneration is the one of Restoration function that imports to four dimensions of Form, Economy, Society and Ecosystem. Environment Quality is the one of objects of Urban regeneration. On the other hands lack of peoplechr('39')s interest to live and spending leisure time, the quality of city center decreases and it is more important to increase quality of city center. Environment quality is general subject and, in this study, we use creative model place for describing quality factors of environment. Golkar`s model “sustainable place” which comes from Canter`s Model “Place” is the one of most complete models for assessing the qualities of environment; It imports to four dimensions of form, activities, imaginations and ecosystem after that eventually we can obtain the Conceptual Framework of central part of Urban regeneration based on Environmental Quality. By means of content technique, various ideas and views about environment qualities from global theorists, Experiences of regenerating city center and national restoration document were collected then calculate average of them for selecting most important of them. Finally define Measures for all these important qualities to draw Conceptual Framework. The result show that legibility and Visual character are the most import qualities of empirical-aesthetic factor, Permeability and Socio petal space and Quality of public area and Vitality are the most import qualities of functional factor and Compatibility with nature is the most important quality of ecological factor. These 7 qualities which are among the most important qualities must be considered in regeneration of city centers.
Yaser Nazaryan, Amane Haghzad, Leyla Ebrahimi, Kia Abozorgmehr51,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Vulnerability is the inevitable result of risks and crises that threaten societies to varying degrees. One of the main threats is earthquakes. The recent approach to disaster management programs is to increase the resilience of communities that have different dimensions. One of them is the physical dimension of urban resilience, which is linked to the components of land use planning. In this research, with the aim of analyzing land use criteria affecting the resilience of Tabriz city and using fuzzy AHP method, research has been done.
Based on the results of the study of theoretical foundations, 13 effective criteria have been identified and the basis of action. The required data were extracted and used from maps and spatial information of urban plans, especially the detailed plan of Tabriz, Then Using ARC Map10.3.1 software, each criterion is analyzed and each criterion is presented in the form of a fuzzy map. Sum, Product and gamma fuzzy operators have been used to achieve the final resilience map. Due to the high accuracy of the gamma operator, its results are considered as the final output.
The results show that in the city of Tabriz, 2% have very low resilience, 40.8%, low resilience,15.3% moderate resilience, 23.5% high resilience and 7.2% very high resilience - based on the Used criteria-. Areas with low resilience are generally located in the north of Tabriz city and correspond to the informal settlement texture and the worn-out texture of the city, which corresponds to the fault line of Tabriz and Micronutrient and permeability are other features of these areas. Due to the high population density in these areas, it is necessary to immediately adopt the necessary programs to improve the quality of physical resilience criteria in the city.

Tayebeh Azizi, Mir Saeed Moosavi, Mahsa Faramarzi Asl, Siroos Jamali,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Today, the old fabric of cities has been severely dominated by unwanted developments due to increased construction and dependence on vehicles. This issue has caused many problems in urban issues. Therefore, physical reorganization plans are on the agenda as a solution to reduce these problems. Imam Street, which is located in the old part of Urmia, is one of the main and important streets of the city. One of the proposed projects in the strategic plan of the worn-out structures of Urmia city was the project of organizing and urban design of Imam Street, most of which has been implemented. The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficiency of physical organization projects in the old part of Urmia. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the obtained data were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, one-sample t-test in SPSS program and also structural equation modeling using AMOS software were used. The average obtained from the T-test in measuring the satisfaction of businessmen and residents located in the old part of Urmia, which was more than 3, indicates that people living in this area and market acquisition are satisfied with the results of physical organization projects.

Ruhollah Namaki, Akbar Abdollahzadeh Tarf, Hassan Sattari Sarbangholi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Air pollution and adverse effects of pollution caused by the combustion of fossil fuels in urban settlements are among the important environmental issues of metropolises that need to pay attention to ways to reduce air pollution in cities. Global experience has shown that urban form indicators are one of the most important factors affecting air pollution and energy consumption in the city. Therefore, paying attention to the form of the city plays an important role in the long-term perspective of cities for better air quality. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In order to collect the required data and information, library and documentary methods have been used. To analyze the data and answer the research questions, the Moran statistical technique was used in the GIS software environment. The results of this study showed that the air pollution situation in Tabriz in terms of air pollutants, ie sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide in the second half of the year is more than the first half of the year, so that among the air monitoring stations The field had the highest number of air pollution. Also, the results of the study of the effect of urban form and land use pattern on air pollution showed that urban form and land use are effective on air pollution.
Dr Pari Shokri Firoozjah, Dr Amir Bakhshi, Mr Javad Puriani, Ms Fateme Alipour Sourkhani,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

In urban spaces various heterogeneous and dissonant elements together cause to environmental disturbances. One of the most impotant of these elements that rarely is noted, is the color. Therefore, this study has been done with the aim of review and assess of color role effectiveness in upgrading quality space of Ramsar Chahrsad Dastgah town. The research method was descriptive-analytic and data were collected through questionnaires and photography. The statistical population of the study was estimated, according to Cochran formula, 300 people. In order to assess of quality indicators according to the role of color were examined 3 main index (spatial perception, readability and identity, diversity and vitality) and 20 variables. To analyze the indicators have been used from sample T-test and RGB models. According to one sample T-test, readability and identity Index with an average of 2.31, diversity and vitality with an average of 2.69 and spatial perception with an average 2.78 have had from least to greatest effect on the quality of the study area. Also according to the color palette extracted from sky, artificial body and vegetation layers, town of Chahrsad Dastgah are not rich in terms of color and promotion of the quality of urban space is not. Generally, in the town of Chahrsad Dastgah has been used less than coloring agent to increase the spatial perception, sense of life and identity.
Nahid Bagheri, Mohammad Mohammad, Ezatollah Mafi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

From the time of human life until now, disasters have had a negative impact on human life; In response, individuals and communities are trying to mitigate the consequences of these disasters and establish scales to assess the initial effects; Also respond to the post-disaster needs and return to baseline. To address these challenges and, as a result, improve the quality of life in cities and metropolises, the need for long-term planning and decision-making in solving these problems is more necessary than ever. Therefore, dealing with new urban theories, each with the aim of solving urban problems, improving the quality and quantity of life of citizens in cities, improving the quality of the city environment, city management, advancing the city to become more desirable, and so on. , Is more important than ever. In recent decades, to solve these challenges and reduce its effects on metropolises and large cities, various solutions and perspectives have been proposed, one of which is to pay attention to the concept of resilient city. The present study is descriptive. - It is analytical and practical in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this study consisted of experts and professors familiar with the topics of the city. 35 university professors and experts in the field of research determined the sample size intended to complete the questionnaire. The results of this study showed that the criterion of physical characteristics of tissue with the highest D-R value (0.672) is at the top of the chart and shows that this criterion is the most effective criterion. Also, based on the calculated D + R value, the building quality criterion is the most important criterion. Also, the urban infrastructure criterion was considered as the most influential criterion due to the fact that it has the lowest D-R value.

Mohammad Saghebi, Ezatollah Mafi, Mehdi Watanparast,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Nowadays, addressing approaches such as livability for today's cities as concepts that play an important role in reducing social, economic and environmental problems of cities is an inevitable necessity. In fact, livability is a concept with all angles and mental and objective dimensions Is concerned with human beings and seeks to create a healthier and more livable urban environment for current citizens of future generations; Therefore, livability is a new concept and approach in the paradigm of sustainable urban development, which some consider one of the greatest ideas of urban planning in modern times. In livable city, the goal is not only to meet the physical needs of urban society, but also to create a sense of citizen satisfaction According to this, the main purpose of this research is an analysis of urban livability in Bojnourd with emphasis on security index.
      The purpose of the present study is applied and in terms of method: descriptive-analytical. Using GIS software, maps related to the status of each of the objective sub-indicators based on Bojnourd city police stations have been drawn. For mental indicators that have 8 items, a questionnaire The sample size in the whole city of Bojnourd is 383 people. The results of this study show that police station area 13 of Bojnourd (in region one) is the best area in terms of security index. The worst area in terms of security is related to police station area 12 (area two) in terms of index. It is security.
- Nazir Ahmad Hashem Zehi, - Gholamreza Miri, - Masoumeh Hafez Rezazadeh,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Utilizing neighborhood capacities and redefining the role of citizens at the urban neighborhood level has led to a new approach called neighborhood-based participation; Because many urban challenges are rooted in the lack of citizen participation. The city of Zahedan is no exception. In order to achieve neighborhood-based participation, it is very important to pay attention to and strengthen some indicators. The purpose of this study is to measure the effective indicators in improving neighborhood-based participation to improve urban services in the city of Zahedan. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on data collection in the field through a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study consists of 587730 citizens living in Zahedan. The sample size was calculated using the Cochranchr('39')s formula of 322 people. Examination of 5 variables of reliability, accountability and responsibility, reliability, empathy and attention and tangible and tangible factors show that all 5 variables were significant at the level of less than 0.05. Examining the difference between the mean and t-test statistics confirmed that citizens do not trust the performance of the municipality and managers. Also, one-sample t-test shows that the indicators of transparency, empowerment, economic base, value bases and sense of place are equal to 0.000 and less than 0.05 are significant. This article points to the impact of these indicators on improving neighborhood-based participation. Based on the results of the structural equation model, the greatest effect is related to the transparency index with 0.19, then the sense of spatial belonging with 0.15. Also, one-sample t-test shows that voluntary contributions (mean difference of 0.510), financial (mean difference of 0.611) and intellectual (mean difference of 0.486) with a significance level of less than 0.05 can have a great impact on Improve neighborhood-based participation and improve the quality of municipal services.

Sedigheh Mohammad Panah, Hamidreza Varesi, Masoud Taghavei,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

The use of structural analysis of development drivers helps planning to better understand the development situation of the provinces and improves the regional balance during decision making. For this purpose, the ten cities of Ilam province were examined in terms of combined development indicators in the form of 44 indicators. This research is an applied study in terms of targeting and in terms of methodology, it has been done in a "descriptive-analytical" way and is explanatory based on new methods of futurology. Theoretical data have been prepared by documentary method and experimental data by survey method. The development drives has been extracted from the documentary method and environmental scanning and experimental data based on the survey method based on the Delphi method. In data processing, structural interaction analysis method has been used in MIC MAC software. Findings in terms of interaction analysis indicate the dispersion of propulsive forces in a complex and intermediate situation of impact and effectiveness; the drivers clustering system indicates the focus of effective and regulatory drivers. Among the 44 driving forces of development, the effective drivers of development are the borders of Ilam province and the manner of managers' decisions. Research results show that development in Ilam province is not only unbalanced, but the imbalance trend applied towards more inequality and only by better and more comprehensive planning can be partially eliminated inequalities.

Fardin Kooshki, Hamidreza Varesi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

از مسائل مهم حاکم بر مدیریت و برنامه­ریزی شهرهای ما، نگرش فرم محور است؛ یعنی می خواهند مسائل شهرها را عمدتاً از طریق تغییرات کالبدی حل کنند و در مطالعات خود بر ویژگی های فیزیکی تاکید دارند. در مقابل این نگرش، دیدگاه فرایند محور قرار دارد که سعی می کند فرایندها را بیشتر مورد تحلیل قرار دهد زیرا این فرایندها هستند که فرم­ ها را به وجود می ­آورند. هدف پژوهش این است که بر روی فرایندها و علل در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان تاکید شود و نگرش فرایند محور به عنوان حلقه مفقوده برنامه­ریزی شهرهای ما مورد توجه ویژه خواهد بود. پژوهش حاضر به روش ترکیبی انجام شده است تا از این طریق از مزایای هر دو روش کیفی و کمی بهره گیریم. در روش تحقیق کیفی، داده ­ها از روش­های مصاحبه، مشاهده و مطالعات کتابخانه ­ای جمع­آوری شده است و در روش تحقیق کمی از آزمون تی  تک نمونه­ای استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان می­ دهد فرایندهای جغرافیایی موثر در شکل­ گیری فرم­ها در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان عبارتند از: «وجود حیاط مرکزی در مساکن»، «امکان  ارتباط با عناصر طبیعی مانند درخت، آب و نور طبیعی»، «امکان تماشای آیات الهی مانند آسمان، خورشید، ماه و ستارگان»، «اهمیت منابع آبی مانند زاینده­ رود، قنات و مادی­ ها در آفرینش فضاها»، «هماهنگی با اقلیم گرم و خشک»، «اهمیت باغ های خصوصی و خانگی» و «رعایت حریم عناصر طبیعی مانند حریم چاه، قنات، مادی و غیره». از میان  فرایندهای مورد مطالعه نیز «اهمیت منابع آبی مانند زاینده ­رود، قنات و مادی­ ها در آفرینش فضاها» با میانگین 4 بیشترین میانگین را به خود اختصاص داده و مهم ­ترین فرایند موثر در شکل­ گیری فرم­ ها در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان می­ باشد.
Mrs Azam Abbaspour, Dr Iraj Ietessam, Dr Hamid Majedi, Dr Azade Shahcheragi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

In todaychr('39')s world, housing and shelter have overshadowed many aspects of human life. Providing adequate housing, especially for low-income urban groups, is one of the most important issues and challenges facing all countries. The desirability of the environment of residential complexes built for low-income groups has always been a challenging issue. In the programs and plans prepared for these groups, due to the huge flood of applicants and also the limited resources and credits, quantitative goals have often been pursued and qualitative goals have been abandoned. A study of the housing pattern of this group in cities shows that attention and application of effective indicators of housing sustainability is one of the categories that should be considered in the process of housing planning. This article, with the aim of analyzing the factors affecting the housing survival of low-income groups, has reviewed the theoretical literature and tested research hypotheses. The statistical population of the study is the residents of Mehr dwelling in Sirjan. After distributing the questionnaire, data analysis was used at two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics. The validity of the structure was confirmed by factor analysis. The reliability of the instrument was also calculated using Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient test of o.7. Data analysis was performed from Sstructural Equation Modeling using Smart PLS software. Findings indicate the relationship between quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing on durability. Quality index with cultural and social criteria and components such as security, privacy, sense of place, user participation has the greatest impact on Durability of low-income housing in Sirjan.

Ali Ahmadi, Majid Vali Shariat Panahi, Reza Borna, Rahmatollah Farhoodi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Due to the many complexities, housing planning, especially for vulnerable groups, in a city as large as Tehran, requires a model to simplify the process and speed up calculations, which does not currently exist. With the aim of solving this problem, the present study proposes a model with the following steps: 1) Explaining the objectives 2) Estimating the housing needs of the target community 3) Identifying expandable areas 4) Proposing construction patterns 5) Proposing dispersion patterns 6) Calculations and patterns Financial and 7) suggest operating patterns. The information required to implement the model was collected from two questionnaires and data from the Statistics Center. In this model, three housing models with minimum, optimal and average areas and three types of existing housing construction, 100% infrastructure and freeing up the yard space were used as public urban space. The proposed zoning was adapted to the 22 districts of Tehran Municipality due to compliance with the available data. Sales price and financial calculations were calculated based on the internal rate of return of 20% and contract subsidies, and finally 4 free transfer models, lifelong lease, lease on condition of ownership in the program areas were proposed. The results show that one of the problems in this sector is the lack of appropriate decision-making structure and planning tools that can provide a comprehensive and complete review of the current situation, comprehensive and comprehensive solutions. Therefore, according to the model and using the indicators used, regions 2, 6 and 13 have the lowest and regions 19 and 22 have the highest potential for housing development of low-income and vulnerable groups, and finally, the model has suggested the most housing in regions 22, 4, 19 and 11.
Zeinab Mohebbi, Dr Farzaneh Sasanpour, Dr Ali Shamaei, Dr Habib Fasihi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Today, cities are looking for advanced ways to improve their individual personality and one of the most important strategies is to characterize the characteristics of city branding, which can be a solution for the development and improvement of the city. Qom metropolis, as one of the religious and historical cities of Iran with a cultural-religious role at the national level, hosts a large number of tourists every year, but the tourists who stay in the city are very few and it seems that the city can find a solution. Have. development of the city. This research analyzes the composition of branding of Qom in metropolitan areas and finally determines the position and level of the metropolis based on branding ranking. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of its nature and research method. The researcher's self-made questionnaire was used in the field method. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts (30 people). The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained using Cronbach's alpha formula in SPSS 19 software equal to 0.76. TOPSIS method was used to rank the regions and Arc GIS 11 was used to produce the maps. Based on the obtained results, the 4th region of Qom city is in a favorable condition and the 2nd region is in an unfavorable condition, and the city of Qom is in an average condition in terms of management, physical and social, and in an unfavorable condition in terms of economy. Since the commercial and economic indicators of Qom metropolis are in a bad situation, paying attention to the increase of capital in the city can improve the urban environment, which as a result can be achieved as a resistance economy.  From a physical point of view, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the elements and symbols of the city are permanent in the minds of the beneficiaries of the city.

Behroz Ghadar, Sadegh Besharatifar, Zarin Forougi Forougi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

 Evaluation of indicators of sustainable development, as the axis of human excellence, is the dominant basis of urban planning and land management and has a decisive role in spatial dispersion and the formation of environmental behavior of human societies. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and its main tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were collected using library and survey methods (questionnaire tool). The statistical population is 35 neighborhoods of Bandar Mahshahr that the sample size through Cochran's formula with 95% confidence level using the number of households in Mahshahr 382 people who through simple random sampling in the neighborhood has distributed a questionnaire.  Based on the research criteria, the results show that the neighborhoods of Bandar Mahshahr are in a state of instability and the severity of instability is different between them.  So that in the selected indicators from the 35 neighborhoods, only neighborhoods 1, 2, 6, 15, 16, 17, 19 are at a stable level and other neighborhoods (28) are in an unstable situation, this situation is affected by their position in  It is the spatial structure of the city, which has led to the formation of neighborhood inequalities in terms of indicators of social stability and segregation.  The results of route analysis have shown that all economic, social, physical, environmental and spatial justice indicators have a positive and significant effect on sustainable development of Mahshahr city, among which the economic index has the greatest effect on sustainable development of urban areas.
 Keywords: evaluation, sustainable development, neighborhoods, planning, Mahshahr
M Saeed Maleki, M Mahsa Delfannasab, J Javad Yousefvand,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Correct analysis of the housing market situation and correct knowledge of the factors affecting housing, especially in terms of its price and the extent of the impact of each of them, can help planners and officials in the correct analysis and forecast of the future situation and appropriate Provide appropriate solutions. The aim of this study was to identify the drivers of housing price in Khorramabad. Theoretical data were prepared by documentary method and experimental data by survey method based on Delphi method. The statistical population of the study is 30 experts and specialists in the field of housing in Khorramabad city were selected by purposive sampling. Delphi methods, cross-sectional analysis and MicMac software were used to analyze the data. For this purpose, first 23 factors were identified by Delphi method and using descriptive questionnaires by experts. In the next step, the matrix of cross-effects was designed to measure the impact of factors on each other and provided to experts. Finally, out of a total of 23 initial factors affecting housing prices in Khorramabad, 12 factors were identified as key factors of the system. Size: Household income, land price, building density, number of units and floors, access to urban facilities and services, population density, geographical location of lands, uninhabited future uses, number of rooms, security status, size of property plots, demand status.
, Dariush Sattarzadeh, Lida Balilan, Akbar Abdollahzadeh Tarf, Mahsa Faramarzi Main,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Providing suitable urban spaces, especially open and natural spaces, has an undeniable effect on achieving health-oriented cities and especially ensuring the mental health of citizens. The aim of this study was to investigate and explain the effect of social indicators of public spaces on the mental health of citizens. This research is applied in terms of purpose type and descriptive-analytical method. A survey method (questionnaire) was used to collect research data. The statistical population of the study was the residents of Ardabil. The sample size was estimated to be 384 using the Cochran's formula. The research hypotheses were tested through structural equations using Amos software. The results showed that social factors have a positive and significant effect on the mental health of citizens in public spaces of the city. The value of the path coefficient obtained for the effect of the social factor on the mental health of citizens is equal to 0.52 so that this factor is able to predict 0.27 of the variance of the dependent variable, ie the mental health of citizens. The results also showed that social indicators, namely security, social relations and sociability of urban public spaces have a positive and significant effect on the mental health of citizens. Among social indicators, security index has the highest coefficient of path.


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