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Showing 19 results for Azadeh

Mahrookh Ghazayi, Nazfar Aghazadeh, Ehsan Ghaleh, Elhameh Ebaddyy,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Lack of surface water resources has led to uncontrolled abstraction of groundwater in many parts of the world and severe depletion of groundwater table levels. With the increasing population, the extraction of these resources has increased and these natural reserves are facing a serious threat. The present study was conducted to monitor the groundwater level using satellite images and the relationship that it can have with land use. In order to achieve the desired result, first the relevant satellite images were taken, and the necessary pre-processing was applied on each of them. Among the important tools, the use of object-oriented method, land use classification map was extracted for both years and Land use change map was extracted for a period of 15 years (2000-2015). Finally, in order to monitor the groundwater level map, the groundwater level map of the study area for both years was extracted by Gaussian method, which was the most accurate method. The results showed that there is a strong and significant relationship between land use and groundwater level. Areas of the study area that have higher vegetation have lower groundwater levels than other areas. It follows the earth and also causes water to flow from high potential points to these points. Also, irrigated agricultural use had the highest average drop in water level compared to other uses, which indicates the excessive use of groundwater to irrigate irrigated agricultural products in the study area.The results also showed that the conventional kriging method with Gaussian variance is more accurate than the other methods used to estimate the depth of groundwater water table in both statistical periods. Conveying by conventional kriging method showed that the groundwater level in most parts of the plain has decreased during the study period. The maximum drop is 40 meters and the average is 15 meters.
- Nazir Ahmad Hashem Zehi, - Gholamreza Miri, - Masoumeh Hafez Rezazadeh,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Utilizing neighborhood capacities and redefining the role of citizens at the urban neighborhood level has led to a new approach called neighborhood-based participation; Because many urban challenges are rooted in the lack of citizen participation. The city of Zahedan is no exception. In order to achieve neighborhood-based participation, it is very important to pay attention to and strengthen some indicators. The purpose of this study is to measure the effective indicators in improving neighborhood-based participation to improve urban services in the city of Zahedan. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on data collection in the field through a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study consists of 587730 citizens living in Zahedan. The sample size was calculated using the Cochranchr('39')s formula of 322 people. Examination of 5 variables of reliability, accountability and responsibility, reliability, empathy and attention and tangible and tangible factors show that all 5 variables were significant at the level of less than 0.05. Examining the difference between the mean and t-test statistics confirmed that citizens do not trust the performance of the municipality and managers. Also, one-sample t-test shows that the indicators of transparency, empowerment, economic base, value bases and sense of place are equal to 0.000 and less than 0.05 are significant. This article points to the impact of these indicators on improving neighborhood-based participation. Based on the results of the structural equation model, the greatest effect is related to the transparency index with 0.19, then the sense of spatial belonging with 0.15. Also, one-sample t-test shows that voluntary contributions (mean difference of 0.510), financial (mean difference of 0.611) and intellectual (mean difference of 0.486) with a significance level of less than 0.05 can have a great impact on Improve neighborhood-based participation and improve the quality of municipal services.

Hamid Jalalian, Fariosh Namdari, Asghar Pashazadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

Nowadays most of the countries have chosen the tourism as a development strategy for the rural areas. The Hajij village with worthy natural, cultural and anthropological heritage has known as a tourism destination in Kermanshah province and west of Iran. In this research, the effects of tourism are studied in this village. The methodology is descriptive-analytic method. The necessary data were collected through both library and field methods. The population of this study equals to 180 persons- based on Cochran Table- including the 130 residents, 15 local governors and 35 visitors were selected by simple random method. Research tools include a researcher made questionnaire which its validity was confirmed based on the collective opinion of the universities professor's and experts of executive organizations. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated at 0.867 using Cranach’s alpha test based on 20 pretesting. Data analysis was held by factor analysis in SPSS 21 software. The research findings showed that there are six main factors among 30 variables which interpret 70 percent of the variance of the tourism effects the most important is physical- facilitator effects. Moreover, the positive effects were %65.8 and the negative ones were %34.2 based on factor analysis.
Hujjat Mirzazadeh, Taher Parizadi,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

Introduction and Objectives: Unbalanced distribution facilities and services on Economic, Social and between regions, need to the planning and balanced spatial development the spatial structure of the country is inevitable This study aimed to determine the level development of the provinces of Iran and rank them based on the level of development and different levels of development of the country From 1345 to the present to help make the planning system and national policy has been done.

Methods: This study is based on cognitive research and in terms of the goal of the evaluation research method - comparative. The population according to the latest political divisions of 31 provinces and indexes evaluated 33 indicators in four dimensions (Economic, infrastructure-physical, socio-cultural and health), respectively. For data analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis techniques were used.

Findings: The results show, between the provinces in terms of development, there are differences and inequalities. So that in Tehran alone during the decades the highest level of development and Sistan and Baluchestan province are the lowest and most disadvantaged. Comparison provinces during different periods of development of the center over the periphery of inequality.

Conclusion: According to the results of research to reduce disparities between provinces The placing of the country due to the talent and potential of each region and prioritizing disadvantage and less developed provinces in the planning of regional demands. 

Seyedreza Azadeh, Fatemeh Alavi Zadeh Shalkouhi,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

The main goal of this research is to measure the quality of services in the Rasht city BRT from the citizen's point of view. In this regard, the research with respect to goal is practical and with respect to method is descriptive-analytical. A questionnaire technique was used to collect information. In this regard, 400 questionnaires were distributed, and in which 389 complete and error-free questionnaires were collected. After collecting questionnaires, the data were entered into SPSS software and analyzed by using statistical tests (one sample t test, factor analysis, and Cramer's V test). The results of the survey showed that out of the 389 respondents, 178 people (45.8%) evaluated the overall quality and efficiency of the BRT system in Rasht city at a moderate level and also 99 respondents (25.4%) evaluated the quality and efficiency of the BRT system in Rasht city at a desirable level. The average quality and overall efficiency score of the BRT system in Rasht city has been 2.87 out of the citizen's idea. The results of one-sample t-test indicate that there is a significant difference between the mean quality variable and overall efficiency of the BRT system in Rasht city with the test statistic. Based on the results of factors analyzes, 17 studied indicators are summarized in three factors. Based on the extracted factors, the first factor has the greatest impact on health and safety. The second factor has been the load factor on bus working hours, waiting time, cost of payment, total number of buses and distance between bus stations indicators. Finally, the third factor has its impact on cleanliness of buses, cooling system, heating system and the number of seats on buses. Using v Kramer test showed that there is a meaningful relationship between the five independent variables age variables, type of occupation and personal car ownership with dependent variable (quality and overall efficiency of BRT system in Rasht).
Dr Fariba Esfandyari-Darabad, Dr Raoof Mostafazadeh, Dr Ahmad Abyat, Ahmad Naseri,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

Most of residential areas, population centers, and agricultural lands are located along the rivers and especially on the river terrace, which are affected by river dynamics, discharge changes, and flood hazards, bed fluctuations and meander variations. Therefore, it is necessary to study the behavior and pattern of meander movements of rivers in order to avoid potential hazards. The current research conducted in a reach of Gharehsou River in Ardebil province and the field measurements were done at adjacent to Anzab village to the Samian Bridge. In order to determine the pattern of this river, the Leopold Sinuosity Factor and the central angle calculated using Cornice method were used in this study. The results showed that the average of the Sinuosity Factor in the study area was 1.47, Which indicates the high ratio of river sinuosity. It also indicates the spatial variation of meanders evolution is not the same over the studied reach. The values of obtained Sinuosity factor using the employed methods showed that the %71.11 of meanders (32 meanders) with sinuosity factor of 1-1.5 belong to the category of low meander degree. While, the %17.78 of meanders (8 Meanders) had the sinuosity factor of 1.5-2. The remained 5 meanders (%11.11 of the identified meanders) had the sinuosity values greater than 2. This means that there are at least 5 meanders in the study area that are susceptible to becoming an oxbow-lake. Therefore, it is necessary to stabilize the stream banks and river bed of the study reach through structural management and engineering methods.

Dr Mandana Habibi, Dr Hosein Mojtabazadeh,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

A review of the history of the Islamic period reveals that concepts such as Islamic values ​​and principles have always been one of the foundations of Islamic cities. This has made the Islamic city a space for the development of other Islamic fundamental concepts and principles. However, with the emergence of modern thinking and the emergence of numerous movements, we have seen that many of these are distorted. considering the historical background, values ​​and factors present, district 20 in Tehran, is of no exception. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanisms of how each of the factors of the Islamic city influence the perception of the inhabitants of this historical district of Tehran. To achieve this goal, a conceptual model of the research was first developed using the literature as well as the research context in which the three main physical, social and validity dimensions were considered for Islamic urban planning. Subsequently, using a questionnaire survey and its analysis by structural equation modeling, the effect of each of these factors on their indicators was put forth as the research findings. The results of the analysis indicate that the "validity" factors have the most impact on people's perception of the Islamic city, while the "social and civil" and "physical" factors are less influential.
Aghail Madadi, Ebrahim Beheshti Javid, Nazfar Aghazadeh,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

During the last years, following an increase in damages due to occurrence of landslides, human has decided to reduce such losses. Therefore, identifying regions susceptible to landslide and classifying them can partly help man to prevent from happening above phenomena. The current study aims to demonstrate factors contributing to occurrence of landslide in Candrigh Chay basin and then, flattening the basin regarding risks related to landslide event using one methods, Network Analysis Process. In this direction, as respects to basin morphology and also, findings of past researches , ten factors involved in occurring landslides in Candrigh Chay Basin were recognized and used : lithology , land use , rainfall , slope , slope aspect , road slide , sluice power index (SPI), sediment transfer index (STI).Network Analysis Process(ANP) Method was implemented to score and classify factors and  scales. Was carried out in order to measure classes of each parameter. The final map showed that the basin has 4 classes considering landslide. Findings reveal flats with low risk and flats with high risk have the least area in Candrigh Chay basin. On the other hand, flats with medium risk and high risk allocate the most area of basin for themself. Comparing slid surfaces with flats facing risks indicates regions located at high and average risk class possess most areas of slide surfaces so that a flat involving very high risk  and a flat with high risk devote 35 percent (79km²) and 32/6 (72km²) of landslides for themselves, respectively. In other words, more than 77 percent of landslides conform to flats covering very high and average risk. Moreover, petrology, slope, and, sluice slide were identified as the most effective agents in occurring land_slides. One models, Network Analysis Process (ANP) were utilized through this project                 

Mrs Azadeh Atashpanjeh, Dr Mohammad Naghizadeh, Dr Zahrasadat Saeideh Zarabadi,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

In today's urban planning, the paraphrastic processes of symbolic systems in the city, which aim to show the social and cultural meaning of the physical environment, have received less attention, and most urban contexts, regardless of significant and identifiable differences and similarities and the hidden values in the context and the patterns of traditional urban planning and architecture of Iran are formed, and this makes it important to analyze these processes. The object of this paper is to present a framework for considering change of semiotics system caused by factors affecting the urban identity and comparing these systems in the old and new textures of the city by layered attitude toward the city as a multimedia text. The research is qualitative and the method of research is descriptive-analytic analytic and Semiotics has been used as a tool and method for considering representations and analyzing the identity of the city. Studies in the old context relied heavily on documents and in the new context is field and the samples were studied in hot and dry areas of Iran.The results show that based on the study of representations in the symbolic system in the textual layers of the city form, the duality of meaning and identity of the old and new textures of a city over time indicate several main factors of change within the textual layers of the form of city, the rupture and duality in the human layer and change in the system of codes that affect the structure of the city form, which is manifested in the elimination, replacement or change of signs in the natural, social and artificial layers.

Sir Naser Mohamadi, Dr Hosin Mojtabazadeh, Ali Tavakolan,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

Proper urban management based on the right methods has always been a serious challenge for urban professionals and has been the subject of various discussions and studies over time. Each city, due to its specific characteristics, experiences special issues that are specific to the city and its surroundings, and in the meantime, creating a single model is not acceptable. Good urban governance is an important principle in urban management, which unfortunately In our country, it faces many obstacles. The present article has been done in terms of purpose, application-development and quantitative-analytical method, which first identifies the most important obstacles to the actual implementation of urban governance in the country and then examines these cases in the study area of ​​Garmadreh. The results show that the factor of lack of integration between different sectors of urban management with an average of 3.8 has the greatest impact on the lack of governance in the country. From the results of the first part, 4 basic effective indicators in the implementation of urban governance in the study area have been studied. In the executive level of Garmadreh city, in the field of accountability index of weakness factor in continuous and public supervision with an average rank of 5.38, in the index of rule of law rule, there are multiple, parallel, interpretable and sometimes contradictory laws with an average rank of 3.73, in the transparency index of factor of lack of access to information 4.56 And in the participation index, the factor of intense centralism and top-down management with an average rank of 4.48 have the greatest impact on the lack of proper implementation of urban governance in the city of Garmadreh.

D.r Badil Sancholi, Maryam Karimian Bostani, D.r Masoumeh Hafez Rezazadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

 The establishment of new cities and settlements and the development of economic and industrial activities on the shores of Makran, is inevitable, and since the creation and development of new cities has been one of the policies in land management in recent decades, planning and designing a new city in Regional development orientation of this region is essential. Therefore, in this regard, the purpose of the present study is the analysis of planning approaches and design of the new city of Tis in order to develop the region of Makran beaches. The present study is applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. Theoretical studies were collected using documentary method, and research data and information were collected using interviews and questionnaires. The statistical population of the study includes specialists, administrators, university professors and experts. Using purposive sampling method, 183 experts were determined as the sample size. To analyze the variables and approaches of the research, first using the method of interviews and interactive discussions with experts and specialists as a statistical sample of the research, each of the planning approaches of new cities was examined. Also, descriptive tests, Spearman correlation test and hierarchical analysis model were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the exit of the region from deprivation and vulnerability, creating a scientific and educational hub in the region, and designing a new and smart city to create a sustainable city have been the most important approaches explaining the planning and design of the new city. Also, there is a significant and positive relationship between planning approaches and design of the new city of Tis and the development of Makran beaches, and among these, the investment variable in Makran beaches has the highest relationship with regional development in the study area

Miss Matin Farzidi, Mr Reza Parvizi, Miss Maryam Daneshshakib, Mr Seyedreza Azadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

Nowadays, the lack of attachment is a significant point in the construction of towns, which is demonstrated with criteria such as lack of environmental attraction and visual qualities, lack of readability, security, and so on. These factors will affect people's relationship with the environment around them and thus their satisfaction. Golha Town faces numerous problems including lack of space for gatherings, lack of security and space confusion, inadequacy of appearance of the newly constructed buildings in relation to older monuments, and most importantly the existence of empty and unused land. The method used in this research is combinational including a set of descriptive-analytical methods. Data collection is performed using field and documentary methods. The statistical sample of the study was considered to be 384 people, based on the population of Rasht city. By distributing 420 questionnaires, 386 correct questionnaires were answered and returned. Analysis of questionnaires was performed by SPSS software. Measurement of selectivity, permeability and readability was also accomplished using the space syntax method and integration and connectivity analysis on the road adjacent to Golha town. The results showed that the impact of criteria such as readability, security and permeability was moderate. Visual proportions, elemental functions and access have a great effect on increasing the satisfaction of residents. As a result, the use of architectural patterns, considering pausing and moving spaces, creation of management applications, prevention of mass construction and indoor parks, are among the solutions to create the desired increase in satisfaction.

Khadijeh Haji, Abazar Esmali-Ouri, Raoof Mostafazadeh, Dr Habib Nazarnejad,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

Also, because of human activities and natural phenomena, the face of the earth has always undergone a change. Therefore, for optimal management of natural areas, awareness of the ratio of land cover/land use changes is a necessity. Therefore, extraction of land use maps as the most important goal in the management of the natural resource can be considered. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate land cover/ land use changes at the Rozechai Watershed during the period of 30-years 1985-2015 using Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 satellite imageries such as TM and ETM+ sensors; plus, land use maps were prepared using TerrSet software and object-oriented classification in 1985 and 2000 years. As well as the land use map of procurement by the geographical organization in 2015 has been used. The results show that rangelands level has the highest percentage among all land use types during the period of 30 years, but between 1985 and 2000, and 2000 to 2015, the level of rangelands has a decreasing trend indicating the destruction trend in the region of the replacement of moderate- poor rangelands and good rangeland by dry farming. Also, the tables of obtained from the error matrix indicate that the observed values in the diameter of the error matrix are much larger than the values outside the diameters. Thus, the overall accuracy for the years 1985, 2000, and 2015 were 97, 90 and 96 percent, and The values of Kappa index were 91%, 84% and 94% respectively, indicating a high degree of accuracy in the object-oriented approach to classification.

Musa Abedin, Ehsan Ghale, Nazfar Aghazadeh, Maryam Mohamadzadeh Sheshegaran,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Studies have shown that the role of thermal temperature measurement in studying and estimating surface temperature is very important. Earth surface temperature is an important indicator in the study of equilibrium energy models on the ground at the regional and global scale. Due to the limitation of meteorological stations, remote sensing can be a good alternative to earth surface temperature estimation. The main objective of this study is to monitor the surface temperature of the Earth using satellite imagery and a relationship that can have a surface temperature with land use. For this purpose, the relevant images were first obtained and the necessary pre-processes were applied to each one. Then it was compared to modeling and classification of images. Firstly, in order to study land use change, land use classification map was extracted for each two years using a controlled classification method. Then, to study the land use change, the land use change map was extracted for a period of 28 years (1987-2015). Became finally, in order to monitor the surface temperature, the surface temperature map of Meshginshahr was extracted. The results showed that there is a strong relationship between land use and surface temperature. High-vegetation areas and low-temperature blue areas. Also, rainfed farming has the highest average temperature relative to adjacent areas, which indicates the dryness of agricultural products in the Meshginshahr city.

Dr Raoof Mostafazadeh, Engr. Roghayeh Asiabi-Hir, Engr. Seyed Saied Nabavi,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

Drought is the main causes of significant water imbalance, increase of crop losses or limitation in water consumption, and finally large number of socioeconomic and environmental problems. Precipitation amount is the most important climatic variables that its spatiotemporal variability has a great influence on water resources availability along with the effects of climate change. The Angot index is an indicator to determine the climatic cycles of precipitation as the ratio between the average values of multiannual precipitation over wet and dry periods which highlights the climate significance of monthly precipitation to detect dry or rainy intervals. The aim of this study is to assess and calculation of the Angot inxed in analysis of dry and wet periods of monthly rainfall in rain gauge stations of Ardabil province. The maximum values of Angot index were observed in November and May months. The results proved the suitability of the Angor index in determining wet and dry months and the comparison of the employed index with other common drought indices (e.g. Standardized Precipitation Index) and also different climatic zones of Iran needs further investigations.
Dr Arash Ghasemphour, Dr Azadeh Arbabi, Dr Naser Ebadati, Dr Fatemeh Adibi, Dr Maryam Rostam Pishe,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

This research has been carried out with the aim of analyzing and explaining the spatial distribution of Mahshahr port during the years (1981-2021). The research method is descriptive-analytical and practical in terms of targeting. For data analysis, cross-tab, kappa coefficient, sectorial, Heldren and Markov chain models were used. In this regard, Envi 5.3, Terrset, Arc/Gis and Google Map software were used to analyze the obtained information. The geographical scope of this research is the city of Mahshahr according to the census of 2015. Kappa coefficient of Mahshahr port spatial changes map for  1981, 2001 and 2021 is equal to 0.88, 0.94 and 0.94 respectively. The results of this research show that during the years 2001 to 2021, about %75 of the growth of Mahshahr city is related to population increase and %25 is related to horizontal and physical growth. The spreading pattern of Mahshahr port is expanding in the form of clusters in the north, north-west, west and south-west directions. According to the forecast results for the time horizon of 2041, the growth of Mahshahr port will reach from 1657 hectares in 2021 to 2530 hectares in 2041. If there is no optimal management, the dispersal of Mahshahr port and its agricultural lands will undergo many changes in the not-so-distant future, and this will have adverse effects on the residents of this city due to the climatic condition of the city and global warming.

Dr Raoof Mostafazadeh, Dr Fariba Esfandiary, Miss Mahnaz Hamzeei, Miss Nazila Alaei,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the temporal variations of vegetation cover of Gharesou River riparian area in Ardabil province using landscape metrics over a period of 8 years which is important for morphology assessment and river ecosystem protection planning and management. The Google Earth imagery for the years 2011, 2016, 2019 due to their live view and high resolution were used to map the Gharesou River riparian area vegetation. Correlation analysis in R environment was used to evaluate the relationship between landscape metrics in the study time period. The results showed that there is an increase in the number of patches, which showed an increase in landscape fragmentation of the riparian area vegetation. Landscape connectivity index was 91.52% to 95.49% in this region during the study period, indicating the removing small patches of vegetation communities around the river. The number of patches in the present study showed an increasing trend, which was the highest amount at 2019 year. The results of changes in the width of the Gharesou River showed that the river width in 2019 was 27.43m and 3.97 m, respectively. Comparison of river width values ​​over the three study periods indicates an increasing trend in river widths, which may be due to the limitation of river width by human activities or the protection of river banks to protect agricultural lands against flooding effect. Also, the correlation of river width showed that the correlation between time period 2019 and 2016 was 0.63 and significant at 0.001 levels. The lowest correlation between the period 2019 and 2011 was 0.30 at 5% significant level. In conclusion, the results of changes in riparian area communities can be linked to the extension of agricultural land adjacent to the main river course.
Hassan Azizi Bohloli, Mahmoud Reza Anvari, Masoumeh Hafez Rezazadeh,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Rural management has always undergone various changes. Today, this pillar is the responsibility of the rural municipality Foundation. The purpose of forming this institution is to have a strong executive force in order to develop rural areas. rural municipality, as the executor of village programs and projects, has an important role in reducing urban and rural inequalities and improving the development of the village. Determining the degree of success of rural municipality in performing tasks is possible when its performance is carefully measured. The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of rural municipality Foundation in terms of economic, social and environmental indicators in rural areas of Sarbisheh. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on data collection in the field through a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study consisted of heads of households (1931 households) in 30 villages with rural areas. The sample size at the level of heads of households was calculated using the Cochran's formula of 320 people. The result of one-sample t-test showed that the best performance of rural areas is significantly less than 0.05 in terms of social indicators with an average of 3.78. Also, a significant difference was observed between the studied villages in the field of social indicators with a significant level (0.008), economic indicators with a significant level equal to (0.004) and environmental-physical indicators with a significant level (0.047). In terms of social performance, Dehneh Chah village with an average of 4.43, in terms of economic and environmental performance, Baghestan village with an average of 3.90 and 4.16 are in first place. The study of paired t-test with a significance level of less than 0.05 and an average difference of (-1.271) indicates that the situation of rural development indicators has become more appropriate after the establishment of the rural municipality Foundation.
Keywords: Dehyariha performance, economic, social and environmental indicators, rural areas, Sarbisheh.

Faeghe Zirdabi Oskouei, Solmaz Babazadeh Oskouei,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

The decline of social and economic status and functional and physical disorders of these contexts along with the very severe decline in the quality of the urban environment are among the reasons that have persuaded urban policymakers and planners to provide new strategies and solutions in the face of its problems. Accordingly, the futures research approach can keep peoplechr('39')s eyes open for possible future events, opportunities, and risks; Reduces ambiguities, doubts and erosive concerns of people, increases the ability of society and people to make smart choices. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to investigate the key drivers affecting the promotion of dysfunctional urban contexts with a future research approach in the Sartpooleh neighborhood of Sanandaj. This research is applied in terms of purpose and according to the studied components, the approach is descriptive-analytical method and environmental and Delphi scanning technique has been used to identify variables and indicators. Then, a semi-structured questionnaire was distributed among 45 experts in the field of urban issues. The data were analyzed using MICMAC software. The results showed that the urban system, especially in the worn-out tissue section of Sartpooleh neighborhood (in Sanandaj) is going through unstable conditions. Also, according to the analysis, 19 factors as key drivers such as authoritative management methods to renovate worn-out tissue, centralism, timely injection of funds when renovating worn-out tissue directly and variables focusing on improvement and renovation in comprehensive and detailed plans. Citizenschr('39') right to intervene in construction, paving the way for the entry of the private sector and balancing and achieving social justice were indirectly introduced to improve the quality and performance of worn-out structures.

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