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Showing 5 results for Babaei

Fereydoon . Babaei Aghdam, Rahim Rahim Heydari Chianeh, Qassem Rahimifard,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of destination image and service quality on the competitiveness of tourism destinations studied: Tabriz city was written. This research is applied in terms of purpose and analytical in terms of descriptive method. The statistical population consisted of incoming tourists to the city of Tabriz, the sample size of which was estimated to be 384 using the Cochran's formula for an unlimited population. In order to collect field information, a researcher-made questionnaire was used, the validity of which was confirmed by experts. Cronbach's alpha method and combined reliability were also used to evaluate the reliability, and the results of these tests confirmed the reliability of the questionnaire used. In order to analyze the data and information of this research, SPSS and LISREL software were used. The results of the research hypotheses showed that the destination image and service quality have a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of tourism destinations. According to the path coefficient obtained for these two independent variables, the effect of the destination image variable on the competitiveness of tourism destinations was higher than the quality of services.
, , Iman Babaeian,
Volume 10, Issue 13 (- 2010)

Abbas Babaei, Zeinab Korke Abadi, Saeid Kamyabi,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

Promoting urban livability and realizing a livable city are closely linked to how the urban management apparatus and institutions and organizations active in urban affairs function. Municipalities, as the most important coordinating body in urban affairs, have played a decisive role in solving urban problems and are responsible for the social and physical development of cities. In fact, municipalities have the main task of serving the citizens and play the most important role in improving the quality of life of citizens. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the viability level of Semnan city and analyze the problems of Semnan city from the perspective of different groups (officials-elites). The research method is descriptive-analytical and the research tool is a questionnaire. The validity and reliability of this research has been confirmed by the previous similar research and the opinions of the supervisors and advisors of the dissertation, the validity of the research tools. The internal validity of the instrument (questionnaire) is also shown through the Cronbach's alpha with a value of 0.84 for the questionnaires. The results showed that among the total biomarker indicators of Semnan city, from the point of view of elites and officials (with an average of 2.76), it was evaluated at a low level. Also, based on prioritization with ANP technique, "Improving Institutional-Organizational Capacity in Optimal Urban Management (R7)" with the highest score (07/357: 357) was identified as the best solution and in fact the main solution to deal with urban issues in Semnan. Also, the strategy of "integrated management between urban organizations to coordinate in the management of urban affairs (R6)" with (06/3366) was selected as the second solution.

ّfazel Amiri, Firooz Babaei, Tayebeh Tabatabaie,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

Given the potential negative environmental impacts linked with wild landfills in the central part of the Kangan Region, there is a significant need to accelerate the development of controlled inter-municipal landfills. The study area with daily production of 92 tons of waste, due to lack of recycling equipment and incorrect locating landfill is faced with numerous environmental, health and social problems in open sites and unsafe. This study is aimed at identifying suitable sites for solid waste disposal by considering all essential factors and rating criteria by integrating Fuzzy-AHP and GIS with multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) in Kangan county. Standards for siting a landfill formulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were employed in this study. The criteria that are considered herein are land use, slope, elevation, distance to drainage, groundwater and dams, distance to faults, soil, geology, distance to the residence and road, industrial and infrastructure accessibility. These criteria were assigned fuzzy membership classes based on their importance in siting a landfill. The fuzzy members of all criteria were overlaid to generate the final landfill site suitability map which was classified into five: not suitable (53.3%), less suitable (39.1%), moderately suitable (5.4%), suitable (1.4%) and highly suitable (0.6%). The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique was employed in the selection of the landfill site with reverence to multiple criteria and the fuzzy membership classes in accordance with the standards of the EPA. The results of this research in the management of the urban environment and also in the plans of the optimal disposal of urban solid of this area will be useful.

Hamid Pir Alilou, Bashir Beg Babaei, Parviz Norouzi Sani,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

The present study addresses the future prospects of urban management of Marand, specifically to study the problems and issues of urban management as well as providing solutions to improve its status. The main purpose of the research is to answer the question of what people and experts have about the causes of the problems of urban management in Marand, and with what road map there can be defined and achieved a perspective for urban management. The method used in this research is descriptive and analytical, and it utilizes the Oregan social vision model.. Oregan model is used to plan the process of strategic vision development in local communities. One of the most important advantages of this model is to adapt to different conditions and environment. The Oregan model is a process composed of four steps, each of which is built on the basis of a simple question: Where are we now? Where are we going? where shall we be? How to get there? Then, in different time intervals, monitoring of the implementation status in order to overcome the shortcomings would be possible. In this research, after analyzing the status quo, using collaborative planning and making questionnaire and receiving the opinions of citizens and experts, different perspectives have been defined for the city and, consequently, the necessary strategies are presented. The results show that the urban management of Marand is not in a suitable position, and it is necessary for the management to try to improve the lives of citizens with the aim of reducing the weak points and avoiding threats based on the strategies for resolving problems and crises of urban areas, attracting citizens, creating well - being for people, creating financial stability, and building administrative stability.

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