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Showing 9 results for Kaviani

Dr Ahmad Rashidi Nejad, Dr Murad Kaviani Rad, Dr Afshin Mottaghi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Security complex represents a unique group of countries where the process of "security building" and "making insecure" or both for this group of countries are increasingly related with each other. In other words, their main security concern is so intertwined that their security problems cannot be solved independently. Thus conceived, "hydropolitic complexes" include those countries which are geographically the owner and from technical point of view, are the user of part of the shared river. In fact, a group of the countries which are considered to be part of a region due to their water resources (rivers, lakes and aquifers), would have no common geographical borders but their "national security" and "hydropolitic security" are so interrelated that their security and hydropolitc problems cannot be resolved without their cooperation. The methodology of current descriptive-analytic study focused on Mesopotamia and Hirmand drainage basins (in parts of Iran), is grounded on the hypothesis that in a hydropolitic complex in the same way that the threatening of water security of each one of the member states might lead to the threatening of national security of other members, some threats can be posed against the water security of each one of the member states due to the threatening of the national security of other members. The data required for this research have been collected using library sources (books, journals and internet). The results of this study showed that how hydropolitic security is endangered following the eruption of insecurity in Afghanistan. At Tigris and Euphrates Basin, the climate changes and Turkey's inattention to hydropolitic security of Syria (by closing the floodgates of the dams) provided the ground for the emergence of internal crisis in Syria, and its reverberations posed serious threats against the security of Turkey, Iraq and Iran.
Morad Kaviani, Morteza Tahami,
Volume 15, Issue 37 (9-2015)

Dr. Morad Kavianirad, Dr Yadollah Karimi Pour, Dr. Hedayat Fahmi, Mr. Sadegh Karami,
Volume 17, Issue 46 (9-2017)

Efforts to provide security have always been of great importance to human being. In recent decades, the security issues of climate change have attracted attentions due to its sustainable consequences on the lives and civilization of humans. Among all countries, the ones which are placed in draught belt, like our country Iran, have hurt a lot because of low precipitations and also mismanagements in water resources control. Climate change show itself by changes in precipitation patterns, reduction of precipitation and increasing of temperature. According to the present data, Iran's central drainage basin which consists of important geopolitical provinces, has been affected by the above mentioned factors. This descriptive-analytic research is carried out based on the effects of climate change on Iran's central basin which provides approximately 48 percent of Iran’s GDP.  Continuity of climate changes in this region can make critical problems in social, environmental, economic and political scales and the lives of the citizens would be affected as well. To conclude, the persistence of the current conditions in climate change in the central drainage basin of Iran, would result in challenges through the national stability and security.

Morad Kaviani Rad, Hadi Aazami, Majid Rasouli, Ahmad Bakhshi,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

Fundamentalism is one of the security issues of today's world, and the Territorialize and , Territoriality of  fundamentalist terrorist groups has attracted a large part of the world's security literature.  Over the past decade, Southwest Asia and North Africa have emerged from domestic crises and transnational power interference, the focus of the emergence and expansion of radical ideas that impose huge costs on the regional and trans-regional countries of the world. Meanwhile, the northern continent of Africa, and in particular the country of Libya, as a fragile state emerging from the internalities and role of the regional interventionist powers, has provided opportunities for the expansion of ISIS's fundamentalist organization.The present study is based on the descriptive-analytical nature of the hypothesis that based on internal factors such as strategic position and huge oil resources, the crisis of legitimacy, spatial inequalities (axis-margin), the weakness of national correlators, weakness of central government power, Interventions of regional and global powers territoriality have been provided a platform for fundamentalist organizations such as ISIL in Libya, and the data and information required for research has been compiled in a library-based way . The results of the study showed that the fragility of the government in North Africa, in particular Libya, Territorialize and , Territoriality grounds have provided for ISIL's .

Morad Kaviani Rad, Afshin Mottaghi, Hadi Zarghani, Hasan Sadrania,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

One of the problems in analyzing hydro-political relations in the system of international rivers is that the same factors can create a wide range of conflict or cooperation, and even an identical variable may play a different role in relation to other variables in each coastal country; Therefore, the recognition of the variables and the role that each variable has in developing a pattern of analysis of opportunities and risks for countries that share transboundary waters with other countries is essential. Iran is in the Harirud basin shared with Afghanistan. The presence of this basin in a dry and semi-arid strip of world has caused Iran's dependence on the water of Harirud to provide water to the east and northwest, and especially to the metropolis of Mashhad. Therefore, the research question is: What are the variables and indicators effective on the Strategic Importance of Harirud for Iran? For this purpose, 86 indicators were identified using library and field studies and categorized in geographical-geopolitical, technical-economical, and political-social variables in expert meetings with experts. After identifying the most important variables using the Delphi method, the role of each variable in the structural analysis of the variables has been investigated with the help of the Micmac software. The results indicate that geopolitical -geographical variables are the most effective and Most impressive variables, and indicators of the importance of Harirud for drinking water, food security, security of water resources and Afghanistan's position in Iran's foreign policy, strategic indicators for the importance of Heriud for Iran.
Morad Kaviani Rad, Meysam Toulabi Nejad, Farid Rezaei,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of climate change on the border security of Thalassa Babajani villages. The study area consists of 11 villages of Salas Babajani city with a population of over 2500 people. 333 questionnaires were designed using Cochran formula. The research method was a descriptive-analytic and statistical questionnaire. The results showed that the impacts of climate change were firstly on food security and consequently security in the border villages of Thales Babajani so that most of the population in the study area were concerned about climate change such as flood and drought. Forced to change their livelihoods due to lack of food. The results also showed that with climate change, some former farmers have moved to their village boundaries for daily livelihoods due to climate change and food scarcity, which could in the future be the third border region and its villages. Serious challenges lead to insecurity. Because these people will face the same dangers as engaging in border guards between the two countries, Iran will result in the risk of death for those who were once farmers or ranchers and the security of the area would also be compromised.

Murad Kaviani Rad, Afshin Motaghi Disfani, Hossein Mokhtari Hashi, Ahmad Rashidinejad,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

International rivers, as borders or crossing national borders, have been considered as a significant part of international relations. Especially, approximately half of the world's population lives within the basin of these rivers, and more than 90% are living in countries with these basins. This condition, by creating an undeniable relationship of interdependence, has made water a critical issue for these countries. Thus, as populations and economies grow and develop and national water resources are exploited for additional growth and development, government action and reaction to a higher share of these transnational sources will increase. By the way, the type of government interaction in line with exploiting these common resources includes a wide range of cooperation to tension and war. In some parts of the world, common water resources in the form of rivers have used as a linking factor between nations and governments. So that, instead of conflict, the beneficiary countries take the path of cooperation and convergence and they have taken important steps with regard to the development of the region as optimal management of common water resources. Although the achievement of international cooperation is a long, lengthy and complex path, always, there are many ways to follow, many steps to take, and many options for appraisal and selection. The current research is a descriptive-analytical research and by means of library resources and examining the practical status of cooperation in a part of the Danube River as a model, concluded that cooperation was not just for water agreements and factors such as environmental concerns, regional security, regional benefits (such as joining organizations and ::union::s), mediation (governments, international organizations, and institutions), etc., are effective in this process.

Sara Kaviani Ahangar, Rasool Mahdavi, Gholamreza Zehtabian, Hamid Gholami, Ashok K Chapagain,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

Desertification is a serious environmental and socio-economic threat to the planet. The aim of this study is to use a scientific, reasonable and repeatable method to evaluate the process of vegetation and land use as two important factors in the process of desertification on different scales (local-regional and global). In this study, Sarvestan plain in Fars province was selected as the study area. For this purpose, Landsat images were used for TM (1993), ETM + (2001 and 2006) and OLI / TIRS (2016). Image monitoring was performed using image differentiation, NDVI index difference and land use maps. In 1993, 2001, and 1993, and 2016 difference maps, the decrease in the amount of water in the mouth of Lake Maharloo can be clearly seen as increasing changes in the infrared band. The results of the difference between the vegetation index and the increase in vegetation in the form of agricultural lands in 2016 compared to 2006 and 1993. According to the results of the monitoring classification, from 1993 to 2016, irrigated areas decreased from 7.11 hectares to 0.7575 hectares, on the other hand, the level of saline lands increased from 143.99 hectares to 223.83 hectares and the level of cultivated lands increased. (Agricultural and horticultural) has increased from 113.28 hectares to 14/2014 hectares, which due to the importance of saline lands and land use change indicators in the studies of the desertification assessment process, it can be concluded that the desertification process in the study area is growing.
Doctor Ahmad Rashidinejad, Doctor Morad Kaviani Rad, Doctor Mottaqi,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)

The position of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers is in the least compatible with national borders or with the political and strategic considerations of regional countries. The sources of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are located in Turkey, and Turkish authorities believe they own the resources. A project called "Gap" or "Anatolian" in the framework of the construction of more than 22 dams and 19 hydroelectric projects and development of the agricultural system in the Tigris and Euphrates watersheds has been on the Turkish governmentchr('39')s agenda by 2023, reflecting the security threat. The environmental and water security of the downstream countries (Iraq, Syria and Iran) have been demonstrated. The present study is based on the assumption of reflecting the Hydropolitic relations of the Tigris and Euphrates basin (based on Gap Project) with the viewpoint of continuing climate change and changing rainfall patterns and increasing water use in downstream countries using library resources. In the form of a threat to the security of the southwestern areas of Iran, it will intensify. The results showed that the consequences of the Hydropolitic approach of the Tigris and Euphrates countries, especially Turkey, besides threatening environmental security, affect other aspects of security in the economic, social and political spheres in the southwest of the country.

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