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Showing 3 results for Motaghi

Abed Golkarami, , Afshin Motaghi, Hossien Rabiee,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)

Knowing Country and understanding the capacity of its perimeter and international environment are essential components of the economy that the foreign policy of any country should be on the basis of territorial and social. The country relies on its geopolitical foundations that they are influenced by its geographical location can affect codification foreign policy in the international economy. Hence, this paper with an analytical -descriptive method to survey the geopolitical and geographical foundations of Islamic Republic of Iran's economy. This paper show that Economy of Islamic Republic Iran away with its Geopolitical foundations and to achieve an effective economic on the closed surrounding and international environment, review in Geopolitical foundations of foreign policy that is mentioned in the form of five components are necessary and is inevitable. Hence, Islamic Republic of Iran to pursue these foundations in foreign policy strategy, not only effects will be in terms of political and cultural on international environment but also in terms geo-economic impact on international political economy.

Murad Kaviani Rad, Afshin Motaghi Disfani, Hossein Mokhtari Hashi, Ahmad Rashidinejad,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

International rivers, as borders or crossing national borders, have been considered as a significant part of international relations. Especially, approximately half of the world's population lives within the basin of these rivers, and more than 90% are living in countries with these basins. This condition, by creating an undeniable relationship of interdependence, has made water a critical issue for these countries. Thus, as populations and economies grow and develop and national water resources are exploited for additional growth and development, government action and reaction to a higher share of these transnational sources will increase. By the way, the type of government interaction in line with exploiting these common resources includes a wide range of cooperation to tension and war. In some parts of the world, common water resources in the form of rivers have used as a linking factor between nations and governments. So that, instead of conflict, the beneficiary countries take the path of cooperation and convergence and they have taken important steps with regard to the development of the region as optimal management of common water resources. Although the achievement of international cooperation is a long, lengthy and complex path, always, there are many ways to follow, many steps to take, and many options for appraisal and selection. The current research is a descriptive-analytical research and by means of library resources and examining the practical status of cooperation in a part of the Danube River as a model, concluded that cooperation was not just for water agreements and factors such as environmental concerns, regional security, regional benefits (such as joining organizations and ::union::s), mediation (governments, international organizations, and institutions), etc., are effective in this process.

Reyhane Salehabadi, Syrus Ahmadi, Afshin Motaghi,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Borders are known as places where government institutions implement their own law in a variety of ways and forms. Given the different approaches to border control and management, it can be seen that this issue is still viewed as a security issue in developing countries, including Iran, and most of the approaches related to this are from a purely security perspective. The boundary view must be multidimensional and comprehensive. In this study, we seek to answer the questions of how land border management can be done. And which of the indicators of border management is more weighty and important? Therefore, the research method is a combination of Kendall, Demetel and AHP methods. The findings of the study show that we have five main components of border management in economic, cultural-social, civil, security-military and integrated management, and each of the seven components. Using these techniques, it can be stated that indicators such as identifying and identifying opportunities and identifying their fertility factors (0.1), studying and understanding the geographical location and spatial conditions of border regions (0.099), can be determined and determined. Identifying threats and identifying their roots and factors (0.098) and excluding border areas of isolation (0.096) are the most important. Therefore, it can be concluded that border management should be considered in combination with other factors, ie the application of only one approach, such as economic or security, cannot solve the problems of the country's border regions.

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