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Showing 13 results for Nasiri

Miss Sorayya Derikvand, Dr Behrooz Nasiri, Dr Hooshang Ghaemi, Dr Mostafa Karampoor, Dr Mohammad Moradi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

sudden stratospheric warming has an obvious effect on the Earth's surface climate. In this research, the changes in precipitation during the occurrence of this phenomenon have been investigated. For this purpose, after revealing the warmings that occurred during the studied period (1986-2020), 18 warmings were identified. The 5th decile and 9th decile of precipitation were calculated for the precipitation data of 117 stations. And the size of the difference from the normal rainfall was checked in two ways. First, the precipitation at the time of warming was compared with the long-term average, and then the trend of changes in precipitation at three times before thewarming, at the same time as the warming, and after the warming was finished. Finally, these results were obtained. Warmings according to the month in which they occur; They have a different effect on the amount of precipitation. In the sudden stratospheric warming that occurred in December, January and February, the northwest experiences the most rainfall changes and is above normal, and the probability of rainfall above the 9th decile increases up to 65%. Western and southwestern regions also have higher than average rainfall and the probability of heavy rainfall is high. Precipitation on the shores of the Caspian Sea shows an inverse relationship with sudden stratospheric warming, so in all the investigations of this research, the lack of precipitation at the time of warming in these areas is significant. Southern regions have less than normal rainfall in all sudden stratospheric warming events. The center of Iran has higher than average rainfall in the sudden stratospheric warming months of March. Eastern Iran also has heavy rains compared to normal during the sudden stratospheric warming months of March.

Mr Danesh Nasiri, Dr Reza Borna, Dr Manigheh Zohorian Pordel,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Widespread and frequent droughts in recent decades in Khuzestan province have become one of the most important challenges of this province. The use of remote sensing products in temporal and spatial monitoring of drought can play a key role in managing this risk and reducing and adjusting its destructive effects. The main goal of this research is to provide a remote sensing index for temporal and spatial monitoring of drought in Khuzestan province and its validation using station meteorological drought indices. In this research, by using the products of vegetation (MOD13C2) and land surface temperature (MOD11C3) of MODIS sensor, a drought index based on vegetation called VHI plant health index was produced. SPI Meteorological Drought Index, which was based on station rainfall data during the statistical period of 2000-2012, was used to evaluate and quantify this index. The comparison of VHI drought index with three-month SPI meteorological drought index values showed a significant correlation between 0.68 and 0.75. By identifying 4 years with widespread and relatively severe drought in Khuzestan province (based on both VHI and SPI indices), which included the years 2000, 2005, 2012, 2015, the spatial distribution pattern of meteorological drought and VHI plant drought to In general, it indicated that the northern parts of the province were generally involved in mild to moderate droughts and the southern parts were generally involved in moderate to severe droughts. The spatial correlation matrix based on the number of 2500 pixels with dimensions of 5x5 km, which included VHI and SPI values of selected drought years, indicated the existence of a significant spatial correlation between the two mentioned indicators. In the widespread drought of 2000, at the level of Khuzestan province, two drought indices VHI and SPI, the correlation was equal to 0.47, and in 2005, equal to 0.35, and
Dr Mahdi Charaghi, Dr Hossein Tahmasebi Moghaddam, Master's Student Mohammad Reza, Nemati, Phd Saeed Nasiri Zare,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Undoubtedly, the development of tourism in any region requires a precise identification of the area and the provision of facilities and services needed by tourists, which is essential for the purpose of planning at all levels in order to achieve the successful development of tourism. This research deals with the pathology of service provision and prioritization of tourist destinations in terms of tourism potential in Zanjan province. The research was a combination of qualitative and quantitative, which was the method of collecting information in the form of interviews and questionnaires. In order to analyze the interviews from MaxQuda, the hierarchical analysis model was used to evaluate the criteria and the geographic model was used for the geographical distribution of tourist destinations. According to the findings of the research, Zanjan province, despite having suitable capacities for tourism, suffers from many problems such as lack of facilities, instability in policies to improve the quality of tourism services, and lack of management and planning in tourism development, and has not yet enjoyed proper progress in this field. The low general level of services and inconsistency in planning and different views on tourism are the two main problems of the tourism services sector in Zanjan province. But according to the geographical distribution, tourist destinations: Soltanieh dome, gen chimneys, Angoran mine, Oljaito ecotourism resort, Soltanieh ecotourist resort, boutique hotel, Zulfaqari mansion, El Daghi, Seyed Mohammad bridge, Zanjan Jame Mosque, Khedevi house, colorful mountains in the first cluster This means that the tourist destinations in question are surrounded by high capabilities and more population, which should be placed as priority areas in the planning and development of services.
Ali Nasiri,
Volume 16, Issue 40 (3-2016)

 Today, the resiliency of the human centers, especially urban centers against the natural hazards such as earthquakes, is one of the main challenges in the targeted management of urban. One of the effective strategies in the control, containment and prevention of risks from earthquakes is zoning of urban areas in terms of vulnerability. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to determine the zoning and seismic active zones in the urban area of Urmia city. The seismic – tectonic situation and recorded seismic data  surveyed in the current study. findings showed that there were seismic active zones in the Uremia city area. The seismic effects and geo-tectonic results Verified, so the results marked that local geology condition would be effective in earth motion. This research investigated the local geology features especially fault, geo units and seismic data in zoning of seismic risk. Many methods are proposed by different researchers. In this study the SABTA (1987) method has been used for estimating seismic risk by using most important parameters such as seismic, fault and geology data. The obtained results showed that the P.G.A measure variation was from 0.035 to 0.33 which indicated the existence of seismic activity in the study area.

Esmaeil Nasiri, Ali Ahmadi, Reza Rahmani ,
Volume 17, Issue 44 (3-2017)

Migration is among important issues that less developed and developing countries have confirmed during the recent five decades. This issues in Iran has attraced a lot of researcher and planner views. Irregular and increasing migrations have created a lot of consequences for cities and the target settlements, social effects of migration on the cities is among such consequence these, in this project, ethnocentrism, linguistic diversity and conformance quality are considered among the city's residents. This issue has been studied in Takestan Qazvin. For illustrating the issue, theories of Michael Todaro, Edward Sapir, Benjamin Whorf and William Samner have been used. The research has been done according to library methods (documents) and field methods (special for questionnaires and measurement).In addition to confirming the questionnaire by the experienced faculties, its reliability has been obtained in accordance with Cornbrash’s Alpha coefficient by 82,2 percent and the SPSS software is used for analyzing and processing. The result obtained by analyzing questionnaire filled in by 400 people that the number has been chosen according to Morgan's Table, and the people have been chosen randomly, shows that there is a meaning full relation ship between ethnocentrism and linguistic diversity with development of the city. 

Rahmatollah Shojaei Moghadam, Mostafa Karampoor, Behroz Nasiri, Naser Tahmasebipour,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)

The purpose of this study is to analyze and analyze Iran's precipitation over the past half-century(1967-2017). For this purpose, the average monthly rainfall of Iran during the statistical period of 50 years was extracted from Esfazari databases (Which is provided using data from 283 stations of Synoptic and Climatology). Regression analysis was used to analyze the trend and to analyze the annual and monthly rainfall cycles of Iran, spectral analysis was used. Investigation and analysis of monthly precipitation trend indicates that except for central Zagros (Lorestan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari and Gorgan areas, where rainfall in winter season has increased trend), in other parts of the country and in other seasons, the trend of decline Precipitation is prevalent. The study of Iranian rainfall cycles has been shown  that Most of Iran's rainfall cycles are 2 to 4 years old and have a short term course. Meanwhile, there are two middle-cycle 25-year cycles in January-July and two long-term 50-year cycles in March and December, indicating a trend in the March and December rainfall. The two months of February and October lacked a clear cycle. The analysis of the auto-correlation model of rainfall showed that the high spatial auto-correlation model in winter was consistent with the western, southwestern and coastal of the Caspian Sea and covered about 14% of the country's. The low spatial auto-correlation model is found in sparse spots in the southern, central and southeastern regions of the country in winter and spring, and covered about 7.5% of the country's. The results of this study indicate that the overall trend of Iran's rainfall is decreasing trend and only in winter, in the small regions of the country, the increase trend is observed.

Elham Yarahmadi, Mostafa Karampoor, Hooshang Ghaemi, Mohammad Moradi, Behrouz Nasiri,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

Investigating of rainfall behavior in the spatial-temporal dimension and determining the tolerance thresholds of different geographical areas with respect to vegetation, animal life and human activities, is essential for any decision in the environment. Therefore, precipitation data of 27 stations were received from the Meteorological Organization during the 60-year period and After the data were evaluated qualitatively, The distribution of temporal and spatial mean, coefficient of variation, skewness and probability distribution of 20% maximum and minimum monthly and seasonal autumn and winter, for a period of 60 years (1951-2010), two 30-year periods (1980-1951), (1981- 2010) and two 10-year periods (2010-2001), (1951-1960) were calculated  and were zoned using GIS. Studies show, except on the shores of the Caspian Sea, there is little change between autumn and winter patterns. The average rainfall of the southern shores of the Caspian Sea has decreased to the west and east. in other areas of the country, the spatial and temporal variations of rainfall in the autumn are very highand from the north to the south, the mean decreases and the coefficient of variation and skewness increase. In winter, maintaining the pattern of autumn, the average precipitation increases and the coefficient of variation decreases. The average precipitation of 30 years and 10 years of the second winter season, compared to the first 30 years and 10 years, and also the 60 year period, has decreased in most stations, which is consistent with the results of the Mannkundal test. Analysis and review of the 20% minimum and maximum seasonal rainfall show that the intensity and range of performance of winter precipitation systems in the second 30 years have decreased. Also, the frequency and severity of drought in the autumn season have increased in the second 30 years and in the last 10 years. The highest decline occurred in the western and eastern parts of the Caspian coast and in the northwest, which requires special attention to managers in light of the areas of activity and concentration of the population.

Mohammad Motamedi, Seyedhassan Rasouli, Mohammad Nasiri,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

In public organizations such as municipalities, the design and deployment of a performance and control assessment system can lead to the proper management of urban managers on the road to achieving goals, tasks, strategies and development plans and urban development, in accordance with the quality, cost and time desired. Therefore, this article attempts to study the satisfaction of urban performance in urban services by using the views of citizens of the city of Farouj. For this assessment, using theoretical studies, 21 types of urban services were selected in three sections: Technical, Public and Cultural Services. At the next stage, the questionnaire was designed based on these services. Then, 400 questionnaires were distributed among the citizens of the case study city. In the next step, 380 questionnaires were completely and correctly collected and entered into SPSS software. Finally, the results of the study were analyzed by statistical tests. The results of the research indicate that the average satisfaction rate of public services in the city of Farouj is 3.53, which can be said that the level of citizens' compliance with this service is in the middle level. The average satisfaction rate of technical services in the city of Farouj has been calculated to be 3.31, and the average satisfaction rate of cultural services in city of Farouj has been calculated to be equal to 3.5. The results of statistical analysis indicate that the level of significance is more than 0.05 in relation to four of the urban services. This means that in terms of the services of sports spaces, the collection and disposal of surface water, the quality of leisure travelers and the respect of the clients, the level of satisfaction of citizens is equal to the average. In relation to two indicators of pedestrian quality and public participation, the mean difference with the statistical test was calculated to be 0.16 and -0.19 respectively, which indicates that the satisfaction of these services is lower than the limit on average. In other indicators, citizens' satisfaction is above average

Bhroz Sobhani, Fatemeh Nasiri,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

Recognition and determination of ecological susceptible regions for proper bedding is importance and vital affair for regional planning and specially agriculture part. Climate and topography are main environmental components which altitude and cultivation product generation capability are depend their in every region.  So , studying of effective climate factors and elements on agriculture have special importance. In current study , in order to agriculture ecological homogeneous geographical regions determination ; satellite images of Geographical Information Bases (GIS) were used which they are provider of new horizon and dimensions for effective discovering and fields resources management and we try to show Rapeseed cultivation ecological zoning usage development by combining modern tools , instruments and methods at Ardebil plain region. In order to recognition of mentioned susceptible regions in studied case climate data statistics were used that they include ; temperature degree , precipitation, relative humidity and environmental capability data such as ; inclination, height and multi-criteria decision making based on Analysis of Networks Process(ANP). Then layers were prepared by weighting and according to criteria and they were combined and also layers overlapping were done on GIS environment and ultimate layer of fields proportion was prepared for Rapeseed cultivation. Based on results analysis , studied region fields for Rapeseed cultivation include 33/38% without limitation ; 02/10% of fields with low limitation; 96/33% with medium limitation ; 71/17% of fields with high limitation

Sahar Nasiri, Boroumand Salahi, Aliakbar Rasouli, Faramarz Khoshakhlagh,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

Atmospheric circulation is important to determine the surface climate and environment, and affect regional climate and surface features. In this study, to quantify its effect, the classification system, developed by Lamb is applied to obtain circulation information for Ardabil, North West Province in Iran, on a daily basis, and is a method to classify synoptic weather for study area. For that purpose, daily mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) for extreme precipitation days from 1971 to 2007 is used to derive six circulation indices and to provide a circulation catalogue with 27 circulation types. The frequency of circulation types over different periods is computed and described. Five circulation types are most recognised in this study: E, SE, A, C and CSE. The catalogue and the associated indices provide a tool to interpret the regional climate and precipitation, and deal with the linkage between the mean extreme regional precipitations in north western of Iran and the large-scale circulation. Five circulation types E, A, SE, C and CSE are associated with high precipitation and rainy seasons (spring and September) but the most precipitation rate is resulted of cyclone family. Low pressure of north latitudes and central area of Iran with low pressure of gang from Pakistan and India.  SE is almost dominant circulation type over the years. The cold season started from august to march is characterized by frequent directional flows, especially E, SE, A, C and CSE whereas in  warm period (Apr–Aug) SE, NE, AE have  smaller role, especially in July, August and September more frequent flows dominated by SE and E. 

Mina Mirian, Mostafa Karampoor, Mohamd Moradi, Houshang Ghemi, Behrouz Nasiri,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

The purpose of this study is to determine the long-term variations in rainfall data as well as to identify wet and dry periods of 35 synoptic stations in Iran. In order to know the variation of rainfall in studied stations, average maps, coefficient of variation and skewness were drawn. Then, using the Mann-Kendall test, the significance of the trend on each station was tested at 95% confidence level. Finally, wet and dry periods were identified by using 20% high and low extreme rainfall during the 50-year study period. The results show that the general model of the country's regime is that the rainfall levels from the north to the south-east and from the west to the east of the country are reduced. The lowest values of the coefficient of variation and skewness are related to the northern regions especially the Caspian seaside and the highest amounts are in the southern regions, especially in the south and south-east. In general, the results of the Mann-Kendall test show that rainfall data in the seasonal scale, with the exception of several synoptic stations, do not show a significant trend. Most wet periods occur in the spring and the lowest in summer and the highest dry periods occur in the autumn and the lowest in spring. The number of droughts in the cold periods is significant. Also, the frequency of occurrence of dry periods is more than wet periods.

Mr Danesh Nasiri, Dr Reza Borna, Dr Manijeh Zohourian Pordel,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

Knowledge of supernatural microphysical properties and revealing its relationship with the spatial temporal distribution of precipitation can significantly increase the accuracy of precipitation predictions. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between the Cloud microphysical structure and the distribution of precipitation in Khuzestan province. In this regard, first 3 inclusive rainfall events in Khuzestan province were selected and their 24-hour cumulative rainfall values were obtained. The rainfall event of 17December2006, was selected as a sample of heavy rainfall, 25 March 2019, as a medium rainfall case, and finally 27 October 2018, as a light rainfall case. Microphysical factors of clouds producing these precipitations were obtained from MODIS (MOD06) cloud product. These factors included temperature, pressure, and cloud top height, optical thickness, and cloud fraction. Finally, by generating a matrix with 64000 information codes, and performing spatial correlation analysis at a confidence level of 0.95, the relationship between the Cloud microphysical structure and the spatial values and distribution of selected precipitates was revealed. The results showed that in the case study of heavy and medium rainfall, the spatial average of 24-hour cumulative rainfall in the province was 36 and 12 mm, respectively. A fully developed cloud structure with a cloud ratio of more than 75% and a vertical expansion of 6 to 9 thousand meters, with an optical thickness of 40 to 50, has led to the occurrence of these widespread and significant rainfall in the province. While in the case of light rain, a significant discontinuation was seen in the horizontal expansion of the cloud cover in the province and the cloud cover percentage was less than 10%. In addition, the factors related to the vertical expansion of the cloud were much lower, so that the height of the cloud peak in this rainfall was between 3 to 5 thousand meters. The results of this study showed that in heavy and medium rainfall cases, a significant spatial correlation was observed at a confidence level of 0.95 between MOD06 Cloud microphysical factors and recorded precipitation values, while no significant spatial correlation was observed in light rainfall case.
Alijan Shamshirband, Reza Nasiri Larimi, Seyed Mehdi Ahmadi,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

One of the areas of activity that is considered in the municipalities of the country, especially in the metropolises, is the acquisition of property, which is handed over to the municipalities in order to realize a detailed plan, a comprehensive urban plan and a plan to improve and renovate worn-out structures. Be. Therefore, annually, in order to develop the city, the municipalities construct or improve roads and construct recreational and cultural places. The purpose of this study is the legal pathology of property acquisition in a dilapidated area of ​​historical value by the municipality of Sari. The present study, in terms of descriptive-analytical nature, is an applied-developmental research based on survey and field methods. The method of collecting the required data for the research was based on the library method, documentary method and field survey method (with a questionnaire) with a sample size of 384 citizens of Sari. Chi-square statistical analysis in SPSS software was used to analyze the data in the present study. The results show that the most important internal damage of the municipality in the acquisition of property located in the dilapidated areas of Sari, respectively, including poor information of laws and legal mechanisms, lack of coordinated executive procedures, lack of continuous tariff updates. The price of real estate is the lack of timely implementation of plans and plans and the lack of legal studies in the preparation of plans. Therefore, Sari Municipality should increase the strengths and reduce the weaknesses and create structural and functional cohesion and internal integration in the ownership of the properties located in the project, rather than inter-sectoral (inter-organizational) and extra-sectoral (extra-organizational) extraversion. To organize the worn-out tissues of Sari city.

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