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Showing 10 results for Rahmani

Esmaeil Nasiri, Ali Ahmadi, Reza Rahmani ,
Volume 17, Issue 44 (3-2017)

Migration is among important issues that less developed and developing countries have confirmed during the recent five decades. This issues in Iran has attraced a lot of researcher and planner views. Irregular and increasing migrations have created a lot of consequences for cities and the target settlements, social effects of migration on the cities is among such consequence these, in this project, ethnocentrism, linguistic diversity and conformance quality are considered among the city's residents. This issue has been studied in Takestan Qazvin. For illustrating the issue, theories of Michael Todaro, Edward Sapir, Benjamin Whorf and William Samner have been used. The research has been done according to library methods (documents) and field methods (special for questionnaires and measurement).In addition to confirming the questionnaire by the experienced faculties, its reliability has been obtained in accordance with Cornbrash’s Alpha coefficient by 82,2 percent and the SPSS software is used for analyzing and processing. The result obtained by analyzing questionnaire filled in by 400 people that the number has been chosen according to Morgan's Table, and the people have been chosen randomly, shows that there is a meaning full relation ship between ethnocentrism and linguistic diversity with development of the city. 

Sana Rahmani, Sayed Hossein Vahedi, Leila Abedi Far, Saleh Ebrahimi Pour,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

Iran is among the countries which id most vulnerable to natural disasters, especially earthquakes. This natural phenomenon creates a disaster in an area of Iran every few years and destroys the human and financial potentials of the country and it has also irreversible mental and emotional consequences. Due to the unexpected nature of most natural disasters and the need for rapid and accurate decision-making and implementation process, fundamental and theoretical basis has created a knowledge called crisis management. Bojnord city is the center of Bojnord town in North Khorasan province and is the largest city in the province. The city is one of the high altitudes of North Khorasan and is a mountainous region from the natural perspective. Based on census population in 2011, Bojnord has a population over 207,196 people. Bojnord is one of the cities that are located in a zoning with a very high relative risk. Moses Baba fault and Dubarar-tower fault of Bojnord are located in the immediate vicinity of city and in some regions the city is built along this fault. Faults in Bojnord have been the origin of devastating earthquakes in history and are able to work once again and threaten the city which determined the importance and role of crisis management and passive defense in earthquake more than ever. In addition to the potential threat, Bojnord faults has made clear the adverse consequences arising from the filling of Bojnord plain from human habitations and the development of the city towards the fault line at a distance of 150 meters and this has also attracted attention to passive defense two times more. Therefore, identifying risk zones (faults and earthquakes) in the city can show the vital artery in low risk decision areas and zones with low risk for the construction of temporary housing camps during the crisis. Bojnord is in a bowl surrounded by mountains and down the valley. 

Mostafa Ghadami, Farveh Rahmani, Jamaleddin Honarvar,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

Industrial revolution and its resulting changes have led to urban horizontal growing. Environmental pollution, more energy consumption, development without planning, Increased spending on infrastructure, particularly in the area of urban construction are the consequences of the urban horizontal growing. To remedy the crisis, efforts have been made to recognize patterns of urban development and the realization of sustainable urban form. Meanwhile, the compact city strategy was presented to solve the proposed problems. Compact city is an urban strategy to tackle the problem of sporadic and uncontrolled physical growth of cities. This study aimed to identify the obstacles to the realization of compact city strategy in the central part of Sari. The research method is qualitative on the basis of a theoretical approach. Data was collected in two ways of documentation and semi-structured interviews. The sample included people involved in urban development projects. Purposeful sampling was done using the snowball technique and finally 10 specialists in the research area were selected as the study sample. Results suggest that the presence of monuments, low interest of investors for construction, and inefficient transport system were among the obstacles of the realization of compact city strategy in the research area
Mr Ghorbanali Karimi Dehkordi, Phd Rahmatollah Monshizadeh, Phd Bijan Rahmani,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

The rapid expansion of cities and their uneven physical growth, so-called "urban creep", have corrupted the villages and their surrounding lands, causing irregular conversion of agricultural lands and degradation of environmental resources. This situation has also been widespread in Shahrekord, the capital of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. The purpose of this descriptive-survey research is to determine the physical developments of rural settlements around Shahrekord with emphasis on urban sprwal. The statistical population is household heads of rural areas (15000 people). Using the Krejcie and Morgan table, 400 individuals were selected. The tool used is a researcher-made questionnaire on three dimensions of economic, social, cultural and environmental physical consequences. Data were analyzed using one-sample t-test and Friedman test. The results show that the consequences of urban sprawl are respectively environmental-physical consequences (3/98), economic consequences (3/96) and socio-cultural consequences (3/89 (. The most important environmental-physical consequences are increased environmental pollution, destruction of traditional architecture, destruction of biodiversity; major economic consequences of stock markets and rising land and housing prices, diminishing villagers' reluctance to productive activities (agriculture and livestock), capital flight from villages And their savings in the city and the rising cost of living amidst the socio-cultural consequences of luxury and the tendency to consume luxury goods, reduce solidarity and participation, crowding and crowding in cities, modeling of life and urbanization culture. have been.

Mohtaram Mirzaeian, Dr Bijan Rahmani, Dr Majid Shams, Dr Abbas Malekhoseini,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

The real world has been created of extremely complex mosaics. The regional analysis entails the study of the mechanism of the processes involved in systems that are capable to explain the emergence, growth and decline of a region, but like any other geographic research, doing comparison in such a study is inevitable. The cities of the world are now the homes of more than half of the world’s population. Perhaps the most important global challenge of our age is to make sure that whether the planet remains habitable and provides sufficient resources for future generations. In this study, a descriptive-analytic method has been used to analyze the effects of information and communication technology in urban sustainable development in west urban areas of Kermanshah province. The statistical population of the study consisted of 184642 people that 386 individuals were randomly selected as the sample. The required data were collected by documentary-library method and field study and analyzed and processed using SPSS software and variance analysis model. The results showed that the cities of Qasr-eShirin, Gilan-e Gharb, KerendGharb, Sarpol-e Zahab and Islam AbadGharb obtained the first to fifth ranks respectively in terms of the affectability from information and communication technology in sustainable urban development.

Robabeh Rajabi Amirabad, Bijan Rahmani,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

The rapid growth of urbanization in recent decades and the neglect of qualitative aspects of human life have had adverse effects on the individual and social health of the community and urban life. Generally, life quality addresses social, environmental, and the economic issues. Plans should be consistent with improving life quality. On the other hand, improving the life quality can result in developments in social, economic, physical and service-providing areas. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of Malayer urban spaces in improving the citizen’s life quality including variables such as the quality of facilities in the city, social environmental, economic quality and environmental quality, , security and relaxation, and so on. The method used in this study was a combination of analytical and case-oriented methods. The type of the study was a developmental one and the area understudy was Malayer with 52697 households and an area of ​​2,400 hectares. Quantitative models and statistical procedures such as development indicators, standardized scores, correlation coefficient, t-test, multiple regression, variance analysis, coefficient of variation, factor analysis, and 60 variables as the indicators of this study were used to assess and evaluate the life quality in Malayer as far as social, economic, environmental and physical aspects of life were concerned. Using Cochran's formula, 384 random samples were selected from different parts of the city and were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistical analysis using SPSS software. The obtained findings showed that the economic index of life quality with 58% was more inappropriate than the social, cultural and physical ones, while social and cultural indicators with 42% were in a moderate situation. The results also showed that the components of the quality of economic environment, working environment, transportation and the community are in an unfavorable condition in Malayer. Thus it is possible to increase the life quality in Malayer through  improving the economic, social, cultural and relative access to urban services.
Seyed Hossein Shahed, Bijan Rahmani, Pegah Moridsadat,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

Today, tourism and related jobs, with job creation, improved quality of life, income distribution and optimal utilization of resources, and thus plays an important role in rural economic development in rural development. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to explain the components of tourism and sustainable entrepreneurship development in the rural areas of the central part of Hamadan. Research, Purpose, and Methodology The statistical population of this study was calculated according to the statistical yearbook of Hamedan province in 1395 with 524688 people (23476 households). Taken. The results show that rural tourism in the area by creating employment, increasing income levels, diversification of economic activities, social relationships spread between the host community and visitors to the protection of cultural heritage and natural environment has helped to prevent the inappropriate migration and Optimization of The earth helps sustainable rural development and, among other things, enhances government support (such as insurance, transit facilities, etc.). The tourism sector "," facilitate the setting up of tourism businesses in terms of time and cost "," reduce environmental pollution and promote environmental health in rural areas (waste management and garbage collection, sanitation, ... »greatest impact Has a range of studies on tourism development and entrepreneurship.
Leyla Ghasemi, Farveh Farveh Rahmani, Tahereh Bayat,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

Humans in the course of urban development in order to conduct the affairs of the citizens have attempted to establish a municipal entity and the duties and responsibilities to municipalities are considered. municipal performance analysis can be the best way to ensure proper duties as mayor. this study aimed to evaluate the satisfaction level of citizens the function and importance of the services that municipalities offer is made. the research method is descriptive-analytical and data collection method based on the Library, and field documents (questionnaires, respectively). Spss software was used for data analysis. statistical methods used in this paper Methods of Correlation Kendall's t-test and Kruskal-Wallis test.the results indicate that the satisfaction of the citizens of the municipality varies according to their age. satisfaction of citizens less than 40 years of municipal performance is much lower than average. and satisfaction of citizens over 40 years, is mediocre. Citizens' satisfaction with the quality of service and how information is below, but the degree of satisfaction of the authorities, employers and employees, is moderate. Among development duties-technical, service and social-cultural municipalities of the perspective of citizens in the region, there are significant differences in terms of importance. In a manner that is most important tasks of municipal services.

D.r Mehrshad Toulabi Nejad, Ali Manzam Esmailpor, Sana Rahmani, Khadijeh Sadeghi,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

In recent years, one of the main approaches to rural development and increasing the well-being of rural households is the development of rural tourism. Because tourism development can play an important role in the well-being of households as well as in rural livelihoods. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of tourism on improving the welfare of coastal villages in Chabahar. The present research is a descriptive-analytical approach. The statistical population of rural households is Chabahar (N = 3720). Using Cochran formula and quota sampling method, 280 households in 6 coastal villages with tourist attractions are selected as samples. To analyze the data and to answer the research questions, unlimited exploratory co-univariate test, variance analysis and multivariate regression were used. The results showed that in terms of economic welfare indicators, tourism had the most effects on seasonal employment, income growth, housing development, and local economy mobility. In terms of social welfare indicators, tourism has the most impact on improving leisure time, changing lifestyle and lifestyle, developing health facilities, and increasing the sense of belonging to local people. Also, the results showed that tourism in the villages of the study area had significant effects on the economic and social well-being of rural households, but compared with social indicators, tourism had the most impact on economic well-being and its indicators. In line with the findings of the research, suggestions were made regarding the development of rural tourism and the welfare of rural households.

Maryam Rahmani Lashgari, Alireza Estalaji, Azita Rajabi, Majid Vali Shariat Panahi,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

Social sustainability today, as the most important dimension of sustainable development, has an important place in urban planning and its importance in planning is constantly increasing with the increase of social problems and divergence between neighborhoods in terms of performance and participation. Therefore, this requires more research in urban studies. This study was conducted to investigate the role of social participation in the development of social sustainability in neighborhoods. For this purpose, the significance of the significant effect of these two variables has been measured. The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. Data collection was library and field method. The statistical population of the study consists of a group of experts who were selected by the available method of 20 people as the sample size of the study. Data collection tool is a questionnaire based on theoretical foundations and studies conducted on a five-point Likert scale. Data analysis was performed using structural equations with the help of Emus software. The results showed that the social participation of citizens in neighborhoods with a coefficient (beta) of 0.732 has a positive effect on sustainable social development of these neighborhoods and the relationship between these two variables is significant. In other words, sustainable social development will be strengthened by strengthening social participation. And the variables of sense of belonging, satisfaction with the neighborhood, participation in neighborhood activities and trust also have a positive effect on the variables of social participation in neighborhoods.

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