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Showing 3 results for afrakhteh

Hassan Afrakhteh, Mohammad Hajipur, Farhad Javan,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

The oil has gradually obtained a predominant place in national economy since 1950 and nowadays, is the main important resource securing country financial needs. Two questions are the base of this research regarding contradiction of oil rent and traditional economic sectors including agriculture and livestock rearing which always have been intensified. These two questions are as follows: what are the impacts of oil wealth distribution among different regions on Iran's rural economic structure? What has been the locational-spatial consequences of this oil wealth distribution on agricultural sector as a main element of Iran's rural economic structure? Research required data have collected based on document study on the country during 2006- 2011. Collected data are analyzed based on Shift-Share Analysis and Gibbs- Martin methods. Result show that there have not been any incentive in the local, regional and national management for strengthening rural economic structure using oil wealth. In addition, absence of industrial sector in rural economic structure with emphasis on agricultural sector both from policy making view and credit securing show that there have not been any logical sight on the political economic system facing rural space economy for development. 

Mehdi Shafaghati, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Hasan Afrakhteh,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

Each geographical location, topography, landscape, flora and fauna, air and climate natural resources for tourism and recreation form. Given that every business needs a bed a place in the geography of this place, defined geographical space.This geographical space supplier of tourist activities. Many factors affect the tourism industry, one of the most important climates. Along with geographic location, topography, landscape, flora and fauna, water and air as one of the most important local resource base plays a role in the development of tourism industry. Gilan province is one of the countries northern even with Mesa 14711 square kilometers .The province has two different morphology of the southern part of the province of North Alborz heights shown and the foothills and plains in coastal areas. The province because of the special circumstances of the geographical, exquisite natural scenery and abundant water resources in the row is one of the most tourist areas of the country. In this study, with the presentation of applied research, analytical and application software, Excel, Google Earth, ArcGIS10 to check the status of existing and potential climate in Gilan province was one of the country's Northern provinces. Which has convenient facilities in the field of tourism is also significant to analyze the specific situation of the province and also to discuss tourism and its development will conform to discuss climate. The result of climatic classification methods Domarten temperature and precipitation maps also will be show that there are good conditions for tourism development in the province and Finally, using the climate index TCI zoning province, and the results were presented in the field of tourism.

Mr Morad Ebrahimi, Dr Hasan Afrakhteh, Dr Hamid Jalalian,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Although decades have passed since the introduction of a sustainable agricultural approach in the country, But the agricultural system is based on the use of non-native technologies, use of chemical inputs and Excessive exploitation of nature and Therefore, the formation and development of sustainable agriculture has faced major challenges. In this research, the researchers, considering the importance of agricultural sustainability especially in rural areas of the country and its role in maintaining the basic resources, considered the issue of agricultural sustainability In the villages of the central district of kuhdasht county and have studied and analyzed the agricultural sustainability gap in this region. For this purpose, 20 villages were selected by stratified random sampling method based on the location of the villages (plain, mountainous, and foothills), indicators of agricultural sustainability were developed and After completing the questionnaires by agricultural users, coding and data entry were performed in Excel and SPSS. Then, using the TOPSIS multivariate decision analysis, the studied villages were classified based on agricultural sustainability and They were classified into four clusters (Stable, semi-stable, unstable and very unstable) using cluster analysis. The results of the study showed that the agricultural sustainability level in the villages of this region is unbalanced in ecological, social and economic dimensions. This imbalance was seen both in the rural districts and at the level of studied villages.

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