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Showing 3 results for darand

Mohammad Darand,
Volume 15, Issue 37 (9-2015)

The aim of this study is synoptic analysis of heavy precipitations in Kurdistan Province during 1/1/1961 to 31/12/2010(18263days). By using two thresholds of extensively and intensity of precipitation, 107 days have been recognized. In temporal view, the selected days occurrences in wet seasons of year that start from October to June. By applying the principle component analysis on the sea level pressure during the 107 days, the results showed that 12 components explain about 93 percent of sea level pressure variation. The results of the applying cluster analysis on the component score showed that two circulation patterns result in occurrence of extreme and heavy precipitations in Kurdistan province. In order to recognize heavy precipitation in dry season (June to October), the area mean precipitation for the province have been calculated. According to the 99 percentile threshold and extensively of precipitation the heavy phenomena recognized. By two thresholds 32 days selected and same as to the wet season precipitation the sea level pressure data from NOAA extracted. The data analyzed by Principle Component Analysis and 11 components extracted that explain the 93 percent of variation sea level pressure in the frame study. By doing cluster analysis on the 11 components, one pattern recognized for the sea level pressure.  The results showed that in lower atmospheric levels (1000, 925 and 850 hpa) occurred highest convergence on the study region during wet season. The source of humidity in the lower levels is Arabian, Red, Oman, Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Seas. In the high level atmosphere, the value of convergence is low. The sources of humidity in high levels atmosphere are Red and Mediterranean Seas. In the mid level atmosphere (500 hpa) the presence of trough results in nutrition of the instability on the study region. Also during dry season, the highest moisture flux convergence occurred in the low levels but the resource of the moisture is Caspian Sea. In the upper levels (from 700 hpa to up) in addation to Caspian Sea, Mediterranean and Red sea are the resource of heavy precipitations.
H Hossain Asakereh, M Mehdi Doustkamian, M Mohammad Darand,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze turbulence, fluctuations and jumps of Iranian regions. For this purpose, environmental data has been gathered in two parts. In the first part of the data, the results of the interpolation of the daily precipitation observations of 1434 stations of climate and climate were used from the beginning of 1340 to 1383. After the formation of a database to identify the Iranian regions, a cluster analysis was used on average data and annual and monthly rainfall variation coefficients. Silhouette analysis has been used to validate the Iranian rainy areas. In order to investigate disturbances, mutations and fluctuations in Iran's rainy areas, this study was carried out. The results of cluster analysis indicate that Iran's peripheral areas are divided into six classes. In the meantime, the Caspian region (area 4) has the highest rainfall and the lowest coefficient of variation. The distribution of rainfall regime in each of the six areas shows that Iran's precipitation regime is more frequent in winter and spring and sometimes in autumn. Investigation and analysis of rainfall turmoil has shown that rainfall, except in the 4th district (Caspian region), in other areas of distribution of rainfall occurred along with disturbance. Although most disturbances occur in the zagros area, the highest sequence of disturbances is related to the fifth load region. The least sequence of disturbances occurred in the central and eastern part of the country. The results of mutation analysis and fluctuations indicate that rainfall disturbances, except in the early years of precipitation regions two and five in other regions of the other regions, have no significant mutation, while short-term fluctuations of 3-5 years on rainfall Each of the six domains has dominated.

Farshad Pazhoh, , Mehry Akbary, Mohammad Darand,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

The aim of this study is to identify the spatial distribution of Vertically Integrated Moisture Flux Convergence (Vertically Integrated) Moisture Flux Convergence) on Iran’s atmosphere. To achieve this aim, the monthly ECMWF gridded data used during the period from 1/1979-12/2013. First, based on the specific humidity content in the atmosphere, troposphere divided into three layers (850-1000hPa), mid (700-775hPa) and upper (500-600hPa). In order to achieve VIMFC spatial variations on Iran, spatial self-correlation methods   of globular moron and hot spots used at 90, 95, 99 and 99/99 percent significance levels. The results of this study showed that the spatial distribution of VIMFC in Iran during the first layer of troposphere and especially during warm months of year has a high cluster pattern and in cold months of the year and in the third layer of troposphere cluster pattern decrease. Based on the hot spots index in the first layer of troposphere low height regions, in the second layer of troposphere the  high regions of the Alborz, zagros and central mountains and in the third layer of troposphere alpine regions of central and eastern Iran's mountains has positive spatial self-correlation (hot spots). The results show that in winter and autumn during the second period (1999-2013), the range of hot spots of the VIMFC show a significant reduction compared to the first period (1979-1998) on Iran.

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