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Dr. Mahmoud Dehghan, Dr. Ataalah Abdi, Dr. Afshin Mottaghi, Dr. Mirhadi Hosseini,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
In geopolitics literature, small and low-endowment states that compound lesser geopolitical potentiality and weight are considered as the trivial scale agents in comparison with the first and second level powers. These agents, in spite of the local geopolitical codes but sometimes can effect on the regional and even global events of geopolitics. The Caucasian region, historically, have had a field for appearance and exposition of sub-khans that their overall actions and agencies effected the events of the region and due to its cultural proximities to Iran, have effected in Iran’s geopolitical functions in national scale. The present paper with descriptive-analytical method, have studied historical role of the local agencies in geopolitical events of the Caucasia and their impression on the great scale events. Secondly, the paper has studied the quality of the chosen countries of the region in current circumstances of the global system. Results indicate that the Caucasian countries act according to their historical legacy as a small-scale agents among the great scale actors.
Mrs Reyhaneh Agharajabi, Dr Mohammadreza Rasouli, Dr Seyed Mahmoud Nejati Hoseini,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
In this research, an attempt has been made to investigate the cultural geography, especially the religiosity styles of Iranian users in the Instagram space.
The approach of this research was inductive and the research was carried out using netnography or online ethnography, which is one of the qualitative methods. Based on this, Instagram pages with religious content that had many followers and the page manager to whom the page was attributed was one of the prominent people in the field of religious activities, were considered as the studied community and finally 14 pages that included different religious tendencies were selected as samples. The posts, comments and content published on these Instagram pages were considered as the unit of analysis. Coding was used for data analysis, which was done using MaxQda software. After the ritual dimension, the moral dimension was the most repeated. Finally, the typology of religiosity that represented the religious behavior of users was identified in 9 types. The influence of virtual space as a place and geographical space had an impact on the types of religiosity and religious perceptions of users. And each person represented a type of religiosity in the soft cities of the virtual space based on the accumulations of the space around him and the environmental perceptions in the religious market presented in the space of cultural geography of Instagram.
The emphasis on rituals in the culture of religiosity and dimensions of religiosity could represent a type of ritualistic religiosity. Along with this type of religiosity, traditionalist religiosity was also observed, which is supported by the official discourse of religiosity in the society. Rational religiosity, self-referential religiosity, epistemic religiosity, mystical religiosity, mixed religiosity, emotional religiosity, and fundamentalist religiosity were other types of religiosity that showed that religious culture and religious behavior found multiple and diverse representations in cyberspace. They represent the plurality of religious values and beliefs in social groups. In this research, the profound effects of the geography of virtual space on religious culture were visible.
Sayyed Mohammad Hosseini,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
for the spatial analysis of precipitation in the Middle East, have been used gridded precipitation data from the World Precipitation Climatology Center (GPCC) with a monthly temporal resolution and a spatial resolution of 0.5×0.5 arc degrees. Therefore, a matrix of 80 x 160 dimensions was obtained for the Middle East region (160 longitudinal cells and 80 transverse cells). The reason for choosing network data is their proper spatial and temporal separation and their up-to-date compared to station data. The period under investigation is from 1970 to 2020 AD. Finally, the long-term maps of the Middle East precipitation were drawn on an annual and monthly basis. The results indicate that precipitation in the Middle East tends to concentrate and cluster in the spatial and temporal dimension. In other words, due to the special geographical location of the Middle East region, such as uneven topography, distance and proximity to moisture-feeding sources (Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and Indian Ocean) and the direction of unevenness, Precipitation in high altitude areas, It is concentrated in the neighborhood of seas and oceans and also in the windy slopes of the mountain range of the region. The uneven distribution of geographical conditions has caused uneven distribution of Precipitation in the Middle East. So that; The center and gravity of the Middle Eastern Precipitation is concentrated in the eastern end of the Black Sea, southern Turkey in the neighborhood of Syria and Iraq, the Ararat-Zagors belt in the west of Iran, the southern shore of the Caspian Sea, the Pamir highlands and the Bay of Bengal in India, and the Hindu Kush highlands in Pakistan. Is. However, the many parts of the Middle East, due to their proximity to large deserts (African Sahara, Lut Desert, Dasht-Kavir, Arabia's Rab-al-Khali and Afghan deserts), have less than 100 mm of Precipitation. The results showed that the maximum Precipitation of this region has been transferred to the winter season, and the summer season is still the driest period in the Middle East, and only the coasts of the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal have monsoon rains
Maryam Hoseini, Mohammad Karimi, Mohammad Saadimesgari, Mehdi Heydary,
Volume 16, Issue 40 (3-2016)
According to urban environment complexity and dynamism and need to targeted land use change, incorporation GIS and PSS in the form of Spatial Planning Support Systems is inevitable. The aim of this study is to develop a spatial planning support system for urban land uses change (ULCMS), such that planners can enter expert knowledge in the form of desired criteria and weights and see their influence in results. The developed system including modules for land suitability evaluation, calculation of the area of required land and land use change. Access models, neighborhood models and Multi Criteria Decision Making methods, fuzzy operators, linear regression, maximum potential and hierarchical optimization models is used in planning and implementation these modules. System practical test performed for measuring residential, commercial, industrial, agriculture and service land use changes for the year 1390 and 1395 in Shiraz city. The result shows that ULCMS help users in better understanding, showing complexity of land use system and development and improvement land management strategies for the creation of better balance between urban expansion and environmental conservation.
Ali Reza Karbalaee Doree, Sayyed Mohammad Hosseini, ,
Volume 17, Issue 47 (12-2017)
Air pollution is one of the most important natural hazards in cities that is one of the priorities of climate research. In this research, synoptic situation of days polluted by ozone in Tehran have been studied and by environmental to circulation approach and cluster analysis. At first, was formed a matrix in 2417*41. Rows are indicated days and columns represent the number of stations. by cluster analysis and Ward method eight different clusters were identified. The results showed that the frequency of the ozone days have a seasonal trend and more can be seen in the first half of year in these cases the establishment subtropical high pressure in Iran. Therefore, cause the persistency of pollution in Tehran.
Zahra Sadat Hoseini, Shahriar Khaledi, Abdolmajid Naderi Bani,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)
Paleo-climate reconstructions based on multi-proxy such as sedimentology is current in climatology investigation. In this way, National Institute of Oceanography and Atmospheric Science cored 960cm from Arzhan wetland SW of Iran than we have investigated of sedimentology. Primarily the core was measured on magnetic sensibility per 1cm and secondly was subsampled according to magnetic sensibility and were analyzed include TOC, CaCO3, and Grading laser and etc. Finally four samples of pace of plant were selected and have been dated in carbon 14 dating laboratory of Poznan, Poland, and calibrated trough of core based on Calib rev. 7.1. Dating have determined that core had covered 15000 Cal. BP. According to this investigation, we obtained 5 period of climate conditions during Pleistocene to Holocene in this area. 15000-13000 Cal. BP. Late Pleistocene climate conditions were colder and wetter period that indicate end of the Ace age. 13000-11000 Cal. BP. Climate begin to warmer and dryer. 11000-9000Cal.BP. because of this period shows many fluctuations in all proxies we named this period to the period of transfer from ace age to interglacial period. 9000-7000Cal. BP there have been warm and cold conditions compare to late Holocene. 7000- Present indeed in this period radiantly modern pattern of atmospheric circulation has been performed due to all of proxies in late Holocene begin to fixed on the same pattern. So probably atmospheric circulation from meddle Holocene begin to get harmonic to present. Any way for determinate of paleo-climate in this area we need to use of multi proxy investigation in area.
Sayyed Mohammad Hosseini,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)
Precipitation is a climatic elements that have temporal - spatial distribution. In this research database of Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) with a resolution 0.5×0.5 degree for 50 year is used, that was constituted with dimensions of 12800*600. Temporal data are on the columns and pixels (spatial data) located on the rows. The results show an increasing trend in spring and fall but in summer and winter precipitation trend has been decreased. The most amount of precipitation is located in the northern parts of the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea, Southeast Asia, southern coast of the Caspian and Central Zagros Mountains. Most of Middle East (about %95) have not trend and only in some parts of Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan ,central Iran, and areas in lower-latitude have positive trend and some East and northwest parts of Iran and some parts of Middle East also have decreasing trend of precipitation. The highest percent of area of precipitation trend gradient is 0 to 0.5.
Sayyed Mohamad Hosseini, Abdolhossein Adelzadeh,
Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)
In this research, applied synoptic model for determining the average daily temperature and its relationship with the Geopotential Height in middle level (500 HPa). Therefore, two database were used: database of atmospheric circulations, includes the data of geopotential height at 500 HPa and its data were extracted from the NCEP/DOE(US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in hours 00:00; 03:00; 06:00; 09:00; 12:00; 15:00; 18:00; and 21:00 in Zulu and other, database of environmental (surface) events. Contain of average daily temperature in the Mashhad, Torbat-Heydarieh and Sabzevar stations in Khorasan Razavi Province. The maximum and minimum of these stations in the time interval from 01/01/1987 to 01/01/2014 equal as 9862 days from the meteorological organization of Iran. Then, was calculated the correlation of the average daily temperature of selected stations with high atmospheric data (500 HPa level) with the northern hemisphere in Surfer Software. The result shown, four regions in the northern hemisphere which had high correlations with selected stations. The correlation results suggest that the United States has 25 pixels, Northern China 25 pixels, Africa 45 pixels and Japan with 65 pixels. Then, weighted average of pixels in heights by multiple regression equation station. The results of diagnostic models indicate that, per geopotential height increase in the profile, the average daily temperatures of selected stations in the Sabzevar 1.4, Torbat-Heydarieh 1.3 and Mashhad 1.3 degrees Celsius will increase.
Dr Javad Sadidi, Mr Seyed Hassan Hosseini Sajedi, ,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)
Timing framework associated with catastrophes is one of the most important issues in crisis management. In such cases, being immediate has a considerable importance and web based real-time routing service as an important tool has a significant role in relief operations improvement. At this study, a web-based real time routing service based on open source technology has designed for 11th district of Tehran aiming to efficiency enhancement of relief teams at emergency conditions. In this service ANP model was used to evaluate increasing interaction between the factors, and since the purpose of this study was to find the best possible routs between two nodes by non-negative weight according to the main distance factor, Dijkstra's algorithm has been chosen as a proper routing algorithm. Open source languages, format, libraries and software such as HTML, CSS, AJAX, GeoJSON, PHP, OpenLayer, PostGIS were also used to design the service and applying online weightings, blocking each piece of routes and re-routing procedure without blocked traffics, implementation of server-side processing and reducing the volume of the client-side’s operations, being under the browser’s surveillance, no need to install any software and the ability to use it on any operating system can be named. According to the obtained results, the path’s length and traffic’s volume variables have the most important role in target function formation (travel cost) therefore the specific path will be selected as the optimal path, with the minimized distance between the destination and the traffic volume. Depending on the traffic volume severity changes, the optimal extracted route will be changed and the system has such ability to apply online weighting in order to instantaneous routing to reduce losses.
Nafiseh Varkianipor, Doctor Seyed Mohammadreza Hosseini, Doctor Roohalla Samiee, Doctor Majid Shrafi,
Volume 19, Issue 54 (9-2019)
Abstract in the late 20th century, it has been a tremendous change in all spheres of business, such as globalization of enhancing competitiveness of information technology development competition attention to the quality of customer and such as these are the administration in the public sector with these serious challenges one of the most important approaches to address these challenges is to address the entrepreneurial debate in society as well as women play an important role in promoting employement and improving the economic situation of the community and it is an important factor in shaping social affairs. First, the analysis of sustainable rural development and sustainable development of women identified by using alpha cronbachs alpha test and sustainable development of rural sustainable development have been used to prioritize the relationship between women's entrepreneurial development and sustainable development of rural sustainable development. Women's activities led to poverty reduction and sustainable rural development.
Sohrab Amirian, Masoud Safaeipour, Mr Hassan Hosseini Amini, Mr Hossein Ebadi,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)
Vulnerability can be considered as an inherent defect in particular dimensions of the urban environment that is susceptible to damage due to its biological and physical characteristics or design features. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate Ahwaz city structures and fine-tune its vulnerability from a passive defense perspective and to move it towards the future prospects of a safe city. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical methodology based on the spatial-model studies approach. The data of this study include 11 educational, fire, administrative, police, power lines, terminals, urban facilities, business centers, roads, urban industries, gas transmission centers and health centers. GIS software was used to analyze the research data. Therefore, distance maps were designed and standardized for measuring the neighboring pattern after identifying the effective layers in the vulnerability and using the Distance tool. The FUZZY OVERLAY tool in ArcGIS software was used for spatial distribution and micro-zoning of Ahwaz vulnerability. The results show that in the section of vulnerability zoning, 29.73% of the city area is completely vulnerable, 29% vulnerable, 21.18% moderate, 13.22% low and 6.85% of the total city area in the state of vulnerability, respectively. There is very little reception.
Mohtaram Mirzaeian, Dr Bijan Rahmani, Dr Majid Shams, Dr Abbas Malekhoseini,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)
The real world has been created of extremely complex mosaics. The regional analysis entails the study of the mechanism of the processes involved in systems that are capable to explain the emergence, growth and decline of a region, but like any other geographic research, doing comparison in such a study is inevitable. The cities of the world are now the homes of more than half of the world’s population. Perhaps the most important global challenge of our age is to make sure that whether the planet remains habitable and provides sufficient resources for future generations. In this study, a descriptive-analytic method has been used to analyze the effects of information and communication technology in urban sustainable development in west urban areas of Kermanshah province. The statistical population of the study consisted of 184642 people that 386 individuals were randomly selected as the sample. The required data were collected by documentary-library method and field study and analyzed and processed using SPSS software and variance analysis model. The results showed that the cities of Qasr-eShirin, Gilan-e Gharb, KerendGharb, Sarpol-e Zahab and Islam AbadGharb obtained the first to fifth ranks respectively in terms of the affectability from information and communication technology in sustainable urban development.
Saideh Eiyni, Dr Saeide Eini,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)
The aim of this research is to investigate drought stress in rangeland rangelands in Ardabil province. According to the monthly rainfall data, 4 synoptic stations of Ardebil province (Ardebil, Khalkhal, Meshgin Shahr and Parsabad Moghan) during the statistical period of 2016-1996 were used to calculate drought index (SEPI) index for 4 periods of 1, 3, 6 and 9 months. Landsat TM and OLI satellite imagery was also used to prepare landslide classification maps based on the maximum probability model and calculation of vegetation indices NDVI, EVI, SAVI and LAI. In order to investigate the relationship between the studied indices, Pearson correlation coefficient (R) and root mean square error (RMSE) have been used. The results of the classification showed that the extent of the rangelands of Ardebil province in 1394 in the year 1377, both in the rangeland and in the rangelands, is a significant decrease. According to the results of SPI, the drought condition during 2011-2015 is more than the other periods studied. Vegetation dispersal maps were based on decision tree tree classification algorithm and according to NDVI index for the studied months. Also, according to the results of the evaluation, the highest correlation was observed between the NDVI index and the 6-month SEPI index, and the lowest mean squared error was found between the SAVI index and the 6-month SEPI index, but in general, the most suitable indicator for Drought monitoring in Ardebil province pastures is a 6-month NDVI and SEPI indicator.
Sayyed Mohammad Hosseini, Fakhry Sadat Fateminiya,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)
In this study, used the data of the Modis satellite. Satellite in the province of Hamadan for a period of 15 years to study and monitor the status of the leaf area index. The leaf area index data were analyzed. After extraction from the Modus website, coding was done in software and then extracted from the maps. Finally, the annual time series of leaf area index was obtained and its relation with rainfall and average temperature during these years. In order to investigate better, the cells above the one representing a better condition and higher leaf area density. In this regard, the years 2002, 2008 and 2011 were (0.01, 0.03, and 0.03%) of the lowest pixels higher than 1 and 2016 with 0.24 and 2014, 2009 and 2010 with 0.07 pixels higher than 1, the highest number of pixels. The common aspect of all years shows that in terms of pixels above the common places, all the years: the southern Hamadan gardens in the south of the Moradbeyk Valley, the Nahavand West fields, the south-east Malayer Gardens, the protected area Lashgar in the south-east of Malayer. The only difference seen in different years is the number of pixels. Finally, the time series of the data were the highest in 1389 and the lowest level of leaf area in the years 1381 and 2008.
Zahra Hedjazizadeh, Aras Khosravi, Seyed Asaad Hosseini, Alireza Rahimi, Ali Reza Karbalaee Doree,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)
One of the most important energy sources in the world is solar energy, which is a renewable resource and does not cause any damage to the environment. Which all of these features justify using it as a clean energy source and economically viable cost.. Due to the relatively large area of the Iran in low latitudes and relatively dry climatic conditions, in terms of solar energy utilization it uses excellent conditions. Solar power plants are considered as power generation and transmission networks whose is important that the location features of their construction sites are effective in reducing the risk of investing in solar energy. In this study, using geographic information system and fuzzy valuation method for the criteria and method of weighing (AHP), was considered the potential of the Kavir & desert region and Makran coast for the purpose of obtaining energy from the sun. For this purpose, were used the 14 criteria related to the climatic, infrastructural, and technical and physical conditions of the area. In order to overlap the fuzzy layers were used the usual operators, Gamma, Product and also the Sum Weighted Overlay operator to compare and present the appropriate result. Each of the operators has a different sensitivity to the fuzzy overlap of the layers. For this reason, was considered the Gamma 0.9 operator, due to the high sensitivity for building power plants with high electrical power generation and the Sum Weighted Overlay operator, for the construction of smaller capacity plants. In the overlay map, using the Gamma 0.9 operator, about 2%, and in the overlay map with the weighted operator, about 33% of the study areas were found to be very suitable for the construction of solar power plants.
Mrs Elaheh Asgari, Dr Mohammad Baaghideh, Dr Majid Hosseini, Dr Alireza Entezari, Dr Asghar Kamyar,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)
Understanding the main components of the watershed water basin and analyzing their hydrologic behavior are among the key components of any planning and management procedures in the field of water resources engineering. Today, the need to use modern technologies in hydrological modeling of watersheds has been discussed more than before. The purpose of this study is the simulation of hydrological components in various land use categories in the catchment area of the Dez river basin. Since the tool used in the research is the SWAT model and the SUFI-2 algorithm, the database used include a range of input data. In order to determine the level of sensitivity of the model to the input parameters, global sensitivity analysis was performed. Then, by adjusting the selected parameters and using the observation current, the model was calibrated and validated for the periods 2007 - 1994 and 2013 - 2008, respectively. The coefficients of NS, R2, P-factor and R-factor confirmed the model's ability to simulate river flow in the studied basin. The results of the model showed that the areas with forest use share the highest contribution to aquifer nutrition, and the barren lands have the highest surface runoff. Surface runoff has the leading role in creating the main stream of the river and after that the main flow has been effective in this area. The forest use change to Agricultural lands and pasture will change the hydrological parameters of the basin, and the result of these changes will lead to the increase in the surface runoff, the reduction of nutrition of groundwater resources and the reduction of river basin water. The SWAT model can be used as a precursor model in watershed management studies.
Mr Alireza Mohammadi, Mrs Elahe Pishgar, Mrs Leila Hosseini,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)
According to statistics, about 300,000 disabled people live in Iran. There are about 25,738 disabled people in Ardabil province. This calls for attention to macro-planning for the disabled. This planning involves cognitive and spatial analysis of the status of the disabled people in different parts of the country. The purpose of this study was to analyze more precisely the situation of the spatial dispersion of the disabled and their relationship with different regions of the cities of Ardabil to address further the problems of accessing urban services and creating better living conditions for people with disabilities. In the present study, indicators such as age, gender, the status of residence, type and severity of disability, marital status, education and employment were analyzed using spatial statistics analysis. Also, the geographically weighted regression (GWR) model has been used to measure the relationship between the extent of development and disability. Findings of the research show that there is no relationship between the extent of development and disability in Ardabil province. The number of disabled males is higher than that of the disabled females in all cities. Disabled people in Ardabil province are young and 91.55% of them are illiterate and close to 96.74% of them are facing unemployment problems. In almost all cities of Ardabil province (73.98), there are severe to very severe disabilities and there is no specific order among different cities in the province of Ardabil regarding the type of disability, and various disabilities have been dispersed in the province.
Somayeh Jahan Tigh Mond , Yassin Zeini Vand, Seyyed Moein Moosavi Nadoshan,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)
This study aims at organizing the city of Poldokhtar in the city of Kashkan. Using this element of natural value, the city is being restored and organized, and its potential for tourism and development of tourism and economic prosperity is to be used. The paths of the rivers within the city can be used as a linear route, and can be used as a sustainable urban tourism axis. In the case of the spatial and spatial organization of the rivers for such a purpose, various, yet standardized patterns for shaping and managing the length of rivers can be used. Finally, the findings of library studies and the results of a field survey were distributed through a questionnaire and SPSS software using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the coefficient obtained in this study was equal to 8,377, which indicates the appropriate credit for Data collection. In the final stage, using the AMOS software and the structural equivalence method, the relationship between the main components of the research and the constituent variables has been analyzed and analyzed. The range of results showed that the most important strategy for creating urban river tourism in Poldokhtar is the attempt to create a social and secure environment with facilities and ease of access and special emphasis on environmental and ecological issues. For this reason, the main criteria for design based on local capabilities are defined. It should be noted that in the social, recreational, historical and environmental areas the same procedure is used, which means that all the spatial and spatial regulation strategies and parameters of the river in line with the native nature and the needs of the people living in the area and in A word of the users of the project has been used.
Elahe Zoghi Hosseini, Darab Diba, Hamed Kamelnia, Mostafa Mokhtabad Ameri,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)
The innate sense of interaction with the region is a sign of environmental sensitivity, which is very vital in the 21st century. Today, it is inevitable that regionalism should be included in a larger discourse of architecture, and that the debate over the role of the use of regional green architecture as a factor in cultural identity and sense of place should be promoted. The present study argues that regionalist architecture has entered a new phase of its evolutionary process, which is sustainable regionalism. In this view, regions must be defined in terms of their unique resources and specific constraints. Instead of being influenced by globalization, regions must follow a complex interdependence in a global and regional interaction system that is physical, social, cultural, and most importantly ecological. Therefore, using the method of qualitative content analysis based on the logic of inductive reasoning, from the textual data and architectural experiences mentioned in the research, move and by extracting the hidden concepts in it, gradually reach more abstract levels of sustainable regionalism. We will find. In addition, using the latest works of architecture selected by international institutions and awards and competitions, we are developing examples of sustainable regionalism. Achieving a model or theoretical framework that demonstrates latent disciplines and repetitive patterns in regionalist architecture and sustainable architecture can be the culmination of research.
Taghi Ashouri, Morteza Dosti, Seyed Mohamad Hosein Razavi, Dr Abolhasan Hoseini,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)
The aim of this study is to identify and rank entrepreneurial opportunities in sports tourism based on geographical capabilities and capacities in Iran. The present study was descriptive-survey and was performed by mixed method. Data collection in this study was done in two stages. In the first phase, a list of entrepreneurial opportunities of sports tourism was identified through a search of previous research, as well as interviews with 17 people. In the next step, experts' opinions on these statements were obtained using the Delphi method. Finally, eight subfields of entrepreneurial opportunities are ranked based on Iran's geographical capacity in four temperate and humid climates, hot and humid, cold and mountainous, hot and dry, using a software program and a multivariate regression test. Based on the results, it can be said that along with economic, political, cultural factors, etc., the diversity of climate and geographical capacities is effective in the emergence and selection of opportunities. By analyzing the data, we can say that each of these opportunities has been used with different levels in Iran's four climates. Some opportunities in one climate take precedence over others. Authorities of tourism and sport in their short-term and long-term planning and planning should be instrumental in improving sport tourism by these opportunities.