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Showing 7 results for janbaz ghobadi

Shahram Emamgholi, Gholamrezaa Janbaz Ghobadi, Parviz Rezaei, Sadroddin Motevali,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Temperature is one of the basic elements of climate, so its sudden or short-term and long-term changes can change the climate structure of any place. Intense heat waves are one of the most important climatic disasters that have far-reaching effects on various human activities and when they are of high intensity and frequency, they can produce major problems. In this study, to investigate the trend of 49-year frequency series (1970-1970) of hot wave events in Tehran, from two indices of hot days and hot waves (hot days lasting 2 days or more), non-parametric statistics of Sens trend analysis were used. All stations indicate an increasing trend both in the number of hot days in Tehran and in the frequency of hot wave events in 5 stations in Tehran. In this study, two hot waves were identified in Tehran, the first wave in 2010 covered a large part of the central and western parts of the country and the second wave in 2013, which was in all stations of Tehran and even many provinces. Are registered in the country. The results of spatial analysis of hot wave temperature in the statistical blocks of Tehran showed that generally the central areas of Tehran, including areas 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 4, 7, and 19 significantly It has been affected by the critical temperatures caused by the warm wave rule, while the northern parts of Tehran have been affected by the lower intensities of the hot wave.
Mehdi Razjouyan, Sadralddin Motavali, Gholamreza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

Tourism with a wide range of environmental, economic, social and physical impacts is one of the factors affecting the pattern of land use which, depending on the region's ability to attract tourists, as well as the type, volume and forms of tourism, the intensity and quality of this change effect varies. One of the many factors that can affect sustainable urban development is tourism and its consequences, so that a comprehensive study of the implications of tourism development in a metropolitan area needs to be considered as a sustainable urban development. The method of research is after collecting field information. Using a completed questionnaire, SPSS software is used to analyze the data. Then, using descriptive and inferential statistics, we analyze the relationships between the variables. And also, to show the results of analytical and descriptive data GIS and Excel software were used.  Finally, in GIS software environment, the zoning of the best places for tourism development will be analyzed. The results of this research show that from the perspective of half of the officials and government experts, the expansion of tourism industry, on one hand, causes the region's economic prosperity and, on the other hand, reduces regional security and causes pollution of the environment. 

Shamsi Sadat Mir Asadollahi, Sadraldin Motavali, Gholam Reza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

Natural disasters are a set of harmful events that are natural origin that sometimes human factors are also effective in exacerbating. In the same vein strengthening the social and economic component and after that resiliency can play an important and effective role in reducing flood damage. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive –analytical and field nature. Survey method and data gathering tool were closed questionnaires, the analysis method is based on correlation and regression test. The statistical population includes citizens living around the river and flood areas that 383 people selected as sample and the questionnaire was distributed by cluster sampling among respondents, according to research finding , the average social resilience 1/60 , average economic aberration ( the amount of damage ) 4/53 ,average capacity with ability to compensate 8/69 , eventually average return to appropriate condition 4/67 .in the test section, hypotheses are determined according to the result of the regression test and correlation which has a significant relationship between urban and urban spatial and social dimensions. Strengthen local organs and organizations in a decentralized state  , one of the important ways to increase the social participation of citizens of Gorgan during the providing people's participation and strengthening the people's economic ability when natural hazards occur including flood, the initiative of the people is strengthened and the scope for reducing the damage caused by the flood is reduced . people are faced with real and tangible issues with the executive and so on their gap crisis management and conflicts of interest will diminish.

Ms Zinat Ranjbar, Dr Pari Shokri Firoozjah, Dr Gholamreza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the status of urban resilience in the coastal cities of western Mazandaran province in peak travel conditions. Therefore, in terms of the nature of a descriptive-analytical research, in terms of purpose, it is an applied-developmental research based on survey and field methods. The method of collecting research data was based on the library method, documentation and field survey method (questionnaire tool). The study area is the western coastal cities of Mazandaran province (Noor, Nowshahr, Chalous, Tonekabon and Ramsar). One-way t-test was used to evaluate the status of urban resilience and its various dimensions. The sample cities are then compared and ranked with the Idas multi-criteria decision-making method based on the status of urban resilience and its dimensions. Excel, Spss and GIS software were used in the research stages. The final findings of the study, according to the general result of one-way t-test for the set of urban resilience dimensions, indicate poor resilience of coastal cities in the west of Mazandaran province in peak travel conditions. Also, according to the results of the Idas technique, out of five cities studied, three cities are in weak groups, ie "low resilience status and non-resilience". Therefore, the situation of urban resilience in the western coastal cities of Mazandaran province can be assessed as weak and undesirable based on the indicators of this study.

Mr Shahram Emamgholi, Dr Gholam Reza Janbaz Ghobadi, Dr Parviz Rezaei, Dr Sadr Aldin Motevali,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

Heat waves are of the most important climatic disasters, which have devastating environmental implications in the nature every year In this study. In this study, non-parametric statistics of trend analysis of Sens were used to investigate the trend of 30-year frequency series (1970- 2018) of hot-wave events in both hot days and hot waves (hot days with a duration of 2 days or more). At all stations, there was an increasing trend both in the number of hot days in Tehran and in the frequency of warm-wave events at 5 stations in Tehran. The main objective of this study is to investigate the population exposed hyperthermia in Tehran during hot waves and based on the frequency analysis of the recorded hot waves, the wave was selected from July 20 to July 28, 2013. Using spatial statistics analysis of hot spots, critical regions of Kermanshah were identified during heat wave and the population of high risk was obtained from demographic using tabular matrix analysis. The results showed that hot critical cores significantly affected areas 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 4, 7, and 19 during hot-wave days. Has done the average temperature of this hot thermal core averaged more than 43 ° C during two warm waves. In this hot thermal core that significantly rises in temperature during the heat wave, there are a total of 2954485 people in Tehran, which is 35% of the population of Tehran. Also, in this core, there are 13,000 statistical blocks, which is 40% of the total population of Tehran.

Mehdi Razjouyan, Sadredin Motevali, Gholamrza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

In the city of Sarkrood, the expansion of tourism trends with inappropriate planning and weakness of infrastructure and tourism management has had many negative effects on environmental, economic and social terms. The purpose of the present study is to integrate the Sarkhoud coastal area with a tourism development approach. The research is a descriptive-analytical, and the method of collecting research data on the theoretical foundations of research, recognition and analysis of Data and Libraries is in relation to field studies in relation to the study sample. The questionnaire tool has been used to collect field information, which has been distributed among the random sample of 20 people. Exoert choice software has been used to analyze the questionnaire data. The AHP hierarchical analysis method has been used for weightlifting and ranking criteria. The questionnaires were also distributed among experts and citizens to investigate the relationship between tourism and economic and environmental components, and the findings were analyzed using the Tau Kendall B and Pearson correlation test. The results show that from the point of view of half of government officials and experts, the expansion of the tourism industry on the one hand reduces the region's economic prosperity and on the other hand reduces regional security and environmental pollution. So in the current situation there is no motivation to expand the tourism industry for government managers; Thus, in order to prevent gaps and parallel activities, the provision of services to sustainable tourism development requires the integration of tourism management and continuous planning in organized, participatory and popular.

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Mostafa Taghvaee, Sadroddin Motevali, Gholamreza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

Cities occupy vast areas. These fields are composed of different topographic and morphological units. As cities develop and expand, their dealings with various units of topography and geomorphology and related topics increase. Geomorphological units are always associated with the dynamism of the natural environment. Any action for the development of cities in some way intersects with the mentioned dynamism and detachment, and consequently with morphological phenomena. In this approach, if some necessary principles and points are not observed, the morphodynamic balance of the environment will be disturbed and the great dangers of most of the equipment and facilities of the city will be threatened. Sometimes the intensity of morphogenesis is so high that it produces irreversible results. The present study is descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection method and in the form of a survey or field in which the researcher has made a questionnaire. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of roughness in coastal city planning using a comparison of AHP and AHP FUZZY hierarchical analysis in Noor city. In addition to the main goal, The results showed that in the early stages of the planning process, simple methods can be sufficient when identifying development options as a focal point. Under these circumstances, the choice of advanced and technologically advanced methods does not necessarily produce different results. However, when planning needs to identify the spatial extent of the desired development area, it would be ideal to consider the intersection area proposed by both methods

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