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Dr Batool Zeinali, Sima Khalili, Saideh Eiyni,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

The aim of current research is atmospheric hazards climate zoning in Iran Northwest. So meteorological organization data were used in cases such as mean temperature , minimum temperature , maximum temperature, precipitation in monthly and daily scale for 13 synoptic stations in range of East Azerbaijan province, West Azerbaijan province) and Ardebil province during 26 years. (1990-2015) in this research , it was investigated 10 main atmospheric hazards such as famine or drought , hailstone,, heavy snow , thunder storm, severe precipitation, margin precipitation , blizzard , fogging , dust storm in range of Northwest bound. Then happening frequency maps were prepared with separating form for hazards by using Geographic information system. (GIS) Also spatial zoning maps were prepared for every class. Finally by combining all of hazards investigation; it was prepared Northwest region atmospheric hazards extensive map. Results show that, East, Southeast, center and West parts in Northwest region are located among most hazard zones based on happening frequency. But Northeast parts and zones have the least hazards. Also results express that blizzard and dust storm are main atmospheric hazards at Northwest regionThe highest hazard frequency in Northwest region relate to blizzard with 4148 hazards during 1990-2015 study period. The highest blizzard frequency in Ahar station is observed with 514 hazards. The second hazard in Northwest relate to dust phenomenon with 1948 cases. The highest frequency of mentioned case was observed in Maragheh station with 410 hazards. The third case in Northwest relate to thunder storm phenomenon with 1773 hazards. The sixth case relate to icing phenomenon with 1315 hazards meaning. The highest icing frequency is observed in Khalkhal station with 144 hazards. The seventh case relate to hailstone phenomenon at Northwest with 341 hazards. The highest of hailstone frequency is observed in Maragheh station with 56 hazards. The eighth case relate to fogging phenomenon with 333 hazards. The highest of fogging is observe in Ahar station with 135 hazards. The ninth case relate to famine or drought phenomenon at Northwest with 168 hazards. The highest of famine or drought frequency is observed in Urmia and Ardebil stations with 16 hazards totally. The highest margin precipitation is observed in Parsabad station with 19 hazards. The lowest frequency of margin precipitation relate to Makou and Khalkhal stations with 4 hazards totally.

Shahin Khalilian, Fariba Alborzi, Jamalaladin Sohili,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

. The research method used in this research is descriptive-analytical, survey and quasi-experimental of simulation kind. Data from research samples with survey method and other data were obtained using written sources and documentary studies and collection tool was selected according to the research objectives based on GIS maps and AutoCAD software outputs and simulation tools or the modeling in Revit software and then were investigated in Excel and the analysis of appropriateness was carried out with the help of simulated outputs and two-dimensional and three-dimensional maps and, a fuzzy logic method was used in MATLAB software, and the sample population is extracted based on a stratified sampling method and the selected residential settlements were in the sixth district of region 5 of Tehran and these residential settlements including Apadana, Ekbatan Phase II and Ekbatan Phase I and III. This article was analyzed with the aim of identifying the role of open and enclosed spaces for residential complexes on improving the quality of the environment, including efficiency by using field multi-criteria fuzzy logic method. After analyzing the data, the results of studying the spatial ratios in three samples of residential area in Tehran's 5th district with the performance component of the quality of the environment show that by decreasing the mass ratio (indoor spaces) and increasing the ratio of space (access spaces and green), increasing the quality of the environment cannot be reached, but also increasing the quality of the environment is in direct contact with the observing the proportionality component of the space between the mass and space proportions

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