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Mr Moslem Nori, Di Rostam Saberifar, Professor Esmaeil Aliakbari,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

The change in the way cities operate and benefit from ICTs, etc., has led to population dispersal, activity, and housing. This trend, along with the devastating social and environmental impacts, has had quite visible and measurable economic consequences. A comparative study would be very helpful to avoid the implications of measuring the occurrence of this process and the impact of national and local factors on it. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to compare the dispersal trend of the two cities of Esfarain and Bojnourd. In this regard, the present study is applied in terms of purpose and analytical-comparative in terms of research method. Required data were collected from documentary library studies and Heldern, Shannon entropy and Gini coefficients were used to analyze the data. The results showed that according to Helderen's model, 84% of physical growth in Esfarain between 1345 and 1345 was related to population growth and about 16% to horizontal and spherical growth. For Bojnourd, this was also about 88% of the population growth and about 12% of the horizontal and spiral growth, which is slightly different from that of Esfarain. The Shannon entropy model also shows the sparse growth of physical expansion in the two cities of Esfarain and Bojnourd. The Gini coefficient calculated for Esfarain city is 0.096 and for Bojnourd city is 0.054 which indicates that population growth (Espalier) of Esfarain city is 0.015% more than Bojnourd city. Since the continuation of such conditions has numerous environmental, social and economic consequences for the residents of the cities concerned, it is advisable to strategically research, control and manage the physical development of the city and utilize the interpersonal development policy.
Vahide Nori, Afson Mahdavi, Fatemeh Mohammad Niae Qaraee,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

The attachment to the place is the emotional relationship of the individual to the place, which is rooted in the person's past qualities and experiences that the place should be able to meet the needs and expectations of the individual, and also the place must meet the capacity to meet those needs and expectations. The attachment to the location is based on the cognitive, emotional, and functional interaction between individuals, groups, and physical-social location over time. The purpose of this study was to use the meta-analysis method to analyze the results of research on attachment to the place. In order to perform a meta-analysis, 75 researches were conducted in this regard. Among the 18 studies conducted during the years 2006-2019, in the field of attachment to the place were selected. In the first step, the evaluation of selected research, homogeneous assumptions and publication error was studied; accordingly, the findings indicated the heterogeneity of the size of the effect and the non-dominance of the published studies. In the second step, the coefficient of effect size was evaluated using the second version of CMA software. The results showed that the size of the effect or coefficient of influence of the identified factors is 0/376, which is evaluated according to the Cohen's interpretation system. Overall, the results indicate that the identified factors have a moderate effect on attachment to the location.

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