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Showing 27 results for Land Use

Chenoor Mohammadi, Manouchehr Farajzadeh, Yousef Ghavdel Rahimi, Abbas Ali Aliakbar Bidokhti,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)

 This study is aimed at estimating monthly mean air temperature (Ta) using the MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), latitude, altitude, slope gradient and land use data during 2001-2015. The results showed that despite some spatial similarities between annual spatial patterns of Ta and LST, their variations are significantly different, so that the Ta variation coefficient is four times the one of the LST. Our analysis indicated that while in winter latitude is the key factor in explaining the distribution of the differences LST-Ta, in other seasons the role of slope and vegetation become more prominent. After obtaining the spatial patterns of LST and Ta, we estimated Ta using regression models in spatial resolution of 0.125˚. The lowest estimation error was found in the months of November and December with a high explanatory coefficient (R2) of 70% and a standard error of 1 ° C.  On the other hand, the maximum error was obtained from May to August with R2 between 59 to 63% and a standard error of 1.6 ° C which is significant at the 0.05 level. In addition, result of evaluation of individual months showed that estimation of Ta is more accurate at the cold months of the year (November, December, January, February, and March). With considering different land uses, the highest R2 was related to waters and urban areas (96 to 99%) in warm months, and the lowest R2 was for mixed forest and grassland (between 15 and 36%) in cold months.

Taher Safarrad, Mehran Mansourinia, Hersh Entezami,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

Population growth and urbanization development are the main triggering factors of changes in urban land uses. These, in turn, result in changes in the components of radiation balance. The present study tries to analyze the role of urban land uses in radiation balance by calculating net radiation and its analysis. For this purpose, the Landsat 8 satellite image of 2016 was used. Characteristics of radiation flux including net radiation flux (RN), ground surface albedo (α), incoming longwave radiation (RL↓), incoming shortwave radiation (RS↓), outgoing longwave radiation (RL↑), and ground surface temperature were computed using Sebal algorithm.The values ​​of these components in different land uses (compressed residential, scattered residential, green area and wastelands) were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s test. The results of this study showed that the selected land uses have significant differences in the amount of radiation flux, therefore the wastelands are warmer than the residential areas by about 6 oC and the residential areas are warmer than the green areas by about 1.5 oC. The results also indicated that these differences are due to changes in output energy (α and RL↑), and any change in land use over time will ultimately lead to a change in the radiation balance and the temperature of those places, which this temperature increase, is different from the increase of the temperature due to global warming.

Dr Sayyad Asghari, Hadi Emami,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

Earth surface temperature is an important indicator in the study of energy equilibrium models at the ground level on a regional and global scale. Due to the limitation of meteorological stations, remote sensing can be an appropriate alternative to the Earth's surface temperature. The main objective of this study is to monitor the surface temperature and its relationship with land use, which is monitored using satellite imagery. For this purpose, the images were first obtained and the necessary pre-processing was applied to each one. Then it was compared to modeling and classification of images.  Firstly, in order to investigate the changes in user-orientation, a user-defined classification map for each object was extracted using the object-oriented method. Then, to investigate the land use change, a map of user-landing changes map was extracted in an 18-year time period (2000-2017). Finally, in order to monitor the surface temperature, the surface temperature map of Ardebil was extracted.  The results showed that there is a strong relationship between land use and surface temperature. As a user, urban users have a temperature of about 41 ° C (2017), which is also due to heat-absorbing urban temperatures.  This is despite the fact that the use of hydrocarbons is due to a lower heat absorption of 34 ° C (2017). This shows the role of different uses in determining surface temperatures.  Also, the relationship between surface temperature and vegetation cover was investigated in this study. The results showed that areas such as soil and urban areas with a lower coverage than areas such as agriculture and pasture, have a higher temperature.  Because the coating is always an obstacle to the entry of heat, it has an inverse relationship with superficial heat.

Amir Safari, Ali Ahmadabadi, Zahra Sedighifar,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

Flood plains and adjacent rivers, which, due to their particular circumstances, are considered suitable places for carrying out economic and social activities, are always subject to the dangers of flood events. Hence, in these areas, determination of flood progression and its elevation relative to the surface of the earth, as well as determining the characteristics of the flood during the various return periods, which will be called flood zoning, will be of great importance. In this regard, this research aims at integrating the WMS hydrologic model with ARC GIS software to estimate flood zones in the Damand, Goladdareh, Saadabad and Maghsoud Baik watersheds on the main river of Darband. At first, the river Darband was divided into 19 main sections and in the HEC-RAS model, the river was zoned. In this research, using different digital maps, the flood extent in the riverside lands was calculated for a flood with a return period of 2 to 500 years. The SCS method was also used to increase the accuracy and reliability and also to identify areas susceptible to runoff production. The results of the study show that, due to land use changes, especially in the river basin and the abundant construction of the studied basin, there is no flood control power.

Mehdi Razjouyan, Sadralddin Motavali, Gholamreza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

Tourism with a wide range of environmental, economic, social and physical impacts is one of the factors affecting the pattern of land use which, depending on the region's ability to attract tourists, as well as the type, volume and forms of tourism, the intensity and quality of this change effect varies. One of the many factors that can affect sustainable urban development is tourism and its consequences, so that a comprehensive study of the implications of tourism development in a metropolitan area needs to be considered as a sustainable urban development. The method of research is after collecting field information. Using a completed questionnaire, SPSS software is used to analyze the data. Then, using descriptive and inferential statistics, we analyze the relationships between the variables. And also, to show the results of analytical and descriptive data GIS and Excel software were used.  Finally, in GIS software environment, the zoning of the best places for tourism development will be analyzed. The results of this research show that from the perspective of half of the officials and government experts, the expansion of tourism industry, on one hand, causes the region's economic prosperity and, on the other hand, reduces regional security and causes pollution of the environment. 

Mrs Mehrnaz Rezvani, Mr Yosefali Ziari, Mr Naser Eghbali, Mr Hosein Mojtabazade Khanghahi,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

Urban land utilize planning, for optimal use of existing facilities and urban spaces is one of the main cores of urban planning, which is usually defined as a multi-objective issue. In line with the absence of specific categorization, system for land use in Iran the use of metaheuristic algorithm and artificial intelligence is required. One of the algorithms that introduced and used in recent years are the optimization algorithm (BBO) based on biogeography. Current research is from practical research group and type of descriptive-analytic research, the data analysis method would be write and execute in MATLAB software by using biogeography algorithm. The purpose, after identifying most effective variable, will be to improve the present status of the system's distribution use indicators and their adjacency in the county surface. For comparing the results of current research, in terms of desired area needed uses with development plan of Semnan County, each dimension of (GIS) layer should be provide.overlapping of the layers would be compare with development design.

Saideh Eiyni, Dr Saeide Eini,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

The aim of this research is to investigate drought stress in rangeland rangelands in Ardabil province. According to the monthly rainfall data, 4 synoptic stations of Ardebil province (Ardebil, Khalkhal, Meshgin Shahr and Parsabad Moghan) during the statistical period of 2016-1996 were used to calculate drought index (SEPI) index for 4 periods of 1, 3, 6 and 9 months. Landsat TM and OLI satellite imagery was also used to prepare landslide classification maps based on the maximum probability model and calculation of vegetation indices NDVI, EVI, SAVI and LAI. In order to investigate the relationship between the studied indices, Pearson correlation coefficient (R) and root mean square error (RMSE) have been used. The results of the classification showed that the extent of the rangelands of Ardebil province in 1394 in the year 1377, both in the rangeland and in the rangelands, is a significant decrease. According to the results of SPI, the drought condition during 2011-2015 is more than the other periods studied. Vegetation dispersal maps were based on decision tree tree classification algorithm and according to NDVI index for the studied months. Also, according to the results of the evaluation, the highest correlation was observed between the NDVI index and the 6-month SEPI index, and the lowest mean squared error was found between the SAVI index and the 6-month SEPI index, but in general, the most suitable indicator for Drought monitoring in Ardebil province pastures is a 6-month NDVI and SEPI indicator.

Taher Safarrad, Yadollah Yousefi, Atefeh Rezaei Taleei,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Information on a variation of impervious surface is useful for understanding urbanization and its impacts on the hydrological cycle, water management, surface energy balances, urban heat island, and biodiversity. This research attempts to detect impervious surfaces and its changes by satellite imagery in Qaemshahr. The relationship between impervious surfaces and changes in land surface temperature in the city was investigated. For this purpose, after obtaining three images in 1978, 2000, and 2017, and performing the necessary preprocessing, the reflection values of the infrared spectrum and ground surface temperature in the study area were calculated. The reflectance of this spectrum was investigated in various land uses vegetation, asphalt and building areas in two parts of the urban and the suburb.  Using the results of ANOVA and Tukey these properties compared to different land uses. By the difference between Permeable surfaces and impervious surfaces, the impervious surface index was calculated. The results of the detection and comparison of the three surveyed images showed that the impervious surfaces in Qaemshahr were significantly increased from 1978 to 2017. In the next step, by calculating the land surface temperature, it was determined that the temperature of the impervious surfaces is higher than the other parts of the study area. An increase in the population of the city followed by an increase in urban construction has led to an increase in impervious surfaces and a reduction in green space and this has caused a rise in city temperatures. The results of this study showed that increasing impervious surfaces has led to an increase of around 4 degrees in the city's temperature. Finally, any increase in the impervious surface at the city will lead to unsustainability in the urban environment, if not accompanied by proper planning.

Dr Alireza Mohammadi, Mr Reza Hashemi Masoomabad, Mrs Chnour Mohammadi,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

One of the most important and urgent issues of urban planning is the equitable distribution of facilities, services and accessibility of citizens at the urban level. Economic and commercial centers, including banks and financial institutions, are one of the most important economic sectors of cities and can be sustained. Social, economic, physical, and environmental impacts of neighborhoods. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of citizenschr('39') access to commercial land use in Ardebil neighborhoods. Therefore, the present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The statistical population of the study is 44 localities of Ardabil city. Spatial statistics models, Hot Spot Analysis, and GIS software were used for data analysis. Finally, regression function in Idrisi Selva software was used to analyze the correlation between commercial user and population as well as to determine the relationship and correlation of this user with other service users. The results show that in Ardabil neighborhoods there is inequality in terms of overall business use. As a result, the neighborhoods have high commercial use weights and high concentrations of hot spots in optimum condition, including areas 3 and 5 from zone 2, zone 7 from zone 1 and zone 6 from zone 3. Also, commercial low weight blocks and low concentrations of hot spots, which include areas 8 and 11 from zone 2, area 11 from zone 3, are lower in urban sustainability. Finally, based on the results of the research, some suggestions have been made.

Abdolmajid Ahmadi, Ebrahim Akbari, Javad Jamalabadi, Maryam Alemohammad,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

Awareness of the status of vegetation, land use change and surface temperature in each region, and the timing and location of their changes over time are important for micro and macro planning. In order to make optimal use of land, knowledge of land use changes is necessary, which is usually possible by detecting and predicting land use changes. Measuring the role of researches and researchers has been instrumental in the study of natural resources, especially vegetation, surface temperature and user variations in each location, as well as the availability of information for different times for valuable studies. In this study, ETM and OLI were used to study the process of land use change, vegetation cover, surface temperature, and hazards caused by them in perennial seasons. The results show that the area of use changes over the period 2000-2010 has decreased the area of use of the developed area, agricultural and growing gardens and the area of land and rangelands. Artificial vegetation has risen in aggregate and rangeland lands are showing a decreasing trend. Due to the importance of vegetation and its role in reducing the temperature of the earth's surface, the trend has been decreasing in regions with intensive vegetation and high temperature. Also, in the period from 2010 to 2017, the range was further increased and the city's growth continued sporadically, causing environmental changes and rising temperatures in the city. The change in the city's increased range has increased environmental risks, including the loss of good agricultural land and the increase in the temperature of the city. Due to the fact that most agricultural land is located in the vicinity of the city under cultivation of saffron, which in the warm seasons does not have surface coatings, changes in the type of cultivation can also affect the temperature of the earth.

Professor Maryam Ghasemi, Mr Amin Faal Jalali,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

the analysis of land use utility matrix based on human and natural criteria in residential areas is the necessity and issues that planners in urban and rural areas in terms of access to communication network, central location, weather, noise and etc are a turning point for how optimal use is of resources. the aim of this study is to identify the level of user desirability in rural areas of Binaluod county. in this study, 14 user groups with 52 % of land use terms of central location, access to communication network, smell, facilities and equipment, slope, air, sound and vision were investigated. the present study is descriptive - analytical and data collection were collected in the field method by 48 local experts in eight villages. the results show that based on the four alternatives (4: Completely desirable and 1: totally undesirable) the bakery users with an average of 3/99 and the gymnasium with an average of 4 have made the highest compatibility in terms of the desirability of the location and land of the historic tank with /38 and the dilapidated housing with 3/40. Also, the average utilization rate of land use in the village of Zashk 3/74, in the village of Dehno 3/82, in the village of Jagherz, 3/78, in the village of Abedeh Alya, 3/89, in the village of Nochah equaled 3/92, in the village of Hesar Golestan 3/76, In the village of Hesar Sorkh 3.79 and finally in the village of Ruhni, the utility rate was 3.80. the results show that despite the wide range of land use changes outside the context of study villages, the level of land use within the rural fabric is desirable in terms of quality of high - order location, 3/81.

Musa Abedin, Ehsan Ghale, Nazfar Aghazadeh, Maryam Mohamadzadeh Sheshegaran,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Studies have shown that the role of thermal temperature measurement in studying and estimating surface temperature is very important. Earth surface temperature is an important indicator in the study of equilibrium energy models on the ground at the regional and global scale. Due to the limitation of meteorological stations, remote sensing can be a good alternative to earth surface temperature estimation. The main objective of this study is to monitor the surface temperature of the Earth using satellite imagery and a relationship that can have a surface temperature with land use. For this purpose, the relevant images were first obtained and the necessary pre-processes were applied to each one. Then it was compared to modeling and classification of images. Firstly, in order to study land use change, land use classification map was extracted for each two years using a controlled classification method. Then, to study the land use change, the land use change map was extracted for a period of 28 years (1987-2015). Became finally, in order to monitor the surface temperature, the surface temperature map of Meshginshahr was extracted. The results showed that there is a strong relationship between land use and surface temperature. High-vegetation areas and low-temperature blue areas. Also, rainfed farming has the highest average temperature relative to adjacent areas, which indicates the dryness of agricultural products in the Meshginshahr city.

Dr Amir Saffati, Dr Ezatallah Ghanavati, Mr Hamid Alipour Dezdouli Asl,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Studying the morphology of the rivers and identifying the causes of these changes are widely useful in determining the evolution of rivers and planning the maintenance of the river system. The Karun River, between Bandar-e-Khoramshahr and the constant flow of water in the country, plays an important role in the country's water cycle. Due to the morphological changes of this river that have disrupted the normal functioning of the river, it is necessary to investigate the morphological changes and its causes. In this study, with the aim of investigating these changes with satellite imagery, Landsat images for 1990, 2005 and 2018 were prepared and morphological changes were extracted after required processing. The results show that out of the 36 investigated sections, the width of the river has decreased in 29 sections so that it has narrowed to 450 m around Ahwaz. In order to investigate the causes of changes, the effective parameters in changes such as precipitation, discharge, runoff coefficient, waterway length, permeability coefficient, landform, lithology, land use change, wasteland, slope percentage, drainage density and vegetation density, land Theology and floodplains, To assess the hazards of the area, were used. Floodplain parameter was extracted using ANP_Fuzzy model and landslide and land use parameters were extracted using SVM model. Among the factors affecting these changes that were investigated using logistic regression models and factor analysis were land use changes, vegetation density and sediment yield. These changes have resulted in the destruction of natural habitats along the river, the ability to self-purify water, sudden floods, threatening and damaging human structures, agriculture, and so on.

Mohsen Abdehkolahchi, Abdehkolahchi Ghalehnoee, ,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

Urban land use change is one of the key issues in urban planning that has been addressed by researchers in many different aspects, especially from the perspective of space. But the point that has been overlooked in various studies is that the analysis of different aspects of land use change is not limited to classical and spatial factors, and because of the various interest of land use change, many stakeholders aim to derive interest from this process in urban land developments. Accordingly, this paper aims to apply the communicative planning framework in identifying and explaining the factors affecting the distribution of land use change interests, because communicative planning as one of the major urban planning theories has focused on proper distribution of interests among stakeholders. In this study, after formulating the study results from theoretical studies, using a quantitative approach and exploratory factor analysis technique, the factors affecting the distribution of land use change interests have been identified and explained based on Approvals of the Commission Article 5 of the Ahvaz City (as one of the official references to land use change in the urban planning system). The results show that 9 factors with cumulative variance of 70/851% provide a proper explanation of user change interests distribution, among which "mediation legitimacy of planners and decision makers" has the most effect. Of course, the quality of these factors with 42.31% of the land quality shows the distribution of land use interests among the stakeholders was not very appropriate, which can lead to interest conflicts, especially between groups with economical-political interests and the public interest, and thus cause social instability in Ahvaz city.
Mrs Sahar Mehrran, Mr Ali Akbar Taghilou, Mrs Khadijeh Javan,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

Analysis of land use change in Nazlou district of Urmia in the 2005-2018 time series
Abstract Population growth, increased prosperity, the spread of technology, and the improper use of land have in recent decades imposed many changes on land. Nazlou district in Urmia city has been exposed to many changes due to its favorable natural conditions, location in the development paths of Urmia-Cir and Urmia-Bazargan, establishment of numerous industrial estates and so on. So planning to manage these changes requires studying land use changes. The purpose of this study was to detect land use changes in Nazlou district in Urmia city using Landsat TM and OLI satellite images by Object Oriented Classification. Also, two methods of change detection and change intensity index in land use change monitoring were used to investigate the severity and trend of land use changes. This study was descriptive and analytical and data collection was done by documentary method. The survey showed that during the study period (2005-2018) of the total area of ​​77498.37 hectares, the total area under study was approximately 25981.56 ha (33.52%). The highest level of change in 2005 relates to the level of the horticulture, with its downward trend in 2018. In contrast, changes in rangeland and dryland land use have an increasing trend, respectively.
Nasrinalsadat Bazmi, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Parviz Zeaiea Firoabadi, Qholamreza Janbazghobadi,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

This article was written with the aim of revealing land use changes in Urmia city using remote sensing of Landsat satellite images for 4 periods of 8 years between 1990 and 2019. For this purpose, two categories of data will be used in this research. The first category includes data obtained from satellite images and the second category includes ground data taken from Urmia ground station, which includes temperature and other parameters used in this research. The results showed that urban land use in Urmia city has faced significant changes during the statistical period of 30 years. This user has had an increasing trend during all the studied periods, so that during the study period, it has faced a 5-fold increase. Swampy areas and sludge fields east of Lake Urmia have undergone a significant decline during 1990-2019 and has reached less than 6,000 hectares. The citychr('39')s barren lands, which cover a small percentage of the citychr('39')s area, have been declining over the 30-year period under review. The use of gardens has increased during all periods, so that in 2019, its area has reached more than 20,000 hectares. The use of irrigated agriculture has increased during all the studied periods and its area has reached more than 80,000 hectares by 2019. The area of ​​rainfed agricultural lands, after the rangelands, is the widest land use in Urmia, but with a relatively gentle slope has a decreasing trend. Water areas have also been declining, so that in 2019, it has decreased by about 26% compared to 2012. Rangelands, which is the largest land cover in Urmia city, has gone through three different processes during the study period. From 1990 to 1998, these lands did not change significantly, but from 1998 to 2005, the increasing trend and in 2019, with a 10% decrease compared to 2012, reached its lowest area during the statistical period under study, ie less than 20,000 hectares.
Mr Alireza Thernasab, Dr Leila Ebrahimi, Dr Ameneh Haghzad, Dr Mehrdad Ramezan Por,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Today, urban and rural planning and management programs need to obtain accurate spatial information at successive times about land use changes. The main purpose of this study is to study and evaluate land use changes due to physical development with respect to 4 land uses in Bayer, agricultural lands, water zones and man-made lands in Pakdasht. Data were collected through Landsat satellite images from 2019 and 1989 captured by OLI and MSS5 sensors with a resolution of 30 m, which transformed Landsat 8 and 7 satellite images to 15 m in ENVI 5.3 software. These images were classified in ENVI 5.3 software based on the maximum likelihood algorithm. Then the accuracy of the maps obtained from the maximum likelihood algorithm was estimated. Fragstats software was then used to extract land cover metrics at two levels of the classroom and the simulator. A total of 15 landslides were quantified in the years 1989 to 2019 (1368-1688). According to the results, the area of ​​residential land has increased during the years under study so that its share has increased from %7.1 in the region to %19.5.

Sara Sadeghizadeh Ghavi Fekr, Dr Asghar Tahmasebi, Dr Farhad Azizpour,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Population growth and the need for economic and social services have accelerated the demands for land and its manipulations over the recent decades. The contribution of policies and interventions of different stakeholders in land change is not adequately addressed in previous studies. This research, therefore, aims to examine the role of key stakeholders, and their policies in land-use change in the study area. In doing so a total number of 20 interviews with senior experts and informants from 13 local organizations were conducted to collect qualitative data on the form, process and cause of land-use change in the area. Atlasti software was used to analysis the interviews' data. Furthermore, Social Networks Analysis (SNA) and questionnaires were used to map the trust among the stakeholders and also the role of their policies and program on land-use changes from the perspective of other stakeholders. The results show that the policies and interventions of the municipality are playing the most significant role in land-use change via disregarding and violations of roles and related for individual illegal benefits. Additionally, departments of agriculture, rural councils are among the most trusted agents in land use governance and management. Furthermore, water shortage was the most important reason pointed out by the many interviewees for conversion of farmlands to other uses. A part from water shortage, some other reasons such as: lack of governmental support for farming, strict official constraints and difficulties in providing amenities for gardens, expensive agricultural inputs, land price increase, immigration, corruptions in local organization are identified as drivers of rural land-use change.
Keywords: Key words: Land use change, stakeholders, governance, Social Networks Analysis, Shariyar County.

Dr Shahrivar Rostaei, Dr Rahim Heydari Chyaneh, Mr Ayoub Zoghi,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

The occurrence of earthquakes and the losses and damages caused by it have always imposed a serious threat to the city, residents and assets, so that it has made planners and city managers to provide logical and scientific solutions to make cities safer. Securing cities against earthquakes will not be achieved only by creating strong structures, and we must take steps to reduce urban vulnerability through optimizing urban land use. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal urban areas for the development of the city with the aim of reducing the vulnerability of Sanandaj. For this purpose, KNN method has been used as a model with relatively high accuracy to evaluate the optimal land use of Sanandaj city with an emphasis on earthquake risk. The obtained model output shows that about 32% of the city area is in optimal condition and district 2 with 42.78% equivalent to 406 hectares and district 4 with 50.85% equivalent to 658 hectares provide an optimal condition for the development of the city, towards reducing urban vulnerability and increasing urban land use optimization. The general condition of the city is not suitable in terms of optimality and the neighborhoods located in districts 1 and 2 are in a very inappropriate condition due to high population and residential density, very poor permeability and low adaptation of land uses. In evaluating the model, the value of the area below the curve is 0.951, which indicates the desirable performance of the model in examining the subject. 
Mr Milad Khayat, Ms Atefeh Bosak, Dr Zahra Hejazizadeh, Dr. Ebrahim Afifi,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

By employing urban growth and development modeling, it is feasible to delineate a developmental trajectory that aligns with the specific circumstances of a city, considering environmental factors, natural elements, and population dynamics. The aim of this research is to propose an urban development model for Shushtar, which can serve as a valuable tool for analyzing the intricate processes of urban transformations. To accomplish this objective, two datasets were utilized: urban land use maps (including educational spaces, healthcare facilities, residential areas, etc.) and Landsat satellite imagery for key land uses such as rivers, barren lands, and forests, spanning three time periods: 1991, 2004, and 2014. These datasets were processed using GIS and MATLAB software. Existing urban land use maps were digitized and subsequently updated using Landsat satellite imagery. Subsequently, influential parameters in urban development were introduced as inputs to the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) algorithm. After training the model for the years 1991 and 2004, the predicted results of urban development using the algorithm were compared with the actual situation in 2014, demonstrating a high accuracy of 93.7%. The land use change map, resulting from the change detection process, can be generated based on multi-temporal remote sensing images and their integration with urban land use maps, enabling an analysis of the associated consequences. The use of intelligent algorithms in this research has facilitated modeling with a high level of accuracy. The obtained results are deemed acceptable, and this development has also been predicted for the upcoming years.

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