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Nahid Bagheri Maragheh, Mohammad Motamedi, Ezatollah Mafi,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

Explaining the relationship between resilience to natural disasters is in fact how social, economic, institutional and physical capacities affect the increase of resilience in societies. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to investigate the resilience of Shirvan city in the face of earthquakes in which the research method is descriptive-analytical and the statistical population includes experts in the field of urban resilience for this group of 30 people. First, the indicators evaluated to assess the resilience of Shirvan city in the face of earthquake hazards using the ANP model, which were questioned by experts and elites, were 25 indicators in 4 physical, institutional, cultural, social and economic criteria. Paired comparisons were performed. Findings showed that the rate of resilience in Shirvan is low in 65.4% of the city and high in only 19.2% of the city. In other words, in 17 neighborhoods out of 26 neighborhoods of Shirvan city, the rate of resilience in the face of earthquake hazards is low and only in 5 neighborhoods of the city the rate of resilience is high. Therefore, the final results of resilience in Shirvan are 19.2% of the upper city, 15.4% of the average city and 65.4% of the lower city. In general, the results indicate that the resilience of Shirvan is in an unfavorable and unfavorable situation and the rate of resilience in this city is low in the face of earthquake hazards.
Mr Jamaleddin Honarvar, Dr Sara Jalalian,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

Housing, as the primary needs of mankind and providing his satisfaction, plays an essential role in improving the quality of life. In these conditions, the "home quarantine or social distance plan" is the only way to interrupt the transmission chain, this research seeks to examine the physical-social factors in the quality of today's homes (including a variety of species of housing) for long-term presence of humans in The conditions are quarantine. In this paper, we have tried to extract indices and components of the quality of different types of housing and the effect of each of the factors in the tolerance of quarantine conditions in different types of housing of Tehran. The method is based on applied purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical nature and comparative technique. The documentary and field method and a questionnaire were used to collect information. To analyze the data, single sample t-test and mean test and to study the normalization of data were used by colomogorov-smarinov test. The statistical population of the study includes residents of different types of housing in Tehran are 381 samples. Measurement of research indicators with Likert spectrum and with a assumed average of 3 and 3 indicators and 9 components and 49 measures. These indicators include physical, social, cultural indicators. According to the results, residential complexes have the highest level of satisfaction (mean 4.41) of physical-social factors in the quality of life of residents of different types of housing species in quarantine conditions. The level of social, physical and functional indicators in general for residential complexes show a better condition. By summing up these indices and the overall examination of physical-social factors in the quality of life of residents of different types of housing in terms of quarantine conditions; It was found that apartment housing has the lowest satisfaction (3.77) of social physical factors of their quality of life in quarantine conditions. At the end of research, suggestions for improving the quality of life of residents of different types of housing in quarantine conditions were presented with respect to physical-social dimensions.

Somaie Jahantigh, Dr Amir Karam, Dr Ezatollah Ghanavati,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

Geotourism is kind of responsible tourism with the aim of socio - economic development and strengthening of the scientific tourism destinations and tourism geological locations that emphasizes the protection of the heritage of the land and people of Sciences. Requires the development of a geo-tourism destination is recognizing its value and capability concept and planning barriers and providing favorable to its management. Tourism zone of Tangeh Vashi in the city of Firouzkoh, with different geological phenomena and scientific and complementary values, ​​is geotourism destination in local and sometimes national level. Therefore, in this study, using a variety of assessment methods geotourism area of ​​land that was presented in 2015 by Brill. In this, steps were taken. Therefore, the optimum user Tangeh Vashi Tourism, Economic User scientific approach - protective. The results shows that in generally, Tangeh Vashi has suitable condition in educational and tourism values. Also, Risk of collapse in Tangeh Vashi is relatively high. According to the results, the optimal management of geotourism Tange Vashi, the powers of access and the center of the province's population and strengthening of the complementary and diversity of geological and strengthen tourism and the preservation interpretation capability along with the application the physical protection and promotion of scientific partnership rural and legal controls.

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Msc Taraneh Mirgheidari, Dr Behzad Rayegani, Dr Javad Bodagh-Jamali,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

This study was conducted with the aim of providing a remotely sensed water quality index in Assaluyeh port using remote sensing technology. so, according to the region conditions, studying of scientific resources and access to satellite data, the parameters of heavy­metals, dissolved ions, SST, chlorophyll-a and pH were selected. Then, by reviewing sources, the product MYD091km, MYD021km, MOD021km, MOD091km and level2 images of chlorophyll-a and SST of MODIS sensor were used after preprocessing operations. Also In-situ data were collected Simultaneously with the capture of satellite images in August 2014. Then, the relationships between the water quality parameters and MODIS data, with (R2) from 0.59 to 0.94 and (RMSE) from 0.07 to 0.1 were obtained. Next the images of the MODIS sensor from 2015 to 2017 were prepared and the models were applied to them, then the layers were standardized by fuzzy logic. Also time series of SST data from 2003 to 2017 were prepared and for each month the average pixel values were calculated and based on this, from 2015 to 2017, the variation of this parameter was standardized. Finally, an effective index for assessing the quality of coastal waters was provided by time series of satellite images and the waters of Assaluyeh port were zoned. The results showed that the water quality in 2015 and 2016 has shifted from poor to very ­­poor status in 2017. Based on the results, with the development of a proposed index, in future studies a continuous assessment of environmental monitoring is possible.
Sara Dodange, Babak Hajikarimi, Mohammad Mehdi Mozafri, Kamiar Kavosh,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

The purpose of present study was to investigate the effect of social responsibility on emotional and behavioral responses of tourists after failure of services in four-star and five-star hotels. The research method is practical  obgectively and descriptive and analytical methodology. The statistical population of the study was contained tourists who visited four-star and five-star hotels, and the sample size was estimated 384 people by the Cochran formula, sampling method was simple random. The data gathering tool was the questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed. For investigating and testing of the research hypotheses was used structural equation modeling in the software environment, pls. The results of the research indicated that social responsibility has a positive and significant effect on loyalty, satisfaction and trust of tourists. In addition, findings showed that the satisfaction and trust of tourists have a positive and significant effect on their loyalty.

Vahide Nori, Afson Mahdavi, Fatemeh Mohammad Niae Qaraee,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

The attachment to the place is the emotional relationship of the individual to the place, which is rooted in the person's past qualities and experiences that the place should be able to meet the needs and expectations of the individual, and also the place must meet the capacity to meet those needs and expectations. The attachment to the location is based on the cognitive, emotional, and functional interaction between individuals, groups, and physical-social location over time. The purpose of this study was to use the meta-analysis method to analyze the results of research on attachment to the place. In order to perform a meta-analysis, 75 researches were conducted in this regard. Among the 18 studies conducted during the years 2006-2019, in the field of attachment to the place were selected. In the first step, the evaluation of selected research, homogeneous assumptions and publication error was studied; accordingly, the findings indicated the heterogeneity of the size of the effect and the non-dominance of the published studies. In the second step, the coefficient of effect size was evaluated using the second version of CMA software. The results showed that the size of the effect or coefficient of influence of the identified factors is 0/376, which is evaluated according to the Cohen's interpretation system. Overall, the results indicate that the identified factors have a moderate effect on attachment to the location.

Alireza Vousoghi Amiri, Rojin Marzi, Mahsa Bashtam, Kiarash Pourhazhir Ardestani, Seyedeh Sepideh Ghalamro,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

the aim of this study is to explain the impacts and impacts of organizations such as municipality on land use management in the tehran metropolitan area to determine and change land use patterns in documents and factors affecting them . because of the qualitative research approach and its type , the influence of organ and document content including land use projects in tehran was used . research findings show that land use management in tehran with conflicts in land use management , weakness in land use management , weakness in land use management system , weakness in land use management system , weakness in land use management system , weakness factor in land use management system , weakness factor in land use management system , informal and quasi - governmental agent and private agent are classified . finally , the change of land use change in tehran metropolitan area has been studied and challenges and opportunities are presented . the research method is analytical and by software soft ware and t - test .

Sogand Yousefi Azarabarghani, Hamid Majedi, Dr Zahra Sadat Saeideh Zarabadi,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

The growth and expansion of the dispersed development pattern is one of the ways of settlement development that is shaped by a variety of factors, including urban management policies and approaches. Examine how the development of Tehran's metropolitan area has evolved over the last fifty years and what effective urban management policies and approaches have been and how it has influenced city development. This article deals with it. This research has been used because of the importance of the topic in a descriptive-analytical and practical purpose, based on library and documentary studies and in some cases field observations. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, three types of measurement models were used depending on the subject and variables of the study. In this regard, physical continuity in Tehran urban complex through Shannon entropy model, functional continuity through network analysis model (investigation of habitat and flow points and distribution and land use composition) and poor urban slope growth using Helder model The measurement is located. The findings show that: 1) dispersal phenomena have occurred in Tehran metropolitan area (Helderen and Shannon entropy model), 2) Tehran metropolitan area has been experiencing functional divergence (network analysis) and user distribution The services and services at the Tehran metropolitan level have not been uniform and balanced; and 3) the policies and approaches of urban management in successive years have had wide-ranging effects on spatial dispersal and unbalanced spatial development. Tehran's urban complex had.

Sahar Nasiri, Boroumand Salahi, Aliakbar Rasouli, Faramarz Khoshakhlagh,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

Atmospheric circulation is important to determine the surface climate and environment, and affect regional climate and surface features. In this study, to quantify its effect, the classification system, developed by Lamb is applied to obtain circulation information for Ardabil, North West Province in Iran, on a daily basis, and is a method to classify synoptic weather for study area. For that purpose, daily mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) for extreme precipitation days from 1971 to 2007 is used to derive six circulation indices and to provide a circulation catalogue with 27 circulation types. The frequency of circulation types over different periods is computed and described. Five circulation types are most recognised in this study: E, SE, A, C and CSE. The catalogue and the associated indices provide a tool to interpret the regional climate and precipitation, and deal with the linkage between the mean extreme regional precipitations in north western of Iran and the large-scale circulation. Five circulation types E, A, SE, C and CSE are associated with high precipitation and rainy seasons (spring and September) but the most precipitation rate is resulted of cyclone family. Low pressure of north latitudes and central area of Iran with low pressure of gang from Pakistan and India.  SE is almost dominant circulation type over the years. The cold season started from august to march is characterized by frequent directional flows, especially E, SE, A, C and CSE whereas in  warm period (Apr–Aug) SE, NE, AE have  smaller role, especially in July, August and September more frequent flows dominated by SE and E. 

Esmaiel Safaralizadeh, Majid Akbari, Vahid Boostan Ahmadi, Chamran Mousavi,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

 the development of sustainable urban development depends on providing relative prosperity, citizen participation and increasing social awareness for all members of society. The purpose of this paper is to measure social capital indices and its relationship with sustainable urban development in urban areas of Ahwaz. The present study is a descriptive-correlational one from a methodological point of view. From a single point of view, it is based on structural equations which has been done in Ahwaz in 2018. In this regard, library studies have been used to explain the literature and theoretical foundations and field method has been used to study the case study. Data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. Structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the descriptive-inferential statistics data and SPSS and Amos software were used. The statistical population of the study was 384 citizens of Ahwaz city and the sampling method was random. The results of this paper showed that social capital and Sustainable Urban Development status are different between Ahwaz city areas. In other words, high social capital among the citizens of Ahwaz is a means of enhancing the sustainable urban development and structural dimensions of the city including economy, community, institutions, space and environment. The implications of this research for the strong link between social capital and sustainable urban development, the need to pay attention to the components of social capital and to adopt policies to maintain, enhance and enhance social capital to ensure sustainable urban development in the geographical area of ​​Ahvaz. It looks great.

Fariba Sfandyary Darabad, Mansour Kheirizade, Masoud Rahimi,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

Floods are one of the most abundant and destructive natural disasters that every year are caused heavy losses of life and property. Due to human activity in river systems and construction in rivers, flood damage has an upward trend. One of the most important actions to reduce flood damage is the provision of flood hazard zoning maps and their use in spatial planning. In this study, the risk of flood in the Nirchay River Basin that located Ardebil province was investigated. For this purpose, the HEC-HMS model was used to simulate rainfall-runoff and to identify flood zones and fuzzy logic in order to overlay the layers and prepare a flood hazard zoning map.The simulation results show the high performance of the HEC-HMS model in simulating rainfall-runoff of the Nirchay River Basin and estimating peak flood discharges. Rainfall conversion to runoff at the Nirchay River Basin controlled by slope and land-use.The most runoff height and peak flow in Nirchay River Basin are located in the upstream sub-basins. This is due to the steep, low permeability soil, frequency impervious surfaces and high CN. The combination of layers using fuzzy logic has shown that about 8.6% of the surface of the basin are located with a high risk of flooding. These zones are located mainly on the floodplain of the Nirchay Basin. Due to the Low valley width and low slope, these lands are always at flood risk. Most settlements in the study area are located at downstream of the basin. This has increased the risk of flooding.
Neamatallah Safarzaei, Alireza Entezari, Mokhtar Karami, Gholamali Khammar,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

Today climate change cause increase in concentration of greenhouse gases has been cause increase extreme events and atmospheric hazards. goal of this research, analyze and review climate future is for atmospheric hazards in sistan region. In this study, to simulate minimum and maximum temperature data used from model data CanESM2 under three scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP8.5) with SDSM statistical scrolling and to simulate rainfall data from the Hadcm3 model under scenarios (A1B, A2, B1) with statistical scrolling LARS-WG. For this purpose, after calibration, validation and data modeling at the selected station, the performance of the model from the viewpoint of the compliance of the base temperature data (1984-2005) and rainfall (1986-2015) with simulation values (2020-2039) evaluated at a significant level of confidence. To adapt base data to simulated data Used of the three criteria root mean square error (RMSE), coefficient of determination (R2) and mean squared error (MSE). According to simulated data were examined four important atmospheric hazard frost, heat waves, extreme precipitation and drought. The results showed that heat waves and drought in the future are serious threats in the region So that in 2021, under release scenario RCP 2.6, Predicted 32 heat waves and the study area will experience more than five heat waves in the year. In addition, most frequent drought forecast in 2020, under release scenario A1B. Extreme precipitation in some years under scenario B1 can be significant threat in the region. Intensity and abundance annual frost under release scenario RCP2.6 more than other scenarios and lower relative to investigated atmospheric threats.

Seyyed Mostafa Haj Agha Mir, Hamideh Reshadat Jo, Ata Allah Abtahi, Seyyed Reza Salehi Amiri, Fatemeh Aziz Abadi Farahani,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

One of the main ways to preserve the traditions and values of the past for future generations is to preserve the culture of the community, which can be addressed by the prosperity of tourism in cities.  One of the main ways to preserve the traditions and values of the past for future generations is to preserve the culture of the community, which can be addressed by the prosperity of tourism in cities.The purpose of this study is to explain the models of cultural tourism development in Iran. In the quantitative part of this research, in terms of controlling the studied variables, it is non-experimental, in terms of strategic survey and in terms of the nature of this research is applied. In relation to the research method, it seeks to identify the relationships between cultural tourism and the factors affecting it using the structural equation system. The nature of research is causal research. Considering the application of structural equation modeling to study and analyze the conceptual model of the research, the method of this research is correlational and variance-covariance matrix analysis. The statistical population in the quantitative section was all employees and managers of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization. In the quantitative part, the sampling method is stratified. Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size. Based on this, 383 samples were estimated. The tool of this research was a researcher-made questionnaire. To determine the validity and validity of the questionnaire, content validity as well as structural validity were used to determine the validity of the questionnaire. The reliability of the research was analyzed using Cronbach's alpha test. The results of quantitative analysis showed that social indicators have the greatest impact among the leading indicators of cultural tourism in the country.

Ali Khedmatzadeh, Bakhtaran Feizizadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Quality of life is one of the important issues that was first brought to the attention of scholars by the extensive development of technology and industrialization process in the Western countries, and it is increasingly being studied in this field, and this is important due to the increasing increase in quality of life studies in public policy monitoring. Quality of life can be used as a powerful tool for monitoring community development planning. The existence of spatial and spatial inequalities in the city has caused many problems, including the weakness of resources, inappropriate housing, the problems and damage caused by social inequalities, and undermined the quality of life. In this research, that of terms methodological, descriptive-analytic and in terms of purpose, it is functional used the statistics blocks of Urmia, in the census of 1395, and remote sensing data in combination with GIS have been to understand the quality of life in the 5 regions of Urmia. The criteria defined in this research are in 4 sections: social (including 9 sub-criteria), access to public services (5 sub-criteria), physical (4 sub-criteria), natural (4 sub-criteria), which are based on decision analysis Multi-criteria and integration of layers in the GIS environment. Weights obtained for social dimensions, access to public, natural and physical services derived from network analysis model  are respectively 0.506, 0.323, 0.116 and 0.055. The results show that as far as the southwest is moving along the northeastern part of the city, blocks that have a better quality of life are rising.  In the urban regions of the region 2, quality of life is more favorable than other urban regions. The results of such studies can help urban planners to better understand and prioritize urban issues as a dynamic environment.
Sara Ghahri Lalaklou, Dr Rasool Darskhan,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

 today, the importance of the square that have once been a place of interaction for city dwellers, has diminished. the purpose of this study was to identify the effective parameters on improving the quality of space and preserving the historical identity of the square and organizing the square by providing scientific and practiced solutions to enhance the quality of space and preserve its historical identity. This research is of descriptive-analytical type and the statistical population in the present study are people  in square .random  sampling from people of different ages and insights , after starting with the least number , continued until we reached the theoretical saturation of research.the data collection tools are field and library.the analysis was in the form of an open and closed-ended questionnaire that the validity of the questionnaire was assessed as face validity (experts opinion) . and  whit using the swot technique and spss software were analyzed. among the various items to memorize the square , the name of Gharamalek square with 59.3 % is reminiscent of the historical  and valuable space and with naming this space a living historical place is embodied in people's minds.the sum of factors and applications such as the comprehensive mosque , the historical bath , the silk road and etc have been instrumental in establishing the identity of the square.the silk road that used to cross this area in the past and is not known today , ad a negative effect on people's mental image.
Conclusion: whit designing and improving the quality of space can transform the square to enhance the level of social relations that different groups of people can attend into a collective space.and strengthening and spatial bonding and visual of square elements can be effective in creating an attractive centrality for the whole neighborhood.
Abolfazl Moarefi, Arash Sadri, Hadi Gholami Norabad, Behzad Saeidi,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

As a novel idea for discussion on the role of industrial development on regional development, the term “cluster” became noteworthy since 90’s in order to increase competitiveness. Territorial development researchers believe that formation of regional industrial clusters improves competitiveness and plays a role in promoting competitive advantages and regional development. Hence, because of the possibility of realization of competitive advantage, Tourism clusters became a focal point for research and policy making. Against this background, the purpose of this research is to analyze and review the role of industrial clusters on development of regional competitiveness and assumes that the higher number of relations in an industrial cluster leads to higher level of regional competitiveness. The research applies descriptive-analytical research method and utilizes questionnaire to collect data. The data was studied by SPSS and Lisrel software packs after approval of validity and reliability of data. Findings corroborate the relation between higher number of relations in industrial clusters with higher level of regional competitiveness and also identifies the contributing factors to development and stimulation of regional development which are ranked by the order of their effect as follows: 1. Social relations, 2. Geographic and location relations, 3. Economic relations, and 4. Institutional relations.

Musa Abedin, Ehsan Ghale, Nazfar Aghazadeh, Maryam Mohamadzadeh Sheshegaran,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Studies have shown that the role of thermal temperature measurement in studying and estimating surface temperature is very important. Earth surface temperature is an important indicator in the study of equilibrium energy models on the ground at the regional and global scale. Due to the limitation of meteorological stations, remote sensing can be a good alternative to earth surface temperature estimation. The main objective of this study is to monitor the surface temperature of the Earth using satellite imagery and a relationship that can have a surface temperature with land use. For this purpose, the relevant images were first obtained and the necessary pre-processes were applied to each one. Then it was compared to modeling and classification of images. Firstly, in order to study land use change, land use classification map was extracted for each two years using a controlled classification method. Then, to study the land use change, the land use change map was extracted for a period of 28 years (1987-2015). Became finally, in order to monitor the surface temperature, the surface temperature map of Meshginshahr was extracted. The results showed that there is a strong relationship between land use and surface temperature. High-vegetation areas and low-temperature blue areas. Also, rainfed farming has the highest average temperature relative to adjacent areas, which indicates the dryness of agricultural products in the Meshginshahr city.

Sara Behvandi, Abbas Arghan, Mohammad Reza Zand Moghadam, Zeynab Karke Abadi,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of dust on the economy of Ahvaz. The present study has used descriptive and analytical research methods. In addition, this research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study includes specialists, managers, experts and professors in the field of environment and dust in the city of Ahvaz is 65 people. The sample size was selected based on the total census of 65 people. A questionnaire designed in urban economics in the city of Ahvaz, which has four main variables. Based on this, the questionnaire has 32 questions that will be researcher-made and each of the four main variables has eight questions. Experts and professors formalized the validity of the questionnaire and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbachchr('39')s alpha of 0.81. Data analysis was performed based on structural equation analysis in Smart PLS software. In general, dust has affected the economy of Ahvaz city and this has been in such a way that dust on urban housing with an impact factor of 0.63 and a value of 11.4 T, Dust mites on urban transport with an impact factor of 0.60 and a value of 9.94 T, dust mites on urban facilities and facilities with an impact factor of 0.54 and a value of 6.70 T and dust mites on urban finance with an impact factor of 0.68 and a value of T 16 / 12 has had an impact

Mohammad Saghebi, Ezatollah Mafi, Mehdi Watanparast,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Today, urban livability is the key concept in urban planning. At present, the concept of sustainable development and livability is one of the new concepts in developed countries. The city of Bojnourd has witnessed unequal urban spaces due to the increasing population growth, especially in the last three decades, so the necessity and importance of the issue of livability is quite evident in the city today. This study was developed with the aim of evaluating and measuring urban viability and the factors affecting it. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In order to collect the required data and information, library and field methods and questionnaire tools were used. The statistical population of the study consists of citizens living in Bojnourd, the sample size was estimated 384 people using Cochranchr('39')s formula. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, one-sample t-test and linear regression were used in SPSS software. The results of this study showed that the situation of urban livability in Bojnourd, according to the general average obtained, which was equal to 2.75, is in a situation below the average. Also, in terms of the studied dimensions, the social dimension with an average of 2.84 has the highest average and the environmental dimension with an average of 2.67 has the lowest average. Also, the results of this study show that the situation in Region 2 is better than in Region 1 of Bojnourd. Other findings of this study include the positive effect of citizenschr('39') sense of security and health on urban livability.
Khadijeh Mikaeli Hajikandi, Behrooz Sobhani, Saeid Varamesh,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Study of land use/cover changes is widely used in environmental planning. During the last decade, growing increase of aridity in Uromiyah Basin has become a major regional and even national problem. The purpose of this study is to reveal the changes in land use/cover in the southern and southeastern parts of the basin with using 2 images for month of July of 2000 to 2017. Landsat TM and OLI data and NDVI were used for classification this study. Land use/cover maps in the two studied years were provided using Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) algorithm applied on two series data including spectral bands (data series 1) also spectral bands and filter texture layer (data series 2) and six categories of land use/cover containing Irrigated Farmland, Dry Farmland, garden, rangeland, bare land and water bodies were distinguished.. The accuracy of the produced maps were assessed and compared with the training samples derived from Google Earth images and Kappa Index, overral accuracy, producer accuracy and user accuracy. The results demonstrated that the maps produced using the data series 1 have higher accuracy and the overall accuracy of the maps of 2000 and 2017 using the data series 2 are 98.93 and 98.29 and these values for data series 1 were gained 99.28 and 91.45, respectively. In additional, texture filtering decreased amount of mixing between classes of rangeland, Irrigated Farmland and garden. The results of change detection showed considerable increase in the area of Irrigated Farmland (13.44) and garden 1.85 (27.24) an also at the studied period, the area of the water bodies and rangeland were decreased to 1.58 and 22.94%.

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