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Mohammad Saligheh, Mohammad Hossein Nasserzadeh, Thmineh Chehreara Ziabari,
Volume 16, Issue 43 (16 2016)

In this research, the relationship between NCPI and CACO indices with autumn precipitation of Southern Coast of Caspian Sea (SCCS) was investigated. In this regard, two sets of data were used (Aphrodite and Station). And the days with more rainfall than long-term average rainfall station and on condition that the rainfall is more than 70% of the region rainfall, were chosen as a day of widespread rainfall. The sea level pressure data was extracted and by cluster analysis and coalition method was clustered. Then, a representative of the widespread precipitation days from station dataset was selected, investigated and analyzed accordingly. The results state that within all patterns there exists a high pressure on the upper side of the Caspian Sea, or a margin of high pressure is extended on to the sea itself. These high pressure regions have relatively cold nature that can cause currents in the northern direction while intersecting with the relatively warm water during the summer. These currents can absorb moisture during their motion towards south which can lead to their instability. In addition, one should not forget the fact that in each three investigated patterns, dynamic factors at high levels have intensified the abovementioned phenomenon and enhanced the instability, which as a result brought about widespread precipitation. Continuously, the abovementioned Remote bond indices were extracted on a daily basis and their relation to north coast widespread rainfalls was studied, which came to a meaningful relationship between these index sets and fall index sets. The relationship is direct with NCPI or surveyed stations, and it’s an inverse relationship with CACO. On the other hand, the study of indexes anomalies on the days without rainfall and with rainfall was done by One Way ANOVA and Tukey test. The result was a meaningful index anomaly on the days with and without rainfall.

Somayeh Soltani Gerdfaramarzi, Aref Saberi, Morteza Gheisouri ,
Volume 17, Issue 44 (3-2017)

Rainfall is one of the most important components of the water cycle and plays a very important role in the measurement of climate characteristic in any area. Limitations such as lack of sufficient information about the amount of rainfall in time and space scale and complexity of the relationship between meteorological elements related to rainfall, causes the calculation of these parameters using the conventional method not to be implemented. One method of evaluating and forecasting of rainfall in each region is time series models. In this research, to predict the average annual rainfall synoptic station at Mahabad, Uromiya and Mako in West Azarbayejan provience during 1984-2013, linear time series ARIMA was used. To investigate model static, Auto Correlation Function (ACF) and Partial Auto Correlation Function (PACF) was applied and with differencing method, the non-static data transformed to static data. In next step, stochastic models to estimate the annual rainfall average were used. With regard to the evaluation criterion such as T, P-VALUE < 0.05 and Bayesian Information Creterion (BIC), ARIMA (1,0,0), ARIMA (0,1,1) and ARIMA (0,1,1) models was determined as a suitable model for predicting annual rainfall in the three selected stations at Uromiya, Makoo and Mahabad. In the following, the annual rainfall for 3 (2013-2016) years is forecasted which based on rainfall data in that time, the adjusted model was acceptable.

Amin Mahmodi Azar, Rahim Hashempour, Sid Momen Fovad Marashi,
Volume 17, Issue 45 (8-2017)

In recent decates, the subject of quality of living in city and the satisfaction of citizens from their environments has attarced the views the most of researchers and international institutes around the world. Because of its importance, UN to publish a report annually in which different cities around the world ranked and compared through the quality of life. Quality of living talk about different indices and one of its important indices is access to the city services which in turns would decrease some of the city problems such as slums and irregular construction, land speculation and etc. This research tries to analysis the city quality of living according to the standards of services access in cities. So, quality of service access was analysed in objective and subjective sections in old zone of Urmia. The research method is descriptive-analytic and we use questioner, different models such as AHP and network analysis and fuzzy techniques, Pierson coefficient for our study. Results show that satisfaction of city-service access has a very meaningful statistic impact on the subjective factors of quality of living and as it increases more, we have more subjective quality. These results tell planners that key factors would have great impacts and roles on the satisfaction of the life of citizens.

Dr. Morad Kavianirad, Dr Yadollah Karimi Pour, Dr. Hedayat Fahmi, Mr. Sadegh Karami,
Volume 17, Issue 46 (9-2017)

Efforts to provide security have always been of great importance to human being. In recent decades, the security issues of climate change have attracted attentions due to its sustainable consequences on the lives and civilization of humans. Among all countries, the ones which are placed in draught belt, like our country Iran, have hurt a lot because of low precipitations and also mismanagements in water resources control. Climate change show itself by changes in precipitation patterns, reduction of precipitation and increasing of temperature. According to the present data, Iran's central drainage basin which consists of important geopolitical provinces, has been affected by the above mentioned factors. This descriptive-analytic research is carried out based on the effects of climate change on Iran's central basin which provides approximately 48 percent of Iran’s GDP.  Continuity of climate changes in this region can make critical problems in social, environmental, economic and political scales and the lives of the citizens would be affected as well. To conclude, the persistence of the current conditions in climate change in the central drainage basin of Iran, would result in challenges through the national stability and security.

Chenoor Mohammadi, Manouchehr Farajzadeh, Yousef Ghavdel Rahimi, Abbas Ali Aliakbar Bidokhti,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)

 This study is aimed at estimating monthly mean air temperature (Ta) using the MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), latitude, altitude, slope gradient and land use data during 2001-2015. The results showed that despite some spatial similarities between annual spatial patterns of Ta and LST, their variations are significantly different, so that the Ta variation coefficient is four times the one of the LST. Our analysis indicated that while in winter latitude is the key factor in explaining the distribution of the differences LST-Ta, in other seasons the role of slope and vegetation become more prominent. After obtaining the spatial patterns of LST and Ta, we estimated Ta using regression models in spatial resolution of 0.125˚. The lowest estimation error was found in the months of November and December with a high explanatory coefficient (R2) of 70% and a standard error of 1 ° C.  On the other hand, the maximum error was obtained from May to August with R2 between 59 to 63% and a standard error of 1.6 ° C which is significant at the 0.05 level. In addition, result of evaluation of individual months showed that estimation of Ta is more accurate at the cold months of the year (November, December, January, February, and March). With considering different land uses, the highest R2 was related to waters and urban areas (96 to 99%) in warm months, and the lowest R2 was for mixed forest and grassland (between 15 and 36%) in cold months.

Dr Mohammad Hossien Saraei, Mrs Samaneh Iraji,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)

The management of land development in the compilation of urban development documents is a very important topic. Failure to pay attention to this necessity, and the course of physical development foreseen for urban areas, make the main goal of the development plan, which improves the quality of housing in urban areas, not being realized. The purpose of this study is to introduce a functional model for land development management in order to guide and manage the urban development flow. To this end, the Land Readjustment Plan (LR) as the selected method of land management in urban areas is introduced and it is possible to perform it in a range of Yazd city. The general research method used in this descriptive-analytic study. The data used in this article collected by the library method as well as the field survey were used and analyzed using ArcGIS software. In this regard, a proposal for the scope of the study was compiled and evaluated before and after the implementation of the plan. The calculation of the distributional index showed that the proposed scheme would give 20% of the profits to the owners in the scope of the study. The conclusion from this study shows that using the Land Readjustment Program as an economic and design tool, planning and redevelopment of undeveloped lands can be done in accordance with urban needs. This planning involves modifying the layout of parts, modifying the network of roads, supplying services and infrastructure of the facility. Thus, the field of realization of urban development plans in these areas was provided. It also provided the basis for the participation of all stakeholder groups through creating the necessary attractions for the groups influencing the implementation of the project.

Fatemeh Ghiasabadi Farahani, Faramarz Khoshakhlagh, Aliakbar Shamsipour, Ghasem Azizi, Ebrahim Fattahi,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)

The present research about the spatial changes of precipitation is mainly focused on western areas of Iran. Precipitation data for three seasons of fall, winter, and spring have been obtained from Esafzari Database, with 15*15 km spatial resolution in the form of a Lambert Cone Image System for the period from 1986 to 2015. To examine the prevailing pattern of precipitation in west of Iran, we have used geostatistical methods of spatial autocorrelation. The changes in precipitation trends have been analyzed using parametric and non-parametric analyses of regression and Mann Kendal. We have used MATLAB for analysis of the data. We have also used ArcGIS and Surfer for drawing maps.  The results of inter-decade changes of positive spatial autocorrelation of precipitation in west of Iran have indicated that there has been a decline in spatial extent of the positive spatial autocorrelation pattern in spring and fall, except for winter with a negligible increasing trend. Nevertheless, except for the second period, no considerable spatial changes were observed in the spatial pattern of precipitation in the region. However, there was a decreasing trend in the negative spatial autocorrelation of precipitation in annual and seasonal scales. The results of trend analysis have indicated that there was a decreasing trend in a vast area of the west parts of the country in annual scale and also in winter. Although there was an increasing trend in precipitation in fall and spring, but the trend was not significant in 95 % of confidence interval. The results of Man Kendal test have confirmed the results obtained from linear regression. 

Farzaneh Sasanpour, Sara Alizadeh, Hourieh Aarabi Moghadam,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)

Livability approach is defined as the healthy, safe, suitable and economically accessible urban system that brings about high life quality and is considered as a subset of sustainable development. Although investigating urban livability can be advantageous in identifying deficiencies and taking actions in order to improve livability of the living environment of residents, but unfortunately there has been inadequate considerations about livability theory in Iran. the result, in this study, the livability of Urumia city has been investigated. Firstly, after devising 24 factors in 4 aspects (Physical-Environmental, Economic, Social and Health) this index was evaluated in urban areas by using newly invented model RALSPI with descriptive-analytical approach. Finally, based on this model, the areas were placed within the range of very livable to intolerable, so that District #1 was determined as the best area with livability score of 0.31 and District #2 was determined as the most unlivable area with the score of 0.007. This issue revealed a huge gap between the areas of the city.

Jamileh Tavakolinia, Mostafa Haraeeni,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)

Tourism quality is important factor so that influence in return of tourists. Hence, it needed to be developed tourism quality due to stimulate domestic and foreign investment, increase business, and improve economic and social conditions. This study has an applied perspective relevant to type, and has an analytical approach pertaining to descriptive method. Using a questionnaire and taking the reliability of the data into account, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (0.834) and content validity, the data and required information were collected; and analyzing the number of 354 forms referring to the Darband restaurants were performed, with respect to documentary research and fieldwork in the sample tests. Based on facts collected due to satisfy consumptions; we found some gaps including, the widest gap of QoSs is relevant to tangibles with average distance -0.33, and narrowest gap of QoSs is pertaining to responsiveness with average distance 0.34. In next step, using Kano model we categories’ QoSs, and the results, based on customers’ respond, shown that 6 features categorized as “attractive,” 5 features categorized as “one-dimensional,” 6 features categorized as “necessary,” and 2 features as rest of 19 characteristics categorized as “unconcerned.” Eventually, according to the findings performed an inspection due find out about a relation over the Spearman correlation, and education, and income.

Abed Golkarami, , Afshin Motaghi, Hossien Rabiee,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)

Knowing Country and understanding the capacity of its perimeter and international environment are essential components of the economy that the foreign policy of any country should be on the basis of territorial and social. The country relies on its geopolitical foundations that they are influenced by its geographical location can affect codification foreign policy in the international economy. Hence, this paper with an analytical -descriptive method to survey the geopolitical and geographical foundations of Islamic Republic of Iran's economy. This paper show that Economy of Islamic Republic Iran away with its Geopolitical foundations and to achieve an effective economic on the closed surrounding and international environment, review in Geopolitical foundations of foreign policy that is mentioned in the form of five components are necessary and is inevitable. Hence, Islamic Republic of Iran to pursue these foundations in foreign policy strategy, not only effects will be in terms of political and cultural on international environment but also in terms geo-economic impact on international political economy.

Mrs Faranak Bahrami, Mr Abbas Ranjbar.s.a, Mr Ebrahim Fattahi,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

Probable maximum precipitation (PMP), is the highest rainfall, which occurs at a given time in a basin. Hydrologist calculates the probable maximum flood for the design of overflow dams, by using the PMP, with two methods: statistical and synoptic. The purpose of this study is calculating PMP in the Ghomrood basin by using the synoptic method. For this purpose rain, meteorological data of the Iran’s Meteorological Organization were used. Also, the data on the 850 and 500 hPa levels were analyzed by the National Center for Environmental Prediction and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR). In the following, the required synoptic maps produced and were studied. Iso rain maps were drawn, and depth-area-duration curves were determined. Eventually, PMP was estimated at 24, 48 and 72 hours. So that 24 hours PMP, by calculating 50 and 100 years return period of dew point estimated 51/75 and 54 mm respectively. Also for 48 hours PMP 128/25 and 132/05 mm, and for 72 hours PMP 97/9 and 101/75 estimated.

Mohammad Daraei, Dr Peyman Mahmoudi, Dr Behroz Sari Sarraf, Dr Ali Mohammad Khorshiddost,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

Agricultural sector is most dependent on climate, and climate is the main determinant of time, location, production resources, and productivity of agricultural activities. The first event of zero-degree temperature in fall and its last event in spring is important for agriculture. This information is used to determine the species suitable for planting in each area. The present study seeks to identify the probability distribution function for extracting statistical characteristics of frost events in Iran. For this purpose, the history of early autumn and late spring frosts were extracted using daily minimum temperatures of 44 synoptic stations in Iran for a period of 30 years (1981-2010). After fitting various distributions, the best distribution was selected using Anderson-Darling goodness of fit test. Results indicated that most stations follow the Wakeby distribution. Based on the calculations, the first day of frost occurs in the highlands of the Northwest (Saqez, Hamedan, Ardabil, and Zanjan), Northeast (Bojnoord, Torbat-e Heydariyeh, Birjand, and also the Central Zagros Mountains (Shahr-e Kord), due to proximity with cold lands of the North such as Siberia and Northern Europe as well as early entry of westerly winds to this region compared to other regions of Iran will occur. And the latest event of the first day of frost occurs a little farther from the southern coast of Iran in a narrow strip along the coast and parts of the northern coasts (from Babolsar to Bandar Anzali). The earliest event of the last day of frost occurs in the same area in early February. The latest day of frost in Iran occurs in Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Khorasan, and highlands of the province of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari

Sayad Asghari Saraskanrood, Zeynab Dolatshahi,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the quality of wine in Khorramabad city as a major issue in public health and health management of citizens. To perform this research, data on the chemical element of 23 wells and fountains in Khorramabad County during the period of 2002 to 2013 were presented in the form of a series of elements: fluorine (F), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) The ArcGIS software and the algebraic or deterministic internalization methods, geology, IDW method, Kriging method and splint method were used for mapping and drawing maps. To assess the chemical quality of the drinking water element, standards were used: the National Standard, World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States Environmental Organization (EPA) as an indicator of pollution. The results showed that the amount of calcium (Ca) in all seasons and in all sources is lower than the national standards (WHO) and (EPA) standards, but in some sources higher than the standard desirable standard. The amount of fluorine (F) only in the spring and summer is higher than the standard standard (EPA) in some wells, but in winter and fall in all wells and springs above the standard desirable standard (EPA) is. And the amount of potassium element (K) in any of the seasons and in any of the wells and springs is higher than the desirable and desirable national standard, WHO and EPA, as well as a handful of magnesium (Mg) in none of the water sources studied It has not been higher than the national standard, (WHO) and (EPA).

Mrs Masooume Darmani, Mohammad Nohtani, Haydeh Ara, Ali Golkarian, Salman Sharif Azari,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)

One of the most important processes of erosion and sediment transport in streams is the river most complex engineering  issues.this process special effects on water quality indices, action suburbs floor and destroyed much damage to the river and also into the development plans  Lack of continuity sediment sampling and measurement of many existing stations. due to the low number of hydrometric stations in Iran and the lack of continuity of sediment sampling and measuring in many existing stations, on one hand the exact amount of sediment load in many rivers in the country is not available and because of differences in climatic, hydrological and topographical conditions in the country, on the other hand, the preparation and calibration of sediment Erosion Models different regions, is unavoidableCalibration models of erosion and sedimentation in different locations is difficult and requires financial capital andthe time . the But evolutionary optimization algorithm able to resolve this problems of mathematical and experimental methods in this paper, a new optimization algorithm spiders can be made to education And the evolutionary pattern for input (discharge and precipitation) and rain-gauge gauging stations and Watershed Kardeh designated evolutionary algorithms and artificial network performance for 24 year 24-year dam catchment Kardeh for the period studied. In conclusion, the results proved that social spiders optimization algorithm t better resultspredic to for sediment in watershed Kardeh

Mostafa Karimi, Mahnaz Jafari, Faramarz Khosh Akhlgh, Saeed Bazgir,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)

Spatio-temporal variations of factors affecting the occurrence of precipitation can lead to a change in its amount. The atmospheric moisture is one of the most important factors for precipitation formation. In this study, changes in atmospheric moisture and its relation with occurrence of seasonal wet and dry periods were investigated in Iran. The re-analysis data from the ERA interim European Center for Mid-Term Projections (ECMWF) was used during the period 1981-2011. The z index (ZSI) was used to extract wet and dry periods of autumn, winter and spring seasons. The seasons with the maximum percentage of wetness/drought occurrence during the above periods were selected. Vertical integrated divergence of the moisture flux was extracted in three layers of the lower, middle and upper atmosphere above Iran. The results revealed that in all three layers, moisture flux was maximum during wet period and decreased in dry one. In all layers in wet and dry periods, the moisture content imported to Iran increased during warm season as compared to cold seasons. In addition, the difference in moisture content in the warm season was less than cold seasons and has less variations. There was no significant changes in moisture at high levels in three seasons. In general, there was a significant difference in terms of the winds pattern in the wet and dry periods. The favorable conditions of flow patterns on the water surface of the region provide the condition for increasing transport of moisture to Iran. Although, the moisture transfer reduced due to deviation and change of direction of currents, in dry period especially in the lower layer, and hence increase the occurrence of dry periods in Iran.

Rahmatollah Shojaei Moghadam, Mostafa Karampoor, Behroz Nasiri, Naser Tahmasebipour,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)

The purpose of this study is to analyze and analyze Iran's precipitation over the past half-century(1967-2017). For this purpose, the average monthly rainfall of Iran during the statistical period of 50 years was extracted from Esfazari databases (Which is provided using data from 283 stations of Synoptic and Climatology). Regression analysis was used to analyze the trend and to analyze the annual and monthly rainfall cycles of Iran, spectral analysis was used. Investigation and analysis of monthly precipitation trend indicates that except for central Zagros (Lorestan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari and Gorgan areas, where rainfall in winter season has increased trend), in other parts of the country and in other seasons, the trend of decline Precipitation is prevalent. The study of Iranian rainfall cycles has been shown  that Most of Iran's rainfall cycles are 2 to 4 years old and have a short term course. Meanwhile, there are two middle-cycle 25-year cycles in January-July and two long-term 50-year cycles in March and December, indicating a trend in the March and December rainfall. The two months of February and October lacked a clear cycle. The analysis of the auto-correlation model of rainfall showed that the high spatial auto-correlation model in winter was consistent with the western, southwestern and coastal of the Caspian Sea and covered about 14% of the country's. The low spatial auto-correlation model is found in sparse spots in the southern, central and southeastern regions of the country in winter and spring, and covered about 7.5% of the country's. The results of this study indicate that the overall trend of Iran's rainfall is decreasing trend and only in winter, in the small regions of the country, the increase trend is observed.

Hossein Imani Pour, Abdolreza Kashki, Mokhtar Karami,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)

Heating requirements are one of the most important human issues in the fields of agriculture, tourism and energy management in the present and future .Knowing the extent of these changes can be very effective in making decision makers. The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in the requirements of the heating degree day in conditions of climate change in southern Khorasan province. For this purpose, daily data from the minimum and maximum temperature of 11 stations of the South Khorasan province were received from the Meteorological Organization of Iran during the period of 1990-2015. The latest available scenarios of the fifth report of the Climate Change Interagency Panel (AR5 2014) include RCP scenarios from the Canadian Climate Change website and, using the SDSM macroeconomic statistics software, the data for the upcoming period (2016-2046) in the study area was thrown off. Using the Matlab software capability, the monthly and annual heating requirements of the stations were calculated in the current and future period. Finally, using the Kriging interpolation method, the zoning maps for cooling requirements for the current and future period are mapped in ArcGIS software. By examining the effect of geographic features (latitude and longitude and station height) on the heating needs in the area, it was determined that the role of heights is very effective in changing the heating needs. In the cold months of the year (Azar, Dey and Bahman), the highlands (Qain, Arsak, Fath Abad, Aryan Shahr, Darmian) require higher energy levels due to the need for higher temperatures. Increasing the temperature and warming of the air in the future, especially in the months of Farvardin and Mehr in most places, requires less use of exhaustible equipment in the future.

Yousef Ghavidel Rahimi, Manouchehr Farajzadeh, Esmaeel Lashani Zand,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)

In this study, the changes in the Khorramabad storm in the period of 1952 to 2015 have been investigated. For this purpose, data from meteorological codes 06 and 07 were received from the Meteorological Organization of the country, and after identifying the days of winding with dust storms and calculating their monthly frequency, monthly, seasonal and annual time series were analyzed. In this study, descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, linear and polynomial trend analysis, and nonparametric Mann-Kendal test were used to study the frequency variation of dust storms in Khorramabad station. The results of the research showed that the monthly frequency of dust storms in Khorramabad station in the middle of May, July and June is May and July, respectively, and from May to July (May to July), the frequency of storms in the dust and dust Khoramabad station is added that this issue is not related to the district heating and dry season. In the seasonal season other than the autumn, which is not frequent with frequent dust storms, in the rest of the seasons, especially in spring and summer, the seasonal concentration of dust storms in Khoramabad has been intensified. The analysis of the trend of time variation in the occurrence of dust storms in Khorramabad station showed that in most of the months of the year and in the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, as well as in the annual period, there was a significant change in the frequency of dust storms in Khorramabad station. It is increasing with a relatively steep slope, indicating that in the future, the frequency of dust storms in Khorramabad station will be increased.

Dr Vahid Riahi, Dr Parviz Zeaiean Firouzabadi, Dr Farhad Azizpour, Ms Parastoo Darouei,
Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)

The cognition of cropping pattern is important for planning and resource management .Remote sensing as a science and technology of spatial information and geographic information system due to having the analytical facilities can play a key role in determining the distribution of crops and their lands under cultivation. In this research, in order to identify and separate the lands under cultivation of the dominant crops in Lenjanat of Isfahan province, the multi-temporal images of Landsat 8 satellite, OLI sensor were used in the dates of April 17, July 6, and August 23 in 2016. Using maximum likelihood classification and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of the agriculture crops in different periods of growth and according to their cropping calendar, the map of the cropping pattern of the area was determined. To evaluate the accuracy of the results, the produced maps were examined with reference data. Kappa coefficient and overall accuracy were 0.88 and 90%, respectively, in maximum likelihood classification, and 0.90 and 93%, respectively, in NDVI. Furthermore, statistics presented by Agricultural Jihad Organization of Isfahan province in the 2015-2016 crop year was used for evaluation. The results showed that there were differences equal to 10.2%, 18.6% and 1.8%, in the area under cultivation of wheat and barley, rice, and potato and forage, respectively, in maximum likelihood classification, comparing with the statistics of Agriculture Jihad while the results of NDVI comparing with Jihad statistics showed the errors equal to 6.6 %, 6.5 % and 3.2%, respectively, that indicated the better performance of temporal vegetation indices in estimation of area under cultivation according to its phenology. Investigation of land use and cropping pattern of this area indicate a high centralization of agricultural lands with high water requirements and industries on the proximity of Zayanderud River which necessitates the spatial analysis of land use in this area.

Dr Amjad Maleki, Dr Sajad Bageri, Master Sara Mataee,
Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)

Vulnerability assessment and mapping of hazard pollution is raised on as an important management strategy to protect the karst. Karstic aquifers in semi-arid regions of the West of Iran with regard to the natural conditions of the region, are susceptible to contamination. Estimation of amount and vulnerability mapping of aquifers in the karst religion of Bistoun- Paraw – Kermanshah plain against poullution emissions using the COP model are theaims of this study. This model using of three parameters - covering layer (O), concentration of flow (C) and regime of precipitation (P) - assesses the vulnerability of karst water resources against pollution. The results show that %31/4of the area has located in the zone of average vulnerability and %30/7of area has been in the low ​​vulnerability area and %37/9of the area has taken a very low vulnerabilities value. The later zone has been included  most part of the plain. Major areas of low and moderate vulnerabilityzones has been located in the high part of the area on wherethe developed limestone territory of karst formations is found. Vegetation cover of these regions areforest-steppe vegetation where is located in the low vulnerability zone and without vegetation cover where is in the moderate vulnerability zones. The latest has over 800 mm Precipitation. Totally, the Parameters that have  most important role in  vulnerability level in the areaare C, P and O respectively.

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