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Showing 52 results for Tehran

Alireza Vousoghi Amiri, Rojin Marzi, Mahsa Bashtam, Kiarash Pourhazhir Ardestani, Seyedeh Sepideh Ghalamro,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

the aim of this study is to explain the impacts and impacts of organizations such as municipality on land use management in the tehran metropolitan area to determine and change land use patterns in documents and factors affecting them . because of the qualitative research approach and its type , the influence of organ and document content including land use projects in tehran was used . research findings show that land use management in tehran with conflicts in land use management , weakness in land use management , weakness in land use management system , weakness in land use management system , weakness in land use management system , weakness factor in land use management system , weakness factor in land use management system , informal and quasi - governmental agent and private agent are classified . finally , the change of land use change in tehran metropolitan area has been studied and challenges and opportunities are presented . the research method is analytical and by software soft ware and t - test .

Sogand Yousefi Azarabarghani, Hamid Majedi, Dr Zahra Sadat Saeideh Zarabadi,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

The growth and expansion of the dispersed development pattern is one of the ways of settlement development that is shaped by a variety of factors, including urban management policies and approaches. Examine how the development of Tehran's metropolitan area has evolved over the last fifty years and what effective urban management policies and approaches have been and how it has influenced city development. This article deals with it. This research has been used because of the importance of the topic in a descriptive-analytical and practical purpose, based on library and documentary studies and in some cases field observations. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, three types of measurement models were used depending on the subject and variables of the study. In this regard, physical continuity in Tehran urban complex through Shannon entropy model, functional continuity through network analysis model (investigation of habitat and flow points and distribution and land use composition) and poor urban slope growth using Helder model The measurement is located. The findings show that: 1) dispersal phenomena have occurred in Tehran metropolitan area (Helderen and Shannon entropy model), 2) Tehran metropolitan area has been experiencing functional divergence (network analysis) and user distribution The services and services at the Tehran metropolitan level have not been uniform and balanced; and 3) the policies and approaches of urban management in successive years have had wide-ranging effects on spatial dispersal and unbalanced spatial development. Tehran's urban complex had.

Sirous Rahimzadeh Sisibig, Alireza Shichaslami, Kianoosh Zakerhaghighi,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

In this regard, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of non-governmental organizations in improving the urban management system of Tehran metropolis in six physical, functional, social, economic, environmental and institutional dimensions. The research method was descriptive-analytical and the data collection method was documentary and survey. The research tool was a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study was the citizens of Tehran and the sample size was 383 people. The data were analyzed using T-test and confirmatory factor analysis. The results show that the level of significance in all dimensions is lower than 0.05; Therefore, according to the average scores, NGOs in Tehran have mainly played a greater role in the social and environmental dimensions and in the economic and institutional dimensions in the form of an intermediary relationship between urban management and citizens. In the framework of confirmatory factor analysis, comparison of explanatory variance by six factors showed that social, environmental, functional, physical, economic and institutional factors have the highest variance in explaining the role of factors in the urban management system of Tehran. A total of 20 main factors in explaining the role of semen were confirmed; Thus, it was found that the Samanids, given that they are in direct contact with citizens, can accurately reflect urban issues and realities to the urban management system; For this purpose, it is suggested that first, according to their different functions, the subdivisions should be classified into specialized subdivisions on various urban issues, and also their position in the urban management system should be upgraded.

Haniyeh Asadzadeh, Afshar Hatami, Farzaneh Sasanpour,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

According to a new urban paradigm using new innovative systems like crating ubiquitous city with smart convergent systems is a way to solve urban problems. The ubiquitous city is a future city in which physical spaces and electronic spaces are convergent. In terms of structural view ubiquitous city consists of space, ICT, and human. This research method is applied and descriptive analytic one. By reviewing the literature on 15 aspects and 77 indices are gathered and selected. Required data for research gathered through field study. Research result indicates that the distribution of indicators of Ubiquitous city in Tehran metropolitan is very inappropriate. The most significant shortage (More than 50 %) in Tehran metropolitan are in U-Health and care U-Governance, U-culture, and sports, U-education, U-housing, U-transportation, infrastructure, citizens, trade and finance aspects. In turn, U-facilities, U-environment, U-energy network, and U-water network are the only aspects that the distribution of indicators (More than 50 %) are appropriate. In general, dimensional classification showed that 13.33 percent of the dimensions were in an excellent condition, 13.33 percent in good condition, 20 percent in moderate condition, 40 percent in poor condition and 13.33 percent in deplorable condition. The existence of indicators also showed that 33.76 percent of the index is not available at all85% of the indicators are incomplete, and only 23.37% of the indicators are fully exhaustive — finally, the priority of indicators propose to the development of U-city in Tehran metropolis. the results of this research applicable for furthor transformation of Tehran to ubiquitous city.
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Mrs Sahel Tabatabayee, Dr Maryam Robati, Dr Zahra Azizi,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial pattern of urban green space distribution applying the Network Analysis Process Model (ANP) and VIKOR (Case Study: District 5 of Tehran). After the Islamic Revolution, due to various reasons such as overflow of population to Tehran from the central and southern regions and the flood of refugees to Tehran, it has faced with the increase in population and development, which makes it important to study the distribution of green space in different parts of the city. Two types of questionnaires were used. The first questionnaire was completed by available sampling method from the participants in the parks of the area. The results were then analyzed using the VIKOR model. The second questionnaire was distributed among the relevant experts and analyzed using the ANP method. Considering the fact that the factors such as appropriate equipment, size and suitability for children had the highest weight, it is suggested that places for green space in the studied area should be determined in order to increase the number of green spaces. It is because, location was mentioned as an important factor. This can be achieved through the construction of parks in places close to residential areas away from military and arterial locations. Areas 5 and 2 suffered from the lack of green space and residents' dissatisfaction with the green space, thus being recommended; these are the first areas to increase green space and improve it by the municipality of the region.

Gholam Reza Soroushan, Abdallah Hendiani, Parvane Zivyar Pardei, Ali Tavakolan,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

In recent decades, the issue of resilience has become a specialized and public issue in society. Concepts of resilience in urban communities, which is in fact an action against development at the national level and purely physical development on an urban scale, and an attempt to achieve qualitative standards in the field of urban planning. In the meantime, the issue of resilience in urban communities means that society is able to withstand severe natural disasters without major damage, injury, production stoppage and reduced quality of life, and also at the superficial level, the goal of resilience as an ideal. The world is at the individual, organizational and community level. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of urban governance on urban resilience. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The statistical population of the study consisted of citizens living in Tehran and experts in the field of research. The sample size was estimated for the statistical group of citizens using Cochran's formula 384 people and for specialists 60 people. In order to analyze the information and achieve the research objectives, structural equation modeling in LISREL software environment was used. Findings of this study showed that urban governance has a direct effect on urban resilience so that 0.42% of the variance of urban resilience variable can be explained by urban governance.
Elmira Azimi, Hosin Mobara, Maryam Farzadmanesh,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

The emergence of a variety of inequalities, widespread poverty, malnutrition and ... were examples of the effects of urbanization. For this reason, many scholars and experts have focused on the quality of life, in order to improve living conditions and improve the quality of life of human beings. Many studies show that satisfaction with different dimensions and characteristics of the neighborhood affects residents' quality of life. Considering that satisfaction with life, i.e., the full satisfaction of all parts of life, if this kind of satisfaction does not develop among residents, more serious problems such as intra-urban migration, severe class contradictions and the problem of uplifting and down-town faces Accepts. Therefore, identifying the effective factors on residential satisfaction in each neighborhood, which is in accordance with the needs of the residents of that neighborhood, is one of the main goals of urban planners in order to increase residential satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of location and quality of environment on improving citizens' satisfaction from neighborhoods. The research method was descriptive-analytic, data collection method, library and survey, sample size was estimated 315 by Cochran formula. In order to test the hypotheses presented in this study, structural equation modeling was used in Lisrel software environment. The results of this study indicate that spatial sense of belonging and quality of environment have a significant effect on residents' satisfaction with the neighborhood.

Gholamreza Malekshahi, Taher Parizadi, Kolsoum Rezaei,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

The study of the roles and functions of cities and their developments is an important question in modern geographic studies. The unbalanced spatial distribution of populations, irregular migration to metropolises and imbalances in the distribution of economic opportunities between regions have led to focus on the idea of ​​medium-sized cities as one of the most effective approaches to planning of the territory. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to study the performance of the city of Nasimshahr as an intermediary city in the spatial development structure of Tehran province. The research method is "descriptive-analytical" and the data collection method is based on both library and field methods. Quantitative methods and models have been used to study the role of the city. Economic models show that the city's share of industrial employment is above average in terms of industrial employment. The structural change index shows that the changes in Nasimshahr were greater than those in Tehran province. The results of the share change model show that the service sector has grown faster than the province. Considering the spatial structure, whatever the role of the city, the spatial imbalance in the urban network of the province is obvious. Demographic models show that Nasimshahr has great elasticity to attract the overwhelming population of the province. Therefore, given its strengths and possibilities, it can play a key role in regional leveling as a service and industrial center in the southwest of the province.

Sara Kiani, Dr. Amir Karam, Ms Nasrin Hoseinaei,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

The Kan-Soleghan basin is located on the southern Hillside of the Alborz, which has affected the Alp-Himalayan active zone over time. In this respect, the evaluation of active tectonic processes and their effects on many human activities, such as the design and construction of cities, powerhouse, dams, and industrial facilities are of great importance. The passage of the Tehran-North Freeway Tunnel from the area increases the activity of the faults that contributed to the formation of the current morphology of the basin. In this research, morphotectonic indices including river asymmetry index (Af), basin shape (Bs), hypsometric integral (Hi), Stream length index (Sl), mountain front sinusity (Smf), valley width to valley height (Vf), topographic symmetry (Tp) was calculated. Finally, the mean of the results of the indices was calculated as the LAT index. In the present study, topographic Map 1:50000 and digital elevation (DEM) maps with 30 m spatial resolution (ASTER sensors), the boundary layer of the basin, were used to calculate morphometric indices. The Kan-Soleghan basin area is divided into three tectonic regions with slow, semi-active, active Tectonic, and the calculation of the relative active tectonic (LAT) index indicates that the studied area is in tectonic terms in active state. The tectonic structures, especially the faults of the region, have affected the asymmetry and shape of the basin. The main river Kan-Soleghan also shows asymmetry, which can be said due to the structural factors, especially the faults of the region, the basin has asymmetry and deviation to the left of the basin. Also, the construction of the Tehran-north freeway and the location of the Tunnel openings in the vicinity of the northern fault of Tehran, is one of the human factors influenced by the tectonic activity of the area, which requires tectonic activity.

Mohammad Doosthoseini, Vahid Bigdeli Rad, Maryam Moeinifar,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

The creative urban area must be able to support the economy of the urban area, intelligent transportation, management rehabilitation as well as improving environmental performance, and also it can be providing the grounds for the realization of social capital in order to achieve the indicators of social capital. The present article aims to identify the factors for the realization of the model of creative urban area from the perspective of social capital in District 11 of Tehran. The methodology of research is descriptive-analytical and after referring to library resources, the ideas, views of related theories and the concepts of the research were examined. Statistical sample included academic community and urban specialists working in scientific centers. A questionnaire was used to examine the views and opinions of the academic community and urban specialists working in scientific and specialized interview centers. In this regard, SPSS and Excel software were used to answer the questions and achieve the objectives of research and analysis of the results of the questionnaires. The results of the research showed that the indicators of turnout, attendance at meetings related to regional affairs and creative goals, level of trust in institutions at different levels, level of information about local and national affairs and talent search, level of feeling of influencing events. And the specific values ​​of each of the six factors were higher than the value of 1. Also, studies indicated that the cumulative variance explained by the relevant factors in the study sample is about 69.879, which explains the development of a model of a creative urban area in the 11th district of Tehran and represents 70% of the model realization based on the social capital approach.

Majid Rajabi Jurshari, Tuba Amir Azodi, Rahim Sarvar, Jamile Tavakoli Nia,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

Quality of life is one of the most important issues in the world that has an urban planning in order to search for the quality of life  and in order to solve this problem , some solutions have been offered . The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of quality of life in women . This research due to the importance of the subject is based on analytical - applied method based on structural equation modeling of structural equation modeling of library and documentary research with the aim of analyzing the relationship between quality of life and its relation with this research . The statistical population in the first stage in the first stage , and the second stage in the second stage , the inferential statistics was used to determine the status of some specialized experts . The results showed that the quality of urban life is the most important indicator for the quality of urban life and the quality of urban life is the lowest . It is a reciprocal relationship , which in turn has severity of quality of life .
Maryam Rahmani Lashgari, Alireza Estalaji, Azita Rajabi, Majid Vali Shariat Panahi,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

Social sustainability today, as the most important dimension of sustainable development, has an important place in urban planning and its importance in planning is constantly increasing with the increase of social problems and divergence between neighborhoods in terms of performance and participation. Therefore, this requires more research in urban studies. This study was conducted to investigate the role of social participation in the development of social sustainability in neighborhoods. For this purpose, the significance of the significant effect of these two variables has been measured. The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. Data collection was library and field method. The statistical population of the study consists of a group of experts who were selected by the available method of 20 people as the sample size of the study. Data collection tool is a questionnaire based on theoretical foundations and studies conducted on a five-point Likert scale. Data analysis was performed using structural equations with the help of Emus software. The results showed that the social participation of citizens in neighborhoods with a coefficient (beta) of 0.732 has a positive effect on sustainable social development of these neighborhoods and the relationship between these two variables is significant. In other words, sustainable social development will be strengthened by strengthening social participation. And the variables of sense of belonging, satisfaction with the neighborhood, participation in neighborhood activities and trust also have a positive effect on the variables of social participation in neighborhoods.

Dr Amir Shayanian, Dr Fatemeh Mozaffari Qadiklayi, Dr Ali Pahlavan,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Increasing energy demand and environmental problems caused by the consumption of fossil fuels have made the use of passive solar energy methods more necessary, especially in commercial centers. On the other hand, the growth of science and technology in the world and the use of intelligent systems in buildings, has led to the completion of common methods. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the side wall of atriums and building intelligence in optimizing energy consumption in commercial centers of Tehran. Due to its nature, the research method is simulation with a case study and analytical approach and in terms of application type. In this research, first, the typology of the building form is introduced and the basic model is selected, and after selecting the design-builder software, validation and simulation of energy consumption in different scenarios are performed to determine the reduction of energy consumption in different situations. This research, which is taken from a doctoral dissertation, shows that the most optimal commercial centers in terms of reducing energy consumption in the climate of Central Tehran are related to atrium buildings without side walls. Also, the installation of smart awnings and light sensors at a control temperature of 22 degrees has significantly reduced energy consumption in these buildings.
Keywords: side wall, Building intelligence, atrium, Commercial center, Tehran.

Dr Tajeddin Karami, Dr Somayeh Teymouri,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

One of the theories that studied poverty and inequality after World War II and urban reconstruction in America in the duality of the suburbs and the central city is the theory of Spatial Mismatch. Despite the role of the background caused by racial-ethnic inequality and the contrast between the suburbs and the central city in the formation of the aforementioned theory, the main indicators of Spatial Mismatch indicate the lack of appropriateness between obtaining a job with sufficient benefits to access affordable and quality housing. This means that the backgrounds, structures and processes of inequality are different from one society to another and the lack of proportionality between the benefits of work and access to housing represents the spaces of poverty. The aim of the current research is to reveal the Spatial Mismatch between the two mentioned indicators in the metropolitan areas of Tehran. The current research is applied research in terms of its purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of its method. The main data required include major occupational groups and housing status in official population and housing censuses, which have been analyzed using spatial functions. The analysis of the research findings shows that there is a direct relationship between occupational stratification and the quality of residence in Tehran's municipal areas. In such a way that the concentration centers of the lower classes and workers who are deprived of jobs with suitable benefits have been formed in residential areas with poor quality and worn-out textures. Based on this, in the southern regions of Tehran, there is a greater disproportion between getting a suitable job and access to quality housing. While in the northern areas of Tehran, there is much more suitable work and access to quality housing. The final result shows that the two main indicators investigated well reveal and represent the «Spatial Traps of Poverty» which are the main focus of Socio-Spatial Issues in Inner City Areas.

Keywords: Spatial Traps of Poverty, Spatial Mismatch, Work and Residence Spatial Mismatch, Occupational Stratification and Tehran.

- Valiollah Ghasemi Gilvaei, - Afshin Ghorbani Param,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

Housing design plays a crucial role in sustainable social development as cities face numerous challenges due to various changes in the physical landscape. Therefore, it is imperative to establish appropriate design indicators for residential towers. This study aims to investigate the design indicators for sustainable social development in residential towers in the metropolis of Tehran. The research method employed is descriptive-analytical and applied in nature. The statistical population for this study consists of architectural experts who are members of the Tehran Organization. According to the Engineering System Organization, the statistical population comprises 22,000 experts and members of the Tehran Engineering System Organization. The sample size was determined to be 384 individuals based on the Morgan table. The results of the Friedman test indicate that designing open spaces for art, culture, games, and entertainment in towers promotes interactions and a sense of belonging, while mitigating the negative effects of industrial life on residents. This aspect was found to have the highest weightage of 17.81. Additionally, the flexibility in tower design and overcoming structural constraints through solutions such as strip design and atrium design, along with facilitating proper access and installation of open spaces, contribute to sustainable development and enhance residents' satisfaction. This indicator obtained a weightage of 17.51. Furthermore, the effective management of towers and the design of suitable social spaces on roofs and ground floors (interactive, sports, cultural, and artistic) have a significant impact on reducing tower-related issues and promoting vitality and public participation. This indicator ranked third with a weightage of 17.42. Consequently, sustainable social development is closely linked to the design of residential towers.

Dr Mohsen Kameli,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)

Inland traffic has become a growing phenomenon for today's civilized society, which in addition to the movement of passengers, the desirable feature of the stations should be used. Due to the high volume of users of the subway and the long-term stops of passengers, stations have become an effective venue for urban daily activities. Considering the growing trend of metro expansion in Tehran metropolis and the increasing need for it, special attention is paid to the quality of the environment of stations The metro should be considered as a metropolitan environment for the social interactions of citizens. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and evaluate physical, functional and psychological criteria in the design of metro stations and the effect of these components on the quality of stations from the viewpoint of metro users and also provide a solution to improve the quality of space stations. The research method is descriptive-analytic research based on the survey and interview technique, questionnaire, and observation were used. The data obtained from the field method are quantitative and qualitative data. Qualitative data is the result of observation in the place or photographs and quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS software.

Mohsen Abedidorcheh,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)

The rapid and ongoing trend of metropolises transitioning into global cities and world cities is influenced by the increasing political, economic, cultural, and scientific dimensions of the urban political geography. Cities, as dynamic entities, evolve from new cities to mother cities, metropolises, global cities, and ultimately world cities. In this competitive environment, metropolises strive to enhance their level of competitiveness vis-à-vis their counterparts. In this study, the researcher compares the performance of Tehran and Istanbul, two metropolises in the Islamic world, based on the criteria and functions of world cities. The researcher employs an index developed by political geography scholars who specialize in studying world cities. The objective is to determine the ranking of these cities among world cities. To accomplish this, relevant maps have been prepared using ArcMap software, and numerical indicators and criteria have been analyzed in a descriptive-analytical manner. The analysis reveals that Istanbul outperforms Tehran in most indicators and occupies a strong position in the network society and flow space of global cities. This can be attributed to factors such as geopolitical location, an open economic environment, and other indicators. The results of this comparative study can guide city administrators in designing a more suitable future landscape for these cities, ultimately leading to achieving global city status.

Dr Samaneh Jalilisadrabad, Eng. Somayeh Jalilisadrabad,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

Public spaces and social interactions have a reciprocal relationship. The rapid urbanization, limited land availability, and neglect of these spaces in urban development initiatives have resulted in a scarcity of open and green areas per capita, consequently reducing social interactions. District 10 of Tehran, as the most densely populated area, suffers from a lack of both quantity and quality in public and open spaces. Furthermore, issues such as physical deterioration, disrupted urban landscapes, a high tenant rate, low social security, and a transient population have further diminished the quality of existing public spaces and the level of social interaction in this particular district. Hence, the aim of this study is to explore the potential for enhancing public spaces in order to promote social interactions in District 10 of Tehran. The chosen research methodology is descriptive-survey, with data collected through documentary and field studies. The SWOT and QSPM techniques have been employed for analysis.  The findings reveal that various factors play a significant role in facilitating social interaction in public spaces. These factors include the diversity of activities, integration of land use, social inclusion, accessibility to public transportation, social security, memorability, safety, engagement of all senses, readability, visibility, flexibility, availability of urban furniture, materials used in urban furniture and pavements, climate comfort, and environmental health. Moreover, creating favorable conditions for the presence of children and the elderly would lead to increased supervision and social security.  The superior scenario proposes a set of strategies, including aggressive strategies (SO1: Enhancing social security in existing public spaces, SO2: Promoting the development of open and green spaces on a per capita basis, SO4: Establishing local hangout spots and micro spaces for community gatherings, SO5: Allocating multicultural and artistic spaces, sports venues, etc.) and conservative strategies (ST1: Repurposing inactive municipal-owned spaces, ST2: Encouraging greater citizen participation in social activities). Ultimately, six prioritized strategies are identified, resulting in the formulation of 18 policies and 31 action plans.

Navid Ahangari, Shahrbano Movsavi, Reza Shahbaznejad,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

In the era of knowledge, the rapid advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) is considered a crucial factor in addressing the growing environmental, social, and economic challenges in urban areas. Knowledge-based cities, leveraging this technology, are at the forefront of enhancing the quality of life for residents and the efficiency of services towards achieving sustainable urban development. This study aims to explore the potential and application of ICT in knowledge-based urban development. The data analyzed were collected through a survey of 66 experts from the Deputy of Urban Planning in the 22 districts of Tehran Municipality, ensuring theoretical saturation. Structural equation modeling and the partial least squares approach, utilizing SmartPLS3 software, were employed for data analysis. The findings indicate that the variables of ICT application and potential, as well as knowledge-based urban development in Tehran, and their respective components, scored an average ranging from 3.5 to 4.3 on a 5-point Likert scale, suggesting a relatively stable status. Furthermore, the coefficient for the impact of ICT application and potential on knowledge-based urban development exceeded 0.96, confirming the main model of this research. The outcome suggests that investing in research and development of ICT can serve as a solution to overcome the limitations of knowledge-based urban development in the Tehran metropolis.

Seyed Komeil Salehi, Ms Habibeh Nabizadeh, D.r Amineh Anjem Shoa,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the increase in attractiveness of tourism purposes in Tehran. The present research is descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and method. The data collection tool is a question and interview. The statistical population of the study includes experts and experts in the field of tourism, which was selected using Cochran formula and simple random sampling method, 210 tourism experts were selected as samples. Descriptive tests and logistic regression test were used to analyze the data. The results of this study indicate that from 210 active in Tourism in Tehran, 91 people believed in 43.3%, with attractiveness of tourist destinations in Tehran at high level, 29% believed that the level of charm at the appropriate level and only 27% He believed that the attractiveness of tourist destinations in Tehran is at a low level. The results in the field of effective factors on increasing the attractiveness of intentions due to tourism development also showed that among the four factors intended, respectively, factors of 1) innovative business opportunities with impact coefficients (613/0), 2) assets Natural / cultural and historical city with a coefficient of impact (0.577), 3) Development of tourism infrastructure with an impact coefficient (0.497) and 4) urban development agent with an impact coefficient (0.473) had the most effects on increasing attractiveness Due to tourism development in Tehran.

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