Showing 28 results for Physical
Ali Shamai, Seyed Hossein Vahdi Nejad, Soghera Azarshab, Moslem Ghasemi,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)
Urbanization and urban growth as a global phenomenon have affected all the countries of the world. Ahvaz city has seen its diverse body tissues throughout its lifeless life. Over time, land use in Ahvaz city has undergone a lot of changes due to the presence of factors and forces that has been unfavorable and has affected agricultural land so much. The main objective of this research is to investigate the physical development of Ahvaz city. This research is applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of methodology. In order to achieve this goal, firstly, the physical expansion in the city of Ahvaz was reviewed in the comprehensive plan approved in 2010, and then 14 indicators were extracted to study the optimal development of Ahvaz city development, which were standardized using Fuzzy Logic (FUZZY) Continued for the optimal model using the ANPDEMATEL combined analysis model. Three levels for the expansion of this city have been identified in combination with OVERLAYFUZZY and GAMA/ 0 in the GIS environment, the output maps were also extracted using the ENVI and ARCGIS software. The results showed that at the level of predictive models of agricultural land with weights of 0.101 and 0.118, the most important factor has been changed in the process of physical expansion of the Ahvaz city. Also, using the map of physical expansion in the year 2010 and the outline map of the level of physical expansion in this study showed that the physical expansion of the Ahvaz city is not consistent with the comprehensive plan approved in 2010.
Mr Mohamadreza Hatafi Ardakani, Mr Mohamadhosein Saraei, Mr Mohamadmahdi Karimnejad, Mr Seyed Ali Al_modaresi, Ms Saeideh Moayedfar,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)
The rapid growth and horizontal expansion of cities in Iran may be more intense than in many developed and developing countries, as this process deprives most of Iran's historic cities of a monolithic urban structure and presents them with specific problems for balanced and balanced development. In addition, many old, dilapidated old land, land uses and textures within cities are in the midst of this accelerated, accelerated development, left out of urban development and proper urban development, and are now considered problematic urban contexts. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting the inner development of the cities of arid regions. The present study is an applied one and a descriptive-analytic one. In this study, library and field method were used for data collection. In this study, Delphi technique as well as structural equation modeling in PLS software environment was used to achieve the research objectives. The statistical population of the study consisted of urban planning experts with a sample size of 30 individuals. The findings of this study showed that managerial, environmental, physical, spatial, economic, social and cultural factors play an important role in the development of Ardakan.
Kyarash Ardestanipourhazhir,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)
The city is a vibrant and dynamic creature whose body is shaped at different times by natural and social economic, political, cultural and economic developments. In a sound and healthy fashion, these developments are such that the old elements of the cities are restored to meet the new needs. In the structure and even in the destruction of these tissues. The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of creating new functions in ancient urban context. The present study is of applied purpose and of descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of the study was comprised of experts in the field of research and the sample size was 30 persons. The results of the implementation of the Suara model showed that among the indicators identified for the social dimension, the role of owner-investor participation index with a final score of 0.224 was ranked first, for the economic dimension, the index of participation in purchase and construction and Builder in the range with a final score of 0.306 in the first rank, for the physical dimension Paying attention to meet the current needs for physical and functional change with a score of 0.416 in the first rank, and for the environmental dimension Indicator Role of New Construction in the Area Infrastructure With a score of 0.610, it is the highest.
Rahman Zandi, Najmeh Shafiei, Ebrahim Akbari, Ali Hajizadeh Shikhanlo,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)
Natural parameters are one of the main determinants of the physical development of cities and settlements. In a mountainous area, the effects of these factors have become a barrier to development and can have natural hazards. In this research, it is tried to identify the optimal directions of physical development of the city of Nurabad as a relatively high region by identifying its effective factors and evaluating it. To achieve this, seven effective indicators (elevation, gradient, gradient direction, lithology, distance from the fault, distance from the waterway) were used and to assess, model, and predict areas suitable for physical development of the city from Landsat satellite imagery and Models of FUZZY-AHP and Makov and Markov's predictions have been used. So that each of the layers is fuzzy according to the fuzzy membership functions in GIS Arc 10.3 software. An analytical comparison on the appropriate areas of the city based on the critical points with the appropriate zones. Finally, the final map with the two models was classified into five classes. The results of the research showed that up to 1404 horizons of the city were developed eastwards in Although this pathway is not a suitable route, due to the existence of the main Kazeroun fault and the main waterway, the most important risk factors in the city are considered to be the best place for the development of the city of the western and southwestern regions of the region, which is 13% of the area of the basin Includes.
Fahimeh Shakeri, Gholamabbas Fallah Ghalhari, Hashem Akbari, Zahra Hejazizadeh,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)
In this research, the sensitivity of the meteorological elements (such as mean temperature, relative humidity and wind speed) to different physical parameterizations in the numerical forecast model (WRF) was evaluated to simulate the climate of the city and adjust the Urban Heat Island of the study area.To study urban environmental issues, the Urban Canopy Model (UCM) was coupled to the WRF model. Several experiments were performed to achieve optimal configuration for simulation in the period from 18-21 August 2016 in the stable atmospheric conditions in summer. Selection of the most appropriate configuration with the least error is proposed as an appropriate setting for urban climate simulations and the study of Urban Heat Island (UHI). Increasing surface reflections to reduce UHI in the range was applied. Two indices of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Mean Bias Error (MBE) were used to evaluate the predictive performance of the model and its corresponding observational values. The results showed that in the province of Tehran, in general, all configurations estimate the air temperature and wind speed less than real and relative humidity more than the actual value. In Alborz province, all configurations estimate the air temperature and wind speed more than real and relative humidity less than real value. By increasing the reflection of urban levels, the mean temperature of Tehran and Alborz provinces decreases 0.6 and 0.2 ° C, respectively. Wind speed, especially in urban areas, increases somewhat. We also see an increase in relative humidity (especially in urban areas) in the studied areas.
Mr Mohamad Reza Hatafi Ardakani, Dr Mphammad Hosein Saraei, Dr Mohamad Mahdi Karimnejad, Dr Seyed Ali Almodaresi, Dr Saideh Moayed Far,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)
One of the aspects of sustainable urban development and balanced physical development is in line with ecological and socio-economic environmental conditions. In the last decades of the twentieth century, despite many efforts in the field of sustainable spatial development of cities, this issue still remains an important challenge for geographers, urban planners, architects and urban planners. In many cities in developing countries, rapid urbanization and increasing urban population have exacerbated environmental hazards. This is doubly important in small cities. Because physical development, in addition to land use change, has met the basic needs of urban society, including the provision of safe and sufficient water, green space per capita, urban waste management and environmental pollution. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and analytical in terms of method. The statistical population consisted of university professors and experts in the field of research in Ardakan who were selected by purposive sampling. They were selected to conduct and implement the research. In order to achieve the research objectives, using a new analytical methodology of interpretive structural modeling (ISM), the relationships between the factors were determined and analyzed in an integrated manner. Finally, using MICMAC analysis, the factors were analyzed according to the impact and effectiveness on other components. The results of the interpretive structural model of the factors affecting the inner development of the city showed that the obtained model includes three levels and the results showed that the managerial and physical factors are the most basic factors affecting the inner development of the city that should be addressed in the first place. In other words, any action to pave the way for the internal development of the city, requires attention to these factors along with other factors
Dr. Taher Parizadi, Dr. Ali Shamaei, ,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)
The rapid growth of Tehran's population and the increasing need for land to respond to the needs of a residence, activity, urban services, etc., caused cities caused the city to move forward in its surrounding lands and changed land uses significantly and quickly. This paper aimed to investigate these changes and their futures in district 22 of Tehran Municipality. It has a descriptive-analytical method and the data is obtained from documentary and library sources. The process of changes and the existing situation were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively. To identify the drivers of future changes, a structural-interpretive model has been implemented using Mic-Mac software. For this purpose, all the land uses and activities (64 land uses and activities) were extracted and listed. Then, by implementing the Delphi method with the participation of 8 experts, 25 possible land uses were determined. After completing the matrix, the nearest rounded figures to the average numbers which were inserted by the experts, are the basis of the analysis. Finding showed that before the formation of the district, in 1972, the urban fringe of the district, large-scale urban land uses such as sports, research-educational, recreational and military land use, as well as urban and residential complexes, established in agricultural and vacant lands. Then, constructed settlements, parks, and green spaces as well as recreational, military, research-educational lands and roads, were established here. The analysis of drivers also showed that in the future, out of a total of 25 possible land uses, forestry, eco- tourism, constructiing villas and secon homes, parks, malls, military spaces, stadiums and sports places, and roads and transportation terminals cause to main changes on the structural-physical of the studied fringe.
Mr Yaser Nazaryan, Phd Amane Haghzad, Phd Laila Ebrahimi, Phd Kia Bozorgmehr,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)
Urbanization and the increase in urban populations, resulting from both natural population growth and rural-to-urban migration, have led to the concentration of significant material and spiritual human capital within urban settlements. Concurrently, various natural and human-induced crises pose threats to these capitals. Urban management has initiated a range of programs to address these crises, with a contemporary focus on enhancing the resilience of cities. The concept of resilience can be examined across various dimensions, including physical, economic, social, and environmental aspects.
The present study adopts a descriptive-analytical approach with the objective of assessing the physical resilience of metropolitan areas in Tabriz and determining their status relative to one another. To achieve this goal, multi-criteria decision-making methods (MADM) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) have been employed. Additionally, three models—Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), VIKOR, and Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS)—have been utilized to rank the regions in terms of physical resilience. Ultimately, the Copeland model was applied to integrate the results from the aforementioned models. The findings indicate that regions 2, 8, and 9 collectively exhibit the highest levels of physical resilience, followed by regions 1, 10, 3, 7, 5, 4, and, lastly, region 6, respectively.