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Showing 91 results for Development

Hassan Haji Amiri, Arash Seghfi Asl, Mehdi Ashjaee,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Following developments in urban contexts of contemporary Iran, the creation of new urban contexts and cities has a direct impact on the ecosystem of its surrounding area. Urban neighborhoods on the path to achieving the goal of sustainable urban development require the integration of architecture and the principles of environmental sustainability. Using the Sustainable Architecture approach based on the principles of world standard is one of the most effective steps in this field. Progressive research, combined with the LEED World Standard Code of Conduct as a basis for evaluation, has revised the classification of the indicators of this Code based on biological and indigenous characteristics in the Qom city. To this end, urban texture and neighborhood assessment metrics are explained in the LEED and then with the aim of determining the importance category, baseline indices at the scale of the study area - renovated settlements (Pardisan City) - in a manner Qualitative analysis has been investigated. Finally, quantification in each section of context indices is done based on existing statistical documentary data for accreditation sub-indicators and, according to the final findings, a new classification of baseline assessment indexes for contemporary urban context designs. Based on the degree of effectiveness provided.
Mr Mohamadreza Hatafi Ardakani, Mr Mohamadhosein Saraei, Mr Mohamadmahdi Karimnejad, Mr Seyed Ali Al_modaresi, Ms Saeideh Moayedfar,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

The rapid growth and horizontal expansion of cities in Iran may be more intense than in many developed and developing countries, as this process deprives most of Iran's historic cities of a monolithic urban structure and presents them with specific problems for balanced and balanced development. In addition, many old, dilapidated old land, land uses and textures within cities are in the midst of this accelerated, accelerated development, left out of urban development and proper urban development, and are now considered problematic urban contexts. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting the inner development of the cities of arid regions. The present study is an applied one and a descriptive-analytic one. In this study, library and field method were used for data collection. In this study, Delphi technique as well as structural equation modeling in PLS software environment was used to achieve the research objectives. The statistical population of the study consisted of urban planning experts with a sample size of 30 individuals. The findings of this study showed that managerial, environmental, physical, spatial, economic, social and cultural factors play an important role in the development of Ardakan.
Dr. Asghar Tahmasebi, Ms. Farzaneh Fakhrabadipur,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

In recent years, enhancing social capital and participation of rural communities are taken in consireation in many rural development programs in Iran. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of microcredit fund created in the Carbon Sequestration Project on the promotion of social capital of the community member in the Hosseinan village in Damghan. To this end, the level of participation and social interaction of the members of four rural development groups before and after the project implementation was analyzed using social network analysis method. The required data were collected through participatory workshop from whole network members of 38 people in 4 randomly selected groups. Bootstrap test was used to compare the density and centrality of the network before and after  the project implementation. The results show statistically significant (P<05) increase in density and centralization of the collaboration network after the project implementation. The project also succeeded in attracting the participation of people with different levels of education, and there was no significant difference in the degree centrality people with different educational groups. Similarly, the project has had a significant impact on the creation of coherence between the development groups of the village of Hosseinan.
Mr Mohammadamir Moharreri, Kamran Lari, Foroozan Arkian, Gholamreza Salehi,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

There are several limiting factors to the development of cities. These factors lead cities to develop in certain directions. Air pollution as a major problem of metropolises can itself be considered as a limiting factor of urban development by urban decision makers. 4 relatively large power plants are operating in Mashhad. There are currently two power plants in the east of the city and two in the west of Mashhad. Most of the fuel in these power plants is gasoline and natural gas. Modeling the air pollutant emissions of these power plants and identifying the pattern of pollutant emissions across the city can play a key role in the quality of life and health of approximately 3.5 million Mashhad residents. The outputs of this model can also be used as an effective parameter in estimating the urban development model. In this study, the emission of NOX, CO and 10PM pollutants was modeled and evaluated using AERMOD software in Mashhad. Using Arc GIS software, the population affected by these air pollutants was determined by one year solar time, the concentration of pollutants in different areas of the city and the area affected by the pollution concentration range was determined.
Ghodrat Zare Andarian, Hossein Zabihi, Saeid Kardar,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

Citizenship is a set of rights and duties a citizen enjoys because of his or her country of residence. Municipal law is a set of laws, rules and regulations that govern the interconnection of citizens and city departments in local and urban affairs, and explain the duties of overseers of councils, municipalities, and other city institutions; And planners 'and architects' awareness of the rights of citizens is one of the influential components in the process of urban architecture planning which is discussed in this article. Contemporary theories of urban law have led to a new military framework based on the concept of "right to the city" about urban life; if general framework can be understood in the context of the general concept of "right to the city", the following formulation from the Eiken set of laws on the concept of citizenship. It provided the architectural and urban planning rights: 1. the right to allocate; 2. the right to participate; 3. the right to centralization; Right of residence The right to habitation; 6. The right to individualization in socialization. Finally, the relationship between these components and their characteristics with the degree of their relevance and relationship with architectural and urban rights is presented.
Parvin Daneshvar, Dr Taghiloo Ali Akbar, Dr Hassan Heydari,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

Increasing urbanization today and the lack of integrated urban management have led to inadequate planning in cities. In this regard, the local councils, as the most prominent local institutions and the most important decentralization manifestations, symbolize the serious presence of the people to determine their own fate, if they are institutionalized in the governance structure as coordinators of the executive agencies. In these cities, they can play a valuable role in the social security of cities. The present study was conducted using descriptive-analytical approach and field method. In this study 354 people were selected using Cochran model. Next, based on the results of the questionnaire, the results were analyzed using SPSS software. Conclusions: Based on the Friedman test, among the research items, the second item is "Social Security Development", and the first item is "Economic Security Development". Among the items, the second item (Social Security) with 2.90 points out that the role of local councils in social security development is higher than other dimensions and the first item with 1.98 points of economic security development comes in last. has taken. Also, the one-sample t-test showed that the significance level of the test is less than (0.05) and at 95% confidence level there is a positive significant difference between the dimensions of council functions and the dimensions of sustainable urban security development.
Rahman Zandi, Najmeh Shafiei, Ebrahim Akbari, Ali Hajizadeh Shikhanlo,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Natural parameters are one of the main determinants of the physical development of cities and settlements. In a mountainous area, the effects of these factors have become a barrier to development and can have natural hazards. In this research, it is tried to identify the optimal directions of physical development of the city of Nurabad as a relatively high region by identifying its effective factors and evaluating it. To achieve this, seven effective indicators (elevation, gradient, gradient direction, lithology, distance from the fault, distance from the waterway) were used and to assess, model, and predict areas suitable for physical development of the city from Landsat satellite imagery and Models of FUZZY-AHP and Makov and Markov's predictions have been used. So that each of the layers is fuzzy according to the fuzzy membership functions in GIS Arc 10.3 software. An analytical comparison on the appropriate areas of the city based on the critical points with the appropriate zones. Finally, the final map with the two models was classified into five classes. The results of the research showed that up to 1404 horizons of the city were developed eastwards in Although this pathway is not a suitable route, due to the existence of the main Kazeroun fault and the main waterway, the most important risk factors in the city are considered to be the best place for the development of the city of the western and southwestern regions of the region, which is 13% of the area of ​​the basin Includes.
Majid Yasouri, Samira Mahmoudi, Ali Reza Darban Astaneh, Seyyedeh Fatemeh Emami,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Social capital plays an important role in increasing bioavailability, which undoubtedly is the main goal of all planning and development, including rural planning and development. This research is an applied and descriptive-analytical approach that is conducted with a sample of 355 people among the people of Kurdish villages in Rudbar city. The data gathering tool in this research included: library studies for gathering information about research literature and then field research through observation and questionnaire. The statistical population of the study is Kurdish villages of Guilan province in Rudbar with 12 villages and 2955 population (according to the census of 1395). The number of samples was determined using the Morgan table, 340 people were selected. To increase the level of confidence and reduce the error in the data, the number of samples was increased and 355 questionnaires were completed The research was used to systematically explain the factors influencing location and achieve a comprehensive model of multivariate path analysis. The direct and indirect effects of the variables discussed were studied in a model. The results of the research indicate that the physical variables of spatial belonging (0.445), the dimension of social capital trust (0.126), the environmental dimension of spatial attachment (0.168), spatial sense of belonging dimension (0.99), social correlation dimension And then social capital participation is the most important factors that directly affect the location of the villagers' affiliation.
Fatemeh Mirzabeigi, Hossein Mojtaba Zadeh, Rahim Sarvar,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

by examining the level of inequality in the distribution of services and identifying the spatial pattern of injustice in the city, we can find out which of the services are in a more unfavorable situation than in this way, city management with conscious performance in spatial distribution of public services and social interests. , Reduce spatial inequalities and improve the quality of life and ensure sustainable urban development. The present research is applied and its research method is descriptive-analytical. The purpose of this analytical research is on the status of Ilam urban development indicators in order to achieve spatial justice, which uses the capabilities and facilities of geographic information system, including: map composition, Spatial statistics, etc. have been done. The results show that the spatial distribution of services in Ilam city is not desirable and the results of this study show that the concentration of urban facilities and services has occurred in the central part of the city and other areas are low in terms of urban resources and facilities. The research findings show that 20% of the city's population lives in relatively affected areas and 23.2% in areas with semi-sustainable development, and over 50% of residents live in deprived and completely deprived areas in terms of development in Ilam city. The results of the Vikor model are not considered to be sustainable development in any area. However, based on the results of the research, the focus of urban services in Ilam city follows the center-perimeter model, which means that everything from the central areas to We move around the area, reducing the distribution of services.
Mr Moharram Yousefi, Mr Alireza Estelaji, Mr Naser Fallah Tabar,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

The Earth and how it is used have always been the main things in city planning. The analysis and the special and local arrangement of urban use and urban functions are among the important and effective branches of permanent urban development. This paper attempts to analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the city structure of Ardabil with regard to its permanent development. Since it is descriptive and analytic in approach, the three features of capacity, suitability, and social justice in permanent development have been applied. In the first phase, the quantitative analysis of the existing urban use and the capacity analysis were done. The second phase dealt with the qualitative analysis of its suitability using suitability matrix and the analysis of social justice with the closest neighbor model and SWOT model. The quantitative and qualitative results show that most urban uses are deficient. Also, the highest unsuitability was in working use and then in official, residential, and educational use. This shows the imbalanced and discordant situation between urban uses that arise from carelessness of city planners.
Hasan Kabouri, Seyed Ali Almodaresi, Mohammad Hossin Ramesht, Mohammad Mehdi Karim Nejad, Malihe Zakerian,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

The aim of the present study was to model a community-  based development approach in neighborhood development planning using structural equation methods. The analytical-descriptive research method is applied with a practical purpose and the approach governing the research space with a methodological focus is a quantitative approach. Two library and survey methods have been used to gather information on the subject of study. The statistical population studied in this study is all people over 18 years of age in the study neighborhood of Abarkouh city (Golkaran). Using a questionnaire tool that was adjusted according to the Likert spectrum, it was collected and its reliability was determined by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which includes both the total coefficient and the coefficient of different sections in the dimensions of the questionnaire and also to determine the validity of the questionnaire. Experts in the field of urban planning benefited. In the data analysis section, two levels of descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics were used to measure and evaluate the amount of components affecting the community-based development approach and also to formulate an operational model in the study neighborhood using structural equation model in Amos software environment. Was. This model examines the interrelationships and interactions of variables and the degree of effectiveness and effectiveness of each other.The results of data analysis using the model of structural equations show that having a community-based approach to neighborhood development has a direct and significant effect on promoting neighborhood development.

Zeynab Taghvaee, Sadroddin Motevalli, Gholam Reza Janbazi Ghobadi, Jalal Azimi Amoli,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Irregular and unstable urban development has increased marginalization, destruction of urban green areas and increased demand for urban land, which in itself has led to the disappearance of urban green spaces and land use change of such lands and is possible. Cause certain global environmental problems such as the formation of urban heat islands, because urban green space is one of the important models in achieving sustainability in urban space and the physical and natural fit of the city. At the same time, the protection of the environment and urban green space is the main pillar of sustainable development, which has been discussed in developed countries for decades and in recent years has been highly regarded by planners in developing countries. The present study, in terms of Weberchr('39')s applied and developmental purpose, is a descriptive-analytical descriptive survey or field study in which the researcher-made questionnaire tool is used and the existing maps of urban green space are used. The purpose of this study is to explain the role of green space in coastal cities in attracting tourists with the approach of sustainable environmental development in the coastal city of Noor, but in addition to the main purpose of the sub-objectives, the researcher The results also increase the per capita urban green space, increase the number of urban tourists, prevent environmental damage and increase the income of the citizens of the coastal city of Noor.

Mohamad Eskandary, Ahmad Taghdisi, Yousof Ghanbari,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Entrepreneurship can have many positive effects in rural communities on the one hand, they face economic problems, especially in the areas of employment, poverty and lack of income and On the other hand, they have high environmental capabilities. This research is based on information collected through documentary and survey methods and Aiming to enable the development of entrepreneurship in major sectors of economic activity It has been done in the villages of the central District of Boyer-Ahmad County. The results showed that despite the motivation for progress, hard work and high risk-taking of employees in major sectors of economic activity (Agriculture, Industry and Services), The general situation of their entrepreneurial variables with an average of 2.618, At 99% confidence level, it is below average. The results showed the feasibility of the sub-sectors of economic activity Four economic subsectors of medicinal plants, Aquaculture, mineral water resources and tourism, respectively by average 3.548, 3.691, 3.705 and 3.419, They have high potential for entrepreneurship development. Also showed the results of Pearson test The degree of correlation between independent variables (Production of medicinal plants, aquaculture, mineral water resources and tourism) and Research dependent variable (entrepreneurship), Has been positive and statistically significant Respectively with 0.519, 0.179, 0.398 and 0.533 values.

Mr Hamed Baniamerian, Dr Alireza Andalib, Dr Laala Jahanshahloo,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Urban regeneration as a comprehensive approach to the restoration of historic centers, despite maintaining the main features of the space seeks to improve all the qualities of historic sites and tries to motivate development drivers in the process of historical reconstruction.  The aim of this study was to identify the most effective components of regeneration stimulating the development of historical centers following the adaptation of relationships between criteria on the historical core of Kermanshah.  The method of data analysis in this study is quantitative and the components of the theoretical framework in the form of a researcher-made questionnaire with closed questions, subject to validation of experts in the old context of Kermanshah (15 people in a purposeful and accessible way)  Is located.  The reliability of the questionnaire was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha method and SPSS software and the value was /76.  It is a sign of acceptable level of reliability.  Also, the adaptation of the components to the studied texture was plotted in the form of two decision trees with the help of Rapid Miner software, and the importance rank of the components was extracted.  The results show that the central core of the historical context of Kermanshah, due to the high volume of physical destruction, requires the formation of new construction while developing infrastructure, and the main existing functions require the reproduction of historical identity.  It also seems necessary to inject the flag project in combination with the development of accesses and local area network infrastructure in order to change the mood of the place.  Another result is that development drivers should define and refine the role of the historical core in the city as a whole and connect it as a development driver to the surrounding context in an interconnected network.  The results of applying the conceptual model of the research to the historical core of Kermanshah, confirm that the main criteria of the model are to a large extent applicable to the historical center of Iranian cities.

Mr Hamid Fakhimzade, Dr Hadi Sarvari, Dr Mohamadhadi Mahdinia, Dr Mahdi Mahmoodzade Vashan,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

A city requires city brand and appropriate strategies for beneficiaries, especially tourists; hence, city development plans can affect the type of city brand orientations. Accordingly, this study was conducted to identify the effective factors to design structural equation modeling (SEM). SEM was employed to rank the factors and find the correlation between them using Forner-Larcker Matrix. This was an applied-correlational study in which, data were collected through convergent mixed methodology, library study, questionnaire, and Semi-structured interviews. Birjand was chosen as the research field and a statistical sample was chosen at descriptive statistics using purposive and snowball sampling methods. Accordingly, 19 subjects were selected from urban experts, and 381 tourists were chosen at the quantitative step using simple random sampling. findings obtained from interviews implied that some points should be considered for the city branding of Birjand. The factors include the significant militarily and academic impact of Birjand on historical aspect and service-based economy of the city, cultural capitals, and the arts that are forgetting, immigration, and implementing the development-driving plans. The research model indicated that city development plans had the highest positive effects on the landscape and mental image regarding city branding plans. Moreover, According to the correlation between components, the highest relationship was between mental image and landscape (0.66).

Maryam Rahmani Lashgari, Alireza Estalaji, Azita Rajabi, Majid Vali Shariat Panahi,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

Social sustainability today, as the most important dimension of sustainable development, has an important place in urban planning and its importance in planning is constantly increasing with the increase of social problems and divergence between neighborhoods in terms of performance and participation. Therefore, this requires more research in urban studies. This study was conducted to investigate the role of social participation in the development of social sustainability in neighborhoods. For this purpose, the significance of the significant effect of these two variables has been measured. The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. Data collection was library and field method. The statistical population of the study consists of a group of experts who were selected by the available method of 20 people as the sample size of the study. Data collection tool is a questionnaire based on theoretical foundations and studies conducted on a five-point Likert scale. Data analysis was performed using structural equations with the help of Emus software. The results showed that the social participation of citizens in neighborhoods with a coefficient (beta) of 0.732 has a positive effect on sustainable social development of these neighborhoods and the relationship between these two variables is significant. In other words, sustainable social development will be strengthened by strengthening social participation. And the variables of sense of belonging, satisfaction with the neighborhood, participation in neighborhood activities and trust also have a positive effect on the variables of social participation in neighborhoods.

Abolfazl Ghanbari,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

The Islamic City Councils as an important element of the urban management system as an institution, policymaker, decision maker, and legislator at the local level, have to be fully operational in order to fulfill their role of policymaking and oversight over all matters to be able to carry out policy and oversight tasks in all areas of the city and local organizations concerned. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to measure the effectiveness of city council performance in improving the process of sustainable urban management and development from the perspective of citizens in Tabriz metropolis. This study is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and method and document studies and field surveys were used to collect data. The statistical population of the study is all citizens and residents over 18 years of Tabriz metropolis. According to the 2015 census, this city had a population of 1558693 people and 497898 households. Cochran formula was used to determine the number of samples from 327 subjects were selected. The data for the analysis of quantitative methods, descriptive and inferential statistics (one-sample t, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, regression and path analysis) were used. The results showed that the average index of the performance of Islamic councils is 2.76 and its T-statistic is -6.59, which shows the unfavorable performance of the city council and the performance of the Islamic Council of this city in district 9 (with an average of 248.80). district 8 (with an average of 239.38) and district 2 (with an average of 204.33) have been evaluated favorably compared to other regions. Also, the average of all indicators of empowerment of Islamic city councils in the field of empowerment of Islamic councils is lower than numerical utility 3 and their t-statistic is negatively estimated. Finally, the performance of the Islamic councils in the economic dimension (employment, income and investment) has had the greatest effect with an overall effect of 0.608 and the least effect in the physical dimension with an overall effect of 0.210 in the realization of sustainable development.
Keywords: City Council Performance, Urban Management, Sustainable Urban Development, Tabriz Metropolis.

Ms Shima Abedi, Dr Toktam Hanaee, Dr Zahra Bagherzade Golmakani,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

The importance of studying development in the field of child psychology is crystallized. On the other hand, cognitive development is a source of awareness in the field of children's development and has a double effect on the process of wayfinding children. Paying attention to this in urban spaces can make it easier for children to successfully wayfinding. The purpose of this study is to develop factors affecting the ease of wayfinding children in urban spaces with emphasis on cognitive abilities. The research method is applied in the present study. In this regard, in order to collect data, field observations, questionnaires and site visits have been used. The sampling method is random using Cochran's formula and the questionnaire was completed by 106 children in the age range of 10-12 years and 106 children in the age range of 12-14 years. Data analysis to analyze the routing pattern of children affected by cognitive development in Lashgar neighborhood has been calculated quantitatively by factor analysis using LISREL software. In data analysis to evaluate the relationship between wayfinding and cognitive development after data collection, the data were analyzed by statistical methods of Ti-dependent test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov hypothesis test. Based on the analysis of cognitive abilities in the navigation process of children, the results indicate that the elements of the guide and used in navigation are different in two age groups, and the age group of 12-14 years has an analytical mind, and in contrast to the group of 10-12 years, it is searching and Paying attention to secrecy determines the path. Children in the second age range mostly mentioned the color of the facades, the shape of the building and the buildings that have a distinctive form and function, also the children in the first age range pointed to the distinctive signs that have a distinct body compared to other buildings in the neighborhood.
Keywords: Cognitive development, child, wayfinding, Lashgar neighborhood.

Azam Salehi, Masoud Pourkiyani, Mehdi Mohamad Bagheri, Sanjar Salajegheh,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Every city, according to its assets, seeks to develop and consolidate its position at national, regional and international levels, since city branding is one of the most dynamic activities in the field of policy making in the present era, which plays an important role in sustainable development of the region and due to the increasing growth of city development in cultural, economic, environmental and etc. There is a need for a targeted and comprehensive planning to keep pace with sustainable development. Considering the development components and its impact on city branding indicators, this research deals to improve the development and city branding status in the province by examining their situation. The statistical population of this study consisted of two groups: the first group was experts with knowledge that the number of people in this population is uncertain and the sample size is 60 people. The second group consists of policy-making and senior managers, employees with higher education in Bushehr province with 37,751 people and the sample size has been determined by using The Cochran formula of 382 people. Data were collected through 4 questionnaires confirming their validity and reliability. To measure structures and relationships between them, structural equations with partial least squares approach and SMART PLS software have been used. The results indicate that at 95% confidence level, the city branding policy variable has a positive and significant relationship with the development model. Therefore, it is suggested that the policy makers and urban management should plan for the urban branding of the province and improve the development dimensions according to the relationship of the urban branding policy with the dimensions of development.

Key words: Model, Development, Policy, city Branding.

Hossein Sedaghat Nouri, Mohammad Reza Pourjahfar, Nader Zali,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

This study examines the criteria for sustainable urban development management in thriving cities around metropolises. Based on the content analysis method in examining the theories in this field, a special conceptual model has been developed that presents the role of various indicators affecting the management of sustainable urban development in thriving cities. Also, based on the case study method, the city of Lavasan was selected as a case study to provide a realistic understanding of the role of various components on sustainable urban management in thriving cities around metropolises. The research method was based on quantitative and qualitative methods. Based on the field visit, initial discussions and conceptual model of purposeful questionnaires were prepared. SPSS21 and Smart-PLS statistical techniques were used to find the relationships of the variables and to analyze the information of the questionnaires. 376 questionnaires have been analyzed in relation to the components of sustainable urban development management. The results of the analysis show that the components affecting the management of sustainable urban development in Lavasan can be in physical-spatial dimensions, quality of life, intelligent management, justice and examined equality, governance, and optimal legislation. The results also show that the physical-spatial factor is the most important effective criterion. Also, the path of factor analysis shows that achieving urban prosperity in cities around metropolises begins with smart urban management, governance and appropriate legislation in the field of physical infrastructure. Space and quality of life infrastructure lead to the spread of justice and equality in the city and ultimately lead to urban prosperity.

Keywords: Sustainable development management, urban prosperity, cities around metropolises, Lavasan.

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