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Showing 4 results for Anfis

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Volume 16, Issue 42 (9-2016)

  Temperature alteration plays special role as one of the most basic climate elements. So inspection of temperature alteration and anticipation has scientific- applied magnitude. In this study inspection of several cases of statistical characteristics of monthly­ average, maximum and minimum temperature and illumination of their alteration method­, temperatures predictability by ANFIS is evaluated­. Applied data is over 288 months during 24 years of statistical period since January of 1987 until December of 2010 through synoptic stations of Pars Abad, Ardebil and Khalkhal. According to equations of data lineal process­, lineal process of temperatures through all of the stations is positive and­ additive­. Lineal process gradient in minimum temperature is more than other­ maximum and average temperature. Less amplitude more variance and standard aviation and­­ data ­predictability is more. According to present article adaptive Neuro – fuzzy inference system mostly has acceptable function through anticipation of monthly minimum, maximum and average temperature in the stations of Ardebil province.

Dr Maryam Bayatvarkeshi, Ms Rojin Fasihi,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)

Modeling provides the studying of groundwater managers as an efficient method with the lowest cost. The purpose of this study was comparison of the numerical model, neural intelligent and geostatistical in groundwater table changes modeling. The information of Hamedan – Bahar aquifer was studied as one of the most important water sources in Hamedan province. In this study, MODFLOW numerical code in GMS software, artificial neural network (ANN) and neural – fuzzy (CANFIS) method in NeuroSolution software, wavelet-neural method in MATLAB software and geostatistical method in ArcGIS software were used. The results showed that the accuracy of methods in estimation of the groundwater table with the lowest Normal Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) include Wavelet-ANN, CANFIS, geostatistical, ANN and numerical model, respectively. The NRMSE value in Wavelet-ANN method as optimization method was 0.11 % and in numerical model was 2.2 %. Also the correlation coefficients were 0.998 and 0.904, respectively. So application of neural combination models, specially, wavelet theory in estimated the groundwater table is most suitable than geostatistical and numerical model. Moreover, in the neural intelligent models were applied latitude, longitude and altitude as available variables in input models. The zoning results of groundwater table indicated that the decreased trend of groundwater table was from the west to the east of aquifer which was in line with the hydraulic gradient.

Mr Milad Khayat, Ms Atefeh Bosak, Dr Zahra Hejazizadeh, Dr. Ebrahim Afifi,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

By employing urban growth and development modeling, it is feasible to delineate a developmental trajectory that aligns with the specific circumstances of a city, considering environmental factors, natural elements, and population dynamics. The aim of this research is to propose an urban development model for Shushtar, which can serve as a valuable tool for analyzing the intricate processes of urban transformations. To accomplish this objective, two datasets were utilized: urban land use maps (including educational spaces, healthcare facilities, residential areas, etc.) and Landsat satellite imagery for key land uses such as rivers, barren lands, and forests, spanning three time periods: 1991, 2004, and 2014. These datasets were processed using GIS and MATLAB software. Existing urban land use maps were digitized and subsequently updated using Landsat satellite imagery. Subsequently, influential parameters in urban development were introduced as inputs to the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) algorithm. After training the model for the years 1991 and 2004, the predicted results of urban development using the algorithm were compared with the actual situation in 2014, demonstrating a high accuracy of 93.7%. The land use change map, resulting from the change detection process, can be generated based on multi-temporal remote sensing images and their integration with urban land use maps, enabling an analysis of the associated consequences. The use of intelligent algorithms in this research has facilitated modeling with a high level of accuracy. The obtained results are deemed acceptable, and this development has also been predicted for the upcoming years.

Toba Alizadeheh, Majid Rezaie Banafsh, Gholamreza Goodarzi, Hashem Rostamzadeh,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)

Dust is a phenomenon that has many environmental effects in various parts of human life, including: agriculture, economy, health and so on. The purpose of this study is to investigate and predict the dust phenomenon in Kermanshah. Meteorological data with a resolution of 3 hours in the statistical period (2020-2000) of Kermanshah station was obtained from the Meteorological Organization. First, the dust data were normalized and then using ANN neural network models to predict dust concentration and ANFIS adaptive neural network to debug and predict the time series of dust occurrence in MATLAB software were debugged and predicted. Findings showed that the maximum predicted dust concentration related to the minimum fenugreek point with the highest Pearson correlation with dust was estimated to be 3451.23 μg / m3. Also, the results of time series prediction using ANFIS model showed that the linear bell membership function with grade 3, in the training and testing stages, has the most desirable input function among other membership functions. According to the forecasting models, the highest probability of maximum dust occurrence in the next 20 years in Kermanshah was 94%.

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