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Showing 5 results for Ahvaz

Mostafa Mohammadi Dehcheshme, Nahid Sajadian, Ali Shojaian, Narges Gheysari,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)

Study how to relax and leisure from the work of citizens it is located in the field of leisure geography studies. The current study is practical in an aim and descriptive– analytical in method and practical– theoretical in nature. In this study, the first path analysis model was used in order to express logical correlations between environmental and demographics variables, on leisure geography and providing structural analysis.the results of study path analysis model shows that the impacts of the physical environment outside the home with standardized coefficients0.461 into other variables have the greatest impact and demographic variables with standard coefficients 0.025 has least impact on leisure geography of metropolis. In the following, the number of 383 questionnaires was distributed in order to study comparatively the spatial pattern leisure geography among citizen's zones 2, 4 and 7 of the city of Ahvaz that they were at different levels of enjoyment. The results of the questionnaire of citizens indicate that leisure pattern in Region2 is different from other areas; However, the pattern of citizens leisure of district4 and7 has not a significant difference together. In this context, assigning a specific type of planning is approved in order to improve the quality of community health and welfare of the citizens;; with regard to natural and human environment conditions of the city and leisure facilities available.

Sohrab Amirian, Masoud Safaeipour, Mr Hassan Hosseini Amini, Mr Hossein Ebadi,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

Vulnerability can be considered as an inherent defect in particular dimensions of the urban environment that is susceptible to damage due to its biological and physical characteristics or design features. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate Ahwaz city structures and fine-tune its vulnerability from a passive defense perspective and to move it towards the future prospects of a safe city. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical methodology based on the spatial-model studies approach. The data of this study include 11 educational, fire, administrative, police, power lines, terminals, urban facilities, business centers, roads, urban industries, gas transmission centers and health centers. GIS software was used to analyze the research data. Therefore, distance maps were designed and standardized for measuring the neighboring pattern after identifying the effective layers in the vulnerability and using the Distance tool. The FUZZY OVERLAY tool in ArcGIS software was used for spatial distribution and micro-zoning of Ahwaz vulnerability. The results show that in the section of vulnerability zoning, 29.73% of the city area is completely vulnerable, 29% vulnerable, 21.18% moderate, 13.22% low and 6.85% of the total city area in the state of vulnerability, respectively. There is very little reception.
Esmaiel Safaralizadeh, Majid Akbari, Vahid Boostan Ahmadi, Chamran Mousavi,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

 the development of sustainable urban development depends on providing relative prosperity, citizen participation and increasing social awareness for all members of society. The purpose of this paper is to measure social capital indices and its relationship with sustainable urban development in urban areas of Ahwaz. The present study is a descriptive-correlational one from a methodological point of view. From a single point of view, it is based on structural equations which has been done in Ahwaz in 2018. In this regard, library studies have been used to explain the literature and theoretical foundations and field method has been used to study the case study. Data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. Structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the descriptive-inferential statistics data and SPSS and Amos software were used. The statistical population of the study was 384 citizens of Ahwaz city and the sampling method was random. The results of this paper showed that social capital and Sustainable Urban Development status are different between Ahwaz city areas. In other words, high social capital among the citizens of Ahwaz is a means of enhancing the sustainable urban development and structural dimensions of the city including economy, community, institutions, space and environment. The implications of this research for the strong link between social capital and sustainable urban development, the need to pay attention to the components of social capital and to adopt policies to maintain, enhance and enhance social capital to ensure sustainable urban development in the geographical area of ​​Ahvaz. It looks great.

Ali Shamai, Seyed Hossein Vahdi Nejad, Soghera Azarshab, Moslem Ghasemi,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Urbanization and urban growth as a global phenomenon have affected all the countries of the world. Ahvaz city has seen its diverse body tissues throughout its lifeless life. Over time, land use in Ahvaz city has undergone a lot of changes due to the presence of factors and forces that has been unfavorable and has affected agricultural land so much. The main objective of this research is to investigate the physical development of Ahvaz city. This research is applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of methodology. In order to achieve this goal, firstly, the physical expansion in the city of Ahvaz was reviewed in the comprehensive plan approved in 2010, and then 14 indicators were extracted to study the optimal development of Ahvaz city development, which were standardized using Fuzzy Logic (FUZZY) Continued for the optimal model using the ANPDEMATEL combined analysis model. Three levels for the expansion of this city have been identified in combination with OVERLAYFUZZY and GAMA/ 0 in the GIS environment, the output maps were also extracted using the ENVI and ARCGIS software. The results showed that at the level of predictive models of agricultural land with weights of 0.101 and 0.118, the most important factor has been changed in the process of physical expansion of the Ahvaz city. Also, using the map of physical expansion in the year 2010 and the outline map of the level of physical expansion in this study showed that the physical expansion of the Ahvaz city is not consistent with the comprehensive plan approved in 2010.

Sara Behvandi, Abbas Arghan, Mohammad Reza Zand Moghadam, Zeynab Karke Abadi,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of dust on the economy of Ahvaz. The present study has used descriptive and analytical research methods. In addition, this research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study includes specialists, managers, experts and professors in the field of environment and dust in the city of Ahvaz is 65 people. The sample size was selected based on the total census of 65 people. A questionnaire designed in urban economics in the city of Ahvaz, which has four main variables. Based on this, the questionnaire has 32 questions that will be researcher-made and each of the four main variables has eight questions. Experts and professors formalized the validity of the questionnaire and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbachchr('39')s alpha of 0.81. Data analysis was performed based on structural equation analysis in Smart PLS software. In general, dust has affected the economy of Ahvaz city and this has been in such a way that dust on urban housing with an impact factor of 0.63 and a value of 11.4 T, Dust mites on urban transport with an impact factor of 0.60 and a value of 9.94 T, dust mites on urban facilities and facilities with an impact factor of 0.54 and a value of 6.70 T and dust mites on urban finance with an impact factor of 0.68 and a value of T 16 / 12 has had an impact

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