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Showing 4 results for Arc Gis

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Volume 8, Issue 6 (12-2008)

Dr Mohammad Mahdi Hoseinzadeh, Dr , Mis Sepide Imeni,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)

The process of precipitation – runoff of each basin, is influenced by hydrologic, geomorphology conditions, geological formation and vegetation. There are different methods in drainage basins. One way to estimate the runoff height is Curve Number (CN) method. That reperesents the hydrological behavior of basin. data were collected for statistics of climate and then topographic map of 1: 25000 and geological map of 1: 100000 by GSI was used. Smada software for calculate the short – term rainfall at different return periods. As well as Arc GIS software for mapping Curve Number by combining maps of land use, soil hydrological groups and moisture of soil with using the table of America Soil Conservation Service (SCS). And then modeling related in the GIS mappings of runoff height of Hesarak catchment was prepared. The aim of this study, was to determine Curve Number and estimate runoff coefficient and maximum discharge runoff with SCS method in various units catchment is. The results showed, hydrologic condition and soil hydrological groups are the most important parameters to determine the CN and affect on runoff. The most potential for runoff is in downstream of basin that specified with urban land use. Also average weight of Curve Numbers those obtained for each sub catchments, Chapdareh sub catchment (S2) with 88 Cure Number and mean of runoff 28.15 mm had the highest volume of runoff, Dochenaran sub catchment (S3) with 89.3 Curve Number and mean of runoff 24.54 mm and sub catchment of the twin branches (S1) with 90.1 Curve Number and mean of runoff  17.36 mm had The lowest amount of runoff probability and spill potential. But in general potential runoff in this basin is relatively high. The maximum amount of runoff Curve Number in condition of high humidity is 99 and 78 is the lowest.
Ali Shamai, Mahsa Delfannasab, Mohammad Porakrami,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting housing prices in the Laleh Park district of Tehran. In this study, the data of all real estate traded in the first six months of the year 2016 was used in the study area. Information about the physical properties of the residential units trained is collected from the Real Estate Market Information System of Iran and is used to obtain information on the accessibility features of residential units traded using ARC GIS software. Multivariate regression analysis has also been used to investigate the factors affecting housing prices. The results of this study showed that the physical factors of housing are more effective than the access factors in the housing prices in this district . Among the selected features, the variables of residential area, parking, and skeletal type had the most positive effect on the price of housing in the area under study. On the other hand, some of the features, such as the distance from the residential unit to the nearest main street, the residential unit to the nearest educational user, the residential unit distance to the nearest health care provider, and the residential unit's age, had a negative effect on the housing price in the Laleh Park district .

Dr Mostafa Mirabadi, Mr Hosein Nazari, Dr Sadegh Besharatifar,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

One of the key measures in the passive defense debate Critical facilities and facilities not to be hidden, sensitive and important is choosing the right place for them. Given the complexity of the problems Related to choosing the right place for creating custom applications various factors must be considered. The purpose of this study was applied and considering that specific method has been used to identify optimal locations for prison location which is less used, it is considered a development and is, from a methodological point of view, an analytical descriptive research. The method of data gathering is documentary and field. In this research 14 criteria have been used to locate ideal zones for prison establishment. So tools and software like software Arc GIS In order to store, manage, process and analyze data And also the AHP model In the form of software Expert Choice, Depending on the purpose of the study and the type of criteria, Various functions such as distance function, slope function, slope direction function and digital model function Height in software Arc GIS They are used to create maps. The results of locating operations were to identify different zones in the city of Doganbadan Finally, considering the distance dimension and access status of the zones, four optimal zones were introduced. These zones (with total area of ​​5382 square kilometers) surrounded by the village of Talkhab, respectively, of the village of Gardanqalat, around the village of Dezsoleiman and the village of Baba Muhammad.

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