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Showing 9 results for Building

Nahid Bagheri, Mohammad Mohammad, Ezatollah Mafi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

From the time of human life until now, disasters have had a negative impact on human life; In response, individuals and communities are trying to mitigate the consequences of these disasters and establish scales to assess the initial effects; Also respond to the post-disaster needs and return to baseline. To address these challenges and, as a result, improve the quality of life in cities and metropolises, the need for long-term planning and decision-making in solving these problems is more necessary than ever. Therefore, dealing with new urban theories, each with the aim of solving urban problems, improving the quality and quantity of life of citizens in cities, improving the quality of the city environment, city management, advancing the city to become more desirable, and so on. , Is more important than ever. In recent decades, to solve these challenges and reduce its effects on metropolises and large cities, various solutions and perspectives have been proposed, one of which is to pay attention to the concept of resilient city. The present study is descriptive. - It is analytical and practical in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this study consisted of experts and professors familiar with the topics of the city. 35 university professors and experts in the field of research determined the sample size intended to complete the questionnaire. The results of this study showed that the criterion of physical characteristics of tissue with the highest D-R value (0.672) is at the top of the chart and shows that this criterion is the most effective criterion. Also, based on the calculated D + R value, the building quality criterion is the most important criterion. Also, the urban infrastructure criterion was considered as the most influential criterion due to the fact that it has the lowest D-R value.

Reza Reza Borna, Nasrin Nasrin Jafari, Farideh Farideh Asadian,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

In order to understand the total consumption of buildings and accurately calculate how much energy each building uses, taking in consideration all the building's lifecycle phases is essential. In order to select the correct methodology for the main study, the researcher began with the determination and the parameters that would have been researched, as well as the analysis and comparison of the different methods used by other researchers to achieve similar goals. The following parameters define the final results and are stabilized or examined to determine their actual effect: A- Constant parameters: 1- Climate data 2- and data on the use of the building: B- variables: 3- Design data: 1- orientation 2- window to wall ratio 3- aspect ratio. This research uses a survey followed by a computer modeling methodology to achieve the goal of providing architects with techniques that reduce energy consumption in building units. To obtain reliable results that are useful to the construction industry in the country, the researcher has ensured that the virtual environment created in the modeling process mimics a typical building environment of Tehran units. Research has shown that passive design techniques have a major impact on the energy consumption of buildings. A significant reduction in consumption (67 percent) was noted when the orientation and percentages of the opening on the wall were changed. In summary, this study has shown that the application of passive, economical and simple design techniques has a major impact on the energy consumption of the unit rooms. If the architects take these ideas into account during the design process, the buildings will take on more responsibility for the environment and consequently reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Dr Aeizh Azmi, Mrs Akram Razlansari, Mrs Leila Mataei,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

In this project government endow loam to villagers for improving their houses. This project help to villagers for improvement their life and it help to villagers for preparation for sudden hazards. Improvement rural houses project improve quality of life villagers. Therefore, this project presents for resolving problems and challenges that improvement rural houses project confront with them. Investigative method was descriptive-survey and we used from questionnaire for collecting data. Statistical society includes 50 people that we used from census method for sampling method. Statistical method was technical supervisors in Kermanshah County.  Reliability calculated by alpha Cronbach method that equal 0.72 and validity calculated by K.M.O and Bartlet method that equal (K.M. O=74/0) and Bartlet significant equal (0.0).  But technical supervisors have positive attitude about housing foundation of Islamic revolution performance. They were satisfaction from workshops and upstream supervisors in housing foundation of Islamic revolution of province of Kermanshah. Results shows that there is relationship between distance village from city and quality of building materials quality. Also, there is relationship between knowledge of people about project and time periods. It shows that knowledge people increase. Finally, by factor analysis we understand that there are 5 components that effect on improvement rural houses projects that include: dimension of individual people and technical supervisors, attitude of people to improvement rural houses projects, life quality and improvement in life style, challenge in law and discipline and time of project. They explain 65.85% of total of variance. Also, the findings show that there is a meaningful and reverse relationship between the beginning of the technical observer's period and the amount of his attention to the consciousness of the people at the level of 0/05. Meanwhile, people's awareness has increased over time.
Minoo Lafaffchi, Mozayan Dehbashi Sharif, Iraj Etessam,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

In the contemporary century, with increasing development of technology, one of the challenges of contemporary architecture is to find its relationship with the culture. New technologies from industrialized countries with developmental goals are imported in an uncontrolled process. In contemporary Iranian architecture, technology has had a serious presence in various fields. The main purpose of the research was to investigate the cultural transformation of contemporary buildings in Tehran according to the application of technology. Due to the variety of types of use, this study focused on official complex compared to the two periods before and after the Islamic Revolution.The research method used in this research is combined (quantitative-qualitative). First, the components of technology and culture in accordance with contemporary architecture in the office buildings of Tehran have been developed by qualitative research method, then by quantitative research method, the relationship between key factors involved and the share of each component has been investigated. To examine the hypothesis, the relationship of three variables of culture, technology and architecture has been identified. In this study, cultural developments have been evaluated in two dimensions: mental and objective components. The results show that the effects of metamorphosis have had the greatest impact on the objective components of culture, including individual and social strata.Finally, the issue of technology application in contemporary office buildings in Tehran with a culture-based approach has been proposed in the form of a strategic model that will lead to the correct application of technology in office buildings in Tehran.
Mr. Hamed Behzadipour, Dr. Zohre Davoudpour, Dr. Hossein Zabihi,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

High-rise buildings, by being recognizable in their context and signaling the introduction of urban integrity, have an impact on the perception and formation of citizens' mental image of the city. The present study examines the environmental perception of citizens in the interpretive, emotional, cognitive, and evaluative dimensions of high-rise buildings in Tehran’s 22th district as a case of study and emphasizes the formal, functional and semantic aspects of these buildings on citizen perception. The search system is intended for interpretive-structuralism research and the content analysis method (documentary method) is used in the theoretical section and the cross-sectional survey method. The population of the study consisted of 100 residents and non-residents of the area who are randomly selected. Data were analyzed by using SPSS software and Pearson correlation tests and one-sample T-test to evaluate the relationship between physical and semantic components in high-rise buildings perception and determine the importance of each environmental perception dimension.The results indicate that “the role of beauty of the form and shape of high-rise buildings” and “the amount of elevation congruence with the environment” in the first and second priorities affecting the level of citizens' environmental perception among physical and “The role of legibility and routing” as an effective factor among the semantic components in the perception of high-rise buildings has been based more on emotional and cognitive perception and less on the interpretative and perceptual dimensions of perceived citizenship.

Hasan Kabouri, Seyed Ali Almodaresi, Mohammad Hossin Ramesht, Mohammad Mehdi Karim Nejad, Malihe Zakerian,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

The aim of the present study was to model a community-  based development approach in neighborhood development planning using structural equation methods. The analytical-descriptive research method is applied with a practical purpose and the approach governing the research space with a methodological focus is a quantitative approach. Two library and survey methods have been used to gather information on the subject of study. The statistical population studied in this study is all people over 18 years of age in the study neighborhood of Abarkouh city (Golkaran). Using a questionnaire tool that was adjusted according to the Likert spectrum, it was collected and its reliability was determined by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which includes both the total coefficient and the coefficient of different sections in the dimensions of the questionnaire and also to determine the validity of the questionnaire. Experts in the field of urban planning benefited. In the data analysis section, two levels of descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics were used to measure and evaluate the amount of components affecting the community-based development approach and also to formulate an operational model in the study neighborhood using structural equation model in Amos software environment. Was. This model examines the interrelationships and interactions of variables and the degree of effectiveness and effectiveness of each other.The results of data analysis using the model of structural equations show that having a community-based approach to neighborhood development has a direct and significant effect on promoting neighborhood development.

Dr Amir Shayanian, Dr Fatemeh Mozaffari Qadiklayi, Dr Ali Pahlavan,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Increasing energy demand and environmental problems caused by the consumption of fossil fuels have made the use of passive solar energy methods more necessary, especially in commercial centers. On the other hand, the growth of science and technology in the world and the use of intelligent systems in buildings, has led to the completion of common methods. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the side wall of atriums and building intelligence in optimizing energy consumption in commercial centers of Tehran. Due to its nature, the research method is simulation with a case study and analytical approach and in terms of application type. In this research, first, the typology of the building form is introduced and the basic model is selected, and after selecting the design-builder software, validation and simulation of energy consumption in different scenarios are performed to determine the reduction of energy consumption in different situations. This research, which is taken from a doctoral dissertation, shows that the most optimal commercial centers in terms of reducing energy consumption in the climate of Central Tehran are related to atrium buildings without side walls. Also, the installation of smart awnings and light sensors at a control temperature of 22 degrees has significantly reduced energy consumption in these buildings.
Keywords: side wall, Building intelligence, atrium, Commercial center, Tehran.

Valiollah Ghasemi, Afshin Ghorbani Param,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

Industrialization and modernization have had a significant impact on various aspects of society including architecture, urban planning, environment, climate, and geography. This impact is evident in phenomena such as the construction of high rise buildings, climate inversion, and environmental degradation. Many of the problems observed in recent decades can be attributed to population growth, migration, and changing needs of citizens. As a result, city managers and architects face significant challenges. The main objective of this article is to conduct a theoretical study on the use of residential towers, with a particular focus on sustainable social development and its implications for environmental protection in Tehran. This research adopts a descriptive-analytical approach and has both applied and theoretical purposes. It is also part of a survey that employs both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The sample size for this study was 384 participants, and data were collected using questionnaires. The data analysis was conducted using SPSS software. The most significant finding of this research is that population growth has fueled the construction of tall buildings, which in turn has contributed to issues such as excessive consumption of natural resources and fossil fuels, destruction of natural habitats, decline in social interactions, climate change, increased traffic congestion, and heightened air pollution. These issues have become a complex and seemingly insurmountable crisis.

Mr Meysam Zekavat, Dr Mansoure Tahbaz, Dr Mohammad Reza Hafezi,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

Buildings are the primary consumers of energy in the country, accounting for approximately 30-50% of total energy consumption. In our country, around 33% of energy is allocated to residential, commercial, and public buildings. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of a building's orientation on its energy consumption. The research is focused on the common 4 and 5-story residential buildings in District 5 of Tehran, specifically on Ferdous Sharq Blvd. The research adopts a descriptive-analytical methodology based on both organizational and field data collection. Six similar residential blocks in different lighting positions were selected to gather data. These blocks share identical characteristics in terms of land area, infrastructure area, number of floors, heating and cooling systems, and other factors. The only distinction among them is their location within a passage. Subsequently, Design Builder software was employed to simulate and compare their energy consumption. The findings of the research reveal that the average energy consumption, with a precision of 98%, for the northern blocks is 7,261 kilowatt hours per square meter per year, while for the southern blocks it is 11,247 kilowatt hours per square meter per year, and for the overall blocks it is 5,254 kilowatt hours per square meter per year. This is approximately three times the ideal building's energy consumption. The northern blocks consume about 5% more energy than the southern blocks. A block that receives light from three sides (north, south, and west) consumes about 11% more energy than the average, whereas a block that receives light from two sides (north and south) consumes about 5% less energy than the average. The north blocks have an energy label of D, whereas the south blocks, except for the end block that receives light from three sides (north, south, and west), have an energy label of C. Consequently, the south blocks generally demonstrate better energy consumption performance.

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