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Showing 3 results for Education

Mahnaz Sadeghi, Zahra Haejazi Zade, Mohhamad Saligeh,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

The purpose of this study is to increase awareness and flexibility towards climate change and its effects on the environment through education. In the first step, to achieve the reproduction of climatic data and compare the scenarios of the general circulation model of the atmosphere, three important climatic parameters including precipitation, minimum temperature and maximum temperature were used and also SDSM software was used to predict the data. In this study, two stations of Zabol and Chabahar were used during the statistical period of 1961-2005. Three scenarios of RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 in the period 2020-2050 were used to compare the results of the CanESM2 general circulation model, which is mentioned in the fifth IPCC report. The results of CanESM2 model showed that the minimum and maximum temperature and precipitation in the studied stations will have an increasing and decreasing trend in the future, respectively, in other words, the effects of climate change will be more obvious. In the second step, a questionnaire was distributed to teachers and students in Zabol and Chabahar in the education department; The results of validation of Cronbach's alpha test indicate that this questionnaire had good validity and reliability. The selection of the statistical population was purposeful; That is, from all the related schools, schools were purposefully selected at the discretion of the professors and were also evaluated and questioned. Analysis of the results of questionnaires related to teachers and students showed that the research hypothesis was confirmed according to T-Test.
Behnaz Amin Nayeri, Yaghoub Peyvastehgar,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

With the increasing population in cities, particularly big cities, demand for public goods and services increased too. But, due to certain political-economic structure of the country, often the rates of supplies growth have been less than the demands’. The high-demand applications such as educational, for many reasons including, Lack of cities’ coordination executive bodies, financial problems and lack of education sector officials with scientific procedures for locating schools, faced with many problems to meet the needs of the students. In large urban areas like Tehran, for various reasons such as high population density and scarcity of land, these problems intensified. Fast, timely and appropriate accessibility to these training centers is very important and necessary in every community, especially in urban areas. And the equitable distribution of these centers in the city led to the establishment of spatial equity and social justice, which is an urban sustainable development objectives. The aim of this research is to evaluate the locating of training centers in primary schools in the district in order to achieve spatial justice. The type of research is practical, based on the purpose of thstudy, and the research method is descriptive-analytic. The data collection method is also documentary-survey. In order to weigh the criteria, experts have been used in the ANP model, and by Using the capabilities and features of geographical information system including: combining maps, raster calculator, network analysis and etc. has been done. Finally, after the implementation of VIKOR sample, the priority areas were identified for building elementary schools. The final output analysis obtained by this method in addition to determining of the compatibility or incompatibility of primary schools in the city will located the optimal sites for building new elementary schools.

Mr Jamaleddin Honarvar,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

Today, the process of developing and constructing educational spaces tends to be more inclined to physical dimensions and is painted against human beings and their characteristics. The result is a disconnect between the students' relationship with the schools in particular and the educational environment in general. As such, they consider their students to be less part of the high school and feel less attached to it. The purpose of this study is to focus on designers 'view of the semantic levels of the school environment that can influence students' sense of place. The research method was descriptive, analytical and survey using spss software and Lisrel 8.8. This study uses the confirmatory factor analysis technique to determine whether the number of factors and loads of variables measured on these factors are consistent with what is specified in the theory. According to the results of confirmatory factor analysis, the standardized coefficients are acceptable and relatively large. Through the SEM structural model, it was estimated that the highest correlation and consistency between subjective factor with factor loadings of 0.76 and physical component rank second. With a factor load of 0.63 and finally the educational component with a standard coefficient of 0.58 establishes and promotes a sense of  belonging in high schools. At the end of the conceptual model the research was mapped using structural equation modeling and by regression it was concluded that subjective, physical and educational components predict 43% of the variance in sense of belonging in Tehran high schools.

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