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Showing 4 results for Gis.

Alireza Jafarzadeh Estalkhkouhi, Parviz Rezaei,
Volume 17, Issue 44 (3-2017)

Among the various processes that destroy lands, soil erosion is a complex and hazardous environmental process that constitutes a serious threat to preservation of soil and water resources in Iran and has inflicted its negative effects on the vital ecosystem with the intensified utilization of nature by human beings. The present descriptive and analytic research employed the PSIAC model to study erosion and compare it with other empirical methods and models by investigating the effects of nine important and influential factors in soil erosion and sediment production in various parts of the Sefidrood Basin through giving intra-layer numerical scores to them. Erosion and landform zoning maps and also zoning maps for the nine factors were then extracted. Results indicated that 77 percent of the lands in the plain landforms faced very little erosion and 23 percent little erosion, 14 percent of the lands in the mountainside landforms were exposed to very high erosion rates, 55 percent with high erosion rates, and 31 percent with average and low erosion rates, and 17 percent of the lands in the mountain landforms experienced very high erosion rates, 58 percent high erosion rates, and 25 percent average erosion rates. In other words, the rates of erosion changed from low in the plain landforms to very high in the mountain landforms. This implies that pastures and natural resources are confronted with numerous problems. In general, considering the study carried out on the nine influential factors in the soil erosion model (the PSIAC model), we notice that the mountainside and mountainous regions are more sensitive to erosion and influential factors in erosion are more active in these regions.

Tayebeh Kiani, Mohsen Pourbashir Hir,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)

The Rivers and the Canals are a completely dynamic system and their morphological patterns has been changed continuously over the time, which sometimes lead to erosion and damage to coastal facilities and border displacement. Therefore, its hydrologic behavior should always be considered. Iran has several border rivers with its neighbors that its necessary be studied of wise “the bed change approach. In this research, the Balehradud Border River, which forms 62 km from Iran's border with the Republic of Azerbaijan in Ardebil province, be studied based on the substitution approach by studying the hydromorphic indices of the Sinuosity coefficient, bending radius and central angle for the period 1955 and 2016 respectively using the map of Protocol 1/25000 and satellite imagery of ETM. And the indexes were calculated in AutoCAD and Arc maps software. The results show that the Meandering pattern has become more intense over the period of 61 years and the rate of river bed changes has been very high. As for the Sinuosity coefficient, the number of curves of river increase to 857 in year 2016 than 591 bends in year 1955 which indicates a significant change in river morphology. The values of curvature radius in the whole range confirm the existence of approximately the same arch along the river's path. This indicator for year 1955 shows that upstream have more meandering from downstream and versa this mode for the year 2016. Which can be due to climatic and tectonic changes. Also, a number of factors such as human interactions, climatic conditions, vegetation, loose tissue, are involved in the River bed change. It is important to take protective measures, such as stabilizing the coast and increasing vegetation and preventing the dumping of the river.

Parviz Ziaiian Firouz Abadi, Ayoub Badragh Nejad, Reza Sarli, Mahboub Babaie,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

Rivers are the natural flow of surface waters that flow in a certain bed seasonal or permanently. Rivers include a vast range of narrow waterways and with mountainous high steep to low steep and wide beds flowing in plains. However, rivers have had an effective role in urban development and human civilization, therefore, identification of flood prone areas and flood part in the potent lower fields of Birjand watershed would lead to aid feeding the artificial environment of the water shed and would also lead to increase of quality in the environment fields. The purpose of this study is to identify the environment about the river and evaluating the danger in case of occurrence of flood crisis. All of the processes and analyses of data were performed in the GIS atmosphere utilizing the three methods of saw Fuzzy, AHP and Boleyn logic for weighting data such as (gradient, erosion, land application, watershed system, soil, geological fault distribution, quaternary unit, level of underground waters, and satellite imagery) and the potent areas in terms of confronting danger were located. The results of the study showed that the areas that the effort for exploiting floods was made have characteristics such as (existence of alluvium and colluvium sediments in the high steep feet of the slopes and watersheds with major stone occurrences, existence of fan-shaped sediments and alluvial fan in the external aperture of dry rivers and water ways with mountainous watersheds and hills leading to low steep fields, existence of low fields from the manner of altitude in proportionate to fields near). Finally, the best model that could present a better evaluation and conclusion about this matter was the Boleyn logic model in locating the flood part.

Ali Shamai, Mahsa Delfannasab, Mohammad Porakrami,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting housing prices in the Laleh Park district of Tehran. In this study, the data of all real estate traded in the first six months of the year 2016 was used in the study area. Information about the physical properties of the residential units trained is collected from the Real Estate Market Information System of Iran and is used to obtain information on the accessibility features of residential units traded using ARC GIS software. Multivariate regression analysis has also been used to investigate the factors affecting housing prices. The results of this study showed that the physical factors of housing are more effective than the access factors in the housing prices in this district . Among the selected features, the variables of residential area, parking, and skeletal type had the most positive effect on the price of housing in the area under study. On the other hand, some of the features, such as the distance from the residential unit to the nearest main street, the residential unit to the nearest educational user, the residential unit distance to the nearest health care provider, and the residential unit's age, had a negative effect on the housing price in the Laleh Park district .

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