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Showing 12 results for Isfahan

Dr Hafez Mahdnejad, Dr Hamid Bargi, Dr Alireza Gholami,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Today, the cities of the country are faced with a kind of duality and inequality. As urban inequality has become one of their spatial characteristics. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to Zoning of spatial inequality neighborhoods of Isfahan metropolis based on economic indicators for better planning for organizing, empowering and enhancing their quality of life. This study is an applied one and its method is descriptive-analytical. The research data were obtained from Statistical Blocks of Iran Statistical Center (2016). The statistical method used to analyze the data, compile the indices and extract the final urban poverty indices with AHP, Topsis and Hotspot. The findings show that the coefficients of influence on the components of the main occupational, occupational, housing and vehicle components respectively are: 0.266, 0.317, 0.223 and 0.184. According to the final index of poverty status in terms of economic indicators, 23 neighborhoods (11.98%) have good quality, 37 neighborhoods (19.27%) have relatively good quality, 52 neighborhoods (27.08%) are in moderate condition, 64 Neighborhoods (33.33%) are in poor condition and finally 16 neighborhoods equivalent to 8.33% of all metropolitan areas of Isfahan are in poor condition. In total, about 42% of all metropolitan areas of Isfahan are in poor condition. The results of the Hotspot model show that neighborhoods with higher than average values in the south and partly in the center of the city and neighborhoods with lower than average values are located in the east and partly west of Isfahan. In fact, the city can be divided into northern and southern parts.
Fardin Kooshki, Hamidreza Varesi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

از مسائل مهم حاکم بر مدیریت و برنامه­ریزی شهرهای ما، نگرش فرم محور است؛ یعنی می خواهند مسائل شهرها را عمدتاً از طریق تغییرات کالبدی حل کنند و در مطالعات خود بر ویژگی های فیزیکی تاکید دارند. در مقابل این نگرش، دیدگاه فرایند محور قرار دارد که سعی می کند فرایندها را بیشتر مورد تحلیل قرار دهد زیرا این فرایندها هستند که فرم­ ها را به وجود می ­آورند. هدف پژوهش این است که بر روی فرایندها و علل در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان تاکید شود و نگرش فرایند محور به عنوان حلقه مفقوده برنامه­ریزی شهرهای ما مورد توجه ویژه خواهد بود. پژوهش حاضر به روش ترکیبی انجام شده است تا از این طریق از مزایای هر دو روش کیفی و کمی بهره گیریم. در روش تحقیق کیفی، داده ­ها از روش­های مصاحبه، مشاهده و مطالعات کتابخانه ­ای جمع­آوری شده است و در روش تحقیق کمی از آزمون تی  تک نمونه­ای استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان می­ دهد فرایندهای جغرافیایی موثر در شکل­ گیری فرم­ها در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان عبارتند از: «وجود حیاط مرکزی در مساکن»، «امکان  ارتباط با عناصر طبیعی مانند درخت، آب و نور طبیعی»، «امکان تماشای آیات الهی مانند آسمان، خورشید، ماه و ستارگان»، «اهمیت منابع آبی مانند زاینده­ رود، قنات و مادی­ ها در آفرینش فضاها»، «هماهنگی با اقلیم گرم و خشک»، «اهمیت باغ های خصوصی و خانگی» و «رعایت حریم عناصر طبیعی مانند حریم چاه، قنات، مادی و غیره». از میان  فرایندهای مورد مطالعه نیز «اهمیت منابع آبی مانند زاینده ­رود، قنات و مادی­ ها در آفرینش فضاها» با میانگین 4 بیشترین میانگین را به خود اختصاص داده و مهم ­ترین فرایند موثر در شکل­ گیری فرم­ ها در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان می­ باشد.
Ghazal Asadi Eskandar, Bahador Zamani, Shahab Kariminia, Maryam Ghasemi Sichani,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Increased temperatures in urban areas due to high energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are some of the problems of today's cities. Urban open spaces in hot and arid climates experience this problem more in summer. The purpose of this study is to show the relationship between morphological components of the urban fabric and thermal comfort through integrated analysis. In this study, urban fabric types were extracted by considering ground space index, floor space index, open space ratio, average height, streets orientation, streets organization, and type of plots according to their configuration of mass and space. To study thermal comfort, a field study was carried out in five neighborhoods in the historical context, for five continuous days in summer. Environmental variables including air temperature, humidity, radiant temperature, and wind speed were measured and the physiological equivalent temperature index was calculated using ENVI-met software and thermal comfort in the neighborhoods with different morphological characteristics was analyzed. The results showed that more than half of the data during the day in the hot season in all five neighborhoods are in conditions of extreme heat stress. Comparison of neighborhoods with different morphological features indicated that two neighborhoods with higher open space ratios, despite the difference in the orientation of the streets and the type of plots, have lower thermal comfort compared to other types. A neighborhood with a higher ground space index and a lower open space ratio has a lower average physiological equivalent temperature.

Alireza Yousefi, Mahdiyeh Shahabinejad, Amimozafar Mini,
Volume 15, Issue 37 (9-2015)

Agricultural sector has an important role in development of countries. One of the obstacles to development in this sector, especially in Iran is significant fragmentation of agricultural lands. The aim of this study is to assess the farmers’ willingness to participate in land consolidation project using structural equation modeling. The population of this study consists of all farmers of Meymeh County and its surrounding cities and villages and Niloofar-Abi cooperative of Vazvan city. Data were collected on a sample of 156 farmers through face-to-face interviews based on a comprehensive structured questionnaire. Before the survey, the reliability and validity of questionnaire was initially evaluated on a pre-test study respectively by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, expert’s judgment and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) criteria. The results of this study show that the most important factors on farmers' willingness to participation are crop acreage and number of plots which respectively has the greatest positive and negative effect. The awareness of the farmers about benefit of consolidation project is another factor which has significant and positive impact on farmers' willingness. Furthermore, level of farmers schooling has no significant effect.
, , ,
Volume 17, Issue 46 (9-2017)

Since the most important climatic parameter affecting sugar beet cultivation is the temperature, we carried out this research considering climatic elements such as temperature, precipitation and freezing days in relation to autumn sugar beet planting. Daily temperatures of selected stations in a period of 10 years (2005-2015) has been used for agroclimatic analysis. In order to evaluate that, thermal potential assessment, deviation from optimal conditions and active day gradient index (GDD) were used. The evaluation of thermal potential based on the threshold of 0, 4, and 10 degrees Centigrade at the station levels in Kermanshah province showed that Sar-e-Pol-e-Zahab Station has the highest cumulative thermal unit and Kangavar Station has the least one. In Isfahan province, Khour-va-Biabanak station has the highest cumulative thermal unit and Khansar station has the lowest unit. Based on the deviation from optimal conditions in Kermanshah province, Sar-e-Pol-e-Zahab station has the lowest (-27.79) and in Khour-va-Biabanak station (-21.78) had the least deviation from optimal conditions. Planting date at the stations was considered based on the autumn temperature. In Kermanshah province, Sar-e-Pol-e Zahab station had the earliest date of harvest (May 1st.), while this date in Isfahan province was for Khour-va-Biabanak station (May 9th.). Suitable areas for planting in Kermanshah province are found to be the eastern and northeastern regions of Sar-e-Pol-e Zahab and Qasr-Shirin. In the province of Isfahan, the northern and western parts of Khour-va-Biabanak and Kashan were the most proper regions and central areas are in the next steps.

Dr Daryoush Moradi Chadegani, Masoud Ghasemi, Niloofar Rastghalam,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

Isfahan City-Region is a collection of cities and towns with shareable common ground (such as communications, infrastructure, population and climate) at the geographical level of the city of Isfahan and its surroundings, and their social, economic, functional and spatial dependencies are such that one The geographically differentiated metamorphic and sub-regional divisions form the surface of the land and the main focus of its residential concentration is the city of Isfahan. These common features make it possible for them to complete complementary fields with single target targeting. Meanwhile, municipalities, as the main actor of urban management, play a major role in communicating cities and managing these relationships, so that these issues can play a common language among the actors in the city-region. This research is descriptive-analytic in terms of its main purpose. The analysis of locational problems and identification of key actors in Isfahan-Isfahan (including Isfahan and ten neighboring cities: Abrisham, Baharestan, Khomeinishahr, Khorzuq, Dorcheh, Dolatabad, Shahinshahr, Ghahjavarestan, Gaz, and Najafabad) is an applied research. For this purpose, in the first step, identifying problems between Isfahan and ten neighboring cities has led to the formulation of a statement of problems by using the dual paths of reviewing the documents of documents and urban plans and conducting interviews with city managers and experts. In the second step, analyzing the problems and problems of the cities located in the city-region of Isfahan, based on the six-tagged codes defined for each problem, the amount of weight (severity of the problem) is determined and, through the method of analyzing social networks, the network of "actors-problems" is drawn. Based on the findings of the analysis from this network, the problems of "Air pollution caused by the exhausted bus", "the occurrence of environmental problems caused by the destruction of the ecological capacity of West of Isfahan" and "shortage of fire fighting equipment in neighboring cities of Isfahan" are the most important of the city-region. The department of "Urbanism & Architecture", "Transportation" and "Urban Services" as acters paly the most key role in solving the problems of the city-region of Isfahan.

Mr Zahra Sadat Jalali Chimeh, Dr Amir Gandomkar, Dr Morteza Khodagholi, Dr Hossein Battoli,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Agriculture, as one of the most important human economic activities, is closely related to the climatic conditions, and any changes in the climatic conditions can have dramatic changes in agriculture. The main objective of this study is to investigate the spatial changes of the Agro Climatic Feasibility Rosa damascena mill Cultivation in Climate change Condition in northern part of Isfahan province including Kashan, Natanz, Ardestan and Aran Bidgol, under the four carbon dioxide emission pathways (RCPs)of 2050.  Two groups of factors involved in agroclimatic feasibility of Rosa damascena mill cultivation including environmental factors (topography, soil) and climatic factors were extracted. Based on these factors, suitable zones of Rosa damascena mill cultivation, were identify using Fuzzy gamma function. In the next step, by simulating the climatic elements of the region in 2050, under the four carbon dioxide emission pathways, the fifth report of the IPCC, replacing the simulated climatic variables of 2050 under the four lines, by re-implementing the fuzzy gamma function, favorable areas of cultivation Rosa damascena mill was identified in each region in each scenario. In the next step, by simulating the climatic elements of the region in 2050, under the four carbon dioxide emission pathways, the fifth report of the IPCC, replacing the simulated climatic variables of 2050 under the four lines, by re-implementing the fuzzy gamma function, favorable areas of cultivation The Rosa damascena mill was identified in each region in each scenario. The results showed that in the base period climate, about 0.33% of the area (9025 km2) has a climate suitable for cultivating Rosa damascena mill and more than 67% of the area of ​​the region has a weak talent. The results of the simulation of the climatic conditions of 2050 under four carbon dioxide emission lines indicate that, under all scenarios, favorable areas for cultivating Rosa damascena mill in the studied area have increased. In the trajectory of 8/8 release, the highest class of agro-colliery was the cultivation of the flowers of Mohammadi gardens

Somayeh Hamsian Ettefagh, Hussein Kalantari Khalilabad, Muhammad Mire’ei,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

 As it can take an efficient step towards the preservation and sustainability of such lands due to the preparation, implementation, and reformation of criteria. In District 9 of Isfahan Municipality, mismanagement in the preservation of ecological lands has destroyed gardens and agricultural lands, and has caused the loss of social unity of neighborhoods. Consequently, the study of ecotourism management in this region is of great significance. For this reason, in this paper, a model for ecotourism management with an emphasis on urban ecological textures is provided for District 9 of Isfahan Municipality. For this reason, first, the Star method has been used as a model for interviewing experts and relevant municipal experts in Isfahan city management. At that point, with the help of library investigations and field assessments, and implementation of the grounded theory method, 3 dimensions, 10 categories, and 35 subcategories are extracted from the data gained from the interview. The main dimensions are urban texture management (with categories legislation, planning, management of resources and control and supervision), the ecological texture (with the categories: protection and development and improvement), ecotourism (with the economic, social, environmental and cultural categories).

Mrs. Atefeh Shahmohammadi, Dr. Ali Bayat, Mr. Saeed Mashhadizadeh Maleki,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Air pollution is one of the major problems in large cities, which can be harmful to human health and the environment. Isfahan is one of the most polluted cities in Iran.
 Its geographic location and low wind speed, industrial activities, transportation, agriculture, and other human activities have created critical air pollution conditions for the city. Nitrogen dioxide is an important pollutant of air pollution, which is monitored using ground stations and satellite measurements. In this paper, daily data of nitrogen dioxide from Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite sensor, wind and surface temperature of Isfahan Meteorological Station data were used between October 2004 and May 2016. The average amount of nitrogen dioxide in the measured range is .The highest amount of nitrogen dioxide ( ) was observed in December and the lowest ( ) was observed in July. The standard deviation of the winter season ( ) is higher than the summer season ( ). The correlation coefficient of nitrogen dioxide with wind and temperature was -0.41 and -0.54, respectively, which indicates the higher importance of temperature in nitrogen dioxide changes. After the formation of the time series, the average monthly nitrogen dioxide content was determined using spectral analysis of least squares of statistically meaningful peaks corresponding periods. These statistically meaningful peaks corresponding periods have been eliminated from the mean monthly nitrogen dioxide time series, and with the linear fit on the residual time series, the trend has been calculated. The nitrogen dioxide trend for Isfahan is per year with 95% confidence.
Dr Sajedeh Karimi,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

Many efforts have been made to address the negative effects of sprawling urban expansion, which can be referred to as "smart growth" as a strategy for urban sustainability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of smart city growth on economic and social parameters in Isfahan. The present study is descriptive-analytical in terms of the type of research and is applied-developmental in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study consisted of the population of Isfahan city in the Census of 2016 (5120850). The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire (Smart City Questionnaire, Economic Questionnaire and Social Questionnaire) with 32 questions. The validity of the questionnaire was formal, which was confirmed by experts and professors, and its reliability by Cronbach's alpha was 0.84. Data analysis, based on structural equation analysis, was performed in AMOS software. The results indicate that urban smart growth in Isfahan is influenced by social and economic variables, among which the role of economic variables in urban smart growth have more influence than social variables, which impact factor of economic variable role. It was 0.71, while the social variable had an impact factor of 0.38.
Ahmad Hajarian, Ahmad Taghdisi, Hamid Barghi,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

ose of this paper is to investigate the barriers and challenges of home businesses from the perspective of home business experts and owners using the Delphi method and confirmatory factor analysis. The purpose of this study is applied research and descriptive-analytical in nature and has a qualitative approach. The statistical population of the study consists of two groups. The first group included experts from the Bureau of Co-operation, Labor and Social Welfare, and the Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Crafts and Tourism, and the second group consisted of home business owners. The sample size for the first group was 28 people using snowball or chain sampling and the second group is based on the statistics of about 1000 people in rural areas of Isfahan province which was determined 276 people according to Cochran formula. Data were analyzed using SPSS 23 software. Delphi technique was used to identify the existing challenges of Isfahan rural communities home businesses. Results in the qualitative part of the study indicated that the most important challenges facing home businesses are structural and managerial factors, policy making, financial and economic, individual-personality, research and information. In the quantitative section, using confirmatory factor analysis, there are 5 factors, namely: financial and economic factors, managerial and structural factors, weaknesses in comprehensive rules and policy, research and information, and personal and personality factors which are 78/73. Explains the percentage of total variance

Mr Fazllollah Karimi Ghotbabadi, Dr Ali Zangiabadi,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

Earthquakes resilience, which is actually how social, economic, institutional, geographical, etc. capacities of societies are affected by earthquakes, is one of the issues that should be considered in any society. It is worth noting that the type of attitude towards the issue of resilience and how to analyze it on the one hand, plays a key role in how to recognize resilience and its causes, and on the other hand also influences policies and measures to reduce risk and how to deal with it. The purpose of this study is to rank the resilience of new urban Habitations in the ​​Isfahan Metropolitan earthquake risk using a combined index. Due to the studied components and the nature of the subject, the approach of this research is "descriptive-analytical". The statistical population of this study includes 6 new urban Habitations of Shahin shahr, Majlesi, Sepahan shahr, Fooladshahr, Baharestan and Shahid Keshvari. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in the research literature section, information has been collected through the library method. Based on the results of POSET, Majlesi, Baharestan, Foolad shahr, Sepahan Shahr, Shahin Shahr and Shahid Keshvari Habitations with the sum of options 3, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 14 in terms of the combined index of resilience against earthquake risk, respectively. They have 1-6. Therefore, in order to reduce the adverse effects that resilience has on any community, paying attention to the capacities of each Habitation is one of the issues that should be considered in every community to prevent human and financial losses caused by possible accidents.

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