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Showing 2 results for Karaj Metropolis

Mrs Fatemeh Khodadadi, Dr Mojgan Entezari, Dr Farzaneh Sasanpour,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

Today, in view of the growing population and population density in urban areas, especially in densely populated and susceptible cities, the need for an inclusive and comprehensive approach to natural disasters and disasters caused by their occurrence has become more evident . Focusing more than the size of the population in specific urban areas, lack of preventive planning and lack of readiness to deal with accidents such as earthquakes, is a very serious and important threat to citizens and the survival of the city. The capital city of Karaj, as one of the major cities in Iran, has a high risk of earthquakes due to the presence of several active faults inside and outside it. Accordingly, investigations of the seismic vulnerability of this city are one of the necessities of Karaj city management. Regarding this, the metropolis of karaj was selected as the study area. The method of research and analysis of information collected based on database-based methods using the ELECTRE FUZZY model and Criteria for building materials, number of floors, quality of buildings, population density, building density, area of parts, width of passageways, geology, distance from faults, distance from medical centers, distance from public space, distance from urban facilities and travel compatibility for research purposes Were used. The results indicate that 6, 8, 1, and 7 areas of Karaj municipality are vulnerable to earthquake, so that more than 70 percent of Karaj city is vulnerable to earthquake vulnerability on low and low floors and Only about 20% of the city of Karaj due to its proximity to the fault and the high density of population, construction and ... is in high and high risk areas. According to the principles of urban planning, the regulations of 2800 can cover earthquake damage in these areas.

Behrouz Hashemi, Farzaneh Sasanpor, Ali Movahed, Habiallah Fasihi,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

With the rapid growth of population and urbanization since the last century, the complexity and understanding of the spatial organization of the city, as well as the ability to predict urban events in its spaces, have become difficult and in some cases impossible. Karaj metropolis is one of the major metropolitan areas of Iran that has been experiencing rapid population growth and this has led to complexity of space and consequently to complexity of organization recognition and analysis and its spatial structure and impact of livelihood components. It has become a spatial system. The main purpose of the present study is to identify the role and impact of Karaj's spatial organization on its nuclear viability. The research method is quantitative and descriptive-exploratory. The study area was Karaj metropolis and its main nuclei. The statistical population of this study is citizens living in the sub-nucleus of Karaj. The sample size was 378persons. The data used in this study were collected through library and field research. Data were analyzed using spatial statistics, spatial arrangement, and T-test and Friedman test. The results show that the Karaj metropolitan organization and spatial structure are interconnected and connected to some of the major routes, forming sub-nuclei away from the core and thus transferring the functional and service applications from the center to be the peripheral nucleus. This has affected the viability of the core. Decrease in biodiversity has occurred in different physical, social, economic and environmental dimensions that have affected the environmental and economic aspects less than the other two dimensions, so it can be concluded that the Karaj Spatial Organization has an impact on its viability.

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