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Showing 1 results for Merra2 Model

Dr Zahra Hejazizadeh, Mr Meysam Toulabi Nejad, Mr Alireza Rahimi, Mrs Nasrin Bazmi, Mrs Atefeh Bosak,
Volume 17, Issue 47 (12-2017)

The aim of this study is modeling spatiotemporal variations of albedo. This study was conducted using simultaneous effects of several components, such as wetness of surface layer of soil, cloudiness, topography and vegetation density (NDVI), using MEERA2 model with a resolution of 50 in 50 km during 2000-2010 in Iran. The results of spatial analysis of albedo values in Iran showed that the highest value is in 44 to 45 degrees of east longitude about 2.8 to 3.3 and the lowest value of albedo is also in 52 to 53 degrees of east longitude, that is, the eastern slopes of the Zagros Mountains, have been recorded at 1 to 1.5 units. In terms of provincial rank, the largest albedo is about 0.25 units in Ilam province and the Fars province is ranked next about 0.24 units. The lowest amount of albedo also in the Gilan provinces and in next Mazandaran province are about 0.19 and 0.18 respectively. In addition, the results of temporal analysis in seasonal scale showed that the highest albedo in Iran in winter was 0.26 and its lowest amount was recorded in spring with 0.23 units. In general, according to the factors used, it can be said that the western and central parts of the country have a highest albedo, and the north and northwest regions of the country have a lowest albedo.

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