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Showing 32 results for Management

Mehdi Asghari, Zeinab Karkehbadi, Abbas Arghan,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

. All the interested and influential forces are in the administration of the cities and also respond to all the needs of these groups. On the other hand, women, as one of the main and most influential groups and social forces in the civil life of cities, today have a prominent role in the categories related to city administration. Therefore, the purpose of this article is the role of good urban governance in the corona and post-corona period, considering the position of women in Semnan. From the point of view of the goal, the present research is practical and according to the method of data collection, it is descriptive-survey. A questionnaire was used to collect the data and information of this research. The statistical population of the current research is the citizens of Semnan with a population of 185,129 people, and the sample size is calculated using Cochran's formula to be equal to 383 people. To analyze the data, single-sample t-tests and multivariate linear regression were used, and finally, to generalize the results from the sample to the statistical population, the structural equation modeling method was used by Lisrel software. The results of the one-sample t-test have shown that the t-values for each of the research variables with averages lower than the theoretical mean have been obtained as a negative number, which has determined the state of the dimensions of good urban governance in the city. Semnan and the position of women in it is not in a good position. Also, the results of structural equations in Lisrel software have shown that the justice variable has the highest and strongest relationship with good urban governance. Finally, the results of the surveys show; It is not possible to hope for the realization of good urban governance without defining and explaining the practical role of women as half of the city's citizens and one of the most important and influential groups in the administration of city affairs.
Alireza Ghorbani, Ali Shamaei, Moussa Kamanroudi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

One of the problems of the cities around the capitals in the third world countries is that urbanization overtook urban development and this issue has created many problems in these cities. The lack of characteristics such as transparency, accountability, rule of law, participation, efficiency and the like in the urban management system also adds to the severity of the issues. The aim of the present research is to investigate the quality of urban physical-spatial development management with a good governance approach and to provide optimal strategies for the city of Shahryar. The research method is descriptive-analytical in terms of developmental and practical purpose, and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature. Data collection was done based on documentary and survey methods, and the tools of interview letter and questionnaire were used. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests, MICMAC software and SWOT model have been used in data analysis. The statistical population includes the city's citizens and the group of experts. Validity assessment was done using construct validity and reliability assessment using Cronbach's alpha method. The results show that the overall average status of physical-spatial development management in Shahryar city from the point of view of good governance indicators is equal to 2.006, which is in an average situation based on the Likert spectrum. The findings of the investigation of the influential factors on the quality of governance of this city with the help of MICMAC software show the stability of the system. Finally, the examination of the strategies for realizing the model of good governance in the urban management system shows the predominance of the strategy (Strengths and threats) in the urban management system of Shahriar, which is based on increasing the level of supervision, developing the capacity of the audit system and the headquarters to fight against corruption and violations. The administration emphasizes the fight against mafia and lobbying in urban management, the development of plans and programs for the renovation of worn-out city structures, the development of electronic technologies and tools, and the improvement of economic and human indicators of urban management.

, Vahid Riahi,
Volume 14, Issue 35 (3-2015)

Iran's rural settlements, in spite of their comprehensive and multi-faceted developments in the last decades, are still considered to be among the settlements faced with crucial challenges in the face of environmental hazards. As a result, prearrangement for upcoming events and disasters, as well as paying attention to the management of rural disaster in dealing with particularly natural events turn out to be necessary. The rural areas of Sarwabad, in Kurdistan, are also considered among the areas susceptible to natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, and landslides. The purpose of the research is the identification of settlements, and safe and hazardous landslide zones with particular focus on disaster management in Sarwabad. This research is methodologically analytical and essentially functional, and, by using geographical information system (GIS) and the analytical hierarchical process (AHP), the researchers analyzed the data and the layers and provided the ultimate version of combined hazard maps and also overlaying maps for the purpose of factorial assessment. The findings have been in the form of spatio-populatory analysis of the settlements, and resulted in identifying the safe and unsafe villages and zones. Moreover, it is found that nearly 46 percent of the rural population and 31 villages of the area are located in safe or low-hazard-level landslides, while the rest of the settlements and rural population are located in the mid and high-hazard-level zones and, as such, are need to be secured in these zones.
Dr. Tayebeh Kiani, Mrs. Zahra Yousefi,
Volume 17, Issue 47 (12-2017)

حذف شدیک جمله Identify water resources management and proper application of relevant officials and managers are the main concern. Groundwater as a most important natural resources of Iran needs to planning and management of all aspects. In this regard, a study done of the Shaharchay river basin in the west of the Urmia Lake and the northern structural, sedimentary zone of Sanandaj - Sirjan. The aim of the study is to identify areas where the water table is higher in groundwater. To achieve this, an interpolation of (IDW) water level underground of Shaharchay by using the data of piezometeric well, then matching results with the position of faults and available tectonic seismic data. fractures were checked and the role of basin natural characteristics such as slope, lithology, soil type, ages of Geological, precipitation and landuse on groundwater level fluctuations were checked as well. Investigations show 4 different patterns of movement of groundwater in the basin area. Except of fault, other criteria alone are not much of a water table. The results show that the the western part of the water table is located in a very low of ​​zoning , which has very high mountains with high slopes, high rainfall, no fracture Quaternary and pasture. Eastern part of the basin is located in the area of ​​medium and high underground water level only a part of the shores of Urmia Lake in this zoning has a very high water table. With very little gradient, local average precipitation, high permeability, active Quaternary faults, the garden and the city landuse. But the center of the basin zoning was very high with very low permeability, high slope, average precipitation and mixture of garden, forest and grassland usages. basin center located on high seismic intensity zone and density Quaternary faults. only because of the high level in the basin center of Silvaneh are active faults and a high intensity tectonic seismic.

Sana Rahmani, Sayed Hossein Vahedi, Leila Abedi Far, Saleh Ebrahimi Pour,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

Iran is among the countries which id most vulnerable to natural disasters, especially earthquakes. This natural phenomenon creates a disaster in an area of Iran every few years and destroys the human and financial potentials of the country and it has also irreversible mental and emotional consequences. Due to the unexpected nature of most natural disasters and the need for rapid and accurate decision-making and implementation process, fundamental and theoretical basis has created a knowledge called crisis management. Bojnord city is the center of Bojnord town in North Khorasan province and is the largest city in the province. The city is one of the high altitudes of North Khorasan and is a mountainous region from the natural perspective. Based on census population in 2011, Bojnord has a population over 207,196 people. Bojnord is one of the cities that are located in a zoning with a very high relative risk. Moses Baba fault and Dubarar-tower fault of Bojnord are located in the immediate vicinity of city and in some regions the city is built along this fault. Faults in Bojnord have been the origin of devastating earthquakes in history and are able to work once again and threaten the city which determined the importance and role of crisis management and passive defense in earthquake more than ever. In addition to the potential threat, Bojnord faults has made clear the adverse consequences arising from the filling of Bojnord plain from human habitations and the development of the city towards the fault line at a distance of 150 meters and this has also attracted attention to passive defense two times more. Therefore, identifying risk zones (faults and earthquakes) in the city can show the vital artery in low risk decision areas and zones with low risk for the construction of temporary housing camps during the crisis. Bojnord is in a bowl surrounded by mountains and down the valley. 

Dr Javad Sadidi, Mr Seyed Hassan Hosseini Sajedi, ,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

Timing framework associated with catastrophes is one of the most important issues in crisis management. In such cases, being immediate has a considerable importance and web based real-time routing service as an important tool has a significant role in relief operations improvement. At this study, a web-based real time routing service based on open source technology has designed for 11th district of Tehran aiming to efficiency enhancement of relief teams at emergency conditions. In this service ANP model was used to evaluate increasing interaction between the factors, and since the purpose of this study was to find the best possible routs between two nodes by non-negative weight according to the main distance factor, Dijkstra's algorithm has been chosen as a proper routing algorithm. Open source languages, format, libraries and software such as HTML, CSS, AJAX, GeoJSON, PHP, OpenLayer, PostGIS were also used to design the service and applying online weightings, blocking each piece of routes and re-routing procedure without blocked traffics, implementation of server-side processing and reducing the volume of the client-side’s operations, being under the browser’s surveillance, no need to install any software and the ability to use it on any operating system can be named. According to the obtained results, the path’s length and traffic’s volume variables have the most important role in target function formation (travel cost) therefore the specific path will be selected as the optimal path, with the minimized distance between the destination and the traffic volume. Depending on the traffic volume severity changes, the optimal extracted route will be changed and the system has such ability to apply online weighting in order to instantaneous routing to reduce losses.

Javad Jamalabadi, Mahammad Salmanimoghaddam, Ali Shekari Badi, Marzieh Nodeh,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

Temporary resettlement of the population after the earthquake is considered as a pivotal element of crisis management. The selection of suitable centers for the establishment of citizens can have a significant role in rescue and rescue services after the earthquake. The purpose of this study was to identify potential spots for the construction of shelters and temporary accommodation of the population during the occurrence of a possible earthquake. This research is applied in terms of its purpose. The method of study is descriptive-analytical and documentary. Firstly, using the Delphi method, 16 main and effective criteria for locating these centers were identified in the framework of six clusters including access to the communication network, natural features, spatial characteristics, consistent uses, risk management and demographic performance. Then, using the experts' opinions and the network analysis process, the final weight of each criterion was determined. The most important parameters in this research are population density indexes, grade 1 arterial pathways, and suitable area. Finally, by combining the layers of all indicators, a map of the temporary population settlements was prepared in Sabzevar city. The results of the research show that the lack of suitable spaces, including parks and open spaces for temporary accommodation of citizens in Sabzevar city, is quite evident. At the same time, the points of the city, which have adequate open spaces and are compatible with the surrounding land uses, have a relatively better potential for deployment. Accordingly, the best places for temporary accommodation of the population after the earthquake in Sabzevar, including the Eram Park in the north, Imam Reza Park and the Football Stadium in Southeastern City, Shahr-e Basi, National Park and Shariati Conservatory in the city center, tourist hostel, Green spaces and sports grounds in the west, and finally technical and vocational schools in the city of Tohid. In order to improve the conditions in the aftermath of the earthquake, some suggestions are presented in this study.

Mohammad Motamedi, Seyedhassan Rasouli, Mohammad Nasiri,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

In public organizations such as municipalities, the design and deployment of a performance and control assessment system can lead to the proper management of urban managers on the road to achieving goals, tasks, strategies and development plans and urban development, in accordance with the quality, cost and time desired. Therefore, this article attempts to study the satisfaction of urban performance in urban services by using the views of citizens of the city of Farouj. For this assessment, using theoretical studies, 21 types of urban services were selected in three sections: Technical, Public and Cultural Services. At the next stage, the questionnaire was designed based on these services. Then, 400 questionnaires were distributed among the citizens of the case study city. In the next step, 380 questionnaires were completely and correctly collected and entered into SPSS software. Finally, the results of the study were analyzed by statistical tests. The results of the research indicate that the average satisfaction rate of public services in the city of Farouj is 3.53, which can be said that the level of citizens' compliance with this service is in the middle level. The average satisfaction rate of technical services in the city of Farouj has been calculated to be 3.31, and the average satisfaction rate of cultural services in city of Farouj has been calculated to be equal to 3.5. The results of statistical analysis indicate that the level of significance is more than 0.05 in relation to four of the urban services. This means that in terms of the services of sports spaces, the collection and disposal of surface water, the quality of leisure travelers and the respect of the clients, the level of satisfaction of citizens is equal to the average. In relation to two indicators of pedestrian quality and public participation, the mean difference with the statistical test was calculated to be 0.16 and -0.19 respectively, which indicates that the satisfaction of these services is lower than the limit on average. In other indicators, citizens' satisfaction is above average

Mr. Alireza Nojoumi, , ,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

Quite a lot of people are employed in gas production and refining industry in IRAN. In case of weakness or lack of having an effective management, the associated companies will impose heavy damage to the country. In this regard, to achieve consistency and safety in IRAN, ascendancy of management in these companies is one of the main and effective attempts. In order to manage the crisis of technological hazards in south pars gas complex, this study presents a strategic model. To this end, firstly, a review of all research and previous studies is done. The statistical population of this study is 35 persons including managers, safety experts, HSE, and Passive Defense experts. Effective factors on technological hazards management is defined as: leadership and management, human resource, organizational culture, organization agility, organization systems, local infrastructures, production continuity and, continuum inspection is determined through an exhaustive investigation. Subsequently, a questionnaire using Delphi technique is prepared and conducted over the statistical population. The obtained data was analyzed with SPSS and AMOS software, and the results showed that among the other factors, human resource has more considerable effect on crisis management.

Pezhman Mohamadi,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of urban viability indicators in Shahrekord, based on the position of urban management. Research in terms of purpose (type of use) is an applied research. The method used in this research is a descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of this study is Shahrekord residents, and the statistical area of ​​the whole area is located in Shahr-e-Kord. The number of statistical population is equal to (160,000). The sample size was 383 people, determined according to the Cochran formula and available randomly. The collected data were analyzed by AMOS and TES and Friedman tests using SPSS software and structural equation path analysis. The results show that based on the analysis of the path of structural equations of urban management, the social index, with a coefficient of 0.22, on the economic index, with a coefficient of 0.85, and on the environmental index, with a coefficient of 0.30. have been. Accordingly, the economic index has the most impact, and the social indicator has the lowest impact. Based on the T test, the economic index is in the best position, followed by the management index, the social index, and the last rank of the environmental index. According to the Friedman test, the first rank index, the social index ranked second, and the environmental index ranked third.

Abbas Babaei, Zeinab Korke Abadi, Saeid Kamyabi,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

Promoting urban livability and realizing a livable city are closely linked to how the urban management apparatus and institutions and organizations active in urban affairs function. Municipalities, as the most important coordinating body in urban affairs, have played a decisive role in solving urban problems and are responsible for the social and physical development of cities. In fact, municipalities have the main task of serving the citizens and play the most important role in improving the quality of life of citizens. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the viability level of Semnan city and analyze the problems of Semnan city from the perspective of different groups (officials-elites). The research method is descriptive-analytical and the research tool is a questionnaire. The validity and reliability of this research has been confirmed by the previous similar research and the opinions of the supervisors and advisors of the dissertation, the validity of the research tools. The internal validity of the instrument (questionnaire) is also shown through the Cronbach's alpha with a value of 0.84 for the questionnaires. The results showed that among the total biomarker indicators of Semnan city, from the point of view of elites and officials (with an average of 2.76), it was evaluated at a low level. Also, based on prioritization with ANP technique, "Improving Institutional-Organizational Capacity in Optimal Urban Management (R7)" with the highest score (07/357: 357) was identified as the best solution and in fact the main solution to deal with urban issues in Semnan. Also, the strategy of "integrated management between urban organizations to coordinate in the management of urban affairs (R6)" with (06/3366) was selected as the second solution.

Shila Hajehforosh, Amir Karam,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

River management, including strategies that effectively have an effect on the behavior. Geomorphological management, is the study of shapes, nature, and origin, processes of emergence, development and use of human and material composition of the Earth.  The assessment of river character and behavior in Stage 1 is based on analysis of the assemblage of geomorphic units (channel and floodplain landforms) along any reach. Arangeh River basin were identified in 1and 3 styles, including: Headwater, Gorge style in confined valley setting, planform controlled, floodplain bed, low sinuosity cobble, low sinuosity gravel, bedrock controlled sand, meandering gravel, unconfined low sinuosity cobble with Side stabilized, partly-confined low sinuosity cobble with Side stabilized, partly confined Asymmetric valley with cobble, , partly confined symmetric valley with cobble  ,Artificial bed.Geomorphic conditions of each of the styles were evaluated in the two stage of river style framework. at this stage of adjustment of Each style is determined to the confusion of peak flow by using criteria such as channel characteristics (size, shape, morphology Bank and plants channels), channel plan form (sinuosity, lateral stability, geomorphic units into the channel and River flood plain and plants) and features bed . Two Style had good geomorphic conditions (floodplain bed bedrock controlled sand, unconfined low sinuosity cobble with Side stabilized) show the potential of a good adjustment, and the reach has a good of potential adjustments are more sensitive to changes . In the fourth stage of rehabilitation is carried out in reach scales, basins and river basin based on forecasts of possible changes in the future and potential of Geomorphic River Recovery. Each style is proposed management priorities in accordance with the geomorphic and recycling potential.

Dr Tala Hussein, Dr Amir Mahmoudzadeh, Dr Keramatollah Ziyari,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

Tehran metropolitan authorities have always tried to develop the most efficient model for managing Tehran metropolitan affairs. Currently, the Tehran city management model is the council-city model, according to which people elect the members of the city council by direct vote, and the Tehran City Council elects the mayor. Over the past years, and considering that the institutions and organizations in charge of managing and providing urban services have in some cases suffered from parallel work or even inconsistencies in tasks, there is a need to develop a model for integrated urban management. In this article, descriptive-analytical method has been used. This article is practical in terms of the purpose of the study. The purpose of this article is to achieve a model for integrated management of Tehran metropolis. The statistical population of this study is Tehran urban management experts for which 34 people were selected as a sample. The data collection tools of this research are interviews and questionnaires and the data have been analyzed using paired comparison and TOPSIS methods. As a result of this research, according to the identified challenges and using TOPSIS method, the efficiency of the developed research model (with the proposed name of service desk) compared to the current model of Tehran urban management has been confirmed. Also, the most important result obtained from comparative studies is that in the studied metropolises, all matters of governance and urban management are always under the command of one institution and parallel work has been avoided, which should also be considered in Tehran.

Fereydoon Babai Aghdam, Rahim Heydari Chinay, ,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Understanding the needs and interests of tourists provides a better understanding of tourism and is a valuable guide in designing effective programs for sustainable tourism development. Considering the importance of the above mentioned cases, the present study was carried out using a descriptive-analytical method and a library and questionnaire for The purpose of this study was to assess the conformity of tourists' needs with urban tourism management measures so that the needs and expectations of tourism and services and ... Tourists (383 persons) from Tabriz before traveling with completed tourist services Travel as action They were analyzed by urban tourism management (80 people) and their satisfaction with the trip. The results showed that the average level of satisfaction of tourists with accommodation and tourism infrastructure in Tabriz is moderate. The needs and expectations among tourists regarding infrastructure, transportation, accommodation, services, are consistent with urban management practices and the research hypothesis is confirmed. Urban Management Approaches to Tourism Needs Significantly Impact on Tourist Satisfaction with Tourism Purposes

Sir Naser Mohamadi, Dr Hosin Mojtabazadeh, Ali Tavakolan,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

Proper urban management based on the right methods has always been a serious challenge for urban professionals and has been the subject of various discussions and studies over time. Each city, due to its specific characteristics, experiences special issues that are specific to the city and its surroundings, and in the meantime, creating a single model is not acceptable. Good urban governance is an important principle in urban management, which unfortunately In our country, it faces many obstacles. The present article has been done in terms of purpose, application-development and quantitative-analytical method, which first identifies the most important obstacles to the actual implementation of urban governance in the country and then examines these cases in the study area of ​​Garmadreh. The results show that the factor of lack of integration between different sectors of urban management with an average of 3.8 has the greatest impact on the lack of governance in the country. From the results of the first part, 4 basic effective indicators in the implementation of urban governance in the study area have been studied. In the executive level of Garmadreh city, in the field of accountability index of weakness factor in continuous and public supervision with an average rank of 5.38, in the index of rule of law rule, there are multiple, parallel, interpretable and sometimes contradictory laws with an average rank of 3.73, in the transparency index of factor of lack of access to information 4.56 And in the participation index, the factor of intense centralism and top-down management with an average rank of 4.48 have the greatest impact on the lack of proper implementation of urban governance in the city of Garmadreh.

Somayeh Hamsian Ettefagh, Hussein Kalantari Khalilabad, Muhammad Mire’ei,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

 As it can take an efficient step towards the preservation and sustainability of such lands due to the preparation, implementation, and reformation of criteria. In District 9 of Isfahan Municipality, mismanagement in the preservation of ecological lands has destroyed gardens and agricultural lands, and has caused the loss of social unity of neighborhoods. Consequently, the study of ecotourism management in this region is of great significance. For this reason, in this paper, a model for ecotourism management with an emphasis on urban ecological textures is provided for District 9 of Isfahan Municipality. For this reason, first, the Star method has been used as a model for interviewing experts and relevant municipal experts in Isfahan city management. At that point, with the help of library investigations and field assessments, and implementation of the grounded theory method, 3 dimensions, 10 categories, and 35 subcategories are extracted from the data gained from the interview. The main dimensions are urban texture management (with categories legislation, planning, management of resources and control and supervision), the ecological texture (with the categories: protection and development and improvement), ecotourism (with the economic, social, environmental and cultural categories).

Sogand Yousefi Azarabarghani, Hamid Majedi, Dr Zahra Sadat Saeideh Zarabadi,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

The growth and expansion of the dispersed development pattern is one of the ways of settlement development that is shaped by a variety of factors, including urban management policies and approaches. Examine how the development of Tehran's metropolitan area has evolved over the last fifty years and what effective urban management policies and approaches have been and how it has influenced city development. This article deals with it. This research has been used because of the importance of the topic in a descriptive-analytical and practical purpose, based on library and documentary studies and in some cases field observations. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, three types of measurement models were used depending on the subject and variables of the study. In this regard, physical continuity in Tehran urban complex through Shannon entropy model, functional continuity through network analysis model (investigation of habitat and flow points and distribution and land use composition) and poor urban slope growth using Helder model The measurement is located. The findings show that: 1) dispersal phenomena have occurred in Tehran metropolitan area (Helderen and Shannon entropy model), 2) Tehran metropolitan area has been experiencing functional divergence (network analysis) and user distribution The services and services at the Tehran metropolitan level have not been uniform and balanced; and 3) the policies and approaches of urban management in successive years have had wide-ranging effects on spatial dispersal and unbalanced spatial development. Tehran's urban complex had.

Sirous Rahimzadeh Sisibig, Alireza Shichaslami, Kianoosh Zakerhaghighi,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

In this regard, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of non-governmental organizations in improving the urban management system of Tehran metropolis in six physical, functional, social, economic, environmental and institutional dimensions. The research method was descriptive-analytical and the data collection method was documentary and survey. The research tool was a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study was the citizens of Tehran and the sample size was 383 people. The data were analyzed using T-test and confirmatory factor analysis. The results show that the level of significance in all dimensions is lower than 0.05; Therefore, according to the average scores, NGOs in Tehran have mainly played a greater role in the social and environmental dimensions and in the economic and institutional dimensions in the form of an intermediary relationship between urban management and citizens. In the framework of confirmatory factor analysis, comparison of explanatory variance by six factors showed that social, environmental, functional, physical, economic and institutional factors have the highest variance in explaining the role of factors in the urban management system of Tehran. A total of 20 main factors in explaining the role of semen were confirmed; Thus, it was found that the Samanids, given that they are in direct contact with citizens, can accurately reflect urban issues and realities to the urban management system; For this purpose, it is suggested that first, according to their different functions, the subdivisions should be classified into specialized subdivisions on various urban issues, and also their position in the urban management system should be upgraded.

Abbas Ladani, Ahmad Pour Ahmad, Karamatollah Ziyari, Rahmatollah Farhoudi, Saeed Zanganeh Shahraki,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

 The purpose of this study was to develop good governance indicators and criteria, evaluate good governance in integrated management of Kish, and provide strategies to promote integrated management of coastal areas with good governance approach. To accomplish these goals, firstly, by explaining the subject literature and reviewing the research background, an integrated coastal zone management model with a good governance approach was presented. The main criteria in this model are participation, legislation, accountability, accountability, central justice, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness, and community-centricity, each of which includes sub-criteria. Then, by using questionnaire and interviewing residents and experts, as well as by applying hierarchical analysis method, good governance status in integrated management of Kish was assessed. The final score of Kish by calculations was 2.53 (out of 5), indicating a relatively inadequate situation of good governance in Kish integrated management. Finally, solutions were presented to promote good governance in the integrated management of
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Parisa Hamedani, Azita Rajabi,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

In the new age and in the third millennium, natural crises have become an inseparable reality of human life and have become one of the most important issues facing most of the world's metropolises. By observing the principles and laws of urban planning and applying them in accordance with the principles of crisis management, urban crises can be reduced to some extent. Crisis management is a process of planning and performance that by systematically observing and analyzing crises seeks to find a tool to reduce the effects of the crisis. Due to the importance of the subject of the present study, it seeks to investigate the factors affecting the spatial-physical vulnerability of the city with a descriptive-analytical method with a crisis management approach in the city of Robat Karim. The statistical population of the research group of 20 people was selected by snowball method. Data analysis method was performed with anp model. The results showed that among the 4 factors affecting the vulnerability of the operating city (standard), natural (with a normalized score of 0.054), in the first priority, physical criteria (with a normalized score of 0.27) in the second priority and social criteria - Economic (with a normalized score of 0.08) were recognized in the third priority and finally the relief and management criteria (with a normalized score of 0.09) in the fourth priority, and these criteria play a role in the vulnerability of the city of Robat Karim, respectively. According to the obtained results, any planning in order to manage the crisis of Robat Karim city should be based on the natural factors of this city.

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