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Showing 3 results for Nitrogen Dioxide

Mrs. Atefeh Shahmohammadi, Dr. Ali Bayat, Mr. Saeed Mashhadizadeh Maleki,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

Urban development and air pollution are among the most important issues related to climate. The expansion of urbanization and urban development, population growth, industrial development and excessive use of fossil fuels significantly increased air pollution and it is more than the capacity of the environment. In our country, the emissions of air pollutants in some metropolitan areas have reached a dangerous level, Mashhad is considered to be the most polluted cities of the country in some days of the year. Nitrogen dioxide is one of the indicators of air pollution. In this study, the OMI data and atmospheric parameters such as wind, surface temperature, and horizontal visibility data for the period from 2004 to May 2016 were used to investigate the air pollution in Mashhad. The results show that the maximum (minimum) nitrogen dioxide levels occur in the cold (hot) season. The highest amount of nitrogen dioxide in January is equal to 5.56 × 1015  molec/cmand its lowest value in September is 4.18 × 1015  molec/cm2. Standard deviation of nitrogen dioxide also indicates that the greatest changes occur in cold seasons. Also, the results showed that the dominant wind in the city of Mashhad is from the south, and most of the winds are slow. Correlation coefficient of nitrogen dioxide with wind and surface temperature is -0.36 and -0.57, respectively, which shows the higher importance of temperature in nitrogen dioxide changes in Mashhad city. The correlation coefficient of nitrogen dioxide with horizontal visibility is -0.15, which indicates that with increasing nitrogen dioxide contamination, horizontal visibility decreases. Spectral analysis of least squares of the six and twelve-month periods of rotation was observed, they were also statistically significant. After eliminating the significant components of the time series of the average monthly nitrogen dioxide, the trend was calculated. The amount of nitrogen dioxide in each year for Mashhad was 2.41 × 1013  molec/cm2.

Mrs. Atefeh Shahmohammadi, Dr. Ali Bayat, Mr. Saeed Mashhadizadeh Maleki,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Air pollution is one of the major problems in large cities, which can be harmful to human health and the environment. Isfahan is one of the most polluted cities in Iran.
 Its geographic location and low wind speed, industrial activities, transportation, agriculture, and other human activities have created critical air pollution conditions for the city. Nitrogen dioxide is an important pollutant of air pollution, which is monitored using ground stations and satellite measurements. In this paper, daily data of nitrogen dioxide from Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite sensor, wind and surface temperature of Isfahan Meteorological Station data were used between October 2004 and May 2016. The average amount of nitrogen dioxide in the measured range is .The highest amount of nitrogen dioxide ( ) was observed in December and the lowest ( ) was observed in July. The standard deviation of the winter season ( ) is higher than the summer season ( ). The correlation coefficient of nitrogen dioxide with wind and temperature was -0.41 and -0.54, respectively, which indicates the higher importance of temperature in nitrogen dioxide changes. After the formation of the time series, the average monthly nitrogen dioxide content was determined using spectral analysis of least squares of statistically meaningful peaks corresponding periods. These statistically meaningful peaks corresponding periods have been eliminated from the mean monthly nitrogen dioxide time series, and with the linear fit on the residual time series, the trend has been calculated. The nitrogen dioxide trend for Isfahan is per year with 95% confidence.
Dr Abolhassan Gheibi, Mr Ali Soleymani, Hossein Malakooti,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

Nitrogen dioxide is a significant factor affecting air quality in various regions worldwide. The aim of this study is to examine the concentration and trends of nitrogen dioxide pollution between 2005 and 2018, and explore its association with precipitation levels in the region. Based on data derived from the OMI sensor in Iran, the average vertical column concentration of nitrogen dioxide during this period revealed that the highest concentration was observed in the troposphere. Megacities, particularly Tehran metropolis, exhibited elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide due to the high population density and extensive road transportation. Analyzing the annual changes in nitrogen dioxide concentration in the troposphere alongside the average annual precipitation in Iran, it was observed that the pollutant concentration increased from 2005 to 2016 and subsequently decreased from 2016 to 2018, primarily due to population growth. However, when considering the overall trend, there was an upward trend with a slope of 3.53× -2. In contrast, the time series analysis of average annual precipitation in Iran demonstrated a declining trend with a slope of (-0.159 mm × ). Comparing the trends of these two variables, it can be deduced that they exhibit a negative correlation.

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