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Majid Goodarzi, Ali Ashkboos, Behnam Mohammadi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

The intermediate development approach suggests that empty lands and the inner destructive structure of cities should be targeted for development instead of taking the peripheral lands of the cities under construction. Considering this importance, in this article, an attempt has been made to identify and prioritize the obstacles to the intermediate development of Zabol using Chang’s technique. The present applied study employed a descriptive-analytical research method and library and survey research (field studies) data collection techniques. The statistical population for identifying the obstacles of intermediate development consisted of all the residents of Zabol city in 2023. The sample size was calculated as 384 via Cochran’s formula. The purposive sampling method was employed to collect the data. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient calculated the research instrument’s reliability as 0.80. The obstacles were identified using a sample t-test in SPSS, and the upcoming obstacles were prioritized. The required data were collected from the existing facts of the city and through a questionnaire distributed among 20 related experts. Then, data and information were analyzed using Chang’s technique (AHP-FUZZY). The research results showed that the most important obstacle to implementing the intermediate development plan of Zabol city is the economic index, with a final weight of 483.
Phd Mohammad Mohammadi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Today, energy consumption plays a decisive role in the qualitative and quantitative development of human life. One of the energy sources is in line with the development and economic prosperity as well as acquisition of climate comfort in natural gas. This source of energy supply, especially in cold areas of the country as well as to provide thermal comfort is required to proper management. Good management of this fossil energy sources is through awareness and forecasts of demand rate of that path. For this reason, demand for natural gas in Zanjan city was studied and modeled as one of the cold cities in Iran. Two groups of data (weather elements and natural gas consumption) for a period of 9 years (2013-2021) on a daily scale have been used for performing this study. CurveExpert software and regression method (regression) were used in order to modeling the demand for natural gas in the city. Based on the most graceful pattern, temperature element was selected as the only independent variable in selective pattern. Polynomial regression with a correlation coefficient of 0.94 (coefficient of determination 89.03 percent) was selected to the final model. The percentage increase in natural gas consumption per one degree decrease in temperature, from 22 to 16 degrees, the highest percentage increase and from zero to -5 degrees, the lowest percentage increase per one degree decrease in temperature. The turning point and the beginning of problems related to the lack of natural gas in Zanjan city was determined to be below minus 7 degrees.
Mehrshad Tolabinejad, Hossein Farahani,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

Transportation networks‚ particularly roads as a linking elements between settlements has a significant role in the exchange of flows between urban and rural areas and also rural development .The aim of this paper is to study the effect of highways construction and expanding transportation on rural stable development in the rural district of eastern Miankouh which by using survey method (questionnaire) have been turned to the studying of highways construction on development quality of adjacent villages in this rural district. In this study ‚mean time of defining the population community (514 family)‚ the 103 family was selected as a sample with Cochran formula (12 villages).The result of achieved data analysis‚ on the basis of‚ fitting regression test‚ linear regression and path analysis showed that the most general effect of highway construction is relevant to the environmental dimension with amount of (0/591) so that the contamination of soil and water resources have been increased in rural areas. Also using of fertilizers and pesticides is been prevalent. The amount of demolition of water resources such as springs and water channeling have been increased in the rural boundary. and also pastures‚ forests and fertile lands have been allocated to the building constructions and forming dimension with amount of (0/058) has the least overall effect on the rural stable development in the boundary of studying area.
Mahmod Ghadir, Soghra Shahrbabaki,
Volume 16, Issue 40 (3-2016)

In developing countries, every year natural hazards causes major losses in urban and rural settlements. In this regard, it is noteworthy that in December 2004 bam earthquake caused widespread damages. With over 9 years passed of this crisis and reconstruction after that, it is important to assess the quality of reconstruction. So, the problem is that how is the physical quality of Bam that reconstructed. So, based on the theoretical framework, two hypotheses were offered. Then, based on the theoretical bases and previous studies, the operational definition of physical quality concept offered in three indexes and 40 indicators, and combined by AHP and SAW methods. Needed data gathered by households, experts and field questionnaires. For testing hypotheses used causal-comparative and correlation methods. Sample size calculated by Cochran's method (311 households). Sampling has done by cluster and random methods. Gathered data were analyzed by: One-way ANOVA and Tukey-test at first hypotheses; and correlations methods at second hypotheses. The results showed that the physical quality of reconstructed residential environment in Bam is different between various neighborhoods. Also, the results of correlation test showed that general physical quality have significant relation with literacy, income, occupation and socio-economic status at 99 percent of confidence. According to the findings, physical quality at society scale has socio-economical aspects. So, we must pay attention to this point seriously.

, ,
Volume 17, Issue 46 (9-2017)

Relationship analysis of road markets with socio-economic stability of villages in Sistan region
The present study, identify the relationships of road markets with economic- social sustainability in villages of Sistan and the research method is descriptive and analytical and based on documentary and field studies (questionnaire). To analyze the data, SPSS statistical analysis software and for mapping, GIS software is used. The statistical population included all the villages near road markets which the number 3622 household in 34 villages. To test the hypotheses, Mann - Whitney test was used. The findings show that there is significant difference between the economic stability near and distant villages of road markets and there is not significant difference between social sustainability near and distant villages of road markets. In fact, according to the two groups of villages near and away from markets that have been the same conditions, results indicate that villages near road markets with an average of 2.91 and 2.94 have a higher level of social and economic sustainability. Overall, 70 percent of the typical villages near the roads have good sustainability.

Abed Golkarami, , Afshin Motaghi, Hossien Rabiee,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)

Knowing Country and understanding the capacity of its perimeter and international environment are essential components of the economy that the foreign policy of any country should be on the basis of territorial and social. The country relies on its geopolitical foundations that they are influenced by its geographical location can affect codification foreign policy in the international economy. Hence, this paper with an analytical -descriptive method to survey the geopolitical and geographical foundations of Islamic Republic of Iran's economy. This paper show that Economy of Islamic Republic Iran away with its Geopolitical foundations and to achieve an effective economic on the closed surrounding and international environment, review in Geopolitical foundations of foreign policy that is mentioned in the form of five components are necessary and is inevitable. Hence, Islamic Republic of Iran to pursue these foundations in foreign policy strategy, not only effects will be in terms of political and cultural on international environment but also in terms geo-economic impact on international political economy.

Hassan Afrakhteh, Mohammad Hajipur, Farhad Javan,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

The oil has gradually obtained a predominant place in national economy since 1950 and nowadays, is the main important resource securing country financial needs. Two questions are the base of this research regarding contradiction of oil rent and traditional economic sectors including agriculture and livestock rearing which always have been intensified. These two questions are as follows: what are the impacts of oil wealth distribution among different regions on Iran's rural economic structure? What has been the locational-spatial consequences of this oil wealth distribution on agricultural sector as a main element of Iran's rural economic structure? Research required data have collected based on document study on the country during 2006- 2011. Collected data are analyzed based on Shift-Share Analysis and Gibbs- Martin methods. Result show that there have not been any incentive in the local, regional and national management for strengthening rural economic structure using oil wealth. In addition, absence of industrial sector in rural economic structure with emphasis on agricultural sector both from policy making view and credit securing show that there have not been any logical sight on the political economic system facing rural space economy for development. 

Hassan Mahmodzadeh, Sodabeh Panahi, Mahdi Herischian,
Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)

From the late  twentieth century, human kind has found out that if he wants to obtain cost efficiently and continuous utilization of lands, it is better to execute this in a planned framework named management plan. Such idea is became  as an introduction to monitor the land or utilization of lands. Monitoring lands means contribution of an optimized space for land utilization with realization of common upcoming and related to each other in the past, now and in the future.Therefore, the objective  of  this research is to select the suitable lands  with monitoring lands of view in the city of Hamedan using a Multi-Objective Land Allocation method.The aim of Multi-Objective Land Allocation  method use is to contribute  selection of proper lands with monitoring approach based on ideal levels concept which have been executed by 3 different ecologic, socio-economic and strategic aspects existing in the territory.The examined use include agricultural use (water system or dry farming), pasturing use and urban use which based on the highest weight of independent variables, the area has been allocated to mentioned use with land monitoring approach.In what follows, the land suitability map is obtained through MCE operation for each type of land use and the obtained land suitability areas were calculated using these maps for which the results are as follows: irrigated agriculture with 601.176 hectares, dryland farming with 961.193 hectares, urban suitability with 762.984, and rangeland management suitability with 960.552 hectares which is an important criterion for determining the area for implementing MOLA.In the next step, it was time for implementing MOLA module for resolving the contradictions among the  uses.The results of MOLA showed that in average for the three studied aspects, the maximum area was associated with dryland farming with 364.4 hectares which is equivalent to 32% of the studied uses and the maximum weight of 0.4 was associated with irrigated agriculture.These resulted were obtained based on five factors (i.e. the current area of each land use, the favorable area for each land use based on MCE method, the occupational dependencies of different individuals to each land uses, prioritizing the ecological, economic, and social aspects of each land use).Finally, the results showed that selecting the suitable lands with spatial planning point of view using a Multi-Objective Land Allocation method is carried out properly through economic, social, and ecological aspects.

Dr Bahman Shafii, Dr Hamid Barghi, Dr Yusef Ghanbari,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social, economic, and environmental effects of drought from the viewpoint of villagers, with the structural equation modeling approach. The purpose of this study is of applied research type, and is essentially a descriptive-correlation research. The population of the study, 1762 heads of households and sample size were determined according to Cochran formula, 316 people. Data analysis was performed using SPSS22 software and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). In this research, the observed variables were obtained for three components: economic, social, and environmental. Three first-factor factor analysis models were designed, measured, and validated for measuring three sub-scale droughts. Finally, the role and effect of observed variables and their triple components derived from the drought, as the main hidden dependent variable, and the relationships between them, were analyzed with the help of a structural model of the factor-factor analysis (CFA) of the quadratic factor of the second order. The results of the fitting and validation of all three models of drought measurement, and the realization of goals, as well as the quadratic model of second order, were evaluated based on the data for drought evaluation. Finally, drought affected by socioeconomic and social indicators of 0. 97, and environmental index was 0. 87, so the drought in the studied villages areas had the greatest impact on economic and social indicators, and As a result, it has been placed on an environmental index.

Mrs Sara Behvandi, Dr Mohammad Reza Zandmoghadam, Dr Abbas Arghan, Dr Zeinab Kekehabadi,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

Today, the huge economic damage of natural hazards, especially of the micro-organisms, to human societies has led the concept of economic sustainability to mitigate the effects of crises to become an important area in crisis management. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of environmental hazards (effluents) on Ahwaz economy. This research can be considered as a type of applied-development research, and is a descriptive-analytical study in a correlation manner. The population of the study consisted of all residents of Ahwaz, in 1395, there were no more than 1302000 people. The sample size was 384, based on the Cochran formula, and randomly available. To investigate the data, the structural equation path analysis was used in Amos18 software. The results indicated that the microprocesses had an effect on the economy of Ahwaz with a coefficient of 0.31 and a significant level of 0.002. Also, the effect of fiery gradients was 0.73, and the significance level of 0.000 on the tax, the microguns, with the coefficient of influence 0.45 and the significance of 0.000 per facility, the effects of the micrographs with the coefficient of 0.55, and the significance of 0.000 on the housing, With a coefficient of influence of 0.17 and a significant amount of 0.008 on transportation. Accordingly, microblogging has the most impact on finance with a coefficient of 0.73, and transportation with a coefficient of influence of 0.17 has had the least effect.

Mohammad Motamedi, Mohammad Gharavi,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

Cities are dramatically turning into complex social, economic, and environmental systems. Each urban system is vulnerable when it can not adapt to its changing conditions and critical situations. Therefore, in recent decades, natural disaster response approaches have introduced a new concept of urban resilience to prepare for disaster as much as possible. Is. Despite the recent attention and the abundant use of the concept of resilience in different areas of theoretical and practical limitations of this concept, this study aims to explain the causal pattern of resilience of cities. The present research is based on the descriptive-causal methodology. The statistical sample of the study was compiled by 35 experts and specialists in urban planning. Fuzzy Dumbled Fan was used to achieve the research goal. The findings of this study showed that based on the values ​​of D-R, among the four metrics of urban resilience, the physical criterion with the value (0.943) was the most effective measure of resilience in the city. Also, based on the D + R values, the physical criterion with the value of (896/2) was identified as the most important resiliency criterion in the city.

Mr Ghorbanali Karimi Dehkordi, Phd Rahmatollah Monshizadeh, Phd Bijan Rahmani,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

The rapid expansion of cities and their uneven physical growth, so-called "urban creep", have corrupted the villages and their surrounding lands, causing irregular conversion of agricultural lands and degradation of environmental resources. This situation has also been widespread in Shahrekord, the capital of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. The purpose of this descriptive-survey research is to determine the physical developments of rural settlements around Shahrekord with emphasis on urban sprwal. The statistical population is household heads of rural areas (15000 people). Using the Krejcie and Morgan table, 400 individuals were selected. The tool used is a researcher-made questionnaire on three dimensions of economic, social, cultural and environmental physical consequences. Data were analyzed using one-sample t-test and Friedman test. The results show that the consequences of urban sprawl are respectively environmental-physical consequences (3/98), economic consequences (3/96) and socio-cultural consequences (3/89 (. The most important environmental-physical consequences are increased environmental pollution, destruction of traditional architecture, destruction of biodiversity; major economic consequences of stock markets and rising land and housing prices, diminishing villagers' reluctance to productive activities (agriculture and livestock), capital flight from villages And their savings in the city and the rising cost of living amidst the socio-cultural consequences of luxury and the tendency to consume luxury goods, reduce solidarity and participation, crowding and crowding in cities, modeling of life and urbanization culture. have been.

Mrs. Atefeh Shahmohammadi, Dr. Ali Bayat, Mr. Saeed Mashhadizadeh Maleki,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

Urban development and air pollution are among the most important issues related to climate. The expansion of urbanization and urban development, population growth, industrial development and excessive use of fossil fuels significantly increased air pollution and it is more than the capacity of the environment. In our country, the emissions of air pollutants in some metropolitan areas have reached a dangerous level, Mashhad is considered to be the most polluted cities of the country in some days of the year. Nitrogen dioxide is one of the indicators of air pollution. In this study, the OMI data and atmospheric parameters such as wind, surface temperature, and horizontal visibility data for the period from 2004 to May 2016 were used to investigate the air pollution in Mashhad. The results show that the maximum (minimum) nitrogen dioxide levels occur in the cold (hot) season. The highest amount of nitrogen dioxide in January is equal to 5.56 × 1015  molec/cmand its lowest value in September is 4.18 × 1015  molec/cm2. Standard deviation of nitrogen dioxide also indicates that the greatest changes occur in cold seasons. Also, the results showed that the dominant wind in the city of Mashhad is from the south, and most of the winds are slow. Correlation coefficient of nitrogen dioxide with wind and surface temperature is -0.36 and -0.57, respectively, which shows the higher importance of temperature in nitrogen dioxide changes in Mashhad city. The correlation coefficient of nitrogen dioxide with horizontal visibility is -0.15, which indicates that with increasing nitrogen dioxide contamination, horizontal visibility decreases. Spectral analysis of least squares of the six and twelve-month periods of rotation was observed, they were also statistically significant. After eliminating the significant components of the time series of the average monthly nitrogen dioxide, the trend was calculated. The amount of nitrogen dioxide in each year for Mashhad was 2.41 × 1013  molec/cm2.

Ahmad Asadi, Ebrahim Akbari,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

The present study is descriptive-analytical and for the purpose of application. The main objective of the present research is to develop a combination of quality of life indicators for neighborhoods in District 2 of Mashhad. The required information was obtained from the municipality of Mashhad and the questionnaire was used. According to the population of Region 2 in 1395, which is 513365 people, according to the Cochran formula, 383 questionnaires were arranged. The questionnaire was completed after the preparation and implementation of experts' opinions by referring at the level of the studied sites. The required criteria were prepared and standardized in the form of spatial information in the GIS environment. Economic, social and access areas were selected as the main criteria for research and were identified for each of the following criteria. Subsequently, using spatial analysis and multi-criteria decision making model (ANP), the final quality of life index was derived from the integration of indicators. The results indicate a good quality of life in the central neighborhoods, and there are no marginal areas of desirable quality. It also increases the level of quality of life in the vicinity of the recreational centers and follows the spatial patterns. Part of the margin of the agent's neighborhoods, the martyr Basir and Hedayat, which are the marginal areas of the study area, are not in the best of all three territories; and other neighborhoods due to easy access to public services, including health services, training, and facility focus Modern welfare has a better quality of life than other neighborhoods, of which 11675700 square meters, which is equivalent to 30 percent of the area of ​​the study area, has a very good quality of life. Also, sites that are very low in terms of economic and social indicators are moderate in terms of access. In the following, the results of spatial statistics tests (spatial spatial correlation and J statistics) indicate the distribution of the cluster model of quality of life. In other words, quality of life indicators do not have the same spatial distribution in the study area.

Shamsi Sadat Mir Asadollahi, Sadraldin Motavali, Gholam Reza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

Natural disasters are a set of harmful events that are natural origin that sometimes human factors are also effective in exacerbating. In the same vein strengthening the social and economic component and after that resiliency can play an important and effective role in reducing flood damage. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive –analytical and field nature. Survey method and data gathering tool were closed questionnaires, the analysis method is based on correlation and regression test. The statistical population includes citizens living around the river and flood areas that 383 people selected as sample and the questionnaire was distributed by cluster sampling among respondents, according to research finding , the average social resilience 1/60 , average economic aberration ( the amount of damage ) 4/53 ,average capacity with ability to compensate 8/69 , eventually average return to appropriate condition 4/67 .in the test section, hypotheses are determined according to the result of the regression test and correlation which has a significant relationship between urban and urban spatial and social dimensions. Strengthen local organs and organizations in a decentralized state  , one of the important ways to increase the social participation of citizens of Gorgan during the providing people's participation and strengthening the people's economic ability when natural hazards occur including flood, the initiative of the people is strengthened and the scope for reducing the damage caused by the flood is reduced . people are faced with real and tangible issues with the executive and so on their gap crisis management and conflicts of interest will diminish.

Dr Ali Movahed, Dr Ali Shamai, Mis Mahnaz Bahmani,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

Leisure is an integral part of everyday life in today's world. Today, leisure is a new social arena in which various factors influence. Understanding these factors and examining their role and their impact on active (external) and inactive (external) leisure has been a major part of proper city management since this day. Therefore, in this study, using exploratory method, we sought to identify the factors affecting leisure time in district 22 of Tehran. This is a cross-sectional, applied research. The method of data collection is survey and its tool is a questionnaire. This study, using inferential statistical methods and SPSS software and statistical analysis such as correlation, regression and t-test, attempted to analyze the relationship between independent research variables (functional, security, aesthetic, transportation, economic, biological). Environment and infrastructure facilities) and the dependent variable (active and inactive leisure time), to identify the maximum impact and the least impact of the variables. The results showed that the effect and correlation of factors on leisure time (active and inactive) were different. In other words, indoor or passive leisure time is less affected by the external environment and context. But on the other hand, leisure time active or foreign in the 22nd district of Tehran is strongly influenced by background conditions and the external environment. Aesthetic variables and infrastructure facilities have the highest relationship with active leisure time and economic, performance and economic components have the least impact. In the passive leisure time, most of the impact factor is related to infrastructure and least to economic component.

Mr Mohammad Valaei, Dr Abdollah Abdollahi, Mr Aghil Khaleghi, Mis Eynaz Skandarzadeh,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

Livestock farming is one of the most important activities in rural areasand most villagers, along with agriculture and horticulture, are engaged in animal husbandry (Livestock storage) and some products of the villagers in the agriculture and horticulture sector are devoted to livestock feeding, and others are consumed or sold, such as lob bits, live meat and etc. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of livestock economics on sustainable rural development. The present research is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive-analytical in terms of its nature and method. Library and field studies have been used to collect data. The study area is East Gavdoul District in the Malekan County. According to the census of this region, there were 2306 households and 7468 inhabitants in 2016. According to the Cochran formula, 283 households were selected as the statistical sample of the research. This sample was randomly selected from households with livelihood economics. To analyze data on inferential statistics, one-sample t-test,  regression,  analysis and performance diagrams were used. The results of this study showed that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between livestock economy and sustainable rural development with a correlation of 0.400 and significance level of 0.30; So, for the dimensions of livestock economics,  the economic sector with the impact of 0.743 and the social sector with the impact of 0.355 have the most impact on the sustainable rural development in the region. Also, the physical section with an impact value of 0.176 has had the lowest level of impact on sustainable rural development in the region. The general results of the research show that the economic sector with 0.41% and the social sector with 0.31% have a positive effect on the development and expansion of the livestock economy of the area.

Dr Ali Akbar Shayan Yeganeh, Mrs Mina Firoz Yazdi, Dr Javad Jamalabadi,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

Water is one of the most vital human needs. Chromium is one of the heavy metals that causes water pollution in different regions. The studied area is Joghatai Mountains and Davarzan, Khoshab, Joghatai, Joveyn and Sabzevar plains of Razavi Khorasan Province. This research has studied, analyzed water pollution with the element of chromium as well as the impact of lithology mountains Joghatai, on the quality of water in the region from the point of view of chromit. In this research, 13 samples were collected and tested by atomic spectrometer method.To check the amount of chromium present in them by comparing the findings with standard limits. The results of this study show that the amount of chromium in the selected water sources varies from 1.2 to 1.3 mg / L. Geochemical samples vary from 210 ppm to 4700 ppm. The lithology of the region especially the chromium mines has affected the quality of water but the density of faults and fans did not affect the amount of dissolved chromite. The effect of the slope of the geological layers is positive and the role of acidity in the pollution is poor. Finally, the amount of chromium in some samples is higher than the standard limit and should be considered by the custodians.
Aliakbar Anabestani, Mahdi Masoumi,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

In the last decade, the lake tourism as one of the newest branches of natural tourism has been under attention of scientific societies. So that this type of tourism has grown significantly and many economic benefits for host communities has brought. The aim of this study is evaluating the factors affecting lake tourism development in Iran. In this regard, a wide variety of indicators in the dimensions of attractions, infrastructure, cultural acceptance, economic, social and environmental In the form of a questionnaire tourism experts and field studies were examined. For binary comparison and a final weight criteria and options, of AHP fuzzy, ANP and GRA techniques in the form of questionnaires and 20 teachers and experts from organizations linked to tourism have been used. The results confirms that: Based on the results of the paired comparison of factors affecting lake tourism of the development using multiple fuzzy AHP and ANP in terms of tourism experts, Criteria attractions by weight of 0.247 in fuzzy AHP and 0.246  in the ANP model and The criteria infrastructural factors weighing 0.229 in fuzzy AHP and 0.234 in the ANP model Has the greatest impact on the lake tourism of development. Finally, with the objective of ranking factors affecting the lake tourism of development in the villages surrounding the lake, using techniques GRA, found that conditions Dowbaneh and dasht Arjan villages are better than other villages and Qashm qavi and Arab Famour villages at the lowest level of lake tourism of  the development have been.

Ahadollah Fatahi, Afsaneh Ahmadi, Vahid Riahi, Hamid Jalalian,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

The diversification of economic activities in rural areas is considered as a strategy where rural households increase their income sources. The villages of Saqez city, despite having high environmental potential and capacity in different sectors, such as agriculture, have a poor livelihood and economic status. Therefore, the present article seeks to answer the following questions: What are the appropriate strategies for diversifying economic activities in the villages of Saqiz? The present study was conducted through descriptive-analytic method. In a survey method, SWOC analysis model and QSPM evaluation matrix, we presented appropriate strategies. To design a strategic model and determine the ranking of factors 20 from experts and also to factor out the factors of 300 villagers in the area. The study sample is selected as sample. The results of the SWOC model show that the existence of an appropriate ecosystem in the region for tourism development, the existence of four climates in the region and the possibility of cultivation in each season, as well as the presence of the leading farmers in the region, are the most important strengths against the weakness of the financial and economic context of many Villagers and traditional exploitation are the most important internal weaknesses for diversifying economic activities in the study area. Also, the results of this model indicate that in the external environment 34 opportunities have been identified, the attention of the authorities to the conversion and complementary industries, the border area and the suitable field for exporting agricultural products to the Iraqi countries, are the most important external opportunities and in contrast to 36 challenges and limitations. The key factors of the migration and exodus of elite educated to Tehran and neighboring provinces, climate change and increasing natural hazards such as floods and droughts are the most important external barriers affecting the diversification of economic activities in the villages of the study area. Also, the results indicate It gives diversification of the activities of the economy The studied villages should be focused on strengths and opportunities.

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