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Arsalan Karimi Khiavi, Siamak Panahi, Shahab Kariminia,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

The science of urban planning, like other sciences, has been influenced by different intellectual currents. The origins of Folding urbanism, which owes much to philosophy in rhizome, based on Leipnitz mathematics, emerged in architecture by Peter Eisenman, which today survives on an urban scale with postmodern feminist literature as anti-Oedipus and anti-Freudian. Gives. Folding urban planning can be studied in three levels of geography, landscape and city. In this research, landscape and city levels are discussed. Objective: In this research, the evolution of folding is based on Foucault genealogy, which deals with the holes of history and power relations. In the field of urban planning of these relations, the ontology of urban topology layers according to Riemannian equations and Deleuze philosophy in the works of architects such as Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Eric Owen Moss, Charles Jenks, James Wines.  The research method in this paper is descriptive-analytical with a combination of inductive and deductive. The process of this research has reached the conclusion that Folding urbanism is based on Mendelbrot fractal geometry, Lotfizadeh fuzzy logic and in Lawrence chaos atmosphere and power relations in the glory of feminism and its manifestation on urbanism are the main reasons for the formation. Urbanization is a folding. Results: Similar theories used in folding architecture, rhizome, anti-Oedipus, Mobius, hermeneutic cycle, theories have been formed that are closely related to Gestalt psychology and the phenomenological view that is hidden in the philosophy of unity in plurality. In these theories, the component is folded in its entirety. The skyline, the accesses, the views and all the architectural reserves form a whole unit. Theories related to folding urban planning such as small-scale urban carpets in urban furniture have not been successful, but in single buildings have provided the desired philosophies and have been somewhat successful, and on a large scale in the city well phenomenology, unity in plurality , Contains rhizomes, anti-Oedipus and all the issues raised within it.

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