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Showing 4 results for Persian Gulf

Hossein Asakereh, Mansureh Taheri,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

One of the climatic characteristics of temperature is the occurrence of extreme temperature. In the present study, the trend of hot days with extreme temperature associated with the coastal plains of the Persian Gulf was investigated. Two environmental and atmospheric databases were used. Environmental data include the average of daily maximum temperature reported from 12 synoptic stations in Persian Gulf coastline (Khuzestan, Bushehr, and Bandar Abbas Provinces) from 1961 to the end of 2018. The extreme temperature for each day temperature was defined to be higher than the average of 75th percentile of the observations at each station and on the same day. Also, the ‘day with extreme temperature’ was applied to a day when the extreme temperature occurred in at least 50% of the stations. The number of hot days with extreme temperature in the study is 554 days, of which 291 days occurred in the warm season and 263 days in the cold season. These days were classified into six groups by performing cluster analysis on sea-level pressure in hot days. Then, for each group, the trend of hot days was examined. In general, it can be concluded that the slope of the line in all groups except the fourth and sixth groups were positive and, as a result, hot days with extreme temperature were increasing.
Yadollah Balyani, Mohammad Saligheh, Hossein Asakereh, Mohammad Hossein Nasserzadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 37 (9-2015)

Precipitation is one of the most intractable elements. The oscillating behavior of the crucial environmental planning (explicit and tacit knowledge of the behavior), is the key variable. Spectrum analysis techniques to understand the behavior of overt or covert methods suitable for the extraction and analysis of climate oscillations with different wave lengths. The size range of the distribution variance across all wave lengths may provide time series. In this study, data from 37 stations Heleh and Mond watershed (both rain and synoptic) from its inception until 2011,  who had over 30 years of data, to analyze the cycle of annual rainfall, interest has been taken. So that the space is 3-2 year cycles in every area of study, the highest annual rainfall events are returned. On this basis, the Story of annual precipitation 95 percent for each of the stations under study and cycle meaningful estimate of the time series of basin data were extracted.
Tayebeh Dehghani, Mohammad Saligheh, Bohloul Alijani,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)

In order to detect climate change, a variety of climate indicators can be used which is often considered temperature and precipitation. In order to investigate the effect of climate change on the amount of precipitation in the north coast of the Persian Gulf, it simulated the precipitable water for 2017-2050 based on the RCP4.5 model of the Hadcm3 model. The NCEP / NCAR base-station data with an arc-value of 0.125 was used to analyze the past and present precipitable water patterns and to reveal the process of this time series. Time series analysis of precipitable water was performed using two SENS tilt estimators and Man-Kendall test. The results indicated that the annual time series of rain water was increasing in the region, every year, 0.05 mm, the precipitated water increased and it tended to become more homogeneous, this increase in the significance level of 0.95. The precipitation rate in the eastern part of the region was higher than other areas. Before 1989, several fluctuations were observed in the rainy season of precipitable water, but none was statistically significant at the confidence level of 95%, but since 1989, the trend has increased significantly at a confidence level of 0.95. This spatial behavior of precipitable water can actually have occurred in response to the increase in the overall temperature of the area and can be considered as a profile of climate change in the region.

Ph. D. Ali Amiri, Mr Hojat Naderi,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

For many coastal countries, maritime supremacy has always been a major concern of their grand strategies. The existence of islands is one of the most important means to acquisition of maritime supremacy in maritime territories. Iran, Due to its maritime position, has many islands in the Persian Gulf, the most important of which are the Triple  islands (Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa). The political issue of the United Arab Emirates' claim to the islands and their very strategic position has made these islands very important in the Persian Gulf maritime supremacy. Therefore, the analysis of how these islands affect Iran's maritime supremacy is considered as the main issue of this paper. Here, the method of data collection is library and documentary. Then, the collected data were analyzed by qualitative- inferential method. The results show that the Triple  islands in various ways have expaned the Iranian maritime supremacy and have helped to stabilization Iran's maritime supremacy in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz. These islands have increased  the Iran’s Maritime supremacy by extension Iran's maritime sovereignty under international maritime law and the FIR line, located adjacent to the Hormuz International Waterway, defination maritime traffic Corridors, and playing the role of Warship in Iran's naval navy.

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